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10% Of American School Children Molested By Their Teachers?

مرّة مشاهدة واحدة
التخطي إلى أول رسالة غير مقروءة

Holger Dansk

غير مقروءة،
12‏/07‏/2005، 6:14:23 ص12‏/7‏/2005
"A new study out of Hofstra University says that 10% of American school
kids are molested by their teachers! Unbelievable."




غير مقروءة،
12‏/07‏/2005، 7:37:37 ص12‏/7‏/2005

"Holger Dansk" <Stati...@gmail.com> wrote in message

Welcome to the government-owned of America, operatedc by the
liberal leftists of NEA.



غير مقروءة،
12‏/07‏/2005، 7:57:35 ص12‏/7‏/2005

"car" <c...@carsfruitsorchards.org> wrote in message
Make that "government-owned schools of America," which the NEA
utilizes to indoctrinate American school children into extremist
radical liberal left ideaology, while stocking elementary school
libraries with books similar to "Heather Has Two Momies." Then,
when parents protest what their tax money is being spent on, they
are told they are homophobic or narrow minded.


غير مقروءة،
12‏/07‏/2005، 8:03:00 ص12‏/7‏/2005
car wrote:

Wipe that foam from your mouth. It is so unattractive out in

Blogging at http://HexagonalPeg.blogspot.com

Joseph E. Johnston

غير مقروءة،
12‏/07‏/2005، 8:10:13 ص12‏/7‏/2005
"kstahl" <kts...@yahoo.com> wrote in message

> car wrote:
>> Make that "government-owned schools of America," which the NEA
>> utilizes to indoctrinate American school children into extremist
>> radical liberal left ideaology, while stocking elementary school
>> libraries with books similar to "Heather Has Two Momies." Then,
>> when parents protest what their tax money is being spent on, they
>> are told they are homophobic or narrow minded.
> Wipe that foam from your mouth. It is so unattractive out in public.

The classic liberal response--- concerned about how something *looks* rather
than considering the underlying message/truth of the statement!



غير مقروءة،
12‏/07‏/2005، 8:15:17 ص12‏/7‏/2005

"kstahl" <kts...@yahoo.com> wrote in message

Oh oh, just mention something about the liberal left, and Stahl
comes out with both cap pistols blazing. LOL
Come up with any fresh ideas Stahl, or are you just continuing to
fuss about Bush?

Holger Dansk

غير مقروءة،
12‏/07‏/2005، 8:51:51 ص12‏/7‏/2005
Maybe Ken is like John Kerry and says, "I have a plannnnnn.", while
pointing his finger at the floor. But he and none of the Democrats have
a plan except a policy of obstruction to plans. Joe Lieberman might
have been able to come up with a plan, but the Democrats wouldn't
listen to him.



غير مقروءة،
12‏/07‏/2005، 11:13:45 ص12‏/7‏/2005

There was no message. Just Republican propaganda and
innuendo that is based on nothing except the fantasies that
float around in the heads of those that hate America.


غير مقروءة،
12‏/07‏/2005، 11:37:13 ص12‏/7‏/2005
car wrote:

I find that those who use things like "LOL" are stuck in the
80's when such things were popular. These days it just
demonstrates that the users haven't advanced past the
kindergarten stage of mimicking others and pretending that
their silly little acronyms actually have any substantive

I don't have to worry about Bush. He is a lame duck at this
point and the public has turned against him. What I'm more
interested in is how much Democrats can irritate
conservatives by having candidates such as Hillary Clinton
who could easily win against any candidate that the
Republicans might ever put up. Maybe they can do a double
whammy and put up Obama as VP.


غير مقروءة،
12‏/07‏/2005، 12:32:30 م12‏/7‏/2005

"kstahl" <kts...@yahoo.com> wrote in message

LOL! The liberal left has the monopy on Blame America First
and Hate America crowd. Hey Stahl, you must not even read the
liberal media, or you would know this.


غير مقروءة،
12‏/07‏/2005، 12:44:54 م12‏/7‏/2005

"kstahl" <kts...@yahoo.com> wrote in message

> I find that those who use things like "LOL" are stuck in the 80's when
> such things were popular. These days it just demonstrates that the users
> haven't advanced past the kindergarten stage of mimicking others and
> pretending that their silly little acronyms actually have any substantive
> meaning.

Classic liberal move, attack the messenger and not the
message. Thanks for letting me know it aggravates you.
I promise to use it more often.

> I don't have to worry about Bush. He is a lame duck at this point and the
> public has turned against him. What I'm more interested in is how much
> Democrats can irritate conservatives by having candidates such as Hillary
> Clinton who could easily win against any candidate that the Republicans
> might ever put up. Maybe they can do a double whammy and put up Obama as
> VP.

Good job on reading the Constitution Stahl. For once you have
shared something of substance, in that Bush cannot run next time
around. Broom Hilda is a nonentity, except in her own eyes and
a few of her rabid supporters. She has way too much baggage to
be a serious contender. Republicans ought to be more worried
about people like Lieberman and his type. Then again, the
present radical extremist leftists who run the Democrat party will
never let Lieberman run. Obama? Obama Mama? LOL! Not
even worth a response, although he would carry Fulton County,
Ga. easily and that would have nothing to do with his qualifications.
If you don't believe that, you don't have to look any further than
John "Zombie" Lewis. duhhhhhhhhhh


غير مقروءة،
12‏/07‏/2005، 12:58:01 م12‏/7‏/2005
car wrote:
> LOL! The liberal left has the monopy on Blame America First
> and Hate America crowd. Hey Stahl, you must not even read the
> liberal media, or you would know this.

Another stupid pill fromt he right. The left does not hate
America. That is done all too well by the right. What the
left does hate is the brain-dead conservatives who are
ruining this country. Since they are the ones in charge at
the moment the blame is all on them.

Holger Dansk

غير مقروءة،
12‏/07‏/2005، 1:01:34 م12‏/7‏/2005
The Hildebeast is, indeed, maybe the most dangerous person in the world
to the United States.

To make matters worse, she is a sociopath and does not know who she is.
Her entire behavior is based on the latest poll, and it's gotten so bad
that she doesn't know what she likes or dislikes, but only wants to
tell people what she thinks they want to hear.

The Hildebeast is far more dangerous than Osama Bin Laden.

And, she is redneck and trailer trash right at the bottom of the social
ladder, being extremely low class. She frequently uses the word "fuck"
which is an indication or symptom of her psychosis or sociopath



غير مقروءة،
12‏/07‏/2005، 1:00:54 م12‏/7‏/2005
car wrote:

> "kstahl" <kts...@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> news:LcadnViD5Ks...@comcast.com...
>>I find that those who use things like "LOL" are stuck in the 80's when
>>such things were popular. These days it just demonstrates that the users
>>haven't advanced past the kindergarten stage of mimicking others and
>>pretending that their silly little acronyms actually have any substantive
> Classic liberal move, attack the messenger and not the
> message. Thanks for letting me know it aggravates you.
> I promise to use it more often.

There was no message. Just Republican propaganda. You are
certainly allowed to show that you are an idiot. Be my
guest. Use it often and without reservations so that it is
clear to all readers just how little mental capacity you
really have. It helps us not to take you very seriously.


غير مقروءة،
12‏/07‏/2005، 1:11:48 م12‏/7‏/2005

"kstahl" <kts...@yahoo.com> wrote in message

Oh but you were the one who admonished us not to *blame*
Willy Clinton, when *he* was "in charge."


غير مقروءة،
12‏/07‏/2005، 1:07:36 م12‏/7‏/2005
KennyKornholer encouraged his teachers
to molest him. Like his daddy did. No takers.
He's been repulsive his whole life.
But the janitor pounded his ass daily.
He had an industrial strength kornholer kleaner.


غير مقروءة،
12‏/07‏/2005، 1:16:31 م12‏/7‏/2005

"kstahl" <kts...@yahoo.com> wrote in message

Thank you for your kind words. The liberal left *always* refers
to substance as "propaganda," UNLESS they are the ones saying
whatever it is, THEN it is fact, truth, whatever way the leftists want
to spin it at the moment. Hey Stahl, are you one of those who
still drives around with a Kerry-Edwards bumper sticker?


غير مقروءة،
12‏/07‏/2005، 3:37:11 م12‏/7‏/2005
No I didn't. There were a lot of others who tried that.
There were many things that Clinton did that I did not
approve of and there were cases where I sent letters to
Representatives and Senators opposing certain things. At the
same time he did considerable good in certain areas -
something that has not been duplicated by the swamp shrub.

I never excused Clinton for lying and for being unfaithful
to his wife. He was wrong for doing both of those things.
Unfortunately you don't understand the distinction because
you are a close-minded lout who likes to make up things
without any substance behind them.


غير مقروءة،
12‏/07‏/2005، 3:41:12 م12‏/7‏/2005
car wrote:
> Thank you for your kind words. The liberal left *always* refers
> to substance as "propaganda," UNLESS they are the ones saying
> whatever it is, THEN it is fact, truth, whatever way the leftists want
> to spin it at the moment. Hey Stahl, are you one of those who
> still drives around with a Kerry-Edwards bumper sticker?

I would never put a bumper sticker on my car for any reason
in the entire world. Why anyone would spend thousands of
dollars on a vehicle and then debase it with a common bumper
sticker is something I cannot understand. If you saw my car
going down the street you wouldn't notice a single thing
about it. In essence it is invisible because it looks
exactly like hundred of thousand ordinary sedans. I suppose
you are the type that trashes up a car with things like
bumper stickers and puerile emblems.

The words were not at attempt at kindness you dolt!


غير مقروءة،
12‏/07‏/2005، 3:43:42 م12‏/7‏/2005
Holger Dansk wrote:

She's a blond. She can find out who she is by looking at her
driver's license.

It is Republicans who want the Democrats to run her as a
candidate. If the Republicans would start being reasonable
then the Democrats would consider running someone who is
more of a centrist. But noooooooo, Republicans have to keep
up with the bullying tactics and that may mean that the only
option for the Democrats is to give her the nomination. In
the end it will be the Republican's fault if that happens.

I'm not crazy about having her as president, but if push
comes to shove and that is the only way that the Democrats
can re-take the White House, then so be it.


غير مقروءة،
12‏/07‏/2005، 4:51:59 م12‏/7‏/2005

"kstahl" <kts...@yahoo.com> wrote in message

So, what you are trying to say is that you really liked Clinton, but
you really did not like him? Hmmmmm, that has a familiar ring.
"First I voted for the war, then I voted against it." Now who
said that? Oh, I know, John Kerry, failed presidential candidate
and member of Ted Kennedy's inner circle of extreme wacko
fringe leftists.


غير مقروءة،
12‏/07‏/2005، 4:54:07 م12‏/7‏/2005

"kstahl" <kts...@yahoo.com> wrote in message

Again, thank for your kind words and the compliment. Myself
and my dirty ole pick me up truck appreciated it.


غير مقروءة،
12‏/07‏/2005، 5:02:09 م12‏/7‏/2005

Mr Perfet car with no bumper stickers, "kstahl" <kts...@yahoo.com> wrote in
message >

> She's a blond. She can find out who she is by looking at her driver's
> license..............

You had better avoid the FemiNazis, they don't cotton to sexist
remarks like that. Some hyphenated name young female liberal member
of the NOW gang will pull your liberal membership card from you,
and you may not get it back!



غير مقروءة،
12‏/07‏/2005، 5:57:26 م12‏/7‏/2005
car wrote:
> So, what you are trying to say is that you really liked Clinton, but
> you really did not like him? Hmmmmm, that has a familiar ring.
> "First I voted for the war, then I voted against it." Now who
> said that? Oh, I know, John Kerry, failed presidential candidate
> and member of Ted Kennedy's inner circle of extreme wacko
> fringe leftists.
Do you study real hard to twist things around just for the
private amusement that goes on in your head while you sit in
the corner sucking on graham crackers and waiting for your
bottle to be warmed up?

There were certain things I admired about Nixon. There were
also things that he did that I thought were pretty far
afield from what he was supposed to be doing. As much as I
disliked Johnson in general, there were also some things
that he got right even in the face stiff opposition from
Republican racists. Just because I like some things about a
president doesn't mean I have to like everything about a
president and Clinton was a good example of that. As it
stands right now, though, there is absolutely nothing I like
about Bush. He has done more to damage this country then any
other president in the past quarter century. It is a
disgrace to have someone like him sitting in the same oval
office as some of the great presidents of the past.


غير مقروءة،
12‏/07‏/2005، 6:03:11 م12‏/7‏/2005
car wrote:

Pick up truck. If figures. How do you manage to get along
with just three teeth? I bet you consider it a personal best
to have been arrested for DUI only five times in the past
year. You are probably one of those cruel, sick people who
allows a dog to ride in the truck and stick its head out the


غير مقروءة،
12‏/07‏/2005، 6:10:46 م12‏/7‏/2005
car wrote:

How little you know. Ms. Clinton actually likes blond jokes
and has been known to tell them herself.


غير مقروءة،
12‏/07‏/2005، 8:03:26 م12‏/7‏/2005

You said you were going to filter me, so why do you keep answering
me? But since you did answer, your hypocritical remark about
Republican racists is hilarious. What did you call it when your liberal
leftist Democrat buddies made racial jokes about Condi Rice, when
she was getting confirmed for Secy of State?


"kstahl" <kts...@yahoo.com> wrote in message



غير مقروءة،
12‏/07‏/2005، 8:05:55 م12‏/7‏/2005

"kstahl" <kts...@yahoo.com> wrote in message

Only if the dog is a Democrat dog. And you are mistaken, I
will have you know I have four teeth.



غير مقروءة،
12‏/07‏/2005، 8:07:17 م12‏/7‏/2005

"kstahl" <kts...@yahoo.com> wrote in message

And why are you *still* answering me? Remember? You said
you were going to filter me?



غير مقروءة،
12‏/07‏/2005، 8:17:22 م12‏/7‏/2005
"car" <c...@carsfruitsorchards.org> wrote:
> "kstahl" <kts...@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> news:k_6dnYZg0fe...@comcast.com...
> > car wrote:
> >


> >> Again, thank for your kind words and the compliment. Myself
> >> and my dirty ole pick me up truck appreciated it.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> > Pick up truck. If figures. How do you manage to get along with just
> > teeth? I bet you consider it a personal best to have been arrested for
> > only five times in the past year. You are probably one of those cruel,
> > sick people who allows a dog to ride in the truck and stick its head out
> > the window.
> >
> Only if the dog is a Democrat dog. And you are mistaken, I
> will have you know I have four teeth.

Which is probably four more than Stahl has in his mouth.


غير مقروءة،
12‏/07‏/2005، 8:31:33 م12‏/7‏/2005

"Brett" <b...@> wrote in message

Actually, I am surprised Stahl resorted so quickly to name calling and
insults. As a result, I will reclassify him from an elitist liberal to a
common garden variety liberal.


Valeria Palmer

غير مقروءة،
12‏/07‏/2005، 8:29:30 م12‏/7‏/2005
Please don't insult all blondes that way ....


غير مقروءة،
12‏/07‏/2005، 8:37:42 م12‏/7‏/2005

Stahl's nothing more than a worthless liberal bigot.

Holger Dansk

غير مقروءة،
13‏/07‏/2005، 3:00:21 ص13‏/7‏/2005
Joe Liebeman is about the best candidate that the Republicans could
have run for President but he is so rational that they wouldn't listen
to him. They want someone crazy like the Hildebeast, Kennedy, Reid,
Durbin, Boxer, Dean, Kerry or Pelosi. They are people that I call "The
Snake Pit" group.



غير مقروءة،
13‏/07‏/2005، 7:53:31 ص13‏/7‏/2005
Holger Dansk wrote:

That would be the ultimate coup. Getting a Democrat to run
as the Republican nominee.

Holger Dansk

غير مقروءة،
13‏/07‏/2005، 6:21:46 م13‏/7‏/2005
Uh oh, I made an error. I meant to say:

Joe Liebeman is about the best candidate that the Democrats could

have run for President but he is so rational that they wouldn't listen
to him. They want someone crazy like the Hildebeast, Kennedy, Reid,
Durbin, Boxer, Dean, Kerry or Pelosi. They are people that I call "The
Snake Pit" group.

I meant to say Democrat instead of Republican.



غير مقروءة،
13‏/07‏/2005، 9:31:22 م13‏/7‏/2005

Freudian slip. We know what you really want. You want
Lieberman to run as a Republican so that Democrats can take
control of that party. Smart strategy on your part, but bad
news for neocons.


غير مقروءة،
13‏/07‏/2005، 11:01:09 م13‏/7‏/2005
Gray hair is hard to die brown or black.
The easier way is to go blond.
Blue hairs are related.
Ms. Palmer is blond in her dreams.

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