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Why the complaints

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10.06.2006, 15:11:0410.06.06
I normally don't pay any attention to professional sports
because in the grandier scheme of things they simply are not
important and I've always felt it was a dumb idea to pay
people to do what most people do just for fun.

However, in recent weeks there has been quite a bit of
moaning and complaining about what is happening with the
Braves so I finally took a look at the sports pages and saw
that the Braves are not very high in the standings. For some
reason people seem to equate this with the team letting the
city down and that the team members should be ashamed of

I view it differently. The players are simply doing what
they think is right for the city of Atlanta. If they
continue to lose games then they won't have the change to
get into the playoffs and if they don't get into the
playoffs the World Series won't be played here and we won't
have to deal with extra congestion on our highways. So
rather then be ashamed of them the city should be casting
them has heroes for not thinking of themselves. I think that
if they really put their minds to it they could even go to
the very bottom in the standings and once that happens no
one will really care whether they win or lose. The people
who like going to see overpaid brats play baseball will
continue to do that and there will be less traffic on the
roads before and after the games because attendance will go
down to a more reasonable level.

Atlanta Ranger

11.06.2006, 00:15:4811.06.06

"KenStahl" <> wrote in message

>I've always felt it was a dumb idea to pay people to do what most people do
>just for fun.

Great, there goes my job as a gigolo. Thanks Ken.


11.06.2006, 01:15:3611.06.06

You are just a miserable person. Maybe you should get help. You
think you are funny, but you are not. It is not just because what you
say above. I have read enough of your crap here. Like George
Costanza, a team would be required to study you and then meet to make


11.06.2006, 08:00:5511.06.06

Oh, I'm funny all right. You just don't appreciate my style
of humor. Maybe nobody does. That really doesn't matter in
the grander scheme of things.

You are probably also an avid sports fan and that is why
this upset you enough to write a response rather then just
ignore it.


11.06.2006, 11:23:2211.06.06

"KenStahl" <> wrote in message

I despise professional sports and like you Ken, I see no use or value added
to society because of it. People go ape shit for bunch of people who will
never know their names, treat them like Gods, and oh yes...I love this part:
when a team wins.......the fans all say "WE" won...."we" are number
one.....McFLY!!!!! they didn't play ---they did nothing but eat nachos,
swill beer and sit on sofa/benches etc....



11.06.2006, 14:31:1111.06.06
Kitty wrote:
> I despise professional sports and like you Ken, I see no use or value added
> to society because of it. People go ape shit for bunch of people who will
> never know their names, treat them like Gods, and oh yes...I love this part:
> when a team wins.......the fans all say "WE" won...."we" are number
> one.....McFLY!!!!! they didn't play ---they did nothing but eat nachos,
> swill beer and sit on sofa/benches etc....
> Kitty

Well, obviously:

no fans = no ticket sales = no games = no lesbian cheerleaders = no team

Max tBC


11.06.2006, 17:48:0011.06.06

Good idea. How can we make that happen? The world will be a
better place is all professional sports are banned. It will
probably never happen though - the beer breweries would
never allow it.

Atlanta Ranger

11.06.2006, 17:58:0611.06.06

"Kitty" <> wrote in message

Much worse is those people who take movies seriously or CSI. Hello McFly,
it's fiction. None of this really happened.

They sit on the edge of their seats like it's some mystery or something real
life and not scripted, like say bottom of the 9th inning, bases loaded, two
outs and a one run game.

Don't get me started on the reality show gloids...


11.06.2006, 22:05:2911.06.06
On Mon, 12 Jun 2006 20:31:48 -0700, in atl.general Jim Flores
< > wrote:

>Did anyone watch the Soccer World Cup championship in Germany?
>Mexico beat Iran 3 to 1.

I noticed the Drudge headline: Mexico Stomps Iran
and wondered if they would have *dared* made such a headline
if (unlikely) that the US beat Iran at soccer. Probably would have been
"In soccer, US comes in next to last, Iran places second"

(Yes, I know, old wording left over from Pravda)


Andy Walton

12.06.2006, 08:19:3512.06.06
In article <>, KenStahl
<> wrote:

> Good idea. How can we make that happen? The world will be a
> better place is all professional sports are banned.

Banned? What's wrong with just changing the channel?

Baseball is the only sport I care about at all. Football, hockey nd
basketball exist as a vague buzz in the background, slightly less
annoying and distracting than American Idol.

"Five tacos, one taco burger. Do you know where the American Dream is?"
-- Hunter S. Thompson, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Andy Walton *


12.06.2006, 18:26:4212.06.06
Andy Walton wrote:
> In article <>, KenStahl
> <> wrote:
>>Good idea. How can we make that happen? The world will be a
>>better place is all professional sports are banned.
> Banned? What's wrong with just changing the channel?
> Baseball is the only sport I care about at all. Football, hockey nd
> basketball exist as a vague buzz in the background, slightly less
> annoying and distracting than American Idol.

Changing channels doesn't prevent congestion on the
Connector before and after games. Changing channels doesn't
eliminate the wasteful use of paper for sports sections of
newspapers. Changing channels doesn't deprive a bunch of
spoiled brats from receiving multi-million dollar salaries
just to pretend that they are actually athletes for a couple
months each year. Changing channels doesn't eliminate the
idiotic hero worship that professional sports athletes
thrive on. Changing channels would not eliminate the
wasteful use of prime real estate that is used for sports
arenas. I'm sure there are a couple things I forgot in this
list, but as you can see, changing channels really doesn't
solve anything.


14.06.2006, 13:43:4214.06.06

"PaulMofAtl" <> wrote in message

> On Sat, 10 Jun 2006 15:11:04 -0400, KenStahl <> wrote:
>>I normally don't pay any attention to professional sports
>>because in the grandier scheme of things they simply are not
>>important and I've always felt it was a dumb idea to pay
>>people to do what most people do just for fun.
>> *snip*

Even though I worked for the Houston and New York National League baseball
teams in a previous life I also never understood the tremendous attraction
of pro sports. Federal law even exempts baseball from the anti-trust laws.

I figure there must be a big gambling angle to it somewhere. In the case of
baseball there is no way you can enjoy it unless you have tried to play it -
or have an unnatural fascination with statistics. Even then it gets old
fast. I figured that with kids turning to soccer and the baseball strike a
few years ago that baseball would be dead by now.

Many guys neglect their jobs, wives and family for sports. But that is
another story, not all bad !


14.06.2006, 22:45:1514.06.06

KenStahl wrote:
> changing channels really doesn't solve anything.

Try a .45 to your temple, KennyKornholer.

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