I have the same diagnosis as Fran was given and has recovered from.
Sometimes I am fine and sometimes, yes, I am a bit loopy. But I make
as much effort as I possibly can to be responsible for myself and my
condition and ask for help when I need it. I have worked to develop
strategies to deal with it, as would anyone with a chronic illness.
I also have good highers, a degree and a diploma, a teaching
qualification, several years experience teaching, including with
teenagers. I have worked for various mental health charities including
advice and support work and have even been a trusted babysitter from a
young age, if that counts for anything. I am a contributing member of
society, I don't have a criminal record, and yet the second 'mental
health problems' are mentioned this all seems to go out the window.
I know Fran's case is an unfortunate and exceptional one - I'm being
very polite here - but what kind of precendent does it set for the
rest of us? How can any professional think they are doing the right
thing in acting this way?
It terrifies me, especially now that I am in a stable relationship,
that if I one day decided to have children, my partner and I might
have to go through something like this. This questioning of us
fundamentally as people, because of an ILLNESS that I neither want nor
appreciate, that is not my fault, but I cannot make go away.
It just makes me want to curl up in a corner and cry, but it does make
me realise that we have to stand up and be counted in these
situations, even if they're not directly related to us. Because if
someone, however small and insignificant doesn't - then who will?
Fran I'm with you in spirit and thinking of you constantly.
Naomi xxx