Addition and Removal of language from Android Phone

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Shaista Naaz

не прочитано,
29 июл. 2010 г., 08:43:0529.07.2010
Hello everybody,

Anyone please please help me out, I am trying to understand that if I want to add a new language in my android phone or remove a language from my android mobile what should be done.
Say my mobile supports English and Spanish and I want to remove Spanish and say I want to add Hindi.

What needs to be done.

I have SDK code with me but I have no good idea as what and where should I look for these things. I have gone through some tutorials on android developer site but I am not getting what I am looking for. .

Any help or any suggestion is highly appreciated.

Thanks in Advance,

Imran Khan

не прочитано,
29 июл. 2010 г., 13:50:1929.07.2010
did u look for other language related apps in Android Market ...... Though possibility for such an apps for Hindi z quite rare ......

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Dianne Hackborn

не прочитано,
29 июл. 2010 г., 21:28:2529.07.2010
You need to build a new system image for your phone.  The languages are baked into the system image.

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Dianne Hackborn
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Armando Ceniceros

не прочитано,
29 июл. 2010 г., 22:57:4129.07.2010

If time is of concern, a hackish way to do it is to extract all files to a working directory,remove the meta folder and the resources.ansc file, go to res/ and remove the values_xX for the languages you don't want, aapt to regenerate the resources, and then zip it back and apk sign. You have to do it manually for every package though. there's a community app (actually just a Linux script) that does this for you, look for apktool in xd forums.

Dianne Hackborn

не прочитано,
29 июл. 2010 г., 23:17:5929.07.2010
aapt can't rebuild the resource table that way, as far as I know -- the string resources are all build into the single binary resource table, not in separate files.

Shaista Naaz

не прочитано,
30 июл. 2010 г., 01:41:1030.07.2010
@Imran.. Yes I have checked and what I found is that HIndi is not yet supported by SDK.

@Dianne.. Thanks for throwing some light, but I would be really grateful to you if you could elaborate a bit, as how should I proceed about building a system Image.

@Armando...I have not yet started working on Linux, I was just trying to find out first the way on Windows only then will implement. If it will be easy on linux then will switch to it soon. I did google but could not find the community and xd forum :( Please kindly send me the link.

Thanks All..........


Imran Khan

не прочитано,
1 авг. 2010 г., 14:08:5601.08.2010
As far as building system image is concerned ,U can use the following link:

Though the link is from Cyanogen , u can use the same steps to build normal android distributions like Froyo, Eclair etc.
All u need is to download the code from mainifest.git instead of the Cyanogen branch ... Rest of the steps remain same .....
Make sure that u have proper recovery image and other backups ready in case u brick ur phone .....

Shaista Naaz

не прочитано,
1 авг. 2010 г., 16:56:4701.08.2010
Thanks Imran.
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