Localization, committing new language

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Jul 27, 2009, 2:26:03 AM7/27/09
to android-platform
Hi everyone!

I'm new Android developer and would like to help community by start
doing Finnish (fi_FI) localization first.
I'm developing on Mac OS, just short question, what would be the
easiest way to get "hands dirty" and start doing translation? :)

Obviously I need to check out (not used Git before) source codes and
set up build environment.


Jean-Baptiste Queru

Jul 27, 2009, 2:43:54 AM7/27/09
to android-...@googlegroups.com
The Android Open-Source Project is fundamentally about
Google-Experience devices (getting code drops from Google's
repository, and contributing changes which get integrated into
Google's repository).

We (Google) have our own process for translations, which generates
Android language files from an internal format, and we're not in a
position to do anything useful with community translations, which just
risk getting in our way and causing some confusion (by making it hard
for OEMs to know which translations come from Google and which ones

If someone is maintaining a clone of the source code from the Android
Open-Source Project, they might be interested in getting translations
contributed in.

Jean-Baptiste M. "JBQ" Queru
Software Engineer, Android Open-Source Project, Google.

Questions sent directly to me that have no reason for being private
will likely get ignored or forwarded to a public forum with no further


Jul 27, 2009, 2:53:21 AM7/27/09
to android-platform
Thanks Jean-Baptiste, I see your point.

Sounds like Google needs to hire me then, maybe you need one senior
software engineer more :D

I'll search some clones if there's need for a finnish translation.



Jul 30, 2009, 2:21:57 AM7/30/09
to android-platform
Hi, Jean-Baptiste !

I started Belarusian(be_BY) localization also.

Localization of any applications can be built-in only into .apk file
currently. That means we can't install localization pack on phone
without build application from sources. It will produce some problems,
because we may not able to install unsigned application to non-dev
phone, and application code can be differ from git repository.

I understand Google's point of view on include community
translations. It really reasonable for OEM.

Internal file format os localization file is just a technical
problem and could be solved enough simple. Organizational problems
usually much harder.

But what about separate localization from application for be able to
user to install unsigned localization pack separately ? Is it planned
for future versions of Android ?

If it will not be possible, may be Google can create some directory
in git tree like "community translations". In this case, OEM will know
which translations are official and which are inofficial.

WBR, Alex.

Jean-Baptiste Queru

Jul 30, 2009, 8:47:24 AM7/30/09
to android-...@googlegroups.com
Right now I'm not aware of any notion of run-time language packs built
into Android. I also don't believe that the current Android build
system allows to separate a translation of the entire system into a
separate project.

Both those approaches look like they'd be interesting features to add
in Android, and I believe that we'd consider reasonable
implementations for those (beware that the run-time cost of the first
approach would have to be kept to a minimum, any proposals in that
area will be tightly scrutinized for their performance impact). I
would definitely support community translations in the Android
Open-Source Project if they can be added in a separate git project
instead of spanning dozens of projects across the source tree.

Feel free to investigate any or both of those approaches and to
discuss your proposed design here.


Dianne Hackborn

Jul 30, 2009, 9:33:13 AM7/30/09
to android-...@googlegroups.com
The build system nearly allows for separate translations -- the aapt tool allows one to specify any arbitrary number of paths to pull resources from, and the build system includes variables you can set to specify paths for the entire source tree.  Right now this is used to specify per-device resource overlays, and it could also be used to bring in additional translations, but it would be a bit dirty without a little more build system support.  But it certainly isn't unreasonable to have your own full source hierarchy containing just the resource directories with your own translation, and a vendor could add that to their list of overlays.

We would also like to do runtime resource add-ons, but not all of the infrastructure is done for that yet and there isn't a firm plan for when to do so.  I am somewhat hoping we can do it early next year.
Dianne Hackborn
Android framework engineer

Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to provide private support, and so won't reply to such e-mails.  All such questions should be posted on public forums, where I and others can see and answer them.

Alex Buloichik

Oct 15, 2010, 2:35:23 AM10/15/10
to android-...@googlegroups.com
One year later, it's time to try again to discuss about localization ;)

May be something changed with Google's support of additional
translations in the last year ?

So, my goal is to have Belarusian localization of Android phone.
I understand, what some manufactures uses own translations for own
applications, but it's other question. I'm speaking only about base
applications yet(packages/apps/{Contacts,Phone,....})

Currently, there are some non-official ROMs, which can be localized,
but it's not a right way.
I saw some discussions about Hungarian localization also:

So, I see only two ways how to make possible to have Belarusian
localization with official ROMs in future:
1) Contribute translation into official git, like French, Spain,
Russian translations. It's preferred way, of course.
2) Have some method in Android OS for support third-party language packs.

In the first case, I understand, what Google prefer to work not with
individual translator. It could be Belarusian software localization
community, or Belarusian Language
or Institute of language and literature of the National Academy of
Sciences of Belarus
So, is there any chance to include Belarusian localization in Public
release branch in future ?

In the second case, IMHO, it should be some change in application's
loading code, for check not only .apk build-in resources, but some
other place, like some folder on /sdcard/, or special additional .apk.
In this case, third-party language pack could be installed.
I understand, what it is not so simple change. But if I will change
application's loading code in Android sources, is there any chance to
include my change into Public release branch in future ?

WBR, Alex.

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József Király

Oct 15, 2010, 4:46:02 PM10/15/10
to android-...@googlegroups.com
I also support such an action (making translation possible to
individuals). I came from Symbian, and I have to admit, it had a way
better management of languages. Basically there were separate files
for all languages open in the filesystem, named after the application,
and addig or removing a language was a simple file delete. Something
like this would be a very good extension of the android system - this
would even make deploying ROMs to separate language areas easier and
less heavier - they would only have a few installed languages in them,
for that specific area. And also, this would preserve a lot of space,
what would make more extended ROMs available - as the system drive
would have more free space.
And also installing separate needed languages would be a lot easier too.

But this would require to rewrite the language-parsing interface of
the framework to load external language files - what would even make
system loading slower, and also would break compatibility on many

As final words, it is a great idea - but if it's done, it would mean a
major milestone in Android's life, where's no turning back.

2010/10/15, Alex Buloichik <alex7...@gmail.com>:

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Oct 25, 2010, 9:43:53 AM10/25/10
to android-platform
Is there any answer from Android team ?

On Oct 15, 9:35 am, Alex Buloichik <alex73m...@gmail.com> wrote:
> One year later, it's time to try again to discuss aboutlocalization;)
> May be something changed with Google's support of additional
> translations in the last year ?
> So, my goal is to have Belarusianlocalizationof Android phone.
> I understand, what some manufactures uses own translations for own
> applications, but it's other question. I'm speaking only about base
> applications yet(packages/apps/{Contacts,Phone,....})
> Currently, there are some non-official ROMs, which can be localized,
> but it's not a right way.
> I saw some discussions about Hungarianlocalizationalso:http://groups.google.com/group/android-platform/browse_thread/thread/...
> So, I see only two ways how to make possible to have Belarusianlocalizationwith official ROMs in future:
> 1) Contribute translation into official git, like French, Spain,
> Russian translations. It's preferred way, of course.
> 2) Have some method in Android OS for support third-party language packs.
>   In the first case, I understand, what Google prefer to work not with
> individual translator. It could be Belarusian softwarelocalization
> community, or Belarusian Language
> Society(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frantsishak_Skaryna_Belarusian_Language_...),
> or Institute of language and literature of the National Academy of
> Sciences of Belarus
> (http://nasb.gov.by/eng/organizations/institutes/inogum.php#off5728).
>   So, is there any chance to include Belarusianlocalizationin Public
> > On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 11:21 PM, alex73<alex73m...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> Hi, Jean-Baptiste !
> >>  I started Belarusian(be_BY)localizationalso.
> >>  Localizationof any applications can be built-in only into .apk file
> >> currently. That means we can't installlocalizationpack on phone
> >> without build application from sources. It will produce some problems,
> >> because we may not able to install unsigned application to non-dev
> >> phone, and application code can be differ from git repository.
> >>  I understand Google's point of view on include community
> >> translations. It really reasonable for OEM.
> >>  Internal file format oslocalizationfile is just a technical
> >> problem and could be solved enough simple. Organizational problems
> >> usually much harder.
> >>  But what about separatelocalizationfrom application for be able to
> >> user to install unsignedlocalizationpack separately ? Is it planned


Nov 29, 2010, 11:22:00 AM11/29/10
to android-platform
Hi, All !

Still there is no answer.

Is it possible to localize Android at all ?

WBR, Alex.

On Oct 15, 8:35 am, Alex Buloichik <alex73m...@gmail.com> wrote:
> One year later, it's time to try again to discuss aboutlocalization;)
> May be something changed with Google's support of additional
> translations in the last year ?
> So, my goal is to have Belarusianlocalizationof Android phone.
> I understand, what some manufactures uses own translations for own
> applications, but it's other question. I'm speaking only about base
> applications yet(packages/apps/{Contacts,Phone,....})
> Currently, there are some non-official ROMs, which can be localized,
> but it's not a right way.
> I saw some discussions about Hungarianlocalizationalso:http://groups.google.com/group/android-platform/browse_thread/thread/...
> So, I see only two ways how to make possible to have Belarusianlocalizationwith official ROMs in future:
> 1) Contribute translation into official git, like French, Spain,
> Russian translations. It's preferred way, of course.
> 2) Have some method in Android OS for support third-party language packs.
>   In the first case, I understand, what Google prefer to work not with
> individual translator. It could be Belarusian softwarelocalization
> community, or Belarusian Language
> Society(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frantsishak_Skaryna_Belarusian_Language_...),
> or Institute of language and literature of the National Academy of
> Sciences of Belarus
> (http://nasb.gov.by/eng/organizations/institutes/inogum.php#off5728).
>   So, is there any chance to include Belarusianlocalizationin Public
> > On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 11:21 PM, alex73<alex73m...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> Hi, Jean-Baptiste !
> >>  I started Belarusian(be_BY)localizationalso.
> >>  Localizationof any applications can be built-in only into .apk file
> >> currently. That means we can't installlocalizationpack on phone
> >> without build application from sources. It will produce some problems,
> >> because we may not able to install unsigned application to non-dev
> >> phone, and application code can be differ from git repository.
> >>  I understand Google's point of view on include community
> >> translations. It really reasonable for OEM.
> >>  Internal file format oslocalizationfile is just a technical
> >> problem and could be solved enough simple. Organizational problems
> >> usually much harder.
> >>  But what about separatelocalizationfrom application for be able to
> >> user to install unsignedlocalizationpack separately ? Is it planned
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