ADC Entry: BabelFish

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r a f t

Apr 11, 2008, 7:32:49 PM4/11/08
to Android Challenge

we had just submitted our application BabelFish. here is a video
although not much readable due to scaling:

and from the submitted document what BabelFish is:

BabelFish is a translated voice and text IM (Instant Messaging)
service. It enables translated conversations among two or more
parties. Each partner writes messages in his own language and his/her
message is instantly translated and delivered other partners in their
languages. Optionally delivered messages are synthesized into speech
and played at destination handsets.

We also aimed to use Android's speech recognition API to allow
partners speak their messages instead of writing and hence mimic a
real BabelFish's behavior but unfortunately Android speech recognition
API wasn't ready at the time of writing.

cheers and wish you all good luck ;)
r a f t


Apr 11, 2008, 8:20:57 PM4/11/08
to Android Challenge
This is very cool. Apps like this are going to make Android a huge
success. Good work!

Dexter's Brain

Apr 11, 2008, 8:28:41 PM4/11/08
to Android Challenge
Great idea......Really cool....Best of luck..


r a f t

Apr 11, 2008, 11:23:25 PM4/11/08
to Android Challenge
thank you guys. very motivating words :) the award itself will be much
motivating though ;)

On Apr 11, 4:28 pm, "Dexter's Brain" <> wrote:
> Great idea......Really cool....Best of luck..
> Dexter.
> On Apr 12, 1:20 am, Luke <> wrote:
> - Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -> This is very cool. Apps like this are going to make Android a huge
> > success. Good work!


Apr 11, 2008, 11:30:27 PM4/11/08
to Android Challenge
WOW! Great idea. I don't have the time to look at it in detail now
(having problems getting my own submissions made) but I will. I expect
it will be as good as it sounds.

Again, great idea, and good luck.

Jim Renkel


Apr 12, 2008, 7:38:26 PM4/12/08
to Android Challenge
Instant translator. Not bad! I can imagine people using it. Once we
have true multilingual support, you can set it to auto recognize the


r a f t

May 16, 2008, 5:40:57 PM5/16/08
to Android Challenge
i've just got the percentile mail. BabelFish is in 50th to 75th
percentile in all 4 categories and overall score
i just cant believe :/

r a f t

On Apr 12, 10:38 pm, YA <> wrote:
> Instant translator. Not bad! I can imagine people using it. Once we
> have true multilingual support, you can set it to auto recognize the
> language.
> YA
> On Apr 11, 11:32 pm, r a f t <> wrote:
> > hello,
> > we had just submitted our applicationBabelFish. here is a video
> > although not much readable due to scaling:
> > and from the submitted document whatBabelFishis:
> >BabelFishis a translated voice and text IM (Instant Messaging)
> > service. It enables translated conversations among two or more
> > parties. Each partner writes messages in his own language and his/her
> > message is instantly translated and delivered other partners in their
> > languages. Optionally delivered messages are synthesized into speech
> > and played at destination handsets.
> > We also aimed to use Android's speech recognition API to allow
> > partners speak their messages instead of writing and hence mimic a
> > realBabelFish'sbehavior but unfortunately Android speech recognition

Shane Isbell

May 16, 2008, 5:55:20 PM5/16/08
On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 10:40 AM, r a f t <> wrote:

i've just got the percentile mail. BabelFish is in 50th to 75th
percentile in all 4 categories and overall score
i just cant believe :/
People don't need to talk to each other, just find each other.


May 16, 2008, 6:11:15 PM5/16/08
wow... very very useful app!  so sad it's in "50th to 75th"... ADC judges never travel internationally?

r a f t

May 16, 2008, 6:32:24 PM5/16/08
to Android Challenge
thank you. i think the same. the question is how a very useful
application cannot be indispensable. it's a strange world !


May 16, 2008, 6:48:07 PM5/16/08
to Android Challenge
If i am not mistaken, isnt BabelFish related to AltaVista?
Their translator???!!!!
> > never travel internationally?- Hide quoted text -

r a f t

May 16, 2008, 6:50:26 PM5/16/08
to Android Challenge
no. altavista has a translation service called BabelFish, but our
application is not in any way related to it.


May 16, 2008, 6:53:38 PM5/16/08
maybe the name confused judges as they thought it's a port from altavista...

r a f t

May 16, 2008, 7:08:58 PM5/16/08
to Android Challenge
all 4 judges ? very unlikely.

see the first message. in second paragraph the word BabelFish is
linked to

We also aimed to use Android's speech recognition API to allow
partners speak their messages instead of writing and hence mimic a
real BabelFish's behavior but unfortunately Android speech recognition
API wasn't ready at the time of writing.

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