ADC organizers, please consider this one

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Aleksandras G.

May 12, 2008, 9:57:23 AM5/12/08
to Android Challenge
ADC organizers, please consider at least this one:

I am quoting what Kev Gman wrote

> As always, I'm a broken record. My app, and apparently many others, never
> really got looked at. Two people opened it, neither completed the user
> setup. Nobody logged in as the complete user I provided. So, feedback
> would be very helpful to explain why that happened. Otherwise, I feel like
> I blew a whole lot of time for nothing, and certainly wouldn't consider
> moving forward for the next challenge. If nobody looked at it this time,
> why would they next time?

though I'm not in the same boat (haven't had a server to get hits),
but it IS very disturbing to read these stories. I hope Google and
organizers consider such facts and take best measures so that it
will not happen again in the judging of ADC II


May 13, 2008, 5:50:28 AM5/13/08
to Android Challenge
I too agree with Aleksandras,

I received only one email saying that my application didn't make it to
final 50. Though i had submitted two applications. then where is the
mail for other one. Does it mean that there will be only "Regret.."
email for each user ? I had sent an email to android-support , but
didn't get any response from them.


On May 12, 2:57 pm, "Aleksandras G." <> wrote:
> ADC organizers, please consider at least this one:
> I am quoting what Kev Gman wrote
> in
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