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no leída,
20 ago 2004, 5:29:05 p.m.20/8/04
Decide your child(rens) names?

Or your pets names?

I loved Phoebes story of how Drusilla got her name :-)


no leída,
20 ago 2004, 5:43:29 p.m.20/8/04
>Decide your child(rens) names?

Just by the feeling that the name fit the baby. I was planning on calling
daughter Brenda --Robin until I saw her. I knew she was meant to be named after
two of my school pals, Brenda Jean. Judith Elaine was an easy one.Linda Sue was
just what I liked. David Leslie , I liked David and Leslie was a family name.
Deborah Ann was my choice, not to be disputed by anybody! Did I miss anyone?

Don't count the years-count the memories



no leída,
20 ago 2004, 5:49:47 p.m.20/8/04
>Deborah Ann was my choice, not to be disputed by anybody!

HEY, I have a sister Deborah Ann!! They are all fine names! (even Judith <g>)



no leída,
20 ago 2004, 5:52:32 p.m.20/8/04
>HEY, I have a sister Deborah Ann!! They are all fine names! (even Judith

Tank ewe belly mush!! LOL, I named them and they're stuck with the names.


no leída,
20 ago 2004, 5:57:24 p.m.20/8/04
>Decide your child(rens) names?

I don't know I just liked them - Rebecca, Daniel & Andrew.
Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get
used to the idea - Robert A. Heinlein


no leída,
20 ago 2004, 6:04:33 p.m.20/8/04
>>Decide your child(rens) names?

Trevor was a name I had always loved.

Nicholas was named his name for Nicholas is the patron saint of children,
William is Paul's father's middle name and John was after my brother who passed
away. Poor kid has three names <g>


no leída,
20 ago 2004, 6:21:51 p.m.20/8/04
>Decide your child(rens) names?
>Or your pets names?

I think I"ve posted this before. I had the name Jared long before I ever met
Greg. It was the real name of the guy that played Dusty on Dallas. I saw it
and a cool name.

Taylor's name was more difficult. Greg and I could not come up with a girls
name. He can tell you the exact place we were when he suggested Taylor. A
Taylor Dayne song was playing on the radio..and "that was it!" We always tell
her that's who she was named after when we hear a song. Greg told my father it
was after Lawrence Taylor of the Giants..since Redskin people generally dislike

Wiggles..names herself. She was a stray and found a home at a greyhound
rescue. They said she wiggled a lot. Can't argue with that!

PJ is after Puss Puss (sorta Puss Jr) She looks identical to my parents first
cat. So identical, it's scary.

Currently our 4 fish (still swimming strong) are named after Fairly Odd Parent
people...Cosmo & Wanda and Nemo characters. (really not sure which)

Hermit crab is Batman (due to his shell he no longer uses and Star..due to her
shell she no longer uses...we're assuming the sex, too LOL)

<b><font color="#FF0000">Lynn

Courage is fear that has said its prayers. <b><font color="#FF0000">


no leída,
20 ago 2004, 7:39:28 p.m.20/8/04
> Poor kid has three names

Nothing wrong with that...and nice names to boot! :)



no leída,
20 ago 2004, 7:44:08 p.m.20/8/04
>> Poor kid has three names
>Nothing wrong with that...and nice names to boot! :)

I agree.


no leída,
20 ago 2004, 8:02:48 p.m.20/8/04
>>Decide your child(rens) names?

Oh was all I could do to keep my husband from naming my daughter
something silly like Nigel. He really wanted to name her Manfreda (seriously).
There was a FormulaOne driver named Manfred Winkelhock who died in a crash a
few months before our daughter was born. He felt that since she was born
during the middle of the Formula One race from Italy that she should be named
to honor poor Manfred. Fortunately, I filled out the form for the birth
certificate. At the time, I thought Sarah was an original name. Found out
later when she started preschool that there would always be another Sarah. I
also liked the name Rebecca, but I refused to name my children names that could
be shortened into nicknames (my pet peeve...I'll get over it <g>) Her middle
name is my middle name and my aunt's middle name, and my grandmother's name on
my mother's side. Low and behold when my aunt did some geneology on my
father's side that there was a Sarah Ann back in 1842. I allowed my husband to
name our son. He of course picked to Formula One drivers... Derek Bell and
Jackie he is Derek Stewart. He wanted to name him Nigel, which
would go very well with our last name, but I just couldn't do it.

Pet-wise...Murphy just looks like a Murphy. It's the first name that popped in
my head. Miranda came with the name when we adopted her and we had a black lab
named Casey. He just looked like a Casey.

...I've seen a look in dog's eyes, a quickly vanishing look of amazed contempt,
and I am convinced that dogs think humans are nuts. ~ John Steinbeck

Maria T3

no leída,
20 ago 2004, 8:10:27 p.m.20/8/04
>Decide your child(rens) names?

Named my first son after my hubby. Like that tradition, but only if it's a good
name. No point in carrying on a bad one.
Second son, just liked it every time I heard it on TV. I said, what a nice,
classy name....didn't want a trendy name. Like the tradtional names.

~ Maria ~
"Sometimes, only one person is missing, and the whole world seems depopulated.
Alphonse de Lamartine


no leída,
20 ago 2004, 9:20:45 p.m.20/8/04
>Or your pets names?

Yikes. I will have to save this for my novel. <g>
<font color="#800080"></font><font color="#800080">
Phebes </font> <font color="#0000FF">
Don't let one cloud obliterate the whole sky.
~ Anais Nin



no leída,
20 ago 2004, 9:21:21 p.m.20/8/04
>Linda Sue w

Our friend Linda's name. :-)


no leída,
20 ago 2004, 9:26:54 p.m.20/8/04
>Or your pets names?

well Scooby got his name cause he's scared of everything LOL my last cat was
named speedy cause of my racing life but she was HUGE white w/big black night after a few libations i said "moooooo" and she came running
so she became speedy moo LOL
I've learned that artificial intelligence is no match for natural


no leída,
20 ago 2004, 9:52:26 p.m.20/8/04

"Mary" <use2b...@aol.combiteme> wrote in message
> Decide your child(rens) names?

I had Lauren's name picked out for the longest time. I always liked the
name and it just so happened that her initials LEE are my middle name, so
that cinched it. Thor was supposed to name Madison. He wanted to give her
a Swedish name so I looked some up for him. I found the name Rane which we
both really liked, but I thought it was a little too different for a first
name. Then I suggested Tora -which means thunder in Swedish- as a joke and
he ended up really liking it. I finally convinced him to put Madison at the
beginning to prevent her from being teased, so she is Madison Tora Rane, but
I call her Madison Rane.


no leída,
20 ago 2004, 9:54:10 p.m.20/8/04

"Mary" <use2b...@aol.combiteme> wrote in message

Nothing wrong with that. Thor has three names and so does Madison. :o)


no leída,
20 ago 2004, 10:10:53 p.m.20/8/04
Lindsey Madeleine -- just sounded nice. Madeleine (said with a french accent
of course -- LOL -- is my middle name and I love it)

Paul Conner I always loved the name Paul. I also loved Conner but didn't
want my kid getting Connie .

Brent Christopher. Just liked the name Brent and Kevin always liked

Cole Charles. Oye this was a struggle. Cole was a little bit of a surprise
and we didn't have a third boy's name in the waiting. We struggled for months
and of course had Paul and Brent to add their two cents. Brent had a lacrosse
team mate with the name of Cole -- I loved it so we took it. At that time that
was the only Cole I had ever met. Now there seems to be tons of them out
there. Charles is because we had started a middle name starting with 'c' and
we kept up the tradition and I have a brother Charles that is kind of like my
twin (we are 11 months apart).

Colby, his full name is Colby Orian or Coal B Orian.Coal being black, B -- he's
the second Cole in our family and Orian representing the star constellation --
Colby has a white star on his chest.
<font color=#CC0000></font color>


no leída,
20 ago 2004, 10:43:58 p.m.20/8/04
>Decide your child(rens) names?

My first son was James Malcolm - James is a family surname and I sure didn't
want Malcolm III..
Timothy Joseph was because I liked Timothy and Joseph was my maiden name...
Suzanne Dorothy was going to be Susan until shortly before she was born but I
liked Suzanne better and I didn't like Susie - so what do some of her friends
call her? Suzi Dot!! The Dorothy is for Mal's mother...

It's nice to be important but
more important to be nice!!


no leída,
20 ago 2004, 11:04:31 p.m.20/8/04
>Poor kid has three names

Are you Catholic? He could be adding a confirmatio name. :-)

I think the names you gave to both of your sons are fine names.


no leída,
20 ago 2004, 11:26:44 p.m.20/8/04
>PJ is after Puss Puss (sorta Puss Jr) She looks identical to my parents
>cat. So identical, it's scary.

I had a cat named PJ when I was a kid. It sttod for Patches Jr. Patches was
my cat and PJ was a kitten from my neighbor's litter. Looked just like
Patches, right down to his extra toes.


no leída,
20 ago 2004, 11:31:35 p.m.20/8/04
>Oh was all I could do to keep my husband from naming my daughter
>something silly like Nigel. He really wanted to name her Manfreda

I'll bet there are many stories of the names our children narrowly escaped.

My daughter was due in on July 10. My husband had an aunt whose birthday was
July 9 and I had an aunt whose birthday was July 6. Both said if the baby is a
girl born on my birthday, you have to name her after me. I tell people that
Kelli was born in June to escape being named Effie May or Goldie May. lol


no leída,
21 ago 2004, 4:08:34 a.m.21/8/04
Or your pets names?

Wrigley ... Of course for the Cubs woo hoo! Full name: Wrigley Peanut P.K.
Radar DeR**** Con******

Kitty ... Full Name: Kasey Con****** (Jeff says THE BIG CAT)

Baby... Still not sure on the REAL name, she is just baby Con***** : ) (Jeff
says THE LITTLE CAT) LOL he is weird : )
<font color=#4169e1>Do</font color>
<font color=#ff0000>GO CUBS!</font color>
<font color=#4169e1>I BLEED ROYAL BLUE</font color>


no leída,
21 ago 2004, 7:36:36 a.m.21/8/04
>Decide your child(rens) names?

Kristyn Kaye: well, I wanted to name her Kendall, but Ken said it reminded him
of Motor oil. he came up with Kristyn. Her middle name, Kaye, is from
my best friend, Jodie Kaye.

Kellie Michele: We were looking for a "K" name to go with Kristyn, and I
remembered twins that I went to school with who were named Kristyn and Kellie.
I just thought Michele sounded pretty with her first name..and there you have



no leída,
21 ago 2004, 8:35:00 a.m.21/8/04
>Decide your child(rens) names?

Kristin Lee, I always liked the name Kristins and Lee is my middle name and
family name.

Amy Lynn, Pat and I just kept coming back to the name Amy. I wanted Amy Lee,
but Pat said their are to many Lee's in your family already.



no leída,
21 ago 2004, 9:04:23 a.m.21/8/04
June Ann....was due in June, came in may

John David....Named for my Father and I liked David

Peter after his Father

William Thomas...cause I liked it

Worry is like a rocking chair. It will give you
something to do, but it won't get you anywhere.


no leída,
21 ago 2004, 9:05:42 a.m.21/8/04
>well, I wanted to name her Kendall, but Ken said it reminded him
>of Motor oil. LOL

That motor oil is produced in my parents small hometown. (for those who saw
them on the webcam LOLOL)


no leída,
21 ago 2004, 10:28:44 a.m.21/8/04
Decide your child(rens) names?

I've always liked the name Ryan, his middle name is my Gram's last name
Anthony. Also my FIL's middle name.
Andrew, I had two names picked out; either Andrew Paul or Tyler Paul. Paul as
we decided his brother Chris and wife would be Godparents, his middle name is
Paul. One night at Pizza Hut I asked Ry which he liked as I couldn't make up my
mind between Andrew or Tyler. He said why not use both....VOILA Andrew Tyler.
His brother Chirs and wife were still Godparents ;)

Or your pets names?
LOL, Pets names just come to me. The boys picked Cheeto.
I have been visiting the animal shelter more and more lately.....I am
waffling between a puppy or a couple kitties. The name Wafer keeps running
through my head. The shelter doesn't have any puppies. The girl gave me a name
of someone who does have black lab puppies :) but Todd does NOT want a big dog
:/. I've checked the Humane Society (online) there are some boxer/shephard mix
puppies that look adorable.....
Oye, I am so I don't know how Mittens will react, this house has
become his Domain, he's King right now

<b><font color="#006600"><i>~*~Nettie~*~</i></font></b>
<b><font color="#cc0000">Take the divine risk of living
out loud.


no leída,
21 ago 2004, 10:31:04 a.m.21/8/04
Are you Catholic? He could be adding a confirmatio name. :-)

LOL, my confirmation name was/is Anthony again after my Gram (g)


no leída,
21 ago 2004, 10:34:30 a.m.21/8/04
He really wanted to name her Manfreda (seriously).

wow !!!


no leída,
21 ago 2004, 10:37:26 a.m.21/8/04
so she is Madison Tora Rane,

ohhh I like that !


no leída,
21 ago 2004, 10:38:28 a.m.21/8/04
Picked Christine when I was in the fifth grade and a high school girl with that
name visited our class. Lorrie was after my cousin who died when she was two.
Lorrie Christine "Christi"

" Come here and listen to me! I'll pour out the spirit of wisdom upon you and
make you wise. " Proverbs 1:23


no leída,
21 ago 2004, 10:59:31 a.m.21/8/04
We always knew it would be Tyler Patrick for a boy. For a girl, it changed day
by day. So when Kellianne Keenan Grady was born it happened to be 5/3/85. If
it was the next day, who knows? Then for Tyler, they told me he was a girl so
we picked out Taylor Leigh Grady. SURPRISE! We had our Tyler Patrick Grady!


no leída,
21 ago 2004, 11:16:27 a.m.21/8/04
Oye, I am so I don't know how Mittens will react, this house has
become his Domain, he's King right now

Nettie sista dont be torn get the dog and the cats : ) Mittens will
adjust!!! ... Keep them out of my garden!!!!!!!!!!!!!


no leída,
21 ago 2004, 11:24:46 a.m.21/8/04
>LOL, my confirmation name was/is Anthony again after my Gram (g)

That's hubby's confirmation name too, and our son's middle name. :)


no leída,
21 ago 2004, 5:28:04 p.m.21/8/04
Picked son's name from the four I had picked out in high school for the sons I
would (but didn't) have...and the middle name matched hubby's confirmation

Picked my puppy's name in memory of my sister and "Chicago". Full name: Roxie
Michele Renee Hart. :)



no leída,
23 ago 2004, 10:36:36 a.m.23/8/04
>Decide your child(rens) names?

Thought Nicholas was a strong name.. middle Brian after a man who was mentor to
Al when young.

Angela...Angel.... middle Carol...don't know why... ;)

BlingBlingBBKingHamboneBear cause I'm looney
Peekah (kitty)
Boo (kitty)
obviously hangin out w/ Aurora made these choices easy...

Felix (old fart cat of Nick's) ...he loved Felix the Cat cartoons/etc. since

<font color=#FF0000><3~~~~<3~~~~<3~~~~<3
<font color=#003399>Live to <font color=#FF0000>Love
<font color=#FF0000>Love <font color=#003399>to Live
<font color=#FF0000><3~~~~<3~~~~<3~~~~<3<font color=#003399>~Carol<3


no leída,
23 ago 2004, 12:43:58 p.m.23/8/04
>Decide your child(rens) names?

My first was named after my husband, David William.

My youngest Matthew, I just loved the name and his middle name is Charles after
my dad.

As for the animals??

When we got our dog everyone on my husbands side of the families pets were
named after alcohol. When we got married we also had a cat JD.

We couldn't think of a name for her and my sister thought up Tia Maria. It is
an after dinner drink

Oreo (cat)- Matthew named him. He has black fur over his eyes and white in the

Angel Baby (cat), Oreo's sister - She was named Baby cuz she was the youngest
in the litter and they all protected her, she was also the only girl. Angel
came because I collect Angels but we call her Baby,

Chloe- My friends daughter named her. We were suppose to keep her, but we kept
her name

Outdoor cats that live at my house

Mystery- she is all black and we had no idea where she came from!!! LOL

Sylvester- when we caught him and had him neutered, we put him in a big dog
crate to heal. He flew all over the crate and then hung from the top. He was
named Sylvester because he acted like a Looney Tune.

Cats that come to visit

Sabrina- all black, thought of Sabrina teenage witch

Patches- he has striped patches on him, he is also the father of all

Bella- Oreo and Baby's mom, cuz she is beautiful

Mocha- he is a tabby with that coloring

Bubba- do I really need to tell ya why?

Socks- Bella is her mom from a different litter, she is gray with little white

Misty- grayish tabby,just found out is a boy, haven't renamed yet

Who-r-u- Thought it was Patches, it wasn't so I said to him, WHO ARE YOU?

Boo- who is now indoors. Another son of Bella, brother of Oreo and Baby. When
we caught the litter of 4 we thought we had them all. My friend opened her
garage door and the cat kept bobbing his head up and down. Boo is short for

Whiskers- my sons friend named her, she is new around here and has kittens

Spot- nasty b/w cat. Has a white spot on his forhead.

Tabitha- little black female cat, named after show Bewitched.

That's all I can think of now, if you got that far thank you!!!!! LMAO


no leída,
23 ago 2004, 12:56:01 p.m.23/8/04
Cripes do you keep track of them all? LOL


no leída,
23 ago 2004, 2:30:39 p.m.23/8/04
Okay all you good folks with outdoor cats I need some advice.

Our next door neighbour has four cats that are outdoor cats. They are
wanderers and love to sit on all the neighbours' cars, decks, etc. They also
use the neighbourhood as their litter box. Me -- I have a 90 pound black lab
and a fence so the cats only really invade our front yard and insist on
climbing on our cars (no they aren't declawed - lol)....My neighbour with four
kids, two of which are severely allergic to cats has the cats on her deck,
pooping in her yard, etc. Is there anything the neighbour can do to keep the
cats off her deck, and from invading her space? She can't sit outside all day
with a spray bottle -- what's a neighbour to do???


no leída,
23 ago 2004, 2:47:17 p.m.23/8/04
>Cripes do you keep track of them all? LOL

LOL it gets easy after awhile. The confusing part is remembering how they are
all related!!! We name them so we can remember who is who.


no leída,
23 ago 2004, 2:49:44 p.m.23/8/04
>Is there anything the neighbour can do to keep the
>cats off her deck, and from invading her space?

Sprinkling cayenne pepper where the cats are likely to walk seems to work. I
did it and the neighbor cat stopped pooping in my front yard flower beds. I
don't know how well that would work on a deck though, I think it might stain.


no leída,
23 ago 2004, 2:54:11 p.m.23/8/04
>Is there anything the neighbour can do to keep the cats off her deck, and from
invading her space?

No offense to anyone who has them, but this is exactly why I don't care much
for cats...there are those exceptions like Re's Elizabeth, but most of the cats
I've met have been free to roam and I just don't think that's very neighborly.



no leída,
23 ago 2004, 2:55:49 p.m.23/8/04
>. Is there anything the neighbour can do to keep the
>cats off her deck, and from invading her space? She can't sit outside all
>with a spray bottle -- what's a neighbour to do???

The most important is to remember is that these cats know no better. This is
why I do rescue so that more of them aren't out there. Ok sorry didn't mean to
lecture. I'm just very passionate about this topic. If your neighbor has been
spraying them with the water bottle are they scared of it??? She could try
leaving the water bottle outside in view. It might just scare them off. When
my cats see the water bottle now they run. There is also stuff that yu can
spray in the area of the house that will make them stay away. Look in a pet
store.Let me think of some more ideas.


no leída,
23 ago 2004, 2:59:09 p.m.23/8/04
>ng in my front yard flower beds. I
>don't know how well that would work on a deck though, I think it might stain.

true, wonder if putting it on paper plates or something of the like would work.


no leída,
23 ago 2004, 2:58:39 p.m.23/8/04
>there are those exceptions like Re's Elizabeth, but most of the cats
>I've met have been free to roam and I just don't think that's very

Mine are strictly indoor cats. The cats that I listed are the strays, except
for Mystery and Sylvester who have adopted me. Mystery was an indoor cat. Her
owners had a baby 4-5 yrs back and when they did, they threw her out. I have
placed many kittens into homes, but most strays can't be domesticated. This is
why it is so important to spay/neuter.


no leída,
23 ago 2004, 4:00:11 p.m.23/8/04
>true, wonder if putting it on paper plates or something of the like would

That might do it.


no leída,
23 ago 2004, 5:20:17 p.m.23/8/04
>Okay all you good folks with outdoor cats I need some advice.

Yesterday we saw a couple of kittens that looked to be about 2 months old in
the trees next to our lawn.



no leída,
23 ago 2004, 9:40:00 p.m.23/8/04
> i said "moooooo" and she came running
>so she became speedy moo

See, now I thought you named her after Crys :)

<font color=PURPLE><b>~*~*~*~Mar :)
<font color=NAVY><b>Minds are like parachutes ~ they only function when open.
~*~*Thomas Dewar


no leída,
23 ago 2004, 9:42:39 p.m.23/8/04
> (for those who saw
>them on the webcam LOLOL)

I saw them, and got waved to by mom!
That was fun :)


no leída,
23 ago 2004, 9:45:01 p.m.23/8/04
>That's all I can think of now, if you got that far thank you!!!!! LMAO

Holy crap, and you're welcome :)


no leída,
23 ago 2004, 9:46:21 p.m.23/8/04
>>I'll bet there are many stories of the names our children narrowly escaped.

I have no children, and no pets ...
but MY name was supposed to be Apryl.
Those of you who know my last name, will understand how cruel this would have

Maria T3

no leída,
23 ago 2004, 9:57:24 p.m.23/8/04
>Those of you who know my last name, will understand how cruel this would have

Is it Showers?

~ Maria ~
"Sometimes, only one person is missing, and the whole world seems depopulated.
Alphonse de Lamartine


no leída,
23 ago 2004, 10:21:22 p.m.23/8/04
>but MY name was supposed to be Apryl.

And mine was supposed to be Autumn (born 1st day of) and my middle name is
<font color="#800080"></font><font color="#800080">
Phebes </font> <font color="#0000FF">
If the only tool you have is a hammer,
you tend to see every problem as a nail.
-- A. Maslow



no leída,
23 ago 2004, 10:24:14 p.m.23/8/04
>>Those of you who know my last name, will understand how cruel this would

Had to stop and think for a minute, but now I'm sitting her LOL!



no leída,
23 ago 2004, 11:14:17 p.m.23/8/04
>>>Those of you who know my last name, will understand how cruel this

I just thought about it and am LOLing, too.
Life can be a joke, eh?


no leída,
24 ago 2004, 8:01:31 a.m.24/8/04
>Life can be a joke, eh?

Ok, now THAT was FUNNY!


no leída,
24 ago 2004, 8:01:12 a.m.24/8/04
>>I'm sitting her

Don't smoosh her, whoever she is <g>


no leída,
24 ago 2004, 1:50:49 p.m.24/8/04

Yes. Cats can be very much like some feral people this way.

It's precisely why I love them thougjh. They don't have any concept of
constrictions, rules or boundaries, as most people do. Cats are
natural explorers.


no leída,
24 ago 2004, 8:14:49 p.m.24/8/04
>If your neighbor has been
>spraying them with the water bottle are they scared of it??

I tried this water bottle manuever on Elizabeth when she was eating plants...
didn't scare her one bit..... She thought it was a game and would run and zig
zag around the house.. right back to the plant even if it was on top of the
refridgerator. She is a very bad kittie!!!!


no leída,
24 ago 2004, 8:16:33 p.m.24/8/04
>>but MY name was supposed to be Apryl.
>And mine was supposed to be Autumn (born 1st day of) and my middle name is

I was supposed to be named Burt.


no leída,
24 ago 2004, 9:45:10 p.m.24/8/04

"Reruns76" <reru...@aol.commode> wrote in message

My older sister wanted to name me Harmonica and call me Monica for short.


no leída,
24 ago 2004, 10:21:32 p.m.24/8/04

"Mary" <use2b...@aol.combiteme> wrote in message
> Decide your child(rens) names?
> Or your pets names?
> I loved Phoebes story of how Drusilla got her name :-)
> Mary

The two cats I had....I named Bailey because his coloring reminded me of
Bailey's Irish Creme. Sebastian was named by my roomie at the time because
originally we each would have a kitten. In the end I ended up with both as
she moved back with husband- two pets were already there and cat #3 went
home with her.


no leída,
25 ago 2004, 9:45:47 a.m.25/8/04
hello <> wrote in message news:<>...

I hope you don't love the yank admin for those reasons.

> Cats are
> natural explorers.


no leída,
25 ago 2004, 12:18:41 p.m.25/8/04
>I tried this water bottle manuever on Elizabeth when she was eating plants...
>didn't scare her one bit.

Bummer, I can hold up any kind of sprayer bottle and they run, well except for
Chloe, she is the sickly one and her elevator doesn't go to the top floor. I'm
not even sure it goes to the lobby. When she goes to bed at night and wakes up
in the morning it is a whole new day, everything that happened yesterday is
gone from her memory. I'm starting to think this happens during her naps too.


no leída,
25 ago 2004, 3:03:01 p.m.25/8/04
On 25 Aug 2004 16:18:41 GMT, (Cherylb382) wrote:

>>I tried this water bottle manuever on Elizabeth when she was eating plants...
>>didn't scare her one bit.
>Bummer, I can hold up any kind of sprayer bottle and they run, well except for
>Chloe, she is the sickly one and her elevator doesn't go to the top floor.


I don't even need to hold a sprayer bottle or a squirt gun anymore.
All I do is pretend I'm holding one and go "Phsssssst!" and the little
monsters will usually always stop whatever they're doing and run away.
Except for Squeak though. He's allowed to do pretty much anything he
wants until he regains his full mobility. It's just a miracle that
he's still alive, so some perks are due to him, lol


no leída,
25 ago 2004, 4:43:08 p.m.25/8/04
>I don't even need to hold a sprayer bottle or a squirt gun anymore.
>All I do is pretend I'm holding one and go "Phsssssst!" and the little
>monsters will usually always stop whatever they're doing and run away.

Same here. They were on the kitchen table and all I had near me was my Clorox
Clean up. I just picked it up and showed them, they were gone, except of course
for Chloe

>Except for Squeak though. He's allowed to do pretty much anything he
>wants until he regains his full mobility.

What happened to Squeak?


no leída,
25 ago 2004, 4:56:50 p.m.25/8/04

My baby brother drove over him when he was rolling out the driveway to
go to work :-( What a horror that was over here, to put it mildly.
Those two have practically grown up together and are probably even
closer than I am to either of them. Thank God that Squeak wasn't
killed, for poor Jay's sake.

Squeak was successfully operated on for his broken pelvis (in three
places) and now he's The Bionic Cat. He's the same old fella that he
ever was, except that now he limps a little. He's getting better every
day though!

Thanks for asking, Cheryl :-D


no leída,
25 ago 2004, 7:51:37 p.m.25/8/04
>Thank God that Squeak wasn't killed, for poor Jay's sake.

Amen!!! I'm glad.



no leída,
25 ago 2004, 11:53:00 p.m.25/8/04
. He's the same old fella that he
ever was, except that now he limps a little. He's getting better every
day though!

that's good to hear

<b><font color="#006600"><i>~*~Nettie~*~</i></font></b>
<b><font color="#cc0000">Take the divine risk of living
out loud.


no leída,
26 ago 2004, 1:14:37 a.m.26/8/04

Thank you, Evie :-D

Us too!


no leída,
26 ago 2004, 1:30:25 a.m.26/8/04
On 25 Aug 2004 06:45:47 -0700, (markzoom)

>> It's precisely why I love cats thougjh. They don't have any concept of

>> constrictions, rules or boundaries, as most people do.

>>I hope you don't love the yank admin for those reasons.

If George Bush (either of them) were ever to set foot in my yard, I'd
sick my dog on them.


no leída,
26 ago 2004, 1:31:42 a.m.26/8/04

>If George Bush (either of them) were ever to set foot in my yard, I'd
>sick my dog on them.

And then have her checked for rabies.


no leída,
26 ago 2004, 6:42:29 a.m.26/8/04
My cat use to jump off the furnitur and tables/counters as soon as I walked in
the room. Talk about fear -- LOL. Yes even the furniture. He was not allowed
on the furniture, upstairs, etc..Tough to be a pet in this house -- LOL.

<font color=#CC0000></font color>


no leída,
26 ago 2004, 9:59:43 a.m.26/8/04
>Thank God that Squeak wasn't
>killed, for poor Jay's sake.

Thank God is right. How long did they say recovery would be?? Will the limp go
away or is it perm? Glad he is doing so well!


no leída,
26 ago 2004, 3:55:28 p.m.26/8/04
On 23 Aug 2004 18:55:49 GMT, (Cherylb382) wrote:

>>. Is there anything the neighbour can do to keep the
>>cats off her deck, and from invading her space? She can't sit outside all
>>with a spray bottle -- what's a neighbour to do???
>The most important is to remember is that these cats know no better. This is
>why I do rescue so that more of them aren't out there. Ok sorry didn't mean to
>lecture. I'm just very passionate about this topic. If your neighbor has been
>spraying them with the water bottle are they scared of it??? She could try
>leaving the water bottle outside in view. It might just scare them off. When
>my cats see the water bottle now they run. There is also stuff that yu can
>spray in the area of the house that will make them stay away. Look in a pet
>store.Let me think of some more ideas.

Cat people are just as cool as the little kitties, imo :-)


no leída,
26 ago 2004, 4:01:44 p.m.26/8/04

The grey area here would be that Squeak was also diagnosed with
weakened and failing kidneys, but it's a common condition for cats his
age. He's 18, so quality of life for him is our most important
consideration. He's happy... we're happy :-)

He'll probably have a limp for the rest of his life, but it's a been a
good, long and happy life for him, overall. Long as he can still
hobble through the rest of it without any obvious pain, then none of
us will have any regrets.

Thanks again, Cher!


no leída,
26 ago 2004, 4:15:12 p.m.26/8/04

And my best thought to Cloe!


no leída,
27 ago 2004, 5:00:09 p.m.27/8/04
<< ut MY name was supposed to be Apryl.
Those of you who know my last name, will understand how cruel this would have
been! >>

ok i had to think for about 30 seconds LOLOL good thing you ended up a marla
instead <g>
I've learned that artificial intelligence is no match for natural


no leída,
27 ago 2004, 5:01:38 p.m.27/8/04
<< > i said "moooooo" and she came running
>so she became speedy moo

See, now I thought you named her after Crys :) >>

this was before I knew Crys <g> LOL


no leída,
27 ago 2004, 5:07:18 p.m.27/8/04
>And my best thought to Cloe!

LMAO thank you!!! If only the thoughts would stay in her head!!!! LOL


no leída,
27 ago 2004, 5:06:43 p.m.27/8/04
>The grey area here would be that Squeak was also diagnosed with
>weakened and failing kidneys, but it's a common condition for cats his
>age. He's 18, so quality of life for him is our most important
>consideration. He's happy... we're happy :-)

Poor Squeak, so much going on. My good friend and neighbor (who I do the
rescue with} had this happen to her 26 yr old cat. The vet had her giving Jill
(the cat) fluids every other day I think it was. We had to go in for a lesson.
It was with an IV bag etc. It helped Jill but there is really no cure, Jill
got to sick and is now at Rainbow bridge. Quality of life is the best that can
be done. Spoil that baby rotten!!!!!

I'm very glad he is comfortable and healing nicely!!! I'm sure the limp just
adds to his character.


no leída,
27 ago 2004, 5:18:40 p.m.27/8/04
On 27 Aug 2004 21:06:43 GMT, (Cherylb382) wrote:

>I'm very glad he is comfortable and healing nicely!!! I'm sure the limp just
>adds to his character.

His limp gives him a kind of cowboy swagger, lol. If we had swinging
cat doors around here like the ones the old saloons used to have,
Squeak could really enter a room in style.

Actually...he looks more like Chester on Gunsmoke, but it's still
pretty macho, in a wild west/cat kinda way. <g>


no leída,
27 ago 2004, 6:12:49 p.m.27/8/04
><< ut MY name was supposed to be Apryl.


<B><Font Color="#FF0000"> Patti
</Font Color> <Font Color="#000080"> If you can't say something nice about a've come to the right place.


no leída,
30 ago 2004, 10:36:05 p.m.30/8/04
><< ut MY name was supposed to be Apryl.
>Those of you who know my last name, will understand how cruel this would have
>been! >>

LMAO your mama has a great sense of humor tho..
<font color=#FF0000><3~~~~<3~~~~<3~~~~<3
<font color=#003399>Live to <font color=#FF0000>Love
<font color=#FF0000>Love <font color=#003399>to Live
<font color=#FF0000><3~~~~<3~~~~<3~~~~<3<font color=#003399>~Carol<3

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