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Once upon a time...

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Mac Mc Kinzie

Aug 9, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/9/96

When I was in the service, I heard someone ask, "Boy, you know the
difference between a war-story and a fairytale? No? Well, boy, a
fairytale starts like this, 'Once upon a time...' and a war-story
begins with 'you ain't gonna believe this sh**...' ain't gonna believe this sh** but here goes:

There was a young man who joined the US Army in the late '60s.
He did so in an attempt to avoid totin' a rifle in the jungles
of South Vietnam. The US Army Signal Corp would be a mo bettah
place to be than in the muck with the infantry.

Or so he thought...

More to follow...are you gettin interested? It gets 'interesting'
but don't worry, this fairytale is short and sweet.

A hint: our hero learns to elaborate his humble beginnings in the
service of his country.
-the janitor

Mac Mc Kinzie

Aug 9, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/9/96

Once upon a time...a war-story continues...

The young man found basic training to be an intimidating experience
on this first big trip away from home and its comforts. Although
the drill sergeants were mean and scary, and the trials of basic
training difficult, he persevered and graduated with the majority
of his BCT company.

The folks at home would be proud of their young soldier. Pictures
of the young man would grace the mantels of relatives. Mom and pop
and Uncle Fred would beam at the mention of the neophyte warrior's

The attention made the young man feel good. Perhaps, just perhaps,
he might draw more attention if he jazzed up the stories about life
in the Army. No stories about the tedium of weekend guard duty
patrolling the ground around the mini-px with a baseball bat ... no,
he would tell epic sagas about the training he received. It didn't
matter if things weren't quite like the mysteries he revealed to
his friends and family.

A little white lie here and there wouldn't hurt...

...or would it? America pauses on the edge of their seats.

More to come boys and girls. Stay tuned.
-the janitor
"Once Upon A Time..." copyright Mac McKinzie, 1996

If this seems like I'm describing someone we all know...I am.

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