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Brothels in Vegas

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8. sep. 1999, 03.00.0008.09.1999
Can anyone tell which brothels are worth going to?(Chicken Ranch, Mabels,
Sherris, Cherrry Patch, etc..


8. sep. 1999, 03.00.0008.09.1999
til FBre524768
FBre524768 wrote:
> Can anyone tell which brothels are worth going to?(Chicken Ranch, Mabels,
> Sherris, Cherrry Patch, etc..

Second column under Adult Entertainment.

"Don't Forget. Wrap that rascal!"

CmdrMark - Who hasn't been to any of them....

Wanna e-mail me? You keep the "$"!

Don Strevel

9. sep. 1999, 03.00.0009.09.1999
til FBre524768
Perhaps we do not have a fully communicated idea here. Prostitution in Las
Vegas is illegal, and you will be held in jail with "Bubba" who might take a
liking to your Pork Chops, HAHHAHA.

None of the places you have mentioned are in Las Vegas / Clark County. The
closest "House of Love" to Las Vegas is one county to the west of us, in the
town of Parhump / Nye County. The ladies are checked out by their local
Health Dept. And you must wear a condom or, you "don't get no coochie." :)
Funiest thing, just like a restaurant, there is a menu with the costs for the
services rendered.

Have fun!

"Nevada Legal Houses of Prostitution, Where the Customer ~ALWAYS~ Comes

Don / Las Vegas

FBre524768 wrote:

> Can anyone tell which brothels are worth going to?(Chicken Ranch, Mabels,
> Sherris, Cherrry Patch, etc..

"NO Cost" fundraising for your Church, School, Ministry, Group
$12.95/mo net access, GREAT long distance rates, #1 MONEY MAKER!! for free sign up/info, NOW! :)
E/FAX number (appears as email) 1-781-846-8006 ....VIVA VEGAS!!
Don Strevel, PO Box-230021, Las Vegas, NV. 89123


20. sep. 1999, 03.00.0020.09.1999
>None of the places you have mentioned are in Las Vegas / Clark County. The
>closest "House of Love" to Las Vegas is one county to the west of us, in the
>town of Parhump / Nye County. The ladies are checked out by their local
>Health Dept. And you must wear a condom or, you "don't get no coochie." :)
>Funiest thing, just like a restaurant, there is a menu with the costs for the
>services rendered.
However, unlike a restuarant no one pays the price on the menu (unless you want
to get seriously overcharged)!!! Check on LVOL and some reviews to get an idea
of the real price to pay if you are going!!!

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