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ATTENTION all Archivists! (Please, Please Read)

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Aug 19, 1996, 7:00:00 AM8/19/96

Recently, there seems to be archives coming out of the woodwork <grin>.

I'm not saying that it's a bad thing - just that it's rather confusing to
many of us out here.

So I'm volunteering to do something that I haven't seen yet - to keep a
list of the new archive web pages and post it regularly to the newsgroup.
Right now - since there seems to be new ones appearing every day, I'd try
to update it at least once a week ... later, when everything calms down,
I'd switch to once a month.

But I need your help. I want to make this list as easy for people to use
as possible, and I'm sure that although I've been saving all the address
recently posted I've missed some.

Please archivists ... email me the address of your web page (I'm looking
for ftp sites as well, if there's any out there) and to make the list
easier for people to use, please include:

1. A brief (couple sentance) description of the archive. I know there's
several specialized archives out there and I WANT those all on the list
too. So, if your archive specializes in anything, such as M&S romance, or
something like Stef's Themed fiction pages - please tell me! Also tell me
if you've included all of Gossamer's fiction (or if you plan to w/in the
next few months), etc. And if you have a cross-referenced by subject
archive (I think I've seen mentions of one or two) - something that's easy
for newbies to use - tell me that as well. I want to know what you think
is special about your archive, so I can include it in the description.

2. An estimate of how often your archive is updated. This is just for
people who are using the archives to catch stories their newsfeed misses.

3. An estimate of how quickly the system your archive is located on can
be accessed. Just if downloading will be faster or slower ... an example
is that Gossamer almost always ranged at the top of the download speed
because of how Vincent divided it up and how quickly Ohio State usually
responded, while Tinman's former archive always seemed to download rather
slowly. This is only if you have an estimate - if you don't, don't worry
- just trying to help those w/ slower modems.

4. Where the archive is located - a country is fine, although states (in
the US) or more specific geographic regions (elsewhere) would be
appreicated. This is to help people locate the closest - to speed
download times. (Especially since some lines, such as the US-Brit lines,
can be *so* slow at peak times of use)

5. Email addy of the archivist - for questions, etc.

I don't mean to be stepping on anyone's toes here - but I've noticed
several recent pleas for help out there and see this as a way I can help
the entire newsgroup since I have neither the knowledge or resources to
create an archive myself.

Please don't presume I know your archive - sent the info to me! And
please respond by EMAIL, not to the newsgroup - AOL's feed has been rather
patchy recently.

Also - I'm going to send this list to any fanfic email list that wants it
... but I don't think I know of all the lists out there. The lists I know
of and will be emailing their listowners to ask if they want a copy are
Gil's fanfic and fantalk, EMXC, Extreme Possiblities, Xangst Anonymous,
and Mysterious and Strange. If you know of any others - give me their
names and the email addy of the listowner, please.

If you all will please SEND me this info - I will try to have a first
draft of the list on atxc by Wednesday or Thursday evening ... to any
email lists that want it by Saturday.

Thank you for your time ....
Deirdre Warshall (, - both addies work,
although any posts or replies will be coming off of DreamWr until late

Aug 19, 1996, 7:00:00 AM8/19/96

I do not have the stories on my site, but I am trying to collect summaries and classify all the fan fiction. Now I am working on the stories on the Gossame Archive, but when a new archive is completely up and running, I will add the newer stories. There are over thirty volunteers working on the project as we speak and I would appreciate it if you would make people aware of the site, especially authors who need to write summaries and classify their stories for us.

The information is being entered into a spreadsheet and the web pages are generated automatically, so this is a one time effort. I plan to generate the alphabetical listings for at least one of the new archives, hopefully for all of them.

This means that if an author wants to make a change in how their story is listed, they can send a request to me and it will show up on my site and on the archives.

I am hoping that having this information available all in one place will help not only newbies and people looking for specific types of stories, but will encourage people to start more small, topic specific sites. Our catagories are necessarily broad because of the scope of the project, so there is plenty of room for other sites to cater to different interests. Since the information is in a spreadsheet, I could even help them generate the links to get their page started...

As more and more stories are classified, the site can only get bigger. To help folks who are charged for their online time, I will soon be offering the web pages in a zip file for download. The whole site could be browsed off-line.


The Gossamer Project
X-Files Fanfiction Summaries

The SUe

Aug 24, 1996, 7:00:00 AM8/24/96
to (DreamWr) wrote:

>Recently, there seems to be archives coming out of the woodwork <grin>.
>I'm not saying that it's a bad thing - just that it's rather confusing to
>many of us out here.
>So I'm volunteering to do something that I haven't seen yet - to keep a
>list of the new archive web pages and post it regularly to the newsgroup.
>Right now - since there seems to be new ones appearing every day, I'd try
>to update it at least once a week ... later, when everything calms down,
>I'd switch to once a month.


>Also - I'm going to send this list to any fanfic email list that wants it
>... but I don't think I know of all the lists out there. The lists I know
>of and will be emailing their listowners to ask if they want a copy are
>Gil's fanfic and fantalk, EMXC, Extreme Possiblities, Xangst Anonymous,
>and Mysterious and Strange. If you know of any others - give me their
>names and the email addy of the listowner, please.
>If you all will please SEND me this info - I will try to have a first
>draft of the list on atxc by Wednesday or Thursday evening ... to any
>email lists that want it by Saturday.
>Thank you for your time ....
>Deirdre Warshall (, - both addies work,
>although any posts or replies will be coming off of DreamWr until late

Deirdre and all:

Just for general knowledge, when things settle down a bit here, I
will be adding as many of the new archives as I know of to the FAQ,
and as I'm sure y'all are sick of hearing me say, anyone with any info
about their archives they'd like put on the FAQ, please email it to
me. But Deirdre, if you're putting this info together anyway, would
you mind cc:ing it to me? I don't know how much detail I'll go into
in the FAQ, but the more info I have, the better, natch.

It's also quite likely that there will be links to a good number of
the archives from my home page, but since I'm so far behind in email
(among other things), it could be a bit before I do an update of my
pages. At any rate, I also encourage any and all archivists to post
the info that Deirdre is requesting.



The SUe
See my home page for the a.t.x.c FAQ!
(Also available by email request; put
"a.t.x.c FAQ Request" in the subject header)

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