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SNL Parodies Rezko and Other Obama Scandals Ignored by Media

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29 de set. de 2008, 19:57:5729/09/2008

When the latest installment of Saturday Night Live parodied Friday's
presidential debate, the NBC comedy program gave attention to Barack
Obama's connections to convicted criminal Tony Rezko, corrupt Chicago
politics, and Obama's recent attempts at "playing the race card,"
which notably are all matters that the mainstream news media have
given little attention. While the show also took a number of shots at
John McCain, several times having him propose a bizarre gimmick like
challenging Obama to a pie-eating contest, the Illinois Senator also
received several noteworthy jabs. One line involved McCain's
character, played by Darrell Hammond, referring to Obama, played by
Fred Armisen, as making an earmark request titled "Tony Rezko Hush
Money." Obama's character also bragged that his tax cut plan would
benefit Chicago politicians and city employees "because my plan would
not tax income from bribes, kickbacks, shakedowns, embezzlement of
government funds, or extortion."

The Obama character later promised that he would "play the race
card" against dictators like North Korean President Kim Jong Il if
necessary to guilt-trip them into dismantling their nuclear programs,
as he would accuse Kim of refusing to cooperate with him because "I'm
not like the other guys on the $5 and $10 bills."

[This item, by the MRC;s Brad Wilmouth, was posted late Saturday
night on the MRC's blog, NewsBusters.org: newsbusters.org ]

The MRC's March 3 Media Reality Check documented the media's
scant interest in the trial of corrupt Chicago businessman Tony Rezko,
an Obama supporter whose wife assisted in a deal by which the Obama's
purchased a $1.6 million home: www.mediaresearch.org

And the joke about Obama "playing the race card," which is
primarily based on a line Obama used to employ regularly as a laugh
line during appearances until he was called out by Senator McCain for
the joke's suggestion that McCain's campaign was using racism. But the
line could also be considered apropos to Obama's recent effort to
"play the race card" as his campaign distorted statements by Rush
Limbaugh to accuse the conservative talk radio host of racism and to
try to link the comments to Senator McCain. The media's lack of
interest in this story was documented in the September 23 Worst of the
Week: www.mrc.org

Below is a transcript of relevant portions of the September 27
Saturday Night Live parody of the debate:

people need to understand, and what Senator Obama does not understand,
is that the real problem here is excessive government spending,
especially congressional earmarks and pork barrel projects....And how
about this? $8.2 million for something called "Tony Rezko Hush
earmark right after [UNCLEAR WHETHER ARMISEN SAYS "I" OR "he"] began
cooperating with prosecutors, and I think you know that.
MCCAIN: Senator, the fact is, to fund all the other programs,
your planning will require a massive tax increase.
OBAMA: John, once again, you're not being truthful about my
proposals. Under my tax plan, not only would every American making
less than $250,000 per year get a tax cut, so would most members of
the Chicago City Council, as well as city building inspectors. That's
because my plan would not tax income from bribes, kickbacks,
shakedowns, embezzlement of government funds, or extortion.


JIM LEHRER CHARACTER: Now, let's turn to the topic of nuclear
proliferation. Senator Obama, you have frequently been critical of
this administration's efforts to stop Iran and North Korea's nuclear
weapons programs.
OBAMA: I have.
LEHRER: What would you do differently.
OBAMA: First of all, Jim, I would use traditional diplomacy,
something this administration has consistently refused to do. Should
that fail, then and only then, would I try what I call "playing the
race card." [LAUGHTER]
LEHRER: And how would that work?
OBAMA: Take North Korea. I would ask Kim Jong Il to shut down his
country's nuclear weapons program. If he declined, I would say to him,
"All right, I get it. I know why you're really refusing to stop the
program." And he would say, "No, what are you talking about?" And I
would say, "It's because I don't look like all the other Presidents
you've dealt with." And then he would say, "Wait, that's not fair.
That has nothing to do with it." And I would add, "That's cool. I
understand. I'm different. I'm not like the other guys on the $5 and
$10 bills." It's a long, delicate process. But eventually, he'll have
to give in.

-- Brent Baker

Antonio E. Gonzalez

não lida,
2 de out. de 2008, 02:06:4902/10/2008
On Mon, 29 Sep 2008 16:57:57 -0700 (PDT), TMC...@gmail.com wrote:



Bozo Brentell's website? 'nuff said . . .


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