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[MiSTed] The Orion Incident (1/2)

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Feb 17, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/17/98

Hello all. This is my first MiSTing ever, so I hope ya like it! It takes place
during Season 6, with Mike in charge of the SOL and Dr. Forrester and Frank in
Deep 13. The commercials are from the Sci-Fi Channel, representing my hope that
old eps will eventually be aired there. I originally claimed this on the Dibs
List in November, but never asked the author permission. Well, I finally
realized it in February, but I guess he changed his address because I couldn’t
reach him. Neale, if you’re out there, don’t take this personal. And if you do,
at least take consolation in the fact that this story wasn’t bad. I had a hard
time coming up with riffs in several places.

This MiSTing is the property of Colin Daniels and may be copied however and
wherever you want, as long as you keep everything together and don’t change a
thing. Constructive criticism is welcomed.

(Opening and door sequence)


(Crow, Servo, and Gypsy are gathered around a large cake on the bridge of the

Servo: Quiet, quiet, here he comes.

(Mike arrives)

Bots: Happy birthday!
Mike: Oh, geez, guys you shouldn’t have. And look, you even got me a cake,
"Happy birthday….Mick".
Servo: Crow, you spelled Mike’s name wrong!
Mike: Hey, don’t worry about it. It’s the thought that counts. We’ll be right

(Commercials for psychics who can tell you what happened in your life when you
were 7.)

Servo: M-I-K-E, you stupid, idiotic…
Mike: Calm down, Servo.
Crow: Bite me, Servo.
Mike: Hey, Willy Tyler and Lester are calling.

[Deep 13]

Dr. Forrester: Ah, Nelstone, you didn’t think I was going to forget about your
birthday, did you?


Mike: Actually, I was kind of hoping you would.

[Deep 13]

Dr. Forrester: Well, I sent Frank out to get you a special present from the two
of us. Meanwhile, you can enjoy that nice cake that you have there, with a
fanfic on the side. Yes Mike, I’m sending you a little opus from the folks at
alt.startrek.creative, "The Orion Incident". Enjoy!


Servo: How could you be so dumb? 4 letters…M-I…

(Lights and buzzing)



<Star Trek

Servo: Geez, some present.
Mike: Yeah, thanks Dr. F.

<The Orion Incident
<by Neale Davidson

<From: (Neale Davidson)
<Newsgroups: rec.arts.startrek, alt.startrek.creative

Servo: (makes throwing up noises)


<Shot: Enterprise shot, preferably long slow of top side, saucer to stern.

Crow: Oh, that’s the preferable shot.
Servo: Can you guys give me long slow of top side? If you can’t, that’s fine.

<RILEY: Captain’s Log, Stardate 10012.4 ENTERPRISE on support mission to <the
Orion colonies, the group of traders with questionable habits.

Mike: All we know is that it involves large amounts of crack.

<We are <transporting equipment and
supplies to aid some of their ships from possible <Romulan assault.

<Shot: Bridge scene

Crow: Don’t tell me he’s going to keep telling us what shots he wants.

<HARRIS: You know, Captain, if the colonies are in that bad of need for support
<when they’re supposed to be neutral then you know that the Romulans are
<pushing on them.
<RILEY: Possibly, Doctor. When did you start taking up tactics?

Servo (Harris): Just something I started in the 60’s.

<HARRIS: It doesn’t take much, Captain, sir.

Crow (Riley): Pick a name for me!

<RILEY: Granted, but still, we don’t have actual evidence that any Romulans are
<in the area. We won’t jump to conclusions until we actually get there, is that
ok <with you?
<HARRIS: Yes, sir...
<SAAVIK: Captain, I’m getting something on distress channel B.

Mike: It’s Chevy Chase’s return to late night, run!

<RILEY: On screen.
<SAAVIK: I can’t sir, it’s an automated distress signal.

Servo (Saavik): And it’s icky.

<From USS PEGASUS, <AVENGER class heavy destroyer.
<RILEY: Navigation, set course for signal. Helm, standby shields and torpedoes.
<Number One, nature of distress call?

Crow: They appear to be ‘wusses’ sir.

<SAAVIK: Simple ‘Save our ship’ message, no further information is available
<from the signal.
<DAVIS: Possible confrontation...

Mike: Possible vomiting…

<RILEY: Raise shields, ahead warp eleven.
<DAVIS: Going from warp six to eleven, aye.

<Shot: Enterprise entering warp space.

<Shot: Bridge Scene
<SAAVIK: Sensors indicating one vessel, minimal power readings.
<RILEY: On screen, set up parking orbit.

Servo (Saavik): We can’t sir, someone took our space!

<Shot: Main viewer changes to reveal extremely damaged RELIANT similar vessel.
<Port side nacelle blown off, roll bar warped and torn. Many burn marks on
<RILEY: Oh my god...

Mike (Riley): Someone took the last donut!

<DAVIS: Whoever hit them gave them one hell of a fight.
<SAAVIK: Analysis of debris indicates plasma weapons. Romulan weaponry, sir.
<HARRIS: I’d say that this qualifies as ‘actual evidence’.

Crow: Yup, ‘actual’ evidence, no fake evidence at all.

<OPENER: Space, the final frontier... These are the voyages of the starship
<ENTERPRISE. It’s ongoing mission, to explore strange new worlds,

Servo: To build a brighter future for the youth of America!

<To seek out <new life, and new
civilizations, To bold go where none have gone before...

Mike: "Bold" go?
Crow: This is just starting?
All: NOOO!!


<Shot: Enterprise crew materializing on the PEGASUS. The bridge specifically,
<panels have exploded, walls are charred. There are seven bodies strewn about.
<SAAVIK: No life signs other than us on this vessel.

Mike: It’s not listing Riley as a sign of life either.

<NEHARAT:Always the pleasant one, eh, commander? The ship looked better from
<the outside.
<HARRIS (looking at plate on wall):

Crow (Harris): Man the Elvis collector’s plate, that’s gotta be worth

1855. To search and <defend. Anyone checking the log banks?

Servo: We’re gonna need lots of kindling!
Mike: Oh god, no puns on my birthday.

<SAAVIK: Already doing so, looks like the captain ordered them jettisoned. The
<memory banks are wiped clean.
<NEHARAT: Wiped clean?


<We should’ve picked up a log buoy
out there <somewhere. You didn’t find that on sensors though, did you?
<SAAVIK: Negative, lieutenant.

Servo (Saavik): Of course, I don’t know if the sensors were on…

<Fascinating. (Moves to
the captain’s chair.) The <log buoy was jettisoned, but it must have been
destroyed by the Romulan assault.
<HARRIS: Quick, clean, simple. The Romulans attack it, scrap the log buoy, and
no <one could tell which ones did it.

All (like crazed mob): Dirty Romulans, die!

<SAAVIK (Opening communicator): Saavik to ENTERPRISE. Saavik to <ENTERPRISE,
<JAMES: This is ENTERPRISE, Lieutenant James here.

Crow (James): Wasn’t sure if you wanted me to respond or not.

<SAAVIK: There isn’t much we can do for the PEGASUS, recommend beam out <and
<JAMES: ENTERPRISE confirms. Stand-by to beam out.

<Shot: Enterprise curving behind Pegasus.
<RILEY: Fleet Log, Stardate 10012.4. As captain of the Starship ENTERPRISE, I
<commit the fallen Starship PEGASUS to the space dust from which it was built,
<and her crew to the stars and their heavens.

<Shot: Enterprise fires torpedo spread, Pegasus detonates.

Mike (Pegasus): Wow, I feel incredibly detonated!

<Shot: Conference room, Riley is looking out through the window at the Pegasus
<explosion. Saavik enters with Neharat.
<RILEY (Sadly, almost broken):

Servo: Of course, if your Riley breaks, you can always trade him in for a new

<Report, Saavik.
<SAAVIK: The only evidence we have is the Romulan style weapons used against
<the Pegasus, sir. That could be enough to take precautions, we would be
<RILEY: Justified in aiding Orion?

Mike (Riley): But they don’t bathe!

<I don’t know if I
agree with that. We just <attained a truce, Saavik. And it clearly states that
third-party involvements would <reignite the war. That’s a hell of a risk.
<NEHARAT: But the Romulans have destroyed one of our ships near those
<colonies. Isn’t that the same thing?

Servo (Riley): Who ARE you?

<RILEY: For all we know, PEGASUS could have attacked the Romulans and got
<defeated. The Romulans would definitely take that stance and there’s no way to
<disprove it, not without the log buoy.
<SAAVIK: I’ve taken the liberty of informing Starfleet of the incident. We
don’t have their reply as yet. You’re acting on your own.

Crow: FINALLY, someone’s going to start acting.

<RILEY: As always. All right, set course to Orion, warp six. I’m going to my
<SAAVIK (Motioning Neharat to leave but talking to Riley): Captain, may I talk
<with you?
<RILEY (As Neharat leaves and the door shuts): What’s on your mind, <Commander?

Mike: Y’know, stuff.

<SAAVIK: You are, T’Salek. I know something is bothering you, you always come
<into here when you’re upset.
<RILEY: You know me too well, Saavik’m. It’s just when I was looking at the
<PEGASUS out there, it didn’t take much imagination to think that that could
have <been the ENTERPRISE. And that some captain was scattering my ship. I’m
just <of that one mistake, that one error.
<SAAVIK (Approaching her Captain slowly):

Servo: With a knife in her hand.

<What error? What do you mean?
<RILEY: The error which costs all of us our lives, Saavik’m. The one fatal

<Shot: Enterprise orbiting planet, preferably with planet at left and
Enterprise <coming in from the right from off screen.

Crow: Oh, another "preferable" shot.

<DAVIS: Now approaching Orion, captain.

<Shot: Bridge Scene
<RILEY: Standard orbit, if you please, Mister Davis.
<DAVIS: Aye sir, readying standard orbit.
<RILEY: Open hailing frequencies, Mister James.
<JAMES: Aye, sir. Hailing frequencies are open.
<RILEY: Orion, this is ENTERPRISE. We’ve set up a parking orbit above you.
<What is it that you’d like to discuss?
<ARGAN (Appearing on viewer):

Mike (Argan): Nanu.

<This is Argan,
coordinator of stellar actions of the <Orion Colonies.

Servo (Argan): I also make up .9% of Earth’s atomosphere!

<This is a matter of great difficulty, Captain. We
are in dire need of <protection.
<RILEY: From the Romulans? I thought your worlds have declared their neutrality
<in our conflict, why should they attack you?
<ARGAN: We have the richest worlds in this quadrant, Captain.

Crow (Argan): They seek our sizzling Euro dance moves.

<Certainly you can <appreciate how much of a
target that could make us.
<RILEY: I can appreciate it, but the Romulans are more generally concerned with
<strategy. The taking of your world would break that line of thinking. Orion is
<dozens of parsecs from The Zone, nevertheless their empire.
<ARGAN: You are unconvinced still? We have lost eight of our own ships, and we
<haven’t yet heard from your previous courier. I tell you that the Romulans are
out <here.

Servo: Boy, Romulans are everywhere these days.

<RILEY: Very well, we’ll arrange something as quickly as possible. Meanwhile,
the <Federation could only spare this ship to aid you.
<ARGAN: Only one ship? You’d be destroyed by them as well as us.
<RILEY: Take it or leave it, Argan, we don’t have to stay here.
<ARGAN: Very well, ENTERPRISE, we have no choice.
<RILEY: Good day, Argan. (Motions to turn the viewer off.) Opinions, gentlemen?

Mike: Way to finally show a spine, sir!

<SAAVIK: Your attitude toward them was highly nondiplomatic.

Crow: That’s not even a word!

<But the Orions <did seem extremely anxious to
get our help.
<HARRIS: The computer’s right, Rob, they did seem a bit eager. That’s not like
<RILEY: Well, conclusions, Saavik?

Mike (Saavik): I think you should be shot, sir.

<SAAVIK: Given all the data so far, I’d say that the Orions were overwhelmed
with <the Romulans, and are facing a very serious threat.

Servo: NO WAY!
Crow: Y’think?

<RILEY: Logically, I would agree. But something isn’t right here. Why would the
<Romulans want to break the cease-fire in the middle of truce-talks? I don’t
like it, <and I don’t know why...

Mike: Which question was he answering?

<HARRIS: Could be Klingons, they’ve got enough ships resembling the Romulan
<ones. Also, their empire is much closer than the Romulans as well.
<RILEY: I’m keeping that in mind. I don’t know yet.

Crow (Harris): What do you know sir?
Servo (Riley): I don’t know.

<Shot: computer library, a console is on.
<COMP: Subject, USS PEGASUS, NCC 1855, reference Stardate 10010.
<ALYA: Go.

Mike: Hey, a new character, I think.
Servo: Probably won’t be any better than the ones we have.

<COMP: Mission Status, courier route to Orion Colonies to investigate possible
<Romulan assaults there. Under orders not to fire on any vessel unless directly
fired <upon.
<ALYA: Computer, access ship’s logs, reference Stardate to current.

(Commercials for Xena products and genital herpes medicine.)

<COMP: Working, logs are unable to accessed from Stardate 10011.9. Other logs
<are accessible. Request security clearance of level four.
<ALYA: Initiate security scan, voice print.
<COMP: Accepted, do you wish to access logs?

Servo: Read, as Alya….accesses!

<ALYA: Yes, specific entries on Romulan vessels and combat.
<COMP: Working, last entry, Stardate 10011.89.
<ALYA (drawing a deep breath): Proceed.
<GARREN (Image on console is tape from log): Captain’s Log, Stardate 10011.89.
<We are about four days from Orion, so far we haven’t seen any signs of Romulan

Mike: Man, this story just doesn’t slow down, does it?

<R-SHIRT (Also on image): Sir, detecting magnetic disturbance, range of
seventy-<four a.u. It just appeared there.
<GARREN: What? Check again.
<R-SHIRT: It’s not there now, can’t be sure what it was.
<GARREN: Keep looking. (Suddenly distracted)

Mike (Garren): Hey, WWF Monday Night Raw’s on!

<R-SHIRT: Romulan Bird-of-Prey firin-
<COMP (image goes off): End of logs. No further log transmissions from USS

Servo: No further story transmissions wanted.


<Shot: Enterprise orbiting planet, typical left to right with planet on bottom.

Mike: Yeah, I’d say that’s a fairly typical shot.

<RILEY: Captain’s Log, supplemental. I’ve just received word about the last
<transmitted log of the PEGASUS. It apparently confirms the suspicions of
<Romulan attack.

Crow: Yes, we have an attack, ladies and gentlemen!

<However, I am uneasy to dismiss this as such.

<Shot: Bridge Scene
<SAAVIK: Captain, Romulan vessel entering quadrant, NOVA class battleship. Her
<weapons are coming to bear.
<RILEY: A conflict? Now of all times? Raise shields, Mister Thomas.
<THOMAS: Shields up.
<HARRIS: The ship’s gonna object if you keep treating the shields like a yo-yo.

Servo: And I’M gonna object to this story if this keeps up.

<RILEY: Please, doctor, not now. Mister James, open a channel to them, priority
<JAMES: Aye, sir. We also have an incoming message from Orion. Shall I punch it
<up for you?
<RILEY: Negative, I know what they want.

Crow (Riley): They wanna see my one man show!

<Helm, if
she fires then ready torpedoes. <Don’t arm weapons otherwise.
<HARRIS: Wouldn’t it be prudent to get something to shoot at them with? We
<know what they did to PEGASUS, and to several others.
<RILEY: Calm yourself doctor, they’re just being prudent themselves.
<JAMES: Getting message from Romulan, RISS AERONAUGHT, NOVA class <battleship,
requesting visual communications.
<RILEY: Do it.

Mike (James): "Ha ha, you guys are morons". Well I can- hey!

<REYAN (female Romulan, on viewscreen): Federation Battleship, surrender
<yourselves or be destroyed.
<RILEY: What grounds?

Mike: Extreme idiocy?
Servo: Whimpering cowardice?

<REYAN: Dishonourable destruction of Imperial property, namely our
Bird-of-<Prey TALANUS. It was destroyed by a Federation Cruiser.
<RILEY: Where did this incident take place? The last destroyed Roml’nz vessel
we <know of was the DARKWING orbiting Kernar. We don’t have a record of

Mike: Roml’nz?
Servo: Boy, it’s nice to see such an articulate captain.

<REYAN: Your lies don’t cover your dishonour, human.
<RILEY: I’m not human, I’m not lying, and I know much more of honour than <most
<REYAN: You...I see, Captain Robert Thomas Riley, is it? My apologies. You
<would not provoke an assault.
<HARRIS: How do they know you?
<RILEY: Doctor, I think I have a reputation.

Crow: I don’t think he should be proud of it either.

<Shot: Transporter room, Reyan and two guards beam into Enterprise.
<MAXIM: The Captain will be here shortly. He sends his regards.
<REYAN: I’m quite sure that he does, Lieutenant, yes, correct rank. You have an
<impressive ship, almost as impressive as my own.
<RILEY (Door opens as he enters): More so, I’ve seen your battleships from the
<Inside before. (Gestures the Romulan salute)

Servo: Hey, stop giving him the finger!
Crow: I’d like to give this story a Romulan salute…

<REYAN: You are the one, I was told about you. You should know that the Empire
<holds you in respect, even as a foe. It is a honour to meet you.
<RILEY: I’m flattered, Commander Reyan. Your reaction to me is surprising. I
<was unaware that I was so public.
<REYAN: Shall we get to the matter at hand? I believe that you have a
conference <room on your ship, will you escort me there?
<MAXIM: What do I do with these two? Keep them in here?
<RILEY: Assign Reyan a room and give these two rooms flanking her.

Servo: Again, Riley shows his genius by allowing his enemy on his ship.

<Shot: Corridor
<RILEY: That’s a matter of perspective, Commander.

Mike: Um, I think he skipped a couple lines…

<Racial bias isn’t strong on <this ship, but it does exist. This
Federation ship, what information do you have?
<REYAN (Smiling): Interrogation? Lack of charm on your part, Captain.

Crow: More charm than she’ll ever see from him though.

<RILEY (Taken aback): Commander, forgive me, something is dreadfully wrong
<here, and I’m not sure what. It could be individual ships taking their own
<measures, but I just don’t know.

<Shot: Conference Room, Doors open, Riley and Reyan walk in.
<SAAVIK: Greetings Commander. There is a seat for you at the end of the table.
<Captain, we have another message from Argan. He wants to know why we <haven’t
taken action.
<RILEY: Tell him that I’m

Crow (Riley): Going to the bathroom.

<stalling. (Sitting down) My
assessment of this situation <is confused by lack of information. Apparently a
Federation Cruiser has attacked a <Romulan Bird-of-Prey. This attack would take
place before the loss of the <PEGASUS, and without consent of the Federation.
It is possible that we have a <rogue ship attempting to reignite the war. We
simply can’t have this. Commander <Reyan, I ask that you show us the log buoy,
and copy it for our study.
<REYAN: Acceptable, Captain.

Servo (Reyan): Right after I drink your blood!

<Our log buoy is visual
only, something happened to <it, we don’t know exactly what, but the images are
quite clear.

(Commercials for the Dominion, National Geographic, and a Sci-Fi original

<SAAVIK: Readying screen. (The computer shows a log, showing a ship like the
<Enterprise-A attacking. The view is from the bridge of the Bird-of-Prey.)
<RILEY: Enough, computer. What about the name of the ship, did you get it,
<REYAN: No, the ship’s name wasn’t visible, and since the vocals are gone we
<lost the chance there.
<RILEY (After a long, angry pause):

Servo: Is it possible for a pause to be angry?

<I’ll be on the bridge. (Leaves)
<SAAVIK: The Captain gets extremely emotional at times, Commander. Please
<forgive him.
<REYAN (standing to leave): He is intriguing, Commander Saavik. What do you
<know about him, personally?

Crow (Saavik): Well, he has a WEIRD odor…

<SAAVIK: Enough to understand him, Commander.
<REYAN: Yes, members of the same race tend to do that. (Leaves and smiles at

<Shot: Bridge, main viewer shows Argan.
<ARGAN: You have a Romulan aboard your own vessel? How could you do such <an
outlandish thing?
<RILEY: Actually we technically have five Romulans aboard. They are capable of
<controlling themselves and I have my faith in them.

Servo (Riley): Even though one of them is charging me with a hatchet.

<ARGAN: You have faith in your enemy? You must be crazier than I have heard
<about you.

Crow (Riley, sobbing): That’s the nicest thing anyone’s ever said to me.

<RILEY: That’s a vague compliment. You have my word that no trouble will occur
<while they are aboard. Riley out. (Screen cuts off.)
<HARRIS: Well, Rob, what now? We’re no better off than we were before the
<Romulans popped on by, and now we’re ticking of the Orion Colonies.
<RILEY: The feeling is mutual. Mister James, punch up the Romulan log. Time I
<start acting like I know something.

Mike: Yeah, he better start acting sooner or later.
Crow: Well, at least Riley admits that he’s stupid.

<JAMES: Log on screen, sir. (Viewer shows the same log again.)
<RILEY (When a good view of the Federation ship is in tune): Freeze image,
<enhance, and magnify. (The ship view is expanded, damage and burn marks litter
<the hulls.)

Servo: Geez, it looks like Roseanne sat on it…
Mike: Be nice.

<The main name’s covered with burn marks, can’t get a good
look <there. Computer, focus on ship primary hull, specifically, port side
torpedo bay. <(Screen changes, and the torpedo bay is visible, as are the words
<HARRIS: FARRAGUT? Impossible, she was destroyed by the FIERY RAVEN, we <saw
it. It doesn’t make sense.
<RILEY: It may just make sense after all doctor.

Servo: Well, would you mind telling US how?

<We’ve got a jigsaw puzzle, but we <have the edges done. I want a meeting
with Reyan in a hour in my quarters.

Mike: Boy, finally a rest from the break-neck pace that is this fanfic!


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