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John Mechalas

May 6, 1993, 1:41:21 PM5/6/93
<Joel> Here we go again......

> MARK-OF-THE-BEA$T bar-code$/scanner$

<Joel> Hey, look, guys! He's replaced the letter "s" with a dollar
sign again!
<Tom> What is this? A running theme?
<Crow> It's more like "running old"

> ALL Christians are PROHIBITED by Revelation 14:9-11 from
> cooperating with

<Tom> dangerous subversives

> the "MARK-OF-THE-BEA$T" bar-code,

<Crow> They had bar codes in Biblical times?

> OCR-number, and magnetic-strip scanning systems,

<Joel> You know, I hear that magnetic strip scanners were very
popular in those days.

> (as found in
> local libraries,

<Crow> What about distant libraries?

> supermarkets,

<Joel> regular markets

> retail establishments,

<Tom> television studios and public swimming pools.

> etc.),
> which also THREATEN

<Crow> innocent civilians

> to SUBVERT Individual Privacy

<Tom> How can you have "group" privacy?

> and
> Freedom.

> The scanners can serve THE SAME CRIMINAL PURPOSE as the TV
> cameras in the book "1984"!

<Joel> You mean they can take pictures?
<Tom> What kind of film speed do you use with a UPC scanner?

> The UPC bar-codes are probably the most blatant form of

<Crow> black-and-white printing

> the
> "MARK OF THE BEA$T" so far, with the "NUMBER OF THE BEA$T",

<Tom> Hey, hey, hey! Satan enters the *technology* age!
<Crow> I think he owns the patents on them.

> Each of the so-called "guard
> patterns", pairs of thin lines spaced close together at the
> beginning, middle, and end of each full-length UPC bar-code,
> is IDENTICAL to one of the two codes for a 6.

<Joel> Oh, now, I think we're stretching things just a bit too much
with this one.
<Tom> Like this is a *new* thing?


<Crow> 'Cause I'll be back!
<Joel> "I'm looking for Sarah Connor"


<Tom> delusion

> Information is ENCOURAGED.

<Crow> But not recommended!

> Robert E. McElwaine


<Joel> What do you think, sirs?

John Mechalas \ If you think my opinions are Purdue's, then \ you vastly overestimate my importance.
Purdue University Computing Center \ Stamp out and abolish redundancy.
General Consulting \ If you can read this you are too close.

Mike White

May 7, 1993, 11:28:50 AM5/7/93
John Mechalas quotes:

> Each of the so-called "guard
> > patterns", pairs of thin lines spaced close together at the
> > beginning, middle, and end of each full-length UPC bar-code,
> > is IDENTICAL to one of the two codes for a 6.

Ummm... jocularity is fine, but just so nobody gets excited,
I'd like to rise to point out that the above is not true. The
interpreatation of the guard patterns as the nuber 6 results
from an incomplete understanding of the coding system; it's
just not so. Even if you believe the number 666 has some
cabilistic significance, there's just nothing to this story.

* These are my opinions only.*

John Mechalas

May 7, 1993, 12:22:35 PM5/7/93
In article <> (Mike White) writes:
>John Mechalas quotes:
>> Each of the so-called "guard
>> > patterns", pairs of thin lines spaced close together at the
>> > beginning, middle, and end of each full-length UPC bar-code,
>> > is IDENTICAL to one of the two codes for a 6.
>Ummm... jocularity is fine, but just so nobody gets excited,
>I'd like to rise to point out that the above is not true. The
>interpreatation of the guard patterns as the nuber 6 results
>from an incomplete understanding of the coding system; it's
>just not so. Even if you believe the number 666 has some
>cabilistic significance, there's just nothing to this story.

This is all fine and dandy, but the way you copied this article makes it
look like *I* originally wrote that...and I didn't. :) (As if anyone
would every confuse me with McElwaine, anyway... *grins*)

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