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MiSTing "Flight to Bespin (6/6)

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Jul 8, 1997, 3:00:00 AM7/8/97

> Leia smiled. This was right. Somehow, this felt right.
>Princess and the Smuggler.

TOM: Stanley and Iris.

CROW: Franky and Johnny.

MIKE: Thelma and Louise.

FORRESTER: More like Angels and Insects.

> She chuckled to herself.
>Sounded like
>some third rate holovid.

ALL: It is.

> She listened to his heart beating slow and strong, and a

>peace settled over her as she hovered between consciousness

TOM: As well as hell and damnation.

> Then a hollow sunk into the pit of her stomach.

> She was going to lose him.

CROW (Leia): That damn floozy in apartment 318 is hitting on my man!

> She knew he wasn't hers to begin with, but she had a
>feeling about what lay ahead.

MIKE: Interesting that she refers to the future with a present tense verb.

> She mentally shrugged. Maybe it was just the fact that he

>would be leaving as soon as they rendezvoused with the rest of the

>Rebel fleet.

FORRESTER: Well, maybe if you checked your rear-view mirror every once and
a while you'd see Boba Fett following you!

> She knew that. He'd told her that before, both on
>Hoth and tonight as they'd shared their lives with one another.
>And she
>doubted that he'd ever return to the Alliance once he left.
>But she
>knew all this. This is what she had come to expect from

TOM: Fear, pain and hopelessness. It's what all women should feel about
their men.

> Then why did she feel so sad?

(Everyone leans forward in anticipation of finding out.)


CROW: That's it?

MIKE: "Shine" had a more exciting ending than this.

TOM: Let's go.

(Everyone gets up to leave.)

FORRESTER: I don't know? I kind of liked it.

MIKE & BOTS: Shut up!



FORRESTER: Well, guys. For not turning me in to mother. I've decided not
to kill you.

MIKE & BOTS: Yeah!

FORRESTER: But for making me watch *that,* I'm going to leave you here.


TOM: Hey, Clay? You never did tell us who the emperor is, or the rebel

FORRESTER: Well, there's a reason for...

GYPSY: Excuse me, Dr. F. But you ride has returned.

<Outside SoL.>

(The Star Destroyer pulls up next to the SoL.)


MIKE: Message coming in through the hexfield viewscreen.

(The Hexfield opens up to reveal... Frank.)

FRANK: Oh, hi guys.

MIKE: Hey, it's Frank. How's it going?

FRANK: Oh, pretty good. Being the emperor is nice and all.

CROW: You're the emperor?

TOM: Talk about what comes around goes around.

FRANK: Yeah, I'm in charge of it all, now. Is Dr. F. there?

(Forrester approaches meekly.)

FORRESTER: Yes, master?

FRANK: Clay! Now, I'm very disappointed in you, Clay. You let the rebel
leader get away again. Now you get back on board this Star Destroyer and
find him, young man. And you can't play with your friends until you do.
And don't forget you have a piano recital to go to.

FORRESTER: (Lowers his head.) Yes, master.

<The Van.>

PEARL: Clayton! I knew it was you. Only someone like you would do
soemthing this stupid. What do you think you're doing in this part of
the galaxy, huh? And look at those clothes you're wearing. You look like
a freak. If you're father was alive he would...

BOBO: Law-giver! Another ship is approaching us!

<Outside SoL.>

(Out of the depths of space, another ship approaches. When it comes close
it reveals itself as... Another Satellite of Love.)


FRANK: What the...

(Frank's image disappears from the hexfield and is replaced by an image of

JOEL: Hey, Clay! What are you doing wasting your time talking to them
when there are *dangerous* rebels like me around? Did your ship break
down again? Oh look, I see your mommy tracked you down. Maybe it's your

FORRESTER: Joel, you rebel scum! You won't get away from me this time.
Sorry guys, gotta go.

(Forrester rushes down the tunnel to get on board the Star Destroyer.
Meanwhile, everyone else is trying to talk to Joel, except for Crow.)

CROW: Who is this guy?

TOM: Joel! You're the rebel leader?

JOEL: Yeah. Ever since my escape, and settling that lawsuit with Yahoo
Serious, I've dedicated my life to destroying Gizmonic institute. Listen,
I can't rescue you guys, but perhaps I can help you get away. I'd love to
stay and talk, but they're coming after me. Be strong and true. I love
you. Bye.

(His image disappears and the hexfield closes.)

<The Van.>

PEARL: Clayton! You get back here, young man. When I get my hands on you
I'll... Oh!

(The Van begings rocking, tossing them about.)


(Same thing is happening on the SoL.)

TOM: What's going on?

MIKE: I don't know. Cambot! Rocket Number Nine!

<Outside SoL.>

(Joel's SoL, being pursued by the Star Destroyer, flies right between the
Van and the SoL. The Star Destroyer follows, and its wake causes the Van
and the SoL to fly off in opposite directions.)


ALL: Oh myyyy!

MIKE: Quick, Gypsy! Stabilze! Stabilize!

GYPSY: Almost got it. There!

(The SoL stops rocking. Everybody collects themselves.)

MIKE: Everybody okay?

BOTS: Yeah.

CROW: Any sign of Pearl?

GYPSY: Negative. We lost her.

TOM: Oh good. Hey Mike? Can we stop at a Burger King? I'm starving.

MIKE: I'm way ahead of you. Just sit back and behave, or I'll turn

BOTS: Okay.

<The Van.>

PEARL: Any sign of them, Bobo?

BOBO: No, law-giver. But I did find something you might like.

PEARL (hopeful): What?

BOBO: Here you go. (He gives her the Tom Lehrer CD.)

PEARL: (She takes it.) Thank you, Bobo.

BOBO: You're welcome, law-giver.

(She then begins to beat him furiously with it.)


Mystery Science Theater 3000 and its related characters and situations are
trademarks of and (c) 1997 by Best Brains, Inc. All rights reserved. Use
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"Although she was grateful he saved her, it also annoyed the hell out of

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