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MSTing promo: Ratliff's "Cadet Cruise"

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Petrea Mitchell

Apr 21, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/21/96
[Deep 13. Dr. Forrester is glaring into the camera, surrounded by piles
of cardboard boxes, and clutching a thick printout.]

DR. F: So you think you've seen it all now that the experiment's been
cancelled, eh, fanboys? Well, take this! [waves printout] It's
been lying around here for years... sent two temps insane...
caused cancer in a whole colony of rats... but it's ready for
publication, finally, at last! [He lets out a howling evil laugh
and lightning flashes] It's "Cadet Cruise"... and it's coming up

/ <|> <|> <> <>
Petrea Mitchell <>
Minister of Badly Executed ASCII Art, Dogbert's New Ruling Class
"Now that you've exploded, any words for our listeners?" ---MST3K:The Movie
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