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John Carney

May 15, 1995, 3:00:00 AM5/15/95

MiSTed: HOT STOCKS ALERT ( Part 2 of 2)

> Battery One (OTC BB:BATT; Alberta: BTB) is expecting a buy
> recommendation from one of Canada's most prestigious brokerage
> firms. BATT is exhibiting at the RIBS conference, the Equities Spring
> conference, and then off to Europe.

TOM: Luckily, that little pink bunny keeps going, and going, and going ...

> Earnings due shortly. Don't say I
> didn't tell you first!

CROW: Me, and everyone else on the Internet.

> Park Meditech (NASDAQ:PMDTF; Montreal:PKM) has been getting
> steadily high volume and upticks as the medical community
> increasingly endorses the company's nuclear digital camera. More

TOM: All I wanted were snapshots of the kids at Disney World, and now
I have to take along a lead containment vessel.

> orders tell the story. Westergaard gave it his imprimatur so US
> investors should be calling their brokers to buy.

CROW: Again, with the imprimatur? What the heck is an imprimatur anyway?
MIKE: I think it's one of those Japanese luxury cars.

> Cascadia Technologies (VSE:CSO) is poised for a major breakout from
> their recent trading levels. (Special Report on this company due this
> week!)

> ************************************************************************


CROW: As compared to the rest of this newsletter, which has been cold
hard objective fact.

> Ignore current Tradewinds (VSE: TDN) diamond count -- those were
> the two holes where nothing was really expected at all. Samples from
> holes D7, D8 and D9 should show us what we've been waiting for.

TOM: You sank my battleship!

> Those are the ones with the exciting indicator mineral chemistry of
> the second phase. Buying on dips before mid-May, when they come
> out, should be profitable.

CROW: Guacamole up seven points, Lipton onion soup mix down three and
five-eighths in active trading.
TOM: Perfect for those mid-May cookouts.

> Aber Resources (NASDAQ: ABERF) to revitalize next leg of the
> Canadian NWT diamond play. Exciting news forthcoming should
> indirectly bail out Mountain Province (VSE:MPV) if MPV needs
> bailing out at all. Best leverage in NWT play still Gerle Gold & TDN.

MIKE: Gerles just wanna have fun.

> Venoro Gold (VSE:VNG.A) is putting the finishing touches on their
> Costa Rican deal, La Union & Bonanza mines,

CROW: My broker is Hop Sing, and Hop Sing says --

> which I wrote about in
> January and again recently. Looks like their Venezuelan partners
> have gotten behind them. Stock has jumped from C$0.30 to C$0.68
> since I alerted subscribers on April 16th. Big US money coming into
> the stock which should bid up shares to C$1.10.

> The excitement is on at MacDonald Mines (Alberta:MMP.A), as earlier
> predicted.

CROW: So *that*'s where McNuggets come from!
TOM: Too easy.

> The oxidized cap is 1.5 km long and up to 0.5 km wide will
> get a drilling program using large HQ core size. Expect super results
> by month end.

CROW: Give us a week, we'll take off the weight.

> Regeena Resources (VSE:RGA) has tripled the expectations of the
> Chilean orebody.

TOM: Ladies and gentlemen, the new Miss Chilean Orebody!
CROW: How can ore have expectations?

> Copper grades 2 percent across a possible 15 million
> tons.

> Get into Holmer Gold (Alberta: HGM) now before drill results come
> out.

> ************************************************************************

> --FYI

> * NEW! Daily recorded hotline updating closely followed stocks.
> New message daily. Call (813) 446-5612 for stock updates.

> * Special Reports for paid subscribers only. Annual Fax
> subscription: $195 (U.S. funds only). Surprise stock which may
> double in two weeks. Fax us your request.

TOM: That's nothing -- the capital of Ireland is always Dublin'.

> * HOT STOCKS, SPRING BLOCKBUSTER 1995, Part II is hot off the
> press. Write/call/fax us for a complimentary copy of the latest HOT
> STOCKS REVIEW. US toll-free: (800) 700-7811. Others, fax to: (813)
> 449-1421. Write to: HOT STOCKS, PO BOX 2401, Clearwater, Florida
> 34617.

> * Custom research available from Market-by-Fax: (800) 667-1617.
> Free Trial.

> * George Chelekis speaking at Equities Gold Show, The Plaza Hotel
> in NY City June 2nd. Call Lawrence Dameron at (212) 832-7800.

CROW: Be sure and order the double espresso with a couple of No-Doz
before you go in.

> * George Chelekis speaking at ISI San Francisco Money Show Aug.
> 19-21. Call Bull & Bear Financial Report: (800) 336-2855.

TOM: For ``Bear,'' press one now. For ``Bull,'' press two now.

> ************************************************************************

> Copyright 1995 by George Chelekis. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.The
> information presented in George Chelekis' Hot Stocks Review Fax
> Alert is not an offer to buy or sell securities referred to herein.
> This column is strictly for information purposes, possibly reliable
> but not guaranteed as to accuracy or completeness.

CROW: *Possibly* reliable? Isn't that a bit boastful?
TOM: Hey, when you got it, flaunt it.

> Investors are urged to
> obtain complete financial and other information directly from the
> company as George Chelekis is not liable for any investment decision
> made. While he is not an investment advisor, George Chelekis, from
> time to time, invests in North American securities, and provides
> information about selected companies which catch his eye.

CROW: Pardon me ... I couldn't help noticing your earnings growth.

> Hot Stocks
> Review Fax Alert is not subsidized by featured companies. Past
> performance does not guarantee future success. Stocks featured are
> speculative investments and extremely volatile.

> ************************************************************************
> ALERTS will be posted on relevant bulletin boards only after
> they are received by paid subscribers, who also receive special
> CONFIDENTIAL HOT STOCKS REPORTS posted publicly only on a significantly
> delayed basis and not accessible on our World Wide Web site by the
> general browser.

MIKE: I think the end of that sentence was significantly delayed.

> If you would like to know more about CONFIDENTIAL REPORTS--and
> other information regarding companies recommended and sometimes panned--
> by George Chelekis, you may access the entire HOT STOCKS REVIEW archive
> on the World Wide Web:

CROW: If your heart can stand the adrenaline rush.

> -- -- or send your email address to:
> -- -- for a "first look" complimentary trial email
> **************************************************************************

[ 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5 ... 6 ... 7 ... ]

[ S.O.L. -- Mike, Crow and Tom are all wearing ties. ]

MIKE: I'm Louis Rukeyser, and this is Wall $treet Week. Welcome Back. Our
panel tonight includes Mr. Crow T. Robot of the investment firm Stuffinger,
Sachs & Gold, and Mr. Tom Servo of Buchman, Bullington and Banker.
TOM: Good to be here, Louis.
CROW: Thank you for having us.
MIKE: We have a question here from Mr. N. Tinsley Boering of Toad Suck,
Arkansas. He writes: ``I have recently inherited $300,000 from my Great
Aunt Beatrice. Do you have any advice?''
CROW: Oh, definitely. I would put that money into Eskimo Pies.
MIKE: But ice cream is perishable -- you could lose your whole investment
if the freezer breaks down.
CROW: Who said anything about an investment? I'm talking about a snack.
MIKE: Three hundred thousand dollars' worth of Eskimo Pies? That's
TOM: Oh, I agree. Bomb Pops would be a *much* better investment.
MIKE: You know, I'm sort of glad now I don't have any money to invest.

[ The Deep 13 signal flashes. ]

[ Deep 13 -- Forrester is still on the phone. ]

DR. F: You see, it's just that I don't have any day care facilities for
Cody down here .... No, it's not that. I promise. I swear, I haven't been
talking to Mary Hart behind your back .... Well, if you insist .... but I
*will* have to ask you to audition .... Just look at your phone, put your
finger on the switchhook, and -- push the button, Kathie Lee!

[ End ]

MiSTing by John Carney ( )

Mystery Science Theater 3000 and its related characters and situations are
trademarks of and (c) 1995 by Best Brains, Inc. All rights reserved.

Hot Stocks Review Fax Alert is Copyright 1995 by George Chelekis.

Use of copyrighted and trademarked material is for entertainment purposes
only; no infringement on the original copyrights or trademarks is
intended or should be inferred.


John I. Carney | Mountain T.O.P. (Tennessee Outreach Project)
-----------------------------| Celebrating 20 Years of Ministry | 1975-1995

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