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MiST of "I need your phone # to help your debt problem" [AD][JOEL]

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Nick Naraht Frame

May 20, 2001, 5:13:49 PM5/20/01
This is My 1st MiSTing, please let me know what you think (even if
it's "don't try again") It's a short one of some SPAM, and had no host
segments...sorry =]


----- Original Message -----

Crow: Well, I don't know about original...

>From: <>

Joel: Read When Preparing Zebra?
Tom: Random Work Preaches Zoology..
Crow: Er...uh.. Romeo Wed nuts..

>To: <>

Tom: Dr. F's email addie is
Joel: I don't think so....

>Sent: Monday, April 09, 2001 9:40 PM

Crow: Riffed Saturday, May 18, 2001

>Subject: I need your phone # to help your debt problem. [1wyib]

Tom: Joel, do we HAVE a debt problem?
Joel: Tom, this is unsolicited SPAM, it doesn't have to be relevant

> How would you like to take all of your debt,

Crow: and turn it into a nice lolly-pop.
Tom: huh?

> or eliminate the interest, pay less per month,and

Joel: live in the fantasy world of JRR Tolkien!
Tom: Lord Of The Rings, comming soon to a theater near you!
Crow: Not us...
Tom: We'll see it if it stinks....
Crow: Joy...

> pay them off sooner?

Joel: Or later...we're cool

> We have helped over 20,000 people do just that.

Bots: What?
Joel: THAT
Bots: Oh

> If you are interested,

Crow: Nope, it's safe to say we're pretty much bored...

>we invite you request our free
> information by provide the following information.

Joel: Credit card Number, SSN, DL Number...
Tom: Hey! I'm suppossed to be the cynical one!

> Full Name:

Joel: Joel Robison
Crow: Crow T. Robot
Tom: Princess Angelina Contessa Louisa Francesca Banana Fana Bo Besca
The Third.
Crow: (Starts Snickering)
Tom: Hey! It was Funny! HEY!!!
Joel: Boys....
Crow: He means me...

> Address:

Joel: Sattellite of Love, Outer Space...
Tom: Hrmph. I'm not playing.

> City:

Joel: Tom honey, Crow was just kidding...
Crow: No I wasn't

> State:

Joel: Crow, do you want a time out......

> Zip Code:

Crow: Sorry Tom...

> Home Phone:

Tom: Hrmph
Joel: Tom..Crow said he was sorry...

> Work Phone:

Tom: oh all right, appology accepted

> Best Time to Call:

Crow: But barring that, when we're watching a crummy movie.
Joel: ooh, good one

> E-Mail Address:

Tom: wait a minute, how are we getting this if you don't already HAVE
our e-mail address??
Crow: Dr. F. sent it to us...
Tom: Oh yeah...

> Estimated Debt Size:

All: uhh....

> (All information is kept securely and never
> provided to any third party sources)

Joel: Unless they pay us a great deal of money.

> This request is totally risk free.
> No obligation or costs are incurred.

Crow: except we get your 1st born child.
Tom: and your soul.

> To unsubscribe please hit reply and send a message with
> remove in the subject.

Crow: we will then know that your email address IS valid, and sell it
to other people so they can spam you!


Joel: That's it, lets get out of here!
(Joel grabs Tom, and he and Crow exit.)


Thus concludes my 1st MiSTing. I figure, start small, and work you
way up. Questions, Comments, Want to MetaMiST? E-Mail This is Nick Frame, signing off!

Joel, Tom & Crow are Trademarks, related to Mystery Science Theater
3000, which is copywrighted to Best Brains Inc. Thanks You Guys!

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