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For the FAQ: Max's vocals for the Art Of Noise song "Paranoimia"

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11.03.1994, 01:39:1811.03.94

[Here are the monologues for Max Headroom's parts in the three
available versions of "Paranoimia" by the Art Of Noise. My
comments are attached in [brackets]. I have not attempted to
add in stuttering in appropriate places, or anything of that
nature; listen to the songs if you want to know how it's done.
These transcriptions are guaranteed word-for-word accurate,
except where a particular word is garbled or too soft for me
to be 100% sure, at which point I have placed such words in
{braces}. Enjoy....]

(also available on _Reworks of Art of Noise_ EP)

[this is the canonical version of this song. It features a simple,
but largely unprocessed, monologue by Max, whose commentary follows
the evolution of the song in several places. I have never seen
the video for it, which showed on MTV for a while, but would love
to get a copy, as I'll bet it adds immeasurably to the experience.
Personally I consider this version to be far superior, in music
as well as humor, to the one that was released on the _In Visible
Silence_ album (q.v.).]

[female voice]

Relax. You're quite safe here.

[song begins. Max speaks:]

Am I dreaming? No.
Where am I? In bed?
Well, what am I doing? *chuckle* Talking to myself.
Look, I must have a star on my door. Or better still, a door!
Oh, swinging doors, huh?
Okay, doors...SWING!

[chorus: female voices sing, "Paranoimia"]

Now I know I'm dreaming....
Hmmm....How do I get to sleep?
We'll count those bars on the, two, three, SLEEP!

How do I get to sleep?
Please,let me SLEEP....
Poetry. That'll work.
"Come, sweet slumber, enshroud me in thy purple cloak...."
Huh. Doesn't even rhyme.

[bell rings]

Does {that mean} my tea's made?
I can't stand tea.

*sigh* Happy Harry's {High} Club.
How {am} I gonna get to sleep....
Trust me.
Trust me.
Trust me.
Trust me.
Trust me.

(also available on _The Best of the Art of Noise_)

[There is much less actual dialogue on this song, as it mainly concentrates
on fancy digital effects with Matt Frewer's few lines. His words are sped
up, slowed down, run backwards and forwards, and looped, the effects often
obscuring precisely what he is saying (and ruining some good punchlines in
the process). The first line, in particular, is repeated over and over
again at various speeds and splicings, making up the entire first half of
the song. Unfortunately, this version of the song is by far the easiest
to find on CD, as _Reworks_ is either out of print or very rare or both.]

Is it me or is the band getting bigger? Okay.

On trumpet: Peter O'Toole! (Just having a rest between bars....)
On drums, the POPE!
On bassline: Martina Nat...Nat...uh...{she should} get married.
And on mike: the lovely-- Cher! (You okay, Mike?)

Thank you.
I'll take over now....
And let's have a little taste of that old computer-generated....SWAGGER.

One, one, one, one, one, two, three....

Trust me.....yes.
Trust me.....yes.
Trust me.....yes.
Trust me.....yes.
Trust me.....yes.

[song fades]


[song ends]

Will I still be perfect, tomorrow...?

(available on _Reworks of Art of Noise_)

[for completists, this counts as the third version of Max's comments
as part of the AON song, but in the live version, his additions are
limited to three lines, repeated a few times without any special
effects at various points in the song.]

Okay, let's hear it for the band!

Now I know I'm dreaming....

Thank you.

[And that's it!]

mike metlay * atomic city * box 81175 pgh pa 15217-0675 *
Please buy my CD. You would make me very happy, and wouldn't that be nice?

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