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Brainwashing room

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2007. febr. 8. 15:36:112007. 02. 08.
Anyone else agree that all of the others have been brainwashed, hence
their illogical & maniacal devotion to Ben and the group?

JK Sinrod

Az üzenetet töröltük.


2007. febr. 8. 15:54:262007. 02. 08.

looked more like mental torture than brainwashing.
their idea of a punishment?


2007. febr. 8. 15:54:472007. 02. 08.
It was room #23, wasn't it? One of the mystic numbers.

Bev Vincent

Adam Corolla

2007. febr. 8. 16:20:332007. 02. 08.

"Glassman@work" <jksinrod*SPAM*@aol.com> wrote in message

> Anyone else agree that all of the others have been brainwashed, hence
> their illogical & maniacal devotion to Ben and the group?

Maybe. It couldn't have been Ben alone who brainwashed them, though--if his
persuasive capabilities were that great, he'd have had all the crash victims
brainwashed too. Regardless of that, the others do have a *very* cultish
way about them.

By the way, didn't Ben or one of the others say that getting away from the
island(s) was impossible? I'm not sure. Of course, that could have just
been one of the many lies. The others are getting supplies from

Adam Corolla

2007. febr. 8. 16:21:362007. 02. 08.

"Marcious" <Mach@hushmail.,com> wrote in message

It looked a very lot like the brainwashing scene in A Clockwork Orange. If
you haven't seen that film, I highly recommend it.


2007. febr. 8. 16:27:302007. 02. 08.
> Anyone else agree that all of the others have been brainwashed, hence
> their illogical & maniacal devotion to Ben and the group?

.. are you talking about the re-education chamber where the kind and
benevolent others attempt to heal the psychological defects of their less
fortunate members? Damn those pesky Losties for removing Karl from his much-
needed psychological treatment.

I haven't seen them have an illogical or maniacal devotion to Ben. They seem
quite orderly and determined in what they do. Their plans are generally
successful as compared to the Losties who fail in most everything they
attempt to do.


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2007. febr. 8. 16:43:232007. 02. 08.
> Anyone else agree that all of the others have been brainwashed, hence
> their illogical & maniacal devotion to Ben and the group?

Nope. More likely, IMO, is that most of the Others are willing adherents to
the cult of whatever -- Dharma (or a rebellious offshoot), for example --
and the "reprogramming" was either part of an experiment or a way to control
subjects/break the spirit of dissidents.

Judging from Juliet's backstory, the draw of the island for at least some of
the Others was a wholly beneficial thing. In her case, it gave her a chance
to pursue unorthodox research (with, as far as we can tell, noble goals)
without the usual social constraints.

IOW, the Others are a bunch of like-minded idealists who think they're doing
good, but don't want to put up with the restrictions imposed by less
enthusiastic "nonbelievers". I doubt they've all been brainwashed; the
Welcome to the Jungle setup was probably just fired up to deal with Carl's


2007. febr. 8. 16:53:302007. 02. 08.
Glassman@work ha scritto:

> Anyone else agree that all of the others have been brainwashed, hence
> their illogical & maniacal devotion to Ben and the group?

I noticed that it was a "reference" to Clockwork Orange :D

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2007. febr. 9. 6:48:172007. 02. 09.
"Glassman@work" <jksinrod*SPAM*@aol.com> wrote in message
> Anyone else agree that all of the others have been brainwashed, hence
> their illogical & maniacal devotion to Ben and the group?

I don't think the devotion is to Ben necessarily though although they seem
to follow his orders. Did you notice that one of the subliminal messages on
Karl's video was "Jesus loves you and so does Jacob" or something to that
effect? It has already been mentioned that Jack wasn't on "Jacob's list".
Also, last season Ben made references to the leader of the others who was "a
great man, but not very forgiving" (paraphrased again).

My guess is we'll get to meet Jacob before (or perhaps during) the third
season finale.


Rico X. Partay

2007. febr. 10. 9:50:462007. 02. 10.
speculator wrote:
> Maybe initially they were, but cracks are starting to
> appear. Juliet clearly is torn in multiple directions.
> Sometimes she seems to carry out Ben's orders without
> question. Other times she shows everything from doubt to
> serious misgivings ("Ben is a liar").

And maybe everything she does is calculated to manipulate Jack and
everyone else, maybe at Ben's direction or someone else's.
That's what's frustrating about the show now -- it could be this and it
could be that and it could be some other thing, but there's no way to tell.
Puzzle-solving that doesn't even rise to level of mystery is much less
interesting than actual drama. Locke and Eko were dramatic characters that
gave you a reason to care about what happens to them, maybe Claire, too,
what with the baby. But these characters have been killed or ignored, with
the emphasis put instead on running around, gun play, and now Juliet's back
story. Here's hoping some more grownup drama gets sprinkled in from time to

> There is a whole lot about Juliet's relationship with Ben
> that has yet to be revealed,

Maybe. Or maybe we'll just careen off in some other direction for the
sake of more puzzles without clues.

> and that may be affecting her
> loyalty more than any brainwashing.

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