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Celebrity encounters (continued)

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Jul 28, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/28/96

I wrote this message several days ago in response to the "Close Encounters
of the Dave Kind" thread, but an error occured while posting, so here it
is again:

I haven't met many celebrities, but my brother, who graduated from NYU in
'95, was good friends with Jerry O'Connel (the guy starring in Joe's
Apartment and he's on that show Sliders). They were both on NYU's fencing
team. Once, Jerry actually called our house, wanting to talk to Ian (my
bro)!!! You can imagine my surprise. A few months later, I got to meet
him, when my parents and I came up to NY to see one of Ian's fencing
tournaments. Jerry sauntered into the gym, and my mom poked me and said,
"Heather, look who's here!" My brother introduced us, and the three of us
were talking and joking around. Jerry mentioned the phone call he made to
our house, and my brother was like, "What?!? What the hell are you doing
calling my sister?" :) It was funny. Now, my friend Shirily is totally
in love with this guy, and she's like, "Heather! Ask your brother for
Jerry's phone number or something! Anything!" Unfortunately, I don't
think Ian and Jerry are in touch anymore. Oh well.

Heather "I'm into...Vincent Price movies...and shiny things" Baldwin
MMLL #216


Jul 28, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/28/96

I know Jerry O'Connell best from "Ollie Hopnoodle's Haven of Bliss". I
just love that name. Dammit, that's what I wanted to call *my* movie!

Swimmin' the swim in the suds,
Tavie (long a, long e) who, <gasp>, had the pear dream again!
Tavie's Online Shrine to Dave Foley, brought to you by Larissa Mackenzie,
can be seen at
"Follow this ASS!" --The immortal Dave Foley, between KITH

Mr Tisane

Jul 28, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/28/96

In article <4tg70k$>,
(UltimateHB) writes:

>Once, Jerry actually called our house, wanting to talk to Ian (my
>bro)!!! You can imagine my surprise.

Wait a second. So you aren't the sister of The Baldwin Brothers,
sister-in-law to Kim Basinger and that blonde actress from "Homicide"?

Oh, *man*. I am crushed.


Jul 28, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/28/96

How about celebrity encounters that I never had but my stupid friends had?
When I was in the sixth grade my non-friend Amy and some bitches cut
school after lunch to go down to the tram and watch Billy Crystal film the
tram scene in City Slickers (he winked at them or something) and I was mad
because they didn't get detention or anything for coming back to school
half an hour late, grr. And my grandmother used to double-date with Zero
Mostel, but I betcha don't even know who he is, well too bad, because I
love The Producers. <g>


Jul 28, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/28/96

Heather that's very neat, unfortunately "My Secret Identity" scarred me
for life so I can't help thinking about Jerry O'Connell without picturing
him flying around his house.

As far as celebrity encounters (you mean besides meeting all the KITH?
Hee hee, shameless brag ;), besides meeting Tyler and Ed from BNL, my
mother and her little friends attacked Lou Diamond Phillips and my mom
wouldn't let me touch the autograph, she kept it in her purse. This was
La Bamba time so I guess he was a big deal but even then I was kept
telling her "Mom, come on it's Lou Diamond Phillips..he's not God.)
My mom went to school with Randy Bachman (he was good looking back then!)
and my Dad went to school with and is still friends with the two guys
from the Royal Canadian Air Farce. Rob Reiner and some other famous lady
(sorry I didn't recognize the name so I fogot it) asked my Dad to have
lunch with them a couple months ago when he was in New York.

As for celebrity non-encounter but cool things: Tom Hanks, Goldie Hawn,
Kurt Russel, Martin Short and someothers I think, all have cottages close
to mine. Some of my neighbours have talked to them but I personally have
never seen them when I have been at the cottage.


Donovan Bailey, Gold Medal Olympic Runner and World Record Holder Is From
My Home Town of Oakville and Went To My High School!!!!!
I've never met him but it's still a proud Canadian/Oakvillian moment.



Jul 29, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/29/96

I've got some pretty lame stories to tell--when I was littler, they filmed
the end scene, with the drag racers, from Back to the Future 3, in my
neighborhood so I got to watch that and see aunt used to work
for the Hoagn Family and Full House so I met Jason Bateman, Bob Saget,
Dave Coulier, Andrea Barber, Robert Zemeckis, and that guy Skippy from
Family Ties. My uncle worked for the Wonder years so I met Fred Savage,
Dan Lauria, the older brother what's his name....I go to LA often so I
have seen but not met Shelley Long, the guy from dream on and Laverne and
shirley and Clue, (I don't know his name,either Lenny or Squiggy), the dad
from the nanny, and Amy Irving. I think I saw Don Johnson at Home Depot
but this is unconfirmed..:-). As for I-know-someone-who-knows someone?
My uncle is *in the biz* now, so he's got a long list of people he's met
with. Does that count at all? It shouldn't. Oh, at a party, Matt
LeBlanc flirted with my aunt. :-)
Of course, my uncle has never had any contact with anything KITHy. My

trying her damndest to coast through life on charm,
fighting to be next in line for the position of Dave Foley's Non-Stalker
after Tavie retires.
"But until that time comes, I shall continue to look to the night sky,
I become drowsy and fall asleep."--Dave Foley, KitH
"Imagination is more important than knowledge."--Albert Einstein

MMLL #104
SBFB #0006


Jul 29, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/29/96

In article <4tg70k$>,
(UltimateHB) writes:

>I haven't met many celebrities, but my brother, who graduated from NYU in
>'95, was good friends with Jerry O'Connel (the guy starring in Joe's
>Apartment and he's on that show Sliders).

Hmm...that reminds me. I DO know another celebrity, sort of. Larry
Lalonde, the guitarist from Primus, went to my high school. He was in my
P.E. class, and my sister was good friends with him.
Apparently members of the band Green Day also went to my high school.
But they were probably freshmen when I was a senior, which ought to
explain why I never associated with them. I don't much care for their
music, anyway.

MIKE (Stinky-Pink)


Jul 29, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/29/96

>>As far as celebrity encounters (you mean besides meeting all the KITH?
Hee hee, shameless brag ;), besides meeting Tyler and Ed from BNL,<<

Ooh! Ooh! I met all *5* of them and briefly talked to Tyler about Brain
Candy!!! Ha! Ha!

:) sarah, squishin' toes in the mud;
--"Someday mother will die and I'll get the money. Mom leans down and says
'My sentiments exactly, you son of a bitch' I palindrome I" - They Might
Be Giants--
--"Jeez; it's the freekin' Village People!" - Kevin McDonald, KITH--



Jul 29, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/29/96

I agree-he's gotten pretty cute. I saw something that was years old,
prob'ly, but he was older--a boat movie about scuba divers, with that
blonde chick form Just The Ten Of Us and Nightmare on Elm.....4? The
athletic one who turned into a bug. But she was brunette there. Anyhow,
I love watching actors grow up and get cuter.

Diana Cecilia Chavez

Jul 29, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/29/96

My celebrity sightings: Judd from "Real World 3" at LAX, Pauly Shore in
Westwood, Peter DeLuise from "21 Jumpstreet" at Johnny Rockets in
Westwood, Dustin Hoffman (with all his kids) leaving the Avco cinema in
Westwood (after watching Jurassic Park), Tom Cruise rushing the very tall
Nicole Kidman out of one of the many Mann theatres in Westwood (after
watching "The Getaway") into their very nice Mercedes Benz parked right
across the street, Corey Feldman in another one of the Mann theatres in
Westwood, just hanging around the lobby before the movie ("Hard Target")
looking for attention (he was also wearing one of his very stupid hats),
and Steven Spielberg and George Lucas at my Graduation from USC. I think
there are more, but I can't remember.

KMAS #0019
Fight on, Trojans!!


Jul 29, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/29/96

Tavie wrote:
> How about celebrity encounters that I never had but my stupid friends had?
> When I was in the sixth grade my non-friend Amy and some bitches cut
> school after lunch to go down to the tram and watch Billy Crystal film City Slickers


Tavie!! Did I hear you use the B-word?!?!?!?!? Tsk, Tsk!! My image of you is now
shattered! How can regain the admiration I once had? (Sigh) My life will not be the

KMAS #0019
Fight on, Trojans!!



Jul 29, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/29/96

"and that guy Skippy from Family Ties"

YAAAAAGGGHHHH!!!! SKIPPY!!! I love Mark Price!!!!!

The One-Gal Skippy Fan Club,

Holly Ann Vincent

Jul 29, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/29/96

well, okay here's my 3 line post: Zero Mostel? aka fiddler?? too darn
sweet!! I have met the touring cast (Canadian) of Forever Plaid
(hysterical go see it!) 2 of whom performed at the New Yorker on yonge and
...I met GOPHER from the Love Boat!!! he was a representative in

ok i lied. 5 lines.

c'mon get happy


Jul 29, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/29/96

In article <4tjgds$>, (Tavie)

>"and that guy Skippy from Family Ties"
>YAAAAAGGGHHHH!!!! SKIPPY!!! I love Mark Price!!!!!

I recall he was a pretty good stand-up comic for a while. "I am Skippy
no more. I am now Skippy's evil twin...Jif!"

MIKE (Stinky-Pink)


Jul 30, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/30/96

In article <4tjgds$>, (Tavie)

>YAAAAAGGGHHHH!!!! SKIPPY!!! I love Mark Price!!!!!
Then you'll be pleased to learn that I went to high school with a guy who
looked EXACTLY like him, and even acted like him, too (though more
annoying). He now goes to Washington U in St. Louis.

Heather Baldwin
MMLL #216
Best KITH line from a non-Kid: "Yeah, Dad, listen, I've been thinking
about what I've done and...I'd really like my pot back."


Jul 30, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/30/96


Well, I wasn't going to admit this uh, in public, but I will. The only
famous person I've ever met face to face and talked to was Davy Jones from
the Monkees.

Back in 1988, he was doing a book-signing tour, and he came to a mall
about 45 minutes from the town I grew up in. So my friends and I went and
waited in line for hours and talked to him for like, one minute each. It
was pretty cool to my little 14 year old self--I shook his hand and told
him how much I liked the Monkees, and he looked me right in the eye and
said, "Well, thank you, love!" My little 14 year old knees nearly
buckled..... ahhh the memories...

Oh yeah--and I shook hands with Gilligan, The Professor, and Maryanne once
(all from Gilligan's Island, in case you weren't sure.) They were also at
a mall very near my house once.

Ok, the end!
:) Laura

_/` _/` _/` _/` _/` _/` _/` _/`
We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. _/` _/`
_/` _/` _/` _/` _/` _/` _/` _/`

~~ R.E.M. KITH OICM3H ~~
Part heaven, part space, or have I found my place?



Jul 30, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/30/96

>>Well, I wasn't going to admit this uh, in public, but I will. The only
famous person I've ever met face to face and talked to was Davy Jones from
the Monkees.<<

Well, i'll admit this in public too (g) I met Marc Summers, you know, from
Double Dare. :) Got his autograph too.


Jul 30, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/30/96

Mr Tisane wrote:

> Hey, did you ever stop to think that maybe Non-Friend Amy was a *dog handler*? Huh?
> Didja? Obviously the girl took the dogs for a walk to go watch Billy Crystal do his >
> thing, and Tavie was just giving you all of that info in one word!
> Wishing she could *afford* a bitch, for all her dogs are boys,
> Kipling

Oh, that explains it! Of could I have missed it? My bad.
Alright Tavie, you are back on my pedestal!!


Jul 30, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/30/96

>YAAAAAGGGHHHH!!!! SKIPPY!!! I love Mark Price!!!!!

Ya know hes a stand up comedian now I saw him on the A-List.

"I dont want to be known as the poo guy"

Jason Kocher


Jul 30, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/30/96

The only person I've met is: Dave Dederer from Presidents of the USA and
I've babysat for the daughter of the guy who wrote that book: Men are from
Mars Women are from Venus. wow exciting, eh? well not really Dana Carvey
(Waynes World) is my neighbor but I've never met him. a whole bunch of
celebrities live in the same town as me (never met any of them though)
Jerry Garcia did, Bonnie Raitt (my brother met her i think) Sammy Hagar,
Tom Cruise (i think), and Robin Williams. And my brother met Bill Maher
(Politically Incorrect) when he came to his college or something like
that) wow exciting, eh? not really ok then. i'll go now........
Martha "you love me, uh huh whatever" Foley (or Cromar, which is my real
last name, if you wish.) who's been saying Eeeeevil so much that her best
non kith fan friend has started saying it too! sm:)e
"and cows are almost cooing and turtle doves are mooing, which is why a
Pooh (winnie the pooh that is) is poohing in the sun"-from this Grateful
Dead poster my mom has.
"i'm the king of the mercy fuck"-Bruce McCulloch


Jul 30, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/30/96

ROTFL! Davy Jones (my favorite Monkee!!) *and* Marc Summers (I used to
watch Double Dare, daily.)

What a cool freakin thread.

Melissa H.

Jul 30, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/30/96

O.K., here they are no matter how obscure.
I met Bob Barker when I was like seven years old at Marineland.
I Jazzercized with Brian Sipe and Doug Dieken (former Cleveland Browns)
when I was in college.
I was on an airplane with Chris Connelly--anybody remember him?
And most recently, I went to pick my husband up at the airport and he had been
on the same flight with Thyme Lewis (Jonah of Days Of Our Lives) and I got
to meet him and get his autograph.

Thrills abound,
mel :+)


Jul 30, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/30/96

UltimateHB wrote:
> In article <4tjgds$>, (Tavie)
> writes:
> >YAAAAAGGGHHHH!!!! SKIPPY!!! I love Mark Price!!!!!
> >
> Then you'll be pleased to learn that I went to high school with a guy who
> looked EXACTLY like him, and even acted like him, too (though more
> annoying). He now goes to Washington U in St. Louis.
> Heather Baldwin
> MMLL #216
> Best KITH line from a non-Kid: "Yeah, Dad, listen, I've been thinking
> about what I've done and...I'd really like my pot back."

Oh gawd, he was probably the same guy who used to have sex with all the
female concellors outside my cabin when I went to camp. As you may have
guessed there was a guy who looked *exactly* like Skippy who shattered my
image of Family Ties by doing it with my councellors in front of my tiny
8 year old eyes.

-Tammy('s useless post #134 and still counting...)

Mr Tisane

Jul 30, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/30/96

In article <>, dcc <>

>Tavie wrote:
>> How about celebrity encounters that I never had but my stupid friends
>> When I was in the sixth grade my non-friend Amy and some bitches cut
>> school after lunch to go down to the tram and watch Billy Crystal film
>Tavie!! Did I hear you use the B-word?!?!?!?!? Tsk, Tsk!! My image of you
>shattered! How can regain the admiration I once had? (Sigh) My life will
>be the


Hey, did you ever stop to think that maybe Non-Friend Amy was a *dog
Huh? Didja? Obviously the girl took the dogs for a walk to go watch Billy
Crystal do his thing, and Tavie was just giving you all of that info in
one word!

She's a brilliant writer, they do things like that.

Shira leah

Jul 30, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/30/96

Kip writes:

>Hey, did you ever stop to think that maybe Non-Friend Amy was a *dog
>Huh? Didja? Obviously the girl took the dogs for a walk to go watch Billy
>Crystal do his thing, and Tavie was just giving you all of that info in
>one word!
>She's a brilliant writer, they do things like that.

ROTFL! Speaking of brilliant . . .

Always making worthwhile contributions to threads,


Jul 30, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/30/96

Diana--have I soiled the oh-so-pure image I've been keeping on this
newsgroup?? Crap.


Shira leah

Jul 30, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/30/96

Heather writes:

> He now goes to Washington U in St. Louis.


But on to the (semi)relevant point. One of my friends (one time, one
summer) was in NYC and she was at some club and she saw this model (whose
name I've forgotten). And Becky (that's my friend) was in the bathroom
and when she came out the model rolled her eyes at her because apparently
Becky had made her wait. Hee hee!

Jul 30, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/30/96

I don't know how exciting this is, but I went to high school with the singer
Jewel. It was only for a year, though. I was kind of disappointed when she
didn't have any yodeling songs on her cd. Maybe next time. :)



Jul 31, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/31/96

In article <4tjldo$>, (Jason) writes:

> Ya know hes a stand up comedian now I saw him on the A-List.

I actually don't know if he's STILL a stand-up comic. Remember, those
"A-list" episodes are five years old.

MIKE (Stinky-Pink)


Jul 31, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/31/96

Well my *sister* met...uh... no one actually. <g> But you know that dude
from New York Undercover? Michael DeLaSomething? Well she was late for
school once and she was walking by him because they were shooting near her
school and he beckoned to her, but she said "I can't I'm late!" and
hurried off.


Aug 5, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/5/96

I've met two of the original Charlie's Angels! Kate Jackson and Jacklyn
Smith! Woo-hoo! Did anyone else used to pretend they were them when they
were little?
I saw David Spade and Chris Farley, they were actually together.
And I saw the actress who plays Ross' ex-wife on Friends and David Schwimmer,
but not together.

Chicken Lady

"If misery loves company, misery has company enough."
---Henry David Thoreau, Journal, 1 September 1851


Aug 6, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/6/96

This is the one and only (small c) celebrity I have ever met:
The guy who created the family-fun restaurant "Chucky Cheese"! (does
anyone know what that is...?) Anyway.........when I was younger, I used
to think this guy was a GOD! (Welllllll, really I thought the giant mouse
named Chucky was a god!)

One time I found out David Letterman and Paul Schaffer <sp?> were staying
in small cottages on the beach just 2 hours away from me! (I even had
securtiy clearance to go back there!) But I had no car... sniff.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Supercalifragilisticexpialidociously yours, "Girl Drink Drunk" *burp*

KMAS # 0054 ** SSSM # 76 ** DRAG OOOO
Lover of Mark and Brucio, too!

"You're so sucky!" Dave as the ever-lovin' Riley
"Hey, man! What's up your craw?"--Scott... who will never get into a
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~



Aug 6, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/6/96

Oh, I thought of another, kinda embarrassing one. (Apparently all of my
celebrity encounters are embarrassing, eh Dave?) Last February when I was
in France, EuroDisney to be exact, we were leaving the park and we found
out Michael Jackson was staying at the Disneyland Hotel, so we joined the
screaming crowd outside singing Michael Jackson songs (only we sang
obscure ones...songs from The Wiz and that one from Free To Be, You and
Me...) (btw I love the Wiz so shut up I'm Tavie dammit) until we were
"gently escorted" out by Disney employees. (Cast members my ass.) But
then, we got to go into the Disneyland Hotel to meet my parents for dinner
(believe me it was hard to convince the security people that we had
business being there) and then, right outside the restaurant was this
balcony where Michael's room was and we saw him walking by with his
entourage. (sp?) He was wearing a weird black mask, and one of those
freaky red shirts. We got a picture, but you can't tell it's him 'cause
he's in silloutette.
The embarrassing part, of course, was us joining the screaming crowd.


Aug 7, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/7/96

In article <4u92ef$>, (Tavie)

>Last February when I was
>in France, EuroDisney to be exact, we were leaving the park and we found
>out Michael Jackson was staying at the Disneyland Hotel, so we joined the
>screaming crowd outside singing Michael Jackson songs (only we sang
>obscure ones...songs from The Wiz and that one from Free To Be, You and

Oh my GOD!!! I totally forgot about "Free To Be, You And Me"! We used
to listen to that in our second grade class! I don't remember the Michael
Jackson song. In fact, I only really remember the title song and the
annoying song about the boy who wanted the doll ("A DOOOoll! A DOOOoll!
William wants a DOOOoll!" Everybody, now!).

(btw I love the Wiz so shut up I'm Tavie dammit)

Well, somebody has to. ;-{)>

MIKE (Pinole, CA)


Aug 7, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/7/96

In article <4u8g1a$>, (Zolivine)

>This is the one and only (small c) celebrity I have ever met:
>The guy who created the family-fun restaurant "Chucky Cheese"!

He was a celebrity? I didn't even know. I remember in junior-high, the
new "Chuck E. Cheese" restaurant became a popular hangout place. Friday
nights, $6 bought you unlimited pizza and access to the vast video arcade.

MIKE (Stinky-Pink)

Mr Tisane

Aug 7, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/7/96

Celebrity encounters...hmmm....

I was in a play with Jobeth Williams once.

I punched Gilbert Gottfried on the arm , but very lightly, and I asked him
if I could before I did. He still *whined* about it, though.

One afternoon I had a staring contest with Robert Plant. Ok, I completely
spaced and didn't realize it was him. I think he was being polite and
allowing me to approach him for an autograph, but I was putting on my coat
and wondering why this odd looking guy was staring at me. (Cuz I'm

My favorite encounter was meeting Bruce McCulloch, though. I had *no* idea
what to say to him, and the first thing out of my mouth was, "Oh,'re TALL!"

Maybe this thread should be "Embarrassing moments in front of
Celebrities". Sheesh.

Shorter than Bruce, but taller than Janeane Garafalo...


Aug 7, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/7/96

Mr Tisane wrote:

> My favorite encounter was meeting Bruce McCulloch, though. I had *no* idea
> what to say to him, and the first thing out of my mouth was, "Oh,
>'re TALL!"
> Maybe this thread should be "Embarrassing moments in front of
> Celebrities". Sheesh.

Ouch! I'm cringing *for* you, Kip!

I haven't very many celebrity encounters. I met Paul Westerberg, which
is the highlight of my life so far. (I'm now envisioning a bunch of
people getting confused looks, saying, "who?") I also met all the guys
in Toad The Wet Sprocket. None of them were particularly embarrassing
though, thank God!


Judith C. Wang

Aug 8, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/8/96

Geez, I have absolutely no celebrity encounters under my belt! The closest
and of my friends of I have come to meeting a celebrity is when my friend
Mary got Craig's (you know, that guy who hands the Frugal Gourmet pots and
occasionally chops up stuff) autograph at a grand opening of a local
Stop n' Shop.
A small C celebrity, but a celebrity none the less!
Okay, maybe he;'s not a celebrity at all, but I still think it's funny! : D
Judy Wang fy...@cleveland.freenet.Edu
"You can change those remarks, or should I say taunts, from, 'Hey, do you
have a pulse?' to 'Wow, look at the naked guy!'" - Mark McKinney, KITH

Judith C. Wang

Aug 8, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/8/96

Whoops, I just realized how bad my typing was in that last message was,
please forgive that! In typing classes at school I always cheated and
looked at the keyboard instead of the monitor.


Aug 9, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/9/96

YES YES YES YES! I've been searching for a video copy of FTBYAM for like
ten years now, ever since we lost our tape--it's my biggest childhood type
memory. I of course have the audio tape. The Michael Jackson song, sung
with...Diana Ross? Or was it Roberta Flack?? is "When I Grow Up".

LOL. A doll, a doll, William wants a doll! What about Parents are People?


Aug 9, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/9/96


TAVIE!! Just what the hell is this? I'm horrid with abbreviations; as
everyone know.s.
sarah, never content with her sig;
"My coat contained a furnace where there used
to be a guy." - John Linnell (They Might Be Giants)
"Why would the bedbugs bite? Aren't they my friends?
-Bruce McCulloch, Kids In The Hall



Aug 9, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/9/96

Geez, Sarah, you coulda told me you also posted it to the newsgroup. <g>

*F*ree *t*o *B*e *Y*ou *A*nd *M*e.

There's a land bright and clear, and the time's coming near, when we'll
live in this land, you and me, hand in hand...

That one.


Aug 10, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/10/96

> Maybe this thread should be "Embarrassing moments in front of
> Celebrities". Sheesh.

Ya wanna hear about a somewhat embarrasing celebrity moment? A KITH
moment no less, my beloved friend Shannon (thank God she can't read this)
asked Bruce how to say his last name...and in true irony, if there was
any doubt as to how it was pronounced we then heard it pronouced about 3
times that day.

He was perfectly nice about it he said "McCulloch, and Bruce."

And then a few days later she asked Scott Thompson if he remembered her,
which of course he didn't.

Needless to say Alison and I were sinking in our little boots.

Oh well, Alison did tell Mark McKinney "my mother drove us to the GO
station to meet you." But at least that isn't putting him on the spot
like Shannon is oh, so good at.



Aug 11, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/11/96

Oh wow what a neat-o thread. Well *my* claim to fame is that I know 2
(count 'em) 2 cast memebers of (oh this is soooo amazing!) Ghostwriter!
Cool ain't it? As you can tell I'm being sarcastic. Actually I hate one of
them (ALOT) she went to my crap ass school this past year and she was the
biggest bitch I had ever met. The other one I met while I was at camp. She
was only on for about 3 or 4 episodes, as one of their evil enemies. She's
really nice though, she's not really one of my better friends though, I
just never got to know her. She a really good actress, she should have
replaced the other one I was just talking about because as alot of my
friends had said when I showed them my video from Theatre Arts 1 "She was
the WORST one!" I thought that was really funny.
I DIDN"T get to meet Steve Martin last year while passing him by on the
Vassar campus while he was there doing his play at the lovely Powerhouse
theatre I tried to like act casual or something- it's a neat-o story
though. I was walking from class to class with my
entertainmently-challenged "friend" Deb and I saw a guy w/ white hair pass
by and 2 girls sitting at a bench giggling. So I put 2 and 2 together (and
got 4) and said to Deb, that must be Steve Martin. Without a second
thought I went into the building walked upstairs and then woke up out of
my, "it's no big deal phase" and hit my head against the wall. It really
was him, as those giggly girls had said. He smiled at them as he walked
past. If I were them I would have said something to him don't you think?
Ya, I think. The year before that everyone that I knew (cept me) got Ethan
Hawkes autograph. I didn't really care to though anyway, but you know,
that could also mean I was just bitter from being the only one who never
even saw him.
Oh one of my friend's dad is Ron Howard but I never talked to him, I was
just to starstruck for that one and I also didn't want to act like a fool
in front of my friend, since it's obviously no big deal to her, you know
what I mean? Silly me. But I can't lie about it. It is rather disgusting
though ain't it? If I got to see her more often it would be a lot easier
for me but once a year and letters isn't such. (that makes no sense but I
don't care.)
Oh and lastly did anyone see Indian in a Cupboard or whatever the stupid
name of the movie is? Well I never did, but my good friend Chris is in it.
whoopidy doo. He played the bully who beat up the stupid little kid just
after he bought the indian. I think that's kinda cool.
Someone mentioned Lou Diamond Phillips before, I met him in the city when
he was going into the theatre for the King and I, he's really nice I
guess, only talked to him for like 5 minutes or less, we were all in a
hurry, he had to get ready for his play and we were going to see one
ourselves (I think it was Noise/Funk)
I also met Bob from Sesame Street. Woohoo. He always scared me though so I
didn't really give a crap.
OK, now I could get really obscure and tell y'all that my cousin's
godfather is Sly Stallone but I hate him anyway so what does it matter? Oh
and my friend has stepped on Glen Close's shoe in her local Blockbuster
video. (we're on the phone, she wanted me to add that...) Oh, and many of
the NBC4 news personalities live in her town, but she has yet to see Matt
Lauer to her own misfortune.
I've SEEN many a celeb on the streets of NY, none that I was really
interested in meeting though. I also got to (oo oo <s>) touch Meryl
Streeps [specially sprayed for posterity] lip prints on the Vassar wall of
lip prints backstage in Avery Hall where she gave a lecture the week
before I got up on stage and said my (wowy) SEVEN whole lines!
That's ENOUGH!
Well there's only a couple people here I'm actually impressed by, the rest
are friends (or enemies) I was just thinking how weird it is that we (or
me I dunno) are intimidated by people just because they're "famous" ....
Alright no time for analyzations. geez

I am a dot,

Shira leah

Aug 11, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/11/96

Erin writes:

>I was just thinking how weird it is that we (or
>me I dunno) are intimidated by people just because they're "famous" ....

I've thought that, too, and the more I thought about it, the less
impressed I grew with celebrity status. For example, meeting (oh, say)
Kevin Costner would *not* be a big deal for me because I think he's a
sucky actor (no offense meant to anyone who disagrees, of course);
however, meeting Terry Gilliam would be the highlight of my life, not
because he's famous, but because he's Terry Gilliam fergodsake! It would
probably kill me.


MMLL #100 (co-founder and primary tuba player in the oompah band)
SBFB #0003
My homepage is Please visit!
"I think that all right thinking people in this country are sick
and tired of being told that ordinary decent people are fed up
in this country with being sick and tired. I am certainly not . . .
but I am sick and tired of being told that I am."
--Dead Bishop on the Landing


Aug 11, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/11/96

LOL! Erin! One of the Ghostwriter kids used to go to my school! We used to
sit around and watch the show and laugh at him. <g>
Also when I went to see "Having our Say" Bill Cosby was hanging around in
the back of the theatre the whole time and I walked as close as I could
past him sevaral times just to see if he wouldn't get creeped out (he
didn't <g>).

You met BOB FROM SESAME STREET?? That's so cool, though actually I met
him to when I was like 8 my dad and I used to go to all these Young
People's Concerts at Lincoln Center and Bob was always MC at them. Though
of course my favorite Sesame Street human is GORDON! GORDON! GORDON! I
love Gordon!!!

Chicken Lady

Aug 12, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/12/96

I wouldn't know how to explain *why* people are intimidated by famous people
because I couldn't explain why I blushed when I met one of those Nelson
twins. I guess it's just because you realize that society makes a big
deal about this person and it's a learned behavior of sorts. But that still
doesn't explain my reaction to that Nelson Twin . . .hmmmm...

Chicken Lady

"If God were suddenly condemned to live the life which he has inflicted on
men, He would kill Himself." --Alexandre Dumas
"God is dead. . ." --Friedrich Nietzsche
In article
<4ulnmi$> (Shira leah)
writes:>From: (Shira leah)>Subject: Re: Celebrity encounters
(continued)>Date: 11 Aug 1996 18:43:30 -0400

Mel Wong

Aug 12, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/12/96

What? Ghostwriter? Dammit, I miss Rob. :)


ERigby1000 wrote:
> Oh wow what a neat-o thread. Well *my* claim to fame is that I know 2
> (count 'em) 2 cast memebers of (oh this is soooo amazing!) Ghostwriter!
> Cool ain't it? As you can tell I'm being sarcastic. Actually I hate one of
> them (ALOT) she went to my crap ass school this past year and she was the
> biggest bitch I had ever met. The other one I met while I was at camp. She
> was only on for about 3 or 4 episodes, as one of their evil enemies. She's
> really nice though, she's not really one of my better friends though, I
> just never got to know her. She a really good actress, she should have
> replaced the other one I was just talking about because as alot of my
> friends had said when I showed them my video from Theatre Arts 1 "She was
> the WORST one!" I thought that was really funny.

> I am a dot,
> ~ERIN~


Aug 12, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/12/96

Well, I wouldn't be intimidated by a celebrity that I didn't, y'know, like
or admire or anything. God am I ineloquent. What I mean is-- you know, I
was *so* intimidated by Dave because he is my *favorite* celebrity and I
just adore him. I would be only *slightly* less intimidated by the rest of
the Kids, and I wouldn't be intimidated at *all* if I met someone like,
say, a Baywatch dude or dudette. KnowhatImean?

Floundering as usual,

Bingo Woman

Aug 13, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/13/96

Shira leah ( wrote:

: I've thought that, too, and the more I thought about it, the less

: impressed I grew with celebrity status. For example, meeting (oh, say)
: Kevin Costner would *not* be a big deal for me because I think he's a
: sucky actor (no offense meant to anyone who disagrees, of course);
: however, meeting Terry Gilliam would be the highlight of my life, not
: because he's famous, but because he's Terry Gilliam fergodsake! It would
: probably kill me.

Yes, exactly! Just like if I saw Paul Abdul walking by me I would just
keep on going (yes, this actually happened), but if someone like Bill
Murray walked by I would probably implode on the spot (no, this has not

Boy, that would be messy,

"I feel like a cat in a microwave."--the Kids in the Hall
"You're right! It's stuck to your head!"--Four on the Floor
"Reality or illusion? Truth or fiction? Whole wheat or rye?
Who knows?"--SCTV


Aug 13, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/13/96

Yeah, this is a fun thing, let's keep this going:

If I saw, say, Tiffani-Amber Theissen on the street I'd run in the
opposite direction. But if I saw, like, Jeff Goldblum, I'd probably wet my
pants. <g>

Or if I saw, like, Tom Arnold on the street, I'd walk on by, but if I saw
Tim Curry I'd have a heart attack.
Stuff like that. Coo. <g>


Aug 14, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/14/96

She's BAAAAACK! Hi everyone! So cool that this was my first thread to read
upon resurfacing on aol (excuse: I've been *so* stressed out by my job, I
have not had the energy at night to 'net-surf! this is *true*! I'm gettin'
old, kids....)

Here's my celebrity encounter list. Keep in mind, growing up in NYC

Jack Gilford (Cracker Jacks TV ad man, circa 1970)
Marian McPartland (jazz musician, good friend of my mom's)
Lotte Lenya (my mom was in the B'way show 'Cabaret' throughout its run,
hence all these theater types!)
Joel Grey (used to play backstage at the theater with his daughter
Jennifer--who knew?!)
Grady Tate (the "I Got Six" singer from "Multiplication Rock"--that's
kinda MY "FTBYAM", Tavie!!)
George Shearing (jazz legend--Mom again)
The Hooters (rock band from Philadelphia)
Lauren-Marie Taylor (used to be on the soap "Loving"--I went to high
school with her. She also got slashed in "Friday the 13th, Part II" and
did an impressive job dying, I thought!)
Howard Nemerov (incredible poet)
3 of the Bay City Rollers (Eric, Woody and Alan, if you know who THEY are)
All of the Kids in the Hall (Boston, MA, December 1994!)

Minor, minor encounters include Brian Setzer, who dripped sweat on me as I
stood at his feet during a Stray Cats show, Henry Winkler (shorter than
Bruce!), and Elvis Costello (shared an elevator with him).

Pretty random celeb-meeting life I'VE led!! I agree with Taves,
though--Tim Curry would set me to utter palpitations. As did Mr. Foley,
whose handshake...ah, you've heard this from me before. But wowser, he's

Tiger Beat lives,

"If I knew what a craw was, I could tell you what was up it"
--Kevin avoids a fight

Cheesonics = Ness & Pete
We collect K-Tels (someone's gotta do it!)

Judith C. Wang

Aug 15, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/15/96

Tavie writes:
>You met BOB FROM SESAME STREET?? That's so cool, though actually I met
him to when I was like 8 my dad and I used to go to all these Young
People's Concerts at Lincoln Center and Bob was always MC at them. Though
of course my favorite Sesame Street human is GORDON! GORDON! GORDON! I
love Gordon!!!

I say:
Geez, I always loved David on Sesmae Street, but I heard that he went mentally
insane or something, poor guy! But Susan and Gordon are definately my
favourite couple on SS! :)
And the three Gordons were Matt Robinson, Hal Miller, and Roscoe Orman - I
love anal retentive facts like that!! : D
Judy Wang fy...@cleveland.Freenet.Edu
"Isn't it beautiful to see two people so much in love? Barenaked as two
virgins hand in hand and hand in hand in glove." - Barenaked Ladies, Gordon


Aug 15, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/15/96

OK, well, my list is pretty grotesque, and I'm not gonna go into it, but I
was in radio for awhile and worked at CBS in LA -- and the list is long
and complex. When I was six years old, though, I met Moe Howard, Larry
Fine, and Curly Jo DeRita. What a way to start out -- meeting the Three

The rest, you don't wanna know.



Aug 15, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/15/96

(just to get into the spirit of things....)

If I saw Charlie Sheen I'd stay on the other side of the street,
but if I saw Geraint Wyn Davies, I'd make a fool of myself and
hold on to his ankles until he called the police!

P.S. :) HaHA! I'm back-and slightly changed for the better. ! .
Hmmm..I think I'll quote Chaucer next time around.

Coming to you from Kelbo's Elbow....Me!
Sign Out: ABCs

'We're not doing this for money....we're doing it for a
shitload of money!'--Lone Star--Spaceballs
--The Bill Pullman

gord sweeney

Aug 17, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/17/96
to (Shira leah) wrote:

> however, meeting Terry Gilliam would be the highlight of my life, not
> because he's famous, but because he's Terry Gilliam fergodsake! It would
> probably kill me.

> starstruck,
> stephanie

Speaking of Mr. Gilliam.. anyone seen 12 Monkeys? WOW! So strange,
sooo cool. But all through the movie, I kept muttering things like
'if he says he'll let the monkeys loose.. he WILL let the monkeys loose.'
and ' these are vicious, mean-spirited monkeys! Like them damn monkeys
from "the Wizard From Oz" !!'

Sorry, know that was off-topic, but it had to be said ;)
Bridget (the Spooky One)

Back after a lenghthy illness!

gord sweeney

Aug 17, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/17/96

> Pretty random celeb-meeting life I'VE led!! I agree with Taves,
> though--Tim Curry would set me to utter palpitations.

I actually went through a stage where I'd THINK I saw Tim Curry
everywhere... and in the most unlikely places (At a Monty Python-fest
at the Legion with my Mom??)

Visions of sugarplums and Frank-n-Furters dancing in my head...
Bridget (the Spooky One)

Tenikia Pearson

Aug 18, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/18/96

I thought that Tim Curry was pretty hot in that Halloween cable show,
"The Worst Witch" filmed some odd years ago. Of course, when I saw it
first I was about 12 or 13. Then there's always watching him in "Clue".

Tenikia Rochelle


Aug 18, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/18/96

May I just say Erica was standing over me reading over my shoulder when I
read your post and now she's dead on the floor from a Tim-induced heart


Aug 19, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/19/96

Tim Curry is *wonderful*! I've always enjoyed watching actors who have
a background in the theatre. They just have a different sort of
_presence_ I guess you could say.....

Djin's Kids in the Hall Audio Page

"Isn't sanity really just a one-trick pony anyway? I mean, all you get
is one trick - rational thinking. But if you're good and crazy, ooh ooh
ooh! The sky's the limit!" - The Tick

Mr Tisane

Aug 19, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/19/96

In article <>, DJINIFER <>

>Tim Curry is *wonderful*! I've always enjoyed watching actors who have
>a background in the theatre. They just have a different sort of
>_presence_ I guess you could say.....

You know, it's funny, thinking of all the homophobe boys out there who get
squeamish over watching two male Kids kiss...when I was in art school in
NYC, lo these many years ago, we'd go and watch "rocky horror" in a group,
and all these supposedly straight boys would get squirmy over Tim Curry. I
heard from more than one boy that 'I'd turn gay for Tim'.

Imagine the power. It's like a comic book hero. "He leaps straight men in
a single bound.."

Sorry, I haven't had my morning tea yet.

gord sweeney

Aug 20, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/20/96

DJINIFER <> wrote:
> Tim Curry is *wonderful*! I've always enjoyed watching actors who have
> a background in the theatre. They just have a different sort of
> _presence_ I guess you could say.....

Now, as a rule do these actors (those w/theatre background) look FABULOUS
in black net stockings?? Or is it just Mr.Curry?
I love his imperious head-toss in Rocky Horror. And I covet his silver
platforms a-thumping on an elevator floor.

He's rockin!
Bridget (the Spooky One)

. Who uses the word 'rockin' flippantly. I promise.

Aug 21, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/21/96

In article <>, wrote:

*| I thought that Tim Curry was pretty hot in that Halloween cable show,
*| "The Worst Witch" filmed some odd years ago.

I think Tim Curry is pretty hot in everything, particularly as the devil
in Legend, even though he was pretty much obscured by paint and latex.



gord sweeney

Aug 23, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/23/96
to ( wrote:

> I think Tim Curry is pretty hot in everything, particularly as the devil
> in Legend, even though he was pretty much obscured by paint and latex.

Wonder how he could hold his head up with those 2-ton horns?? Those things
were huge!

Bridget (the Spooky One)


Aug 27, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/27/96

gord sweeney wrote:
> Now, as a rule do these actors (those w/theatre background) look FABULOUS
> in black net stockings?? Or is it just Mr.Curry?
> I love his imperious head-toss in Rocky Horror. And I covet his silver
> platforms a-thumping on an elevator floor.
> He's rockin!
> Bridget (the Spooky One)
> . Who uses the word 'rockin' flippantly. I promise.


Tim Curry is (of course) the hands-down winner in the Black Fishnet
Stocking category...! Whoooaaaaa mamma!! <G>

Djinifer---->who loves men in stockings...... <<VBG>>

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