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no leída,
17 mar 1999, 3:00:0017/3/99
a Sixt4TBird
lol lol And what makes you think you should be different from the rest
of us? I'm supposed to be working on my business for my agency after I
put in 8 hours at the resort I work full time at. But no, I sit here
and lurk, answer, type, shift in my chair because I suffer from the same
disease you get....."hineyitis" <I know the spelling is probably wrong,
but what the hey>, forget and laugh out loud 1 a.m. when everyone in the
apartment house is sleeping <probably waking them 'cause my laugh is
LOUD!> And my doctor is worried about my cholsterol count. I'm supposed
to be walking to bring it down, etc., etc., etc., You think you have
problems. hmmmmmmmmmm :)

Join the club.

You know you love every agonizing minute of it! :-))))

me too!!!!

Naomi, The Dunkie Junkie <me thinks we both need new chairs if we're
going to live in them.>

Sixt4TBird wrote:
> You people are injecting some highly (highlanderly?) addictive drug through the
> internet into my keyboard that is preventing me from attending to RL and
> keeping me stuck in this chair reading and writing until my eyes are sore and
> my fingertips are bleeding. Oh yeah, and my bum fell asleep without me.
> What's the point of this torture!?? What do you want from me?
> <turning off the computer now...>
> <after I just send this last post>
> <and respond to the one that came in when I sent that one>
> <I'll just read that one really fast, then turn off the computer...?
> <as soon as I respond and send this one>
> <oh wait, here's one more....>
> <oh, that one's from me....I should just amend that one point so that my
> meaning is clear>
> <then I'll just send this off and go to sleep>
> <hey, look - emmie's on line....I'll just send a quick IM to see how she's
> doing...>
> TBird
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Live so that when your children think of fairness, caring,
> and integrity, they think of you.

no leída,
17 mar 1999, 3:00:0017/3/99
a Sixt4TBird
I just emailed you a reply back and it was returned, Sixt4tbird. Don't
recognize your "aol.comedancing".

The Dunkie Junkie <it was a great reply too...if I do say so myself)

no leída,
17 mar 1999, 3:00:0017/3/99
Sounds like the pod we stowed under TBirds bed finally hatched.


Chieftain of the Clan MacMoose

Clan MacMoose Fun Page

"Could you, you know, do the moose thing?"

Curator of It's a Museum! -- Home of the Highlander VR Con 1998

Resident of Fitzcairn Manor
Keeper of Fitz's Song


no leída,
18 mar 1999, 3:00:0018/3/99
In article <>,
sixt4...@aol.comedancing (Sixt4TBird) writes:

>You people are injecting some highly (highlanderly?) addictive drug through
>the internet into my keyboard that is preventing me from attending to RL and
>keeping me stuck in this chair reading and writing until my eyes are sore and
>my fingertips are bleeding.

Well don't look at me...I've been going on and off line quite casually today
and managing to get quite a bit of laundry and other housework done. :>

Trilly-collector of subtext and smarm


no leída,
18 mar 1999, 3:00:0018/3/99
In article <>,
trill...@aol.comsnlybs (Trillseekr) writes:

>Well don't look at me...I've been going on and off line quite casually today
>and managing to get quite a bit of laundry and other housework done. :>
>Trilly-collector of subtext and smarm

Yeah - well I was thinking about you the whole afternoon. I know what subtext
is , but I was wondering about smarm.

Then I thought, "Get a grip, T, and look it up. That's why you have a
dictionary." But of course, I rationalised that thought away in a big hurry,
deciding that your usage of smarm must have a special meaning that my OED
couldn't possibly begin to explain.

So, Trilly, what is smarm, exactly. Please define and use it in a sentence.

<I really did think about you all afternoon.>
<how ya' doin' anyway???>


no leída,
18 mar 1999, 3:00:0018/3/99


<it's all your fault>


no leída,
18 mar 1999, 3:00:0018/3/99
TBird wrote;

>You people are injecting some highly (highlanderly?) addictive drug through
>internet into my keyboard that is preventing me from attending to RL

><hey, look - emmie's on line....I'll just send a quick IM to see how she's

There is no end to this... I have gotten very little done in RL since
discovering ATH. If I didn't answer your instant message, it's because I bought
this handy program that automatically answers those annoying prompts from AOL,
so now I can stay signed on line for hours on end without being in front of the
computer. (ha ha AOL!) Only bad thing is, this has worsened my addiction - no
more automatic sign offs.

Emmie<the house is a mess, dishes are in the sink, the kids are running wild>

Lily A

no leída,
18 mar 1999, 3:00:0018/3/99
This discussion made me think (oh, nooooo!):

Should we establish AA (or in its fullest name AATH)?

Well, I have to say that some ATHers do show troubling signs of addiction,
and we are not going to name names (especially since, as you well know, it
takes one to know one...).

If we built it, would they come? Would anybody come to the weekly meetings,
and how committed they would be to break the addiction... I guess the AA can
offer free beer at the Bar - but I am concerned that this promotion might
generate some other addiction... Not to mention that some riffraff would
come only for the free beer... (and we all know what happens when the clones
drink too much!)

Apart from that the ATH is just too much fun. A burnt dinner here and
there, red eyes that are the result of lack of sleep and long stares on the
screen, and the occasional electric short circuit that is the result of a
liquid snorted on a key board are not that dangerous. Becoming an ATHer by
itself can not be too harmful, so my conclusion to my own debate is that
there is no need for a support group for ATH junkies, and if there ever be
one, count me out!
LilyA <"Mrs... Williams, the ATH ate my homework!"> <"anyway, it's not as if
I can't stop! I can stop whenever I want to! I just don't want to! not
just yet> <Oh my! It's 12:48AM - I better stop and go to sleep!> <TBird, you
can't blame us for everything - parents were invented for that!>

Sixt4TBird wrote in message


no leída,
18 mar 1999, 3:00:0018/3/99
Yesss! Ladies and gentlemen, the minicon is on its way..........

It's called "Highlander Back of Beyond" , first because "Down Under" was
already taken, and second because if it happens to be as weird as I think it
will be, it will surely deserve its name.......nuff said, we'll wait untill it
really happens before making comments.

On the other hand Jette, Margaret Edgar and our Berliner, Helga have arrived
safely in Paris, and are in the process of running everywhere, getting all the
good food they can get, shop till they drop, and more.....

Tiday they went to the Eiffel tower, Jette cautiously peered over the edge,, she didn't tango, she said : "no thank you!"........Tomorrow they
are heading for the bateaux-mouche, maybe Helga will try and jump aboard....who

The con will gather a little bit more momentum with the week-end.....and more
people arriving from the US and the French working people getting a little bit
of freedom......and the highlight will be on Tuesday with our
guests.........but it's too early yet......when it's done we'll tell you all
about what there will be to say.....hell that's what happens when you organize
an unorganized con!!!!!! But that's the whole fun of it!

Maroussia MacMoose (Proud representative of the French branch of Clan MacMoose)
"live, grow stronger, fight another day"


no leída,
18 mar 1999, 3:00:0018/3/99

>I just emailed you a reply back and it was returned, Sixt4tbird. Don't
>recognize your "aol.comedancing".

That's 'cause she's doing that foil-the-spambots thing. All you have to do is
remove the excess text...but I'm not going to do all the work for you here.


no leída,
19 mar 1999, 3:00:0019/3/99

TBird, not to change the subject (again) but this reminded me of something I
hate yet continue to do.
Didja ever watch something you really like, such as HLTS, and you know you are
going to be late for work, or something really important , but you stay and
continue to watch it to the very end........EVEN THOUGH YOU HAVE IT ON TAPE AND
It's as if, the story, like the computer, just reaches out and holds you in
your place for as long as it wants.

I hate when that happens!


no leída,
20 mar 1999, 3:00:0020/3/99
In article <>,
(JunkyJim69) writes:

>TBird, not to change the subject (again) but this reminded me of something I
>hate yet continue to do.
>Didja ever watch something you really like, such as HLTS, and you know you
>going to be late for work, or something really important , but you stay and
>continue to watch it to the very end........EVEN THOUGH YOU HAVE IT ON TAPE

I have no idea what you are talking about? (yeah, right)

<why is hubby pissed at me now???>

no leída,
20 mar 1999, 3:00:0020/3/99
"Lily A" <> wrote:

>This discussion made me think (oh, nooooo!):

Watch out!

<snipped much>

> Becoming an ATHer by
>itself can not be too harmful, so my conclusion to my own debate is that
>there is no need for a support group for ATH junkies, and if there ever be
>one, count me out!

Well, count me in! Where else could we get so much support for our
addiction? Besides, who really wants to get over this?

University of New Mexico

"What appears to be coming at you is usually coming from you."
Jack Flanders

no leída,
20 mar 1999, 3:00:0020/3/99
a Sixt4TBird
Both you and JunkyJim are so right. This thing has had me by the throat
since 9:00 p.m. or earlier and it won't let me go. I'm sitting here
going between this newsgroup and the Rhyser Forum, dying of thirst, but
won't get up because I'm afraid I'll miss something. and if I don't get
to bed soon, my eyes are going to drop out of my head. But God, what
fun! Stop me! Don't stop me! Sneed this is serious. Get over

Naomi, The Dunkie Junkie

<why is my dog pissed at me now and has been for weeks since I found
this newsgroup?>

no leída,
20 mar 1999, 3:00:0020/3/99
a JunkyJim69
This also goes for the...I have to go to the potty, but would rather die
before I get up and go.

Sound familiar?

<squirming and holding knees tight, tight, tight>

JunkyJim69 wrote:

> TBird, not to change the subject (again) but this reminded me of something I
> hate yet continue to do.
> Didja ever watch something you really like, such as HLTS, and you know you are
> going to be late for work, or something really important , but you stay and
> continue to watch it to the very end........EVEN THOUGH YOU HAVE IT ON TAPE AND


no leída,
20 mar 1999, 3:00:0020/3/99
In article <>,
sixt4...@aol.comedancing (Sixt4TBird) writes:

>So, Trilly, what is smarm, exactly. Please define and use it in a sentence.

Smarm refers to those warm, fuzzy, feel-good moments in a show, like when
Duncan and Richie hug. This is the fandom definition, so you may not find the
dictionary in agreement.

><how ya' doin' anyway???>

Fine thanks. :)

no leída,
20 mar 1999, 3:00:0020/3/99
In article <>,

Slash, smarm, squicked...can list Fandom as my foreign language credit?

LadyReb <already had 2 years of Latin and Spanish, why do I need more?>

-----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==---------- Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own


no leída,
22 mar 1999, 3:00:0022/3/99

><why is my dog pissed at me now and has been for weeks since I found
>this newsgroup?>

Are his hind legs crossed???


no leída,
23 mar 1999, 3:00:0023/3/99
This isn't getting any better.... it's getting worse. It's almost 11am and I
am still in my pajamas. Doing what?? ATH. Oh, I did manage to feed and dress
my children, but I haven't made my coffee yet. Or my own breakfast. Or take a
shower. Grrr....


no leída,
24 mar 1999, 3:00:0024/3/99
In article <>,
sixt4...@aol.comedancing (Sixt4TBird) writes:

>It's almost 11am and I am still in my pajamas. Doing what??
> ATH. Oh, I did manage to feed and dress my children, but I
>haven't made my coffee yet. Or my own breakfast. Or take a
>shower. Grrr....

Well, too late for breakfast, get a shower and start thinking about dinner.
<G> Or tomorrow's breakfast! :D


no leída,
26 mar 1999, 3:00:0026/3/99

>This also goes for the...I have to go to the potty, but would rather die
>before I get up and go.
>Sound familiar?

been there done that,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,hmmmmmm Depends
trolls the other white meat
i'm not as sweet as i look


no leída,
26 mar 1999, 3:00:0026/3/99
Okay - we all know we don't want to be cured....but we do want to observe some
personal hygeine and maybe not die of anarexia or kidney damage while we are
playing in this here sandbox .... so... the suggested charter for ATHA...

- Shower and dress before checking NG

- Feed self before sitting at computer and bring snacks for later. More
importantly, make sure you have your coffee. (Tea, chai, whatever)

- Order computer desk chair with built in colostomy (LOL - like I could spell
that!) bag.

- Get divorced now while you still aren't too dependent on ATH. (Later you
won't even notice that spouse has moved out and burned all your HL tapes)

- Get a cot placed next to your desk so that you can try to get at least 4
hours of sleep a day, or so that it will soften the blow when you fall out of
your chair in exhaustion.

- Just give the kids away. It's not like you are going to notice them anymore
anyway. And they'll only try to lure you away from the computer with petty
requests like dinner and carpools to school.

- Buy a computer and keyboard cover to protect against spewage. (Ooops - did I
forget the spew alert?)

Any other bright ideas?

<All of the above to be accompanied by a BSG>


no leída,
26 mar 1999, 3:00:0026/3/99
Sixt4TBird wrote some suggestions for a charter:

> Okay - we all know we don't want to be cured....but we do want to observe some
> personal hygeine and maybe not die of anarexia or kidney damage while we are
> playing in this here sandbox .... so... the suggested charter for ATHA...

Good observation! I certainly don't want to be cured of my strong
feelings for Highlander or ATH <g>

*snipping some good suggestions*

> - Get divorced now while you still aren't too dependent on ATH. (Later you
> won't even notice that spouse has moved out and burned all your HL tapes)

I prefer getting the spouse involved in HL so they can share your
devotion, or ensuring they get involved with one of their own.

*more snippage*

> - Just give the kids away. It's not like you are going to notice them anymore
> anyway. And they'll only try to lure you away from the computer with petty
> requests like dinner and carpools to school.

Gee, isn't that what Aunts & Uncles are for? <eg> Come on, the moment
they were gone for too long you would miss them.



no leída,
26 mar 1999, 3:00:0026/3/99
In article <>, Cherna <>

>> - Just give the kids away. It's not like you are going to notice them
>> anyway. And they'll only try to lure you away from the computer with petty
>> requests like dinner and carpools to school.
>Gee, isn't that what Aunts & Uncles are for? <eg> Come on, the moment
>they were gone for too long you would miss them.

Oh, of course I would. Yesterday I wouldn't have. (It was a scream fest.)
But today they are all cute and cuddly again.

As for getting hubby involved in HL.... LOL. He is so jealous of ATH and HL
related anything (HATES PW) that he could never fully enjoy it. I'll just have
to dump him. <eg>


no leída,
27 mar 1999, 3:00:0027/3/99
> Okay - we all know we don't want to be cured...

This reminds me of a variation on an old joke: How many ATH regulars does it
take to change a light bulb???? Answer: Just one (because there can be but
one), but the light bulb has to want to change!!!.....who wants to change,
anyway? joele<<<<prefers HL episodes and discussions to light bulbs, anyway>>>

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