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OT: Where's Nancy?

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Mar 21, 2003, 9:24:21 AM3/21/03
Maybe Peggo and I are right and she is headed to the hospital to deliver little


Mar 21, 2003, 9:59:49 AM3/21/03

"VoxofaFox" <> wrote in message

> Maybe Peggo and I are right and she is headed to the hospital to deliver
> Ty?

I'm here. I slept past 9 today.......usually I'm up ealier. But, I'm here
and still pregnant!!

Nancy :-)


Mar 21, 2003, 8:36:24 PM3/21/03

"Nancy" <> wrote in message

Where are you now?

> Nancy :-)



Mar 21, 2003, 8:49:39 PM3/21/03
>From: "peggo"

>Where are you now?

if she's mia in the am i'll call the hospital!

Nancy Cecilio

Mar 22, 2003, 9:33:18 AM3/22/03

"peggo" <> wrote in message

LOL, okay I think you posted, peggo, around 8:30pm last night. See my post
in the "Still Here" thread regarding last night. I know I missed my evening
check-in last night! Had ya wondering huh?

Laura M. Young

Mar 22, 2003, 10:31:40 AM3/22/03
Nancy Cecilio wrote:

> LOL, okay I think you posted, peggo, around 8:30pm last night. See my post
> in the "Still Here" thread regarding last night. I know I missed my evening
> check-in last night! Had ya wondering huh?

Yeah, you did. Brenda sent me a note last night noting that we had not heard
from you in three and a half hours!

So, it appears from the time stamp that you were still home at 9:30 AM your
time? We want updates at least every couple of hours, and if you are going to
be AFK for a while, let us know! :-)

Please remove NOSPAM from my address to send email.

Nancy Cecilio

Mar 22, 2003, 11:49:35 AM3/22/03

"Laura M. Young" <> wrote in message

> So, it appears from the time stamp that you were still home at 9:30 AM
> time? We want updates at least every couple of hours, and if you are
going to
> be AFK for a while, let us know! :-)

Okay, I will try to check in every couple of hours or so! It's almost noon
right now, my time...and we plan on watching a few movies we rented. Ooh!
More to talk about! So, I'll check in later in the afternoon. I don't
think we're going to go out anywhere today, except maybe a walk outside,
it's so nice out. Anyhoo, talk to you later!

Mary McCool

Mar 22, 2003, 1:33:34 PM3/22/03
Nancy Cecilio wrote:

> Okay, I will try to check in every couple of hours or so! It's almost noon
> right now, my time...and we plan on watching a few movies we rented. Ooh!
> More to talk about! So, I'll check in later in the afternoon. I don't
> think we're going to go out anywhere today, except maybe a walk outside,
> it's so nice out. Anyhoo, talk to you later!
> Patiently,
> Nancy

Patience is the virtue I am short on which would have made me a bad
parent! I have to say that just now when I read this subject, I
suddenly pictured Nancy in a red and white striped shirt and stocking
cap. Now the image of a very pregnant woman in a red and white striped
shirt is a bit funny. Sorry, Nancy, I hope you aren't wearing that
color scheme today! ;-)



Mar 22, 2003, 1:50:11 PM3/22/03
Mary wrote:

<< Patience is the virtue I am short on which would have made me a bad

parent! >><BR><BR>

You and me both!

Vox, who thinks Nancy should check in at least every 4 hours

Laura M. Young

Mar 22, 2003, 2:12:46 PM3/22/03
VoxofaFox wrote:>

> Vox, who thinks Nancy should check in at least every 4 hours

I already asked for her to check in every couple of hours which she promised.
She also has promised to let us know if she will be away from her computer for a
while. she said something about going for a walk a while ago. Must be about
2:00PM where she is now, so that may be where she is.

Is the weather as gorgeous everywhere else as it is here in Phoenix? Hubby is
actually making noises about going out and pulling the weeds left by our earlier
rainstorms just as an excuse to be outdoors!

Nancy Cecilio

Mar 22, 2003, 2:14:27 PM3/22/03

"Mary McCool" <> wrote in message

> Patience is the virtue I am short on which would have made me a bad
> parent! I have to say that just now when I read this subject, I
> suddenly pictured Nancy in a red and white striped shirt and stocking
> cap. Now the image of a very pregnant woman in a red and white striped
> shirt is a bit funny. Sorry, Nancy, I hope you aren't wearing that
> color scheme today! ;-)
> Mary

Haha! Funny! Nope, wearing blue today...I don't think I even own anything
red and white striped!
still here at I don't get in trouble for not checking in!!!!


Mar 22, 2003, 2:25:11 PM3/22/03
Laura wrote:

<< Is the weather as gorgeous everywhere else as it is here in Phoenix? Hubby
actually making noises about going out and pulling the weeds left by our
rainstorms just as an excuse to be outdoors!


It is unbelievably gorgeous here. I am headed to a Yoga seminar. Bad back,
Vicodin and all. (Most of it wore off...sides I only took half of one.)

Then I am planting more herbs in pots:)

Nancy Cecilio

Mar 22, 2003, 4:13:32 PM3/22/03

"Laura M. Young" <> wrote in message

> VoxofaFox wrote:>
> >
> > Vox, who thinks Nancy should check in at least every 4 hours
> I already asked for her to check in every couple of hours which she
> She also has promised to let us know if she will be away from her computer
for a
> while. she said something about going for a walk a while ago. Must be
> 2:00PM where she is now, so that may be where she is.

This made me laugh! I feel like my every waking moment is being monitored!
Too funny! We went over to pick something up from Eric's folks' house. Got
to briefly visit with MIL. Now we're back and ready to start our
movies....about 4:15pm or so right now.

> Is the weather as gorgeous everywhere else as it is here in Phoenix?
Hubby is
> actually making noises about going out and pulling the weeds left by our
> rainstorms just as an excuse to be outdoors!

It is amazing here in NJ. Sunny, fresh air...close to 70 degrees. I love
it. It was nice to get out and have the sunroof open! I really would like
to drive down to the ocean, but it's a little too far from here....just in
case. (It's about an hour from here, but hour and half from the hospital.)
ya know, just want to play it safe!


Laura M. Young

Mar 22, 2003, 5:31:10 PM3/22/03
Nancy Cecilio wrote:

> It is amazing here in NJ. Sunny, fresh air...close to 70 degrees. I love
> it.

Well, I went out and took care of the weeds in the front yard while hubby went
grocery shopping. Now he's going to tackle the back yard while I start dinner
for today, tomorrow and Monday. I'll be damned if I am going to cook tomorrow
when I can't eat, and I doubt I'll be in the mood to cook when I get back from
the Dr. on Monday!

Unfortunately, my little gardening adventure wiped me out and now my back
hurts. I'll probably spend most of the rest of today on my recliner with the
heat and massage on. This getting old stuff is the pits!!

Jo Ann

Mar 22, 2003, 7:12:55 PM3/22/03
"Laura M. Young" <> wrote in message

First Vox and now you, Laura! Careful with the gardening thing, you two!

I hope both of you feel better soon, but I know through experience it can
take a few days and more than a few ibuprofen, stretching and some
chiropractic care to recover. As for prevention, go to the local Home Depot
and buy one of those black 2 pull support braces (with suspenders); costs
around $20, and wear it next time you are gardening.

Jo Ann
I did my gardening last weekend, next weekend painters are coming to paint
the exterior of my house, and then I get to plant like a fiend the next

Teapot Mom

Mar 22, 2003, 7:59:20 PM3/22/03

"Jo Ann" wrote:

> I did my gardening last weekend, next weekend painters are coming to paint
> the exterior of my house, and then I get to plant like a fiend the next
> weekend!

What color are you going for, JoAnn? And then what kind of flowers will you
be planting? I don't have too many to do this year bc I mostly have
perennials. I'm hoping to rearrange a few of them, but that'll be about it.



Mar 22, 2003, 8:40:55 PM3/22/03

"Teapot Mom" <> wrote in message

I'm kinda in the same place. I've been working on perennials for seven
years now. They're just where I want them, so I'm gonna dig up some more
lawn and spread em out.
It was 52 here today and cloudy. Not too nice.

> Teapot


Jo Ann

Mar 22, 2003, 8:39:24 PM3/22/03
"Teapot Mom" <> wrote in message

Dear Teapot,

Thank you for asking. I certainly enjoyed your virtual home tour you posted
last week.

We bought our house in 1994, and the front has a Cape Cod type front facade,
with stucco on the sides and back. It had been freshly painted at that time
with a yellow paint siding with oxford brown wood trim. The wooden fence
was painted yellow to match the house. Now 9 nears later, it needs painting
again - I like the brown trim, but I want the yellow gone. I'm found a
light beige/almond (the paint chip says "tequila" but it looks unlike any
tequila color found in a liquor bottle) to match the existing stucco paint
on the other 3 sides of the house. The other 15 houses on our cul-de-sac
have the same facades in almond/brown or blue and white, or the

When a co-worker's brother gave me his bid for the painting the fence, he
included the cost of the front of the house too and I almost did a happy
dance that it was definitely within my budget. I would have liked to have
made a family project of painting the fence, but my darling husband detests
painting (and has had disasters with plumbing - but he's so handy with
everything else and wonderful as well, why should I fuss about a little
paint or pipe?).

Anyway, we cut away some ivy growing on the fence, cut back some lantana and
cape honeysuckle, so the painters could paint. Once that's done, we're
going to put down a brick walkway on the left side of the house where a 15 x
60 foot deck had been laid on the ground by the prior owners. Because it
was rotting, we tore it out last Spring. With termites being a problem in
the warmth of S. California, we decided not to use wood again, hence the

After the brick goes in, then I get to plant. I want to break apart and
re-plant 2 birds of paradise that are bursting out of their present area, I
want to replace a Passion Flower vine that was destroyed when part of our
fence blew down in January during a wind storm. I would love to put in an
apricot tree, and then put in some gazanias. As a ground cover, gazanias do
well here, they are very drought tolerant, spread easily and flowers of
different colors which look like daisies and open and close with the
sunshine. I also want to put in some more sage and lavender plants, as
well as lambs ears. I enjoy just rubbing my hands up against a plant and
then enjoying the subtle fragrance.

I've also been saving my tulip bulbs and daffodils for planting, and hope to
get some iris for next year too. Mostly I want shrubs that are colorful
most of the year, that don't require a lot of TLC or clearing out on an
annual basis. My cousin has a Sunset Western Garden book to browse through
and the local nursery is always fun to visit.

My current honeysuckle and lantanas attract hummingbirds, and stay pretty
colorful, so I won't be changing those. For the bigger side yard on the
right, we have an arbor (pergola) with a wine barrel at each corner with a
trumpet vine planted in 3 of them, and my leftover Christmas pointsettias
planted in the 4th. Originally, we had 4 different kinds of grapes in each
barrel, but they died despite my love, so I replaced them last Spring.

Our property is about 1/4 acre, but most of it is on a slope at the back of
the property. It's hard to plant on a hill. Eventually, with enough $, I'm
hoping to put a deck directly out the back of the house, because our house
has about 4 feet clearance before the hill starts, so a deck would maximize
our property.

The house isn't that old; it was built in 1987. We got very lucky when we
bought it - it was a foreclosure and had not been maintained by the prior
owners. With some new sinks, leak repair and bathroom fixtures, it perked
up right away. We re-painted the interior a bright white and re-carpeted 2
years ago. Every year, we have a maintenaince project and every other year,
we have an improvement project, probably just like every other homeowner.

Thanks for reading about my house!

Jo Ann

Teapot Mom

Mar 22, 2003, 10:24:26 PM3/22/03

"Jo Ann" wrote:

> Thank you for asking. I certainly enjoyed your virtual home tour you
> last week.

Thanks, Jo Ann, and I enjoyed reading about your house and garden. They are
a lot of work, but well worth the effort. I love playing in the dirt!

> I'm found a light beige/almond (the paint chip says "tequila" but it
looks unlike any
> tequila color found in a liquor bottle) to match the existing stucco
> on the other 3 sides of the house. The other 15 houses on our cul-de-sac
> have the same facades in almond/brown or blue and white, or the
> yellow/brown.

Don't you wonder where they come up with these names? It does sound like a
good choice, though. I always try to find something different from the
neighbors. Around here there are so many houses with tan siding and very
plain. So I went with a very very dark cherry red with white trim and black
sills. We get so much dust from the incinerator, we needed something to hide
all that. This has worked pretty well, but I bet in another year, we're
going to have to do it again.

> When a co-worker's brother gave me his bid for the painting the fence, he
> included the cost of the front of the house too and I almost did a happy
> dance that it was definitely within my budget.

That's a blessing!

>I would have liked to have made a family project of painting the fence, but

my darling >husband detest painting (and has had disasters with plumbing -

but he's so handy with
> everything else and wonderful as well, why should I fuss about a little
> paint or pipe?).

My hubby is very good around the house and can fix just about anything, but
he hates painting. I like to do it, both inside and out, so this works out

>>I would love to put in an apricot tree, and then put in some gazanias. As
a ground cover, gazanias do
> well here, they are very drought tolerant, spread easily and flowers of
> different colors which look like daisies and open and close with the
> sunshine. I also want to put in some more sage and lavender plants, as
> well as lambs ears. I enjoy just rubbing my hands up against a plant and
> then enjoying the subtle fragrance.

The flowers sound great. I'd love to try sage, but I don't know if it'll
grow around here. I have three different lavenders, as Peggo and I have
talked about before. I have dutch, french and english, all very different,
but still that same great smell. I have tons of lambs ears, but it spreads
everywhere and I usually have to give some away. It is the softest and
prettiest color.

> I've also been saving my tulip bulbs and daffodils for planting, and hope
> get some iris for next year too. Mostly I want shrubs that are colorful
> most of the year, that don't require a lot of TLC or clearing out on an
> annual basis.

My friend gave me a bunch of daffodils last fall and they are popping out of
the ground now. I can't wait to see them That's a real sign of better things
to come.

> For the bigger side yard on the right, we have an arbor (pergola) with a
wine barrel at each >corner with a trumpet vine planted in 3 of them, and my
leftover Christmas pointsettias
> planted in the 4th. Originally, we had 4 different kinds of grapes in
> barrel, but they died despite my love, so I replaced them last Spring.

This sounds pretty, Jo Ann. We put in a couple of ponds in our side yard. I
love to sit and listen to the sound of running water and watching the fish.

> Our property is about 1/4 acre, but most of it is on a slope at the back
> the property. It's hard to plant on a hill. Eventually, with enough $,
> hoping to put a deck directly out the back of the house, because our house
> has about 4 feet clearance before the hill starts, so a deck would
> our property.

A deck there would be a good idea. Do you have much of a view?

> Every year, we have a maintenaince project and every other year,
> we have an improvement project, probably just like every other homeowner.

We've got a couple things to do outside, like replacing section of fence and
I want something new on the side of our house for more privacy when we sit
outside to eat. That'll be about all for this summer.

> Thanks for reading about my house!

Thanks for sharing it. You've got a lot of work ahead, but it's such a good
feeling to be starting.


Teapot Mom

Mar 22, 2003, 10:28:40 PM3/22/03

"peggo" wrote:

> I'm kinda in the same place. I've been working on perennials for seven
> years now. They're just where I want them, so I'm gonna dig up some more
> lawn and spread em out.
> It was 52 here today and cloudy. Not too nice.

It wasn't very nice here either. We had hail yesterday! I wore a fleece
outside, but didn't need a coat if I hurried to the car. I took Wannabe to
renew his driver's license, took college girl to get new shoes, got new
clippers for the dogs, colored my girl's hair and now going to get a shower
and go to bed early. Gonna try to take Wannabe and college girl to the
movies in the afternoon. I hope it gets nice soon, bc I'm itching to get
into the yard to work. It's just way too muddy here to start. We'll have to
swap gardening suggestions later, Peggo. Ok?


Jo Ann

Mar 22, 2003, 11:38:23 PM3/22/03

"Teapot Mom" <> wrote in message

> A deck there would be a good idea. Do you have much of a view?

Yes, we have a north facing view of the surrounding area. San Diego County
is nicely hilly, with many properties having decent views. We can't see the
ocean, but we can get a great sunrise; with a deck we'll get a good sunset

Jo Ann


Mar 23, 2003, 1:09:18 AM3/23/03
>From: "Jo Ann"

>the front has a Cape Cod type front facade,
>with stucco on the sides and back.

can you paint stucco? it doesn't run the 'seal?'

our new home is all stucco and i'm curious about its qualities.

Jo Ann

Mar 23, 2003, 12:42:23 PM3/23/03
"Dish1991" <dish...@aol.comNOSPAM> wrote in message

We're not painting the stucco on our house, just the wood trim & siding
facade on the front. As far as I know, when you want to change the color of
the stucco, you have a company come out, sand blast it to get the loose bits
off, then you re-stucco over it with new colored stucco.

We have had to patch a few areas around our house with "stucco patch", which
almost matches the original color.

Dish, congratulations on your new house; even if moving is stressful, it's
such a happy stress.

Jo Ann

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