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[META]Darwin Award Winners - Usenet Div.

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Atlas Bugged

Apr 23, 2006, 3:20:39 PM4/23/06
I just want to thank all of the netcops, low-IQ's, anger-twits, and Darwin
Award applicants, who managed to practically turn <>
(as well as some other groups, but mainly lower volume groups, like Skiffy
channel) into a 90% Serenity/Firefly header group this week by being idiots
about my weekly post/link.

You've really done a hell of a job of getting my "off-topic" link out of the
public eye, nice work.

Now let's try this one more time, just for the room-temperature IQ among
you, nice and slowly:







Killfile it or ignore it if you don't like it, but stop trying to rule over
the world. My link posting has become a bug zapper - insects trying to stop
my single link-post have ended by turning the whole group into my link post,
except multiplied by 20, 30, 40, 50 more posts.

Now, I don't want to see this happen again, and unless you have IQ's far
lower than even I imagine (about 72, FTR), neither do you. So we agree.
Just KF me, I've certainly KF'ed you, and leave others be to decide if they
want to look into a link about a particular sci-fi show. OK?
<> "One page, all you need to know, extensive links."

Apr 23, 2006, 3:44:50 PM4/23/06
Atlas Bugged <> did eloquently scribble:

> I just want to thank all of the netcops, low-IQ's, anger-twits, and Darwin
> Award applicants, who managed to practically turn <>
> (as well as some other groups, but mainly lower volume groups, like Skiffy
> channel) into a 90% Serenity/Firefly header group this week by being idiots
> about my weekly post/link.

No-one's fault but your own.
Stop doing it then.

> You've really done a hell of a job of getting my "off-topic" link out of the
> public eye, nice work.

Stop whining, act like an adult for a change and do what the occupants of
the newsgroups request. If you stop, there's nothing to complain about.
But noooo, oh nooooo, you know better than that. Usenet's got no rules at
all anywhere so you can do what you want.

> Now let's try this one more time, just for the room-temperature IQ among
> you, nice and slowly:
> Don't
> respond
> to
> the
> single
> post.

Let's see if your IQ exceeds the IQ you accuse those who don't want you
spamming their newsgroups of having...






> Killfile it or ignore it if you don't like it, but stop trying to rule over
> the world.

What gives you the right to tell everyone else what to do when you're the
one in the wrong?

| | "Are you pondering what I'm pondering Pinky?" |
|Andrew Halliwell BSc(hons)| |
| in | "I think so brain, but this time, you control |
| Computer Science | the Encounter suit, and I'll do the voice..." |


Apr 23, 2006, 4:14:13 PM4/23/06
In article <>,
<> wrote:

being to all you pathetic looosers. The superior being gets to say what
is right and or wrong, and who it applies to. Why don't YOU PEOPLE
understand that?

Don't you comprehend what it is like to be A USENET GOD!? This must be
what JC felt when he was cruicified.

I Have Spoken!


I know everything, and you are wrong! I AM a lawyer!
Yes, I am! Don't make me call my mommie!!


Apr 23, 2006, 4:18:49 PM4/23/06



"You can keep a dog; but it is the cat who keeps people, because cats
find humans useful domestic animals."--George Mikes


Apr 23, 2006, 4:21:45 PM4/23/06

Oh, shut the fuck up. You aren't amusing.


Apr 23, 2006, 6:37:22 PM4/23/06
<> wrote in message

> Atlas Bugged <> did eloquently scribble:
> >
> >
> > I just want to thank all of the netcops,... blah blah blah

Borrowing Spike's post here to offer the clueless attention whore, aka Atlas
F***** Up, another netiquette lesson:

When people killfile you, they are telling you that they don't want to
suffer you. It is not an invitation to email them privately with your

End of lesson.

Join the Stargate SG-1 SETI@home Team

"Ceremonies have killed religions for they provide the masked comforts to

Atlas Whore

Apr 23, 2006, 9:07:57 PM4/23/06
"Atlas Bugged" <> wrote in

Poor little Atlas Bugfucker. You are nothing, nothing but a hopeless retard
with delusions of grandeur. Posting to a public board is one thing, but if
you ever send me a 5th email with your pathetic whining, I will contact
your internet provider with each email you have sent me (current total of
4). Are we understood Chucky Poo? Oh, gawab's abuse crew thinks you are a
complete dumbass. Yes everyone, he actually sent a copy of this to an abuse

I believe someone was correct in calling him a psychopath, if he isn't
that, he is definitely a paranoid schizophrenic.

David Chapman

Apr 24, 2006, 5:24:36 AM4/24/06
From the Collected Witterings of AssBug, volume 23:

> Don't you comprehend what it is like to be A USENET GOD!? This must be
> what JC felt when he was cruicified.

Actually, I think he was feeling more "Ow, Me, lay off with the fucking
nails already!"

If life gives you lemmings, jump off a cliff.


Apr 24, 2006, 9:34:48 AM4/24/06

AssBug wrote:

> being to all you pathetic looosers. The superior being gets to say what
> is right and or wrong, and who it applies to. Why don't YOU PEOPLE
> understand that?
> Don't you comprehend what it is like to be A USENET GOD!? This must be
> what JC felt when he was cruicified.

Pot. Kettle.


Apr 24, 2006, 5:43:19 PM4/24/06
"Eva" <> wrote in message

> Borrowing Spike's post here to offer the clueless attention whore, aka
> Atlas
> F***** Up, another netiquette lesson:
> When people killfile you, they are telling you that they don't want to
> suffer you. It is not an invitation to email them privately with your
> drivel.
> End of lesson.

Yeah, well then here's a suggestion for you, Einstein....try not posting
your spew about me. If you'd like to not hear from me, I'd be delighted.
But the prerequisite is to shut your pie-hole regarding me. Here's your
most recent post, inaccurate, devoid mostly of content, critical, nasty, and
often wrong:

Apr 24, 2006, 6:21:40 PM4/24/06
Atlasbugged <> did eloquently scribble:

> Yeah, well then here's a suggestion for you, Einstein....try not posting
> your spew about me. If you'd like to not hear from me, I'd be delighted.
> But the prerequisite is to shut your pie-hole regarding me. Here's your
> most recent post, inaccurate, devoid mostly of content, critical, nasty, and
> often wrong:

D'uuuuh... She can't SEE you...
And as for "often wrong"... where?
Which part was wrong? seems quite accurate from where I'm sitting.
And "nasty" and "critical"?
Only as much as deserved.
| | |
|Andrew Halliwell BSc(hons)| "ARSE! GERLS!! DRINK! DRINK! DRINK!!!" |
| Computer Science | - Father Jack in "Father Ted" |

Atlas Bugged

Apr 25, 2006, 5:13:29 AM4/25/06
> Atlasbugged <> did eloquently scribble:
>> Yeah, well then here's a suggestion for you, Einstein....try not posting
>> your spew about me. If you'd like to not hear from me, I'd be delighted.
>> But the prerequisite is to shut your pie-hole regarding me. Here's your
>> most recent post, inaccurate, devoid mostly of content, critical, nasty,
>> and
>> often wrong:

<> wrote in message

> D'uuuuh... She can't SEE you...

If true, then why attack me? We were getting along fine ignoring each
other, but then couldn't resist the urge to get out her poison pen. I
killfiled her nasty ass months ago and never addressed her. Moreover, I
condemned her abuser, Flipper Fuckhead.

> And as for "often wrong"... where?

No, there's no debate, not with her, not with you. You disagree, fine, why
don't you try contributing to the groups instead continuing crap
baby-threads that she re-initiated?

> Which part was wrong? seems quite accurate from where I'm sitting.
> And "nasty" and "critical"?
> Only as much as deserved.

Yeah, you agree with her, got it. Who cares? STFU, as I did after my
initial disagreement and killfiling of her. Why does Usenet have to be a
bunch of little men like you instead of people just adding to the various
topics of interest?

I'm trying to put a stop to that. Folks that dislike me - ignore me or
killfile me, but just *shut up* and try discussing and adding to the group
topics. Only nymshifters and actual attackers (like love2play) require any
action or response at all, and that's because they purposely assault
everyone else and leave us no choice.

Apr 25, 2006, 12:48:10 PM4/25/06

Hmm. Let's take it line by line and see if AB has a point. Here's what
Eva wrote in the linked message:

> Bugged has been asked/told time and time again not to crosspost his FAQ to
> irrelevant newsgroups.

This is a fact; it's easy to verify with Google Groups that AB has been
asked many times not to crosspost. So we can't call this "inaccurate".
"Devoid of content"? Obviously untrue, since, well, there is content;
Eva did make a point. (Unless AB has a different idea of "content", in
which case we'll have to wait for his definition.) "Critical"? No
criticism here, just a statement of fact. "Nasty"? Again, Eva's
sentence is a statement of fact, although one could make a case that
the phrase "time and time again" displays some amount of exasperation,
although it's a far cry from "nasty". "Often wrong"? Obviously not true
about this sentence, as we have here a statement of fact which, as I
said earlier, is easily verified.

But let's move on.

> Since he thinks he is in the right

Another statement of fact, based on observation of AB's behavior,
easily verified.

> and won't listen
> to reason,

You could call this opinion, but again, it's based on AB's behavior
(Google Groups, easily verified, etc.). In the context of the
discussion of which Eva was a part (whether AB's continuous posting of
a Firefly FAQ in non-Firefly groups is acceptable), AB has shown that
he is unwilling to compromise even the slightest. Even a suggestion
that he add "OT" to the subject of his "Firefly FAQ" posts was

> he's been killfiled by many people.

Again, a fact. Now, to be fair, AB pointed out in his reponse to Eva
that "thousands read my stuff," and maybe that's true. Of course, that
doesn't refute, or in any way address, whether or not many others have
killfiled him. I myself have witnessed AB being killfiled many times.
Well, OK, I witnessed many people writing <plonk> in responses to AB,
then never replying to him again, which I assume means he's been
killfiled; I suppose it's possible that everyone just _pretended_ to
killfile him. But I'm going to give this one to Eva.

We still haven't seen anything that can be called "inaccurate, devoid
mostly of content, critical, nasty, and often wrong."

> One of his excuses for
> spamming is that Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis and Battlestar Galactica
> are all shown on the Sci-Fi Channel on Friday nights, so it's perfectly
> reasonable of him to crosspost his FAQ messages to these newsgroups.

Well, he has actually offered this excuse, so again: statement of fact.

> I am
> sure *he* thinks that makes sense.

Well, this must be what AB is complaining about, because this is the
first truly conjectural statement. The emphasis seems to be "critical",
but I wouldn't characterize this as "nasty" by any stretch of the
imagination. In any case, since this statement is really saying "I am
sure AB's reasons make sense to him," it is most likely a true
statement, although if AB would like to tell us that his reasons don't
make sense to him, that would lend weight to the idea that Eva's
statement here is "inaccurate."

> The worst thing about it is that he's causing financial losses to the
> franchise; now poor Joss will never get his two bucks from The Other Eric...
> ;-)

The last sentence is obviously a joke. For those who may be
humor-challenged, Eva even showed the courtesy of appending a smiley to
make sure it's interpreted as a joke. But perhaps this is what AB means
by "devoid of content."

And that's it. I'm afraid I'm not seeing what AB is complaining about.
Eva wrote a mostly factual message describing AB's past behavior, and
where it's not factual, it's either making a joke, or has so little
emotional content it can hardly be said to have any. In any case, AB's
use of "inaccurate, devoid mostly of content, critical, nasty, and
often wrong" seems to be a case of the pot calling the kettle black.


Joe User

Apr 25, 2006, 8:48:05 PM4/25/06
On Tue, 25 Apr 2006 09:48:10 -0700, belvis wrote:

<snippage of line by line critique>

> emotional content it can hardly be said to have any. In any case, AB's
> use of "inaccurate, devoid mostly of content, critical, nasty, and
> often wrong" seems to be a case of the pot calling the kettle black.

I think that's not an accurate metaphor. When a pot calls a kettle black,
the pot is accusing, *correctly*, the kettle of doing something of which
the pot is guilty itself.

In other words, AB might have been a pot, but Eva was definitely not a
kettle in the quoted message. Since AB's accusations were inaccurate. it
was more like the pot calling the silverware black.

Yes, I am aware that this isn't helpful in any way.

Apr 25, 2006, 10:26:11 PM4/25/06

I stand corrected; thanks. No slight (no matter how slight) intended
against Eva.

> Yes, I am aware that this isn't helpful in any way.

Well, it was at least as helpful as my post.



Apr 26, 2006, 2:10:07 AM4/26/06
In article <>,
<> wrote:

I'm glad someone straightened that up. I was bothered by the inaccuracy
of that metaphor also. :-)

////////// \\\\\\\\\\\
The two most common elements in the universe are Hydrogen and stupidity.
-- Harlan Ellison


Apr 26, 2006, 5:21:18 PM4/26/06
<> wrote in message
> Atlasbugged wrote:


Wow! I don't think we've met but you can defend me anytime, Bob. :-)

Thank you for a well thought-out and obviously researched rebuttal of AB's
accusations. I am somewhat intrigued why he chose this particular message
and not the one directed at him, since that one should have been more
offensive to him, IMO. I even used an expletive, FCOL, and, in my case,
that's almost unheard of.


Apr 26, 2006, 5:29:08 PM4/26/06
<> wrote in message


> D'uuuuh... She can't SEE you...
> And as for "often wrong"... where?
> Which part was wrong? seems quite accurate from where I'm sitting.
> And "nasty" and "critical"?
> Only as much as deserved.

I have formed a theory, would you like to hear it? I think we are the
victims of Steve's Revenge a la Brimstone. Steve was sent to Hell, the
Devil couldn't cope so he moved to Smallville, and Steve took over the
place. He then decided to send us Bugged to get his revenge but is keeping
Ezekiel down there until he is satisfied we have been punished enough.

Where is Sokar when you need him?


Apr 26, 2006, 5:30:23 PM4/26/06
"C.O.Jones" <> wrote in message

LOL, you guys are so funny.

Apr 26, 2006, 9:32:48 PM4/26/06
Eva wrote:
> <> wrote in message

[snip lots of stuff]

> Wow! I don't think we've met but you can defend me anytime, Bob. :-)

No need to thank me, it's thanks enough that justice was done. ;-)

> Thank you for a well thought-out and obviously researched rebuttal of AB's
> accusations.

No problem; his characterization of your message was a ridiculous
exaggeration, and I wanted the record to show that, especially for
anyone who didn't bother to click the link he gave and see what you
wrote for themselves.

> I am somewhat intrigued why he chose this particular message
> and not the one directed at him, since that one should have been more
> offensive to him, IMO. I even used an expletive, FCOL, and, in my case,
> that's almost unheard of.

Who knows why he does the things he does? No one ever accused him of
having an overabundance of intelligence. He seems to get off on
reviling and denigrating those who disagree with him -- and that's all
it takes to earn his abuse, just disagree with him.



Apr 27, 2006, 11:55:39 AM4/27/06
"David Chapman" <> looked up from reading the
entrails of the porn spammer to utter "The Augury is good, the signs

>From the Collected Witterings of AssBug, volume 23:
>> Don't you comprehend what it is like to be A USENET GOD!? This must be
>> what JC felt when he was cruicified.
>Actually, I think he was feeling more "Ow, Me, lay off with the fucking
>nails already!"

I don't particularly want you to FOAD, myself. You'll be more of
a cautionary example if you'll FO And Get Chronically, Incurably,
Painfully, Progressively, Expensively, Debilitatingly Ill. So
FOAGCIPPEDI. -- Mike Andrews responding to an idiot in asr


Apr 29, 2006, 7:40:46 AM4/29/06
Joe User <l...@localhost.localdomain> looked up from reading the entrails

of the porn spammer to utter "The Augury is good, the signs say:

>On Tue, 25 Apr 2006 09:48:10 -0700, belvis wrote:

Well if it's real silver and hasn't been polished anything remotely
close to recently...


May 3, 2006, 2:07:58 PM5/3/06
<> wrote in message
> Eva wrote:

> > Wow! I don't think we've met but you can defend me anytime, Bob. :-)
> No need to thank me, it's thanks enough that justice was done. ;-)

:-) I am glad about that - it had to be done but I just couldn't be

> > Thank you for a well thought-out and obviously researched rebuttal of
> > accusations.
> No problem; his characterization of your message was a ridiculous
> exaggeration, and I wanted the record to show that, especially for
> anyone who didn't bother to click the link he gave and see what you
> wrote for themselves.

Well, Bugged obviously didn't do his homework and just used a few ill-chosen
adjectives. Too busy working on his FAQ, I guess...

> > I am somewhat intrigued why he chose this particular message
> > and not the one directed at him, since that one should have been more
> > offensive to him, IMO. I even used an expletive, FCOL, and, in my case,
> > that's almost unheard of.
> Who knows why he does the things he does? No one ever accused him of
> having an overabundance of intelligence.

LOL! I expect you can support that statement? ;-)

> He seems to get off on
> reviling and denigrating those who disagree with him -- and that's all
> it takes to earn his abuse, just disagree with him.

There are plenty of posters like that on the Usenet; that's the beauty and
the curse of non-moderation and I definitely prefer that to the majority of
web-based discussion forums, which very often suffer from power-crazy
moderators. Hopefully, Bugged will get over himself eventually and will
stop bugging us with his FAQ.

May 3, 2006, 6:20:16 PM5/3/06
Eva wrote:
> <> wrote in message
> > Eva wrote:
> > > I am somewhat intrigued why he chose this particular message
> > > and not the one directed at him, since that one should have been more
> > > offensive to him, IMO. I even used an expletive, FCOL, and, in my case,
> > > that's almost unheard of.
> >
> > Who knows why he does the things he does? No one ever accused him of
> > having an overabundance of intelligence.
> LOL! I expect you can support that statement? ;-)

A quick Google search in for "overabundance intelligence
Atlas Bugged" yielded no hits; make of that what you will.

> > He seems to get off on
> > reviling and denigrating those who disagree with him -- and that's all
> > it takes to earn his abuse, just disagree with him.
> There are plenty of posters like that on the Usenet; that's the beauty and
> the curse of non-moderation and I definitely prefer that to the majority of
> web-based discussion forums, which very often suffer from power-crazy
> moderators. Hopefully, Bugged will get over himself eventually and will
> stop bugging us with his FAQ.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but he's been promoting that thing
since at least October of 2005. I don't know when he started
cross-posting it, but history suggests he's not going to get over
himself any time soon. I'm afraid the best thing to do is killfile him,
but that doesn't bring much relief to those (like me) who use Google.


David Buchner

May 3, 2006, 8:27:12 PM5/3/06
<> wrote:

> I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but he's been promoting that thing
> since at least October of 2005. I don't know when he started
> cross-posting it, but history suggests he's not going to get over

> himself any time soon ....
> Bob

If it's really that important to you to not have it promoted... well,
maybe you should stop spending so much time reading it.

May 3, 2006, 11:08:22 PM5/3/06

I'm not sure why you think I'm "spending so much time reading it"; in
fact I actually can't remember the last time I read it, but thanks for
the advice. Perhaps the world would be a better place if everyone could
do as you suggest.


David Chapman

May 4, 2006, 6:45:36 AM5/4/06
From the Collected Witterings of, volume 23:

> A quick Google search in for "overabundance intelligence
> Atlas Bugged" yielded no hits; make of that what you will.

Firefly fans can't spell "overabundance" or "intelligence"?

May 4, 2006, 7:52:12 AM5/4/06
David Chapman <> did eloquently scribble:

> From the Collected Witterings of, volume 23:
>> A quick Google search in for "overabundance intelligence
>> Atlas Bugged" yielded no hits; make of that what you will.
> Firefly fans can't spell "overabundance" or "intelligence"?

Why is that? What's wrong with firefly?
Just cos it has one total loony who likes it doesn't mean everyone who likes
it is the same...

I like it and I think buggy is an idiot.
| |What to do if you find yourself stuck in a crack|
| |in the ground beneath a giant boulder, which you|
| |can't move, with no hope of rescue. |
|Andrew Halliwell BSc(hons)|Consider how lucky you are that life has been |
| in |good to you so far... |
| Computer Science | -The BOOK, Hitch-hiker's guide to the galaxy.|

David Chapman

May 4, 2006, 11:49:23 AM5/4/06
From the Collected Witterings of, volume 23:

> David Chapman <> did eloquently scribble:
>> From the Collected Witterings of, volume 23:
>>> A quick Google search in for "overabundance intelligence
>>> Atlas Bugged" yielded no hits; make of that what you will.
>> Firefly fans can't spell "overabundance" or "intelligence"?
> Why is that? What's wrong with firefly?
> Just cos it has one total loony who likes it doesn't mean everyone who
> likes it is the same...

I saw Firefly. I also saw the movie. I'm inclined to believe that "like
it" and "total loony" go hand in hand. It's dull, derivative, and Nathan
Fillion just *cannot act*.

May 4, 2006, 1:32:56 PM5/4/06

Oh, you're one of *those* guys. Well, thanks for sharing your opinion
anyway, but unfortunately, I don't think you'll find that anybody at
a.t.f cares very much about it. But don't feel bad; after all, we have
something in common: we at a.t.f hold you in the same high regard as
you have for us.

You take care now, you hear?



May 5, 2006, 1:27:54 AM5/5/06
In article <e3cm1r$3hg$9$>, David Chapman
<> wrote:

> From the Collected Witterings of, volume 23:
> > A quick Google search in for "overabundance intelligence
> > Atlas Bugged" yielded no hits; make of that what you will.
> Firefly fans can't spell "overabundance" or "intelligence"?

Not in reference to the great and magnificent AssBug.

I Have Spoken!


I know everything, and you are wrong! I AM a lawyer!
Yes, I am! Don't make me call my mommie!!

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