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Current results of the Daria fan survey

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Martin Sylvester

Aug 27, 2005, 8:04:26 AM8/27/05
For whatever it's worth, here's the results of the _Daria_ fan survey at The
Irony Maiden, as at about 1045 UTC (GMT) today.

Where are you from?
1. UK 64 16%
2. France 6 2%
3. Germany 14 4%
4. Elsewhere in Europe 27 7%
5. USA 218 55%
6. Canada 22 6%
7. Australia 29 7%
8. Asia 4 1%
9. South America 9 2%
10. Elsewhere outside Europe 7 2%

When did you first start to watch Daria?
1. 1997 124 31%
2. 1998 64 16%
3. 1999 51 13%
4. 2000 40 10%
5. 2001 24 6%
6. 2002 23 6%
7. 2003 22 6%
8. 2004 32 8%
9. 2005 20 5%

How do you rate Daria among your favourite TV shows?
1. It's my favourite TV show! 86 22%
2. It's in my top five. 208 52%
3. It's in my top ten. 80 20%
4. It's in my top twenty. 22 6%
5. I like it, but it's not in my top twenty. 4 1%

How do you rate Daria among your favourite animated series?
1. It's my favourite animated series! 170 43%
2. It's in my top five. 200 50%
3. It's in my top ten. 19 5%
4. It's in my top twenty. 10 3%
5. I like it, but it's not in my top twenty. 0 0%

Do you own any Daria books?
1. I own both books. 54 14%
2. I own only The Daria Diaries. 26 7%
3. I own only The Daria Database. 7 2%
4. I didn't know about the books. I want one! 177 44%
5. I didn't know about the books, but I don't want one. 32 8%
6. I knew about the books, and I'd buy one if I saw it. 87 22%
7. I knew about the books, but I don't want one. 17 4%

Do you own any official release Daria recordings (videos or DVDs)?
1. I own more than five recordings. 30 8%
2. I own five recordings. 3 1%
3. I own four recordings. 9 2%
4. I own three recordings. 8 2%
5. I own two recordings. 47 12%
6. I own one recording. 31 8%
7. I didn't know about the videos and DVDs. I want one! 115 29%
8. I didn't know about the videos and DVDs, but I don't want one. 16 4%
9. I knew about the videos and DVDs, and I'd buy one if I saw it. 133
10. I knew about the videos and DVDs, but I don't want one. 8 2%

If more Daria DVDs came out, would you buy them?
1. I'd buy every season! 348 87%
2. I'd buy three or four seasons. 9 2%
3. I'd buy one or two seasons. 23 6%
4. No, but I would buy VHS tapes. 5 1%
5. No, and I wouldn't buy VHS tapes either. 15 4%

To participate, or see the current results, visit The Irony Maiden at

Thanks to everyone who's taken part so far.


THE IRONY MAIDEN: "Daria" news ticker, books, videos, survey, and more!
I do not intend to imply that any views expressed above represent the policy
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