"Pam" <pam...@webtv.net> wrote in message
Buffy & Spike
Willow & Tara
Willow & Xander
Cordy & Angel
Giles & Anya =)
Naunet --{--{--@
I may be dead, but I'm still pretty.
A close second would have to be Willow x OZ, since they were so cute
Arnold Kim
Season 3 was the season of couples, which isn't restored until late S4 and
early S5.
-- Ken from Chicago
Natch, there were both short red-heads (during those seconds when Oz hair
was red). They were almost as cute as Buffy / Spike.
-- Ken from Chicago
(Boy am I jealous of Xander!)
Philip Chien, KC4YER (at) amsat.org
There are three kinds of people that no one understands. Geniuses,
madmen, and guys that mumble.
S2: Spike/Drusilla, Buffy/Angel, Xander/Cordelia
S3: None. Buffy/Angel I guess.
S4: Spell Spike/Spell Buffy. Angel/Kate, the Love that Never Was.
S5: Dream Spike/Dream Buffy; the higher, spiritual, nonsexual love of
Mary Magdelene Spike/Christ Buffy. Dawn/Art Class Dude. Spike/Dawn
S6: The Scooby Gang/feral undead cats. ;) ;) Spike/Anya quickie.
Amnesia Giles/ Amnesia Anya. Spike/Buffy friendship pre-musical. Evil
Season 1:
Willow & Xander.
Season 2:
Giles & Jenny.
Season 3:
Buffy & Faith. In a subtext way, of course; but this relationship fueled the
whole season.
Season 4:
Willow & Oz. Season 4 was actually Oz's best season, in terms of his character
being interesting in the episodes he was (and in some cases, the episodes that
he wasn't) in.
Season 5:
Buffy & Spike. Their interaction was much more interesting and edgy BEFORE
they slept together.
Season 6:
Willow & Tara. Tara's character finally blossoms to full life (irony not
intended), and both Amber Benson and Alyson Hannigan are superb in every
episode. And as with Season 3, this is the relationship that really ends up
fueling the fire for the season's climax.
Who's Corellia?;-{P}
Willow & Tara 4-ever.
Buffy and Spike? Why not...
Xander & Anyanka;-{P}
Oz and Veruca;-{P}
Joyce and Ripper
Warren & Andrew (made for each other)
Cordelia and her mirror;-{P}
Snarky, whose face might be freezing in that position
Cordelia and Angel
Xander and Anya
Buffy and Faith (subtext, yes, I know)
Darla and Drusilla
Giles and Jenny
Buffy and Xander (As It Should Be)
Vamp!Xander and Vamp!Willow
Spike and Drusilla
Giles and Anya
Willow and Oz
Darla and Lindsay (AtS)
Cordelia and Doyle (AtS)