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Peter Hastings' Q&A - P&TB

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Aug 30, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/30/96

On America OnLine, in the KidsWB area - they've setup Question &
Answer boards where the shows' producer answers questions from posters.
Here's Peter Hastings' answers to questions about PINKY & THE BRAIN...


Subj: Reply from Brain WBA
Date: 96-04-05 00:53:01 EDT
From: Brain WBA

Hi, everyone and welcome to this folder. I have to let you know
that this is not my idea, it's the Brain's idea. I have succomed
to his awesome power and become one of his first minions in his
plan of earthly rule. I barely even know what I'm typing, so
great is his influence. All I hear is his constant demand "Make
it so! Make it so!" which is usually followed by "What number is
The Learning Channel? I'm Missing 'The Great Mud Huts of Scotland'"

Anyway, to respond to posts:

-Yes, we're going to meet Brain's parents and Pinky and the
Brain have a child - sort of. Don't worry, nothing too weird. I don't
want to spoil the surprises but I will tell you that that parents
story will be on on Mother's Day this year. It will be in the 13th
and last 1/2 hr. of the season, paired with "The Third Mouse".
The "child" one is for next season.

-RE: Animation services. Yes, there will probably be some Wang and
Akom next season, but we're also trying some new, smaller places.
One's in Hungary and one's in Taiwan. They could do very good work
for us because of course they want to impress us and get lots of
work from Warner Bros. TMS is not on the books for Pinky and the
Brain unfortunately, although they are doing a little bit for
next season's Animaniacs. They are very busy doing a feature
(not for us) and they are also doing a lot for the new WBA Superman
series. It's amazing to see that quite a number of fans are aware
of the studios and the different quality they deliver. We're not
always happy with it ourselves, so don't think we don't care.
ps.Narfcake - You're the t-shirt guy with the hat, right?

-re: making Pinky smarter. Pinky IS smarter, he just shows it in
a different way.

-re: The idea for the show. It came out the group that was
developing Animaniacs. Pinky and the Brain were originally
modeled after two people who worked at the studio. They came a
long from that (including becoming mice).

I'll be checking in here about once a week and look forward to
answering your questions about P&B.

-Peter Hastings


Thanks for all the nice comments. To answer some of your questions:

Q:Did the cartoon That smarts come from the animaniacs old network???
A: "That Smarts" is from the new season of Pinky and the Brain.
It never appeared on Animaniacs. By the way, it's one of my
all-time faves.

Q:Pinky and the Brain have a child...any clue as to what his/her
name will be?
A:Although the episode is entitled "Brinky" that's not the name.
I will tell you that Brain has a clinical name for it that PInky
gives a spin to.

Q:Who thinks up all these wonderfull and very funny Pinky and
the Brain quotes?
A: Pinky and the Brain do, of course, but luckily for us,
they whisper them into the writer's ear so we can all hear them.

Q:Do you ever have guest stars that do voices on your show?
A:Well, we've had Ernest Borgnine, Jim Belushi, Valerie Harper,
Roddy McDowell, and a bunch of other stars that you've never
heard of unless you're over thirty. And of course the biggest
stars, Rob Paulsen and Maurice LaMarche, the voices of Pinky
and the Brain.

Q:Why do they always have to try to take over
the world?
A:It's all they know. It's Brain's destiny.

A:Force him to watch "Family Matters".

Q:And where did you get the words*NARF*and*POIT*
A:Both of these are expressions that were said by Eddie Fitzgerald,
an animator who used to work at Warner Bros. Pinky was loosely based
on him. He also said "egad" a lot. Although "fjord", "zort", and
"troz" are Pinky's own.

Q:I have one question will Brain ever succeed in taking
over the world?
A:There have been a couple of times where it's been "Careful
what you wish for, you might just get it." As Brain has
succeeded but it's not quite what he wanted. "When Mice
Ruled the Earth" and next season's "It's Only a Paper
Planet" had this scenerio.

Q:What will you do if and when you ever do take over
the world?
A:Take a month off and relax in Hawaii.

Q:who thought up the Pinky and the Brain theme tune?
A:The music was written by the show's composer, Richard Stone,
and the lyrics were written by Senior Producer Tom Ruegger.

Q:Why does Pinky try to rule the world? Only God does.
A:Many say that God rules our souls, but it's still unclear if
he actually controls congress. Brain isn't interested in spiritual
rule, everyone is free to believe whatever they wish, but he
would still like to have his picture on the dollar bill.

Thanks, everyone, for all the questions and words of kindness.
Be sure to tell everyone you know about Pinky and the Brain
so we can beat "Sister Sister" in the ratings!

-Peter Hastings



Aug 31, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/31/96

On America OnLine, in the KidsWB area - they've setup QUESTION &
ANSWER boards where the shows' producer answers questions from posters.

Here's PART 2 (see previous post for part 1) of Peter Hastings'
answers to questions about PINKY & THE BRAIN...


Date: 96-04-29 00:31:44 EDT
From: Brain WBA

Dear friends,

Let's see what kind of questions I can answer. First of all, to everyone
who said the show is rad, boss, excellent, their favorite, "da bomb",
that it rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, etc. let me say Thanks! and tell you
that I like it too.

Q: how did you think of Pinky and the Brain and how did you know what
they were going to look like?

A:The original idea came up when Tom Ruegger, Sherri Stoner, Deanna
Oliver, Nick Hollander, and myself were developing Animaniacs with the
artists. The idea came up about two guys who worked at the studio trying
to take over the world. They turned into mice and eventually became
Pinky and the Brain. The first script, "Win Big", established a lot of
their regular bits. We didn't know exactly what they would look like,
but they were originally based on two people we knew. Then the drawings
just kept getting worked on. For a while, Pinky had glasses and they
both wore lab coats. On the subject of coming up with ideas, all I can
say is that we come up with more bad ones that we throw away than good
ones that we keep. Pereserverance, patience, practice.

Q:Why is Brain so mean to Pinkey and what day is Brain going to meet his
real parents?

A:Brain is sometimes mean to Pinky because Brain is impatient and loses
his temper. He cares for Pinky a lot as a friend, though. Brain is going
to meet his parents in the second half of the show that will air on
Mother's day.

Q:Will there ever be an episode where Pinky and the Brain takes over the

A:Yes - for a very short time. Next season. But there's something about
it that makes it less than perfect.

Q: I have a question that might be off the subject but, are you good
friend with Steven Speilberg? If so can you tell him that I went to ET
the ride and I saw the overhead lights and it ruined the affect, and i
thought that he could turn it into stars.

A:I wouldn't say we're "good friends" but if the topic comes up I'll
mention it to him.

Q:Isn't ANYBODY going to mention how Pinky floats things with his
fingers? I think that's wierd!
Is it going to come up in another show?

A:I don't think so. It was just one of those weird things that came out
when I was writing and I kept it in. I like the way that it shows that
Pinky has some extra special demensions to him, he's not just a goof

Q:how do u like the kids wb?

A: I think the kids WB is great, and I can't wait until there are more
WB stations.

Q:How does the brain figure out things without even studying them? Can
you teach
me how to draw THE BRAIN step by step?

A:Brain does study things before the show starts, but I think that it's
more like something happened when his genes were spliced - he just got
loaded up with information. Of course, he also watches a lot of CNN and
The Learning Channel. As far as drawing the Brain...hmmm..maybe we can
post that somewhere. I'll look into it.

Q:Why does pinky always ask brain"What are we going to do tomorrow" when
he know's they are going to try to take over the world?
A:Maybe he's just hoping that Brain's going to say something like "going
out for ice cream" for a change.

Thanks for all your questions and remember to tell every single person
that you ever see ever to watch Pinky and the Brain on the WB! Buh-bye!

-Peter Hastings


Hey I'm back and now two Emmy Awards heavier (granted, they were for
Animaniacs - maybe Pinky and the Brain next year) and ready to sort
through your posts.

First of all, let me repeat a post and say that Pinky and the Brain is
NOT going off the air in Sept. It's just not going to be seen in
prime-time on Sunday nights. We have 52 new shows coming for Saturday
morning. The network wants to have P&B on in prime-time, but not as is.
A new take on the show is being explored and if it flies, you'll see an
all new and somewhat different P&B on in prime-time.

Again, thanks to everyone who simply posted to say they love that show,
it means a lot, is a reminder that people are watching and helps keep us

Q:are there going to a series be about when pinky pretends hes dead then
dreases as a zombie scare brain that he cant remember any thing?


Q:that was cool when his parents were there,,, but how can you think of
all thease ideas???

A: Well, it's my job and I get paid for it, I like it, and I think of a
lot more bad ideas than good ones, I just try not to make the bad ones.

Q:where did you get the word narf?

A:From a guy who said "narf". As far as I know, it doesn't mean
anything, except when Pinky says it, then it can mean anything.

Q:Who made up the theme song?????

A:The music for the theme song was written by Richard Stone, and the
lyrics were written by Tom Ruegger. Originally, Tom was singing the
lyrics to the melody of "Singing in the Rain" Try it. (just the first

Q:How come there
is very little Pinky and the Brain stuff in WB stores?

A:There is a lot of new P&B stuff coming, including a whole "Brain For
President" thing in the late summer/early fall.

Q:Do you like to act in the cartoons?

A:Yes, they do.

Q:I think it would be awesome if the WB had Pinky and the Brain on
everyday because I'm getting tired of Urkel!!!!!!!

A:P&B WILL be on everyday starting in the fall of 1997.

Q:How do you get to be a TV producer ?

A:I got to be a TV producer by doing a bunch of other jobs first, mainly
writing. I just stuck to it and wanted to do the job. When many people
find out what the job really is, they don't want it.


A:Early september. Don't know the exact date.

Q:How did they become partners?How old is Brain?Why does Brain keep
Pinky around if he's so silly,goofy,and coocoo?

A: How they became partners will be an upcoming story, Brain is two,
Brain needs Pinky to help him.

Q:Any chance there would be a Pinky and The Brain Screensaver out any
time soon ??

A:I hope so, although I haven't heard of any plans for one.

Q:How can Pinky and the Brain have a Child It's imposible

A:Stayed tuned!

Q: I would like to know the words to the Cheese song ya know the one
that goes " oh how i love my cheeses , cheese from around the world"!

A:Learn to use your pause button.

Q:How do you come up with the drawings?

A:Practice. Doing lots of drawings and throwing out the bad ones.

Q:How come the Pinky and the Brain song isn't on the Animaniacs

A:It is on the third Animaniacs album "Variety Pack"

Q:why isn't there a "Presidents" song?

A: There is a Presidents song - it's on Animaniacs and also on the
"Variety Pack" CD.

Q:I was just thinking that it would be really cool to have Snowball come
back for another episode.

A: Snowball shall return! (More than once)

Q:Pinkie you are so weird, I mean why can't you be like Brain ?
Well, I like you the way you are, just like me, so wacky.

A:Thanks your answering your own question.

Thanks again everyone for tuning in and being interested, and I hope you
continue to like Pinky and the Brain as much as I do!

-Peter Hastings

Ron Keeper O'Dell

Sep 5, 1996, 3:00:00 AM9/5/96

Thanks for posting those, Jeff... but, egad, now I know the real
reason Peter quit his job: Having to respond to that load of dreck!

My brother, who got himself an AOL account a while back, is canceling
it already because he can't stand the comparative intellectual void.

At least some good stuff was in there. Snowball shall return! Yay!

Ron O'Dell `Keeper' - Contemporary WB cartoons info - My own MIDI music and arrangements
A!JW22 -- YKi P++++ I+++ Dpppppwiaaaamdddddddd IV! V! VIII! X! Tow3 $+++dm1
(variant) Vr4++++j3++t2++m+++PaulRugg+TomRuegger++<n>+<Luke>+<Cody>+ H3 Ay70


Sep 6, 1996, 3:00:00 AM9/6/96

(What, am I the first one to respond to this?) :)

Hey all!

Peter Hastings said:

<<-RE: Animation services. Yes, there will probably be some Wang and
Akom next season, but we're also trying some new, smaller places.
One's in Hungary and one's in Taiwan. They could do very good work
for us because of course they want to impress us and get lots of
work from Warner Bros. TMS is not on the books for Pinky and the
Brain unfortunately, although they are doing a little bit for
next season's Animaniacs. They are very busy doing a feature
(not for us) and they are also doing a lot for the new WBA Superman
series. It's amazing to see that quite a number of fans are aware
of the studios and the different quality they deliver. We're not
always happy with it ourselves, so don't think we don't care.>>

Okay, now begins my annual rant about TMS, so you folk who don't care can skip this post...

First of all, any idea what he means by "next season"? The one that starts Saturday, or

I've seen the previews for Superman and it occurred to me that a lot of other companies
could have done the same level of animation besides TMS, like the people who did Batman
(can't remember the name, sorry, though it wasn't TMS, was it?) or Freakazoid--Koko, I
think? I realize I've only seen like 30 seconds of Superman on a commercial, and I'm
certainly making no judgements on the overall quality of a show I haven't seen, but I just
think it's a bit of a waste to use TMS on Superman when other companies could have done the
same (excellent) job. Because--and this is where my particular bias shows up--I think TMS
does such an amazing job with A!, in particular the Warner characters (you know, Yakko,
Wakko, and Dot), that I really think they should stick to that. Now I know that WBA doesn't
always have a choice because certain animation studios can only do so much and have to
choose their jobs carefully, but I really feel that TMS should animate the Warners (at least
part of the time, if it's not possible to do them all the time). Of all the TMS stuff I've
seen (though not all there is, I'm sure) I think their best work is when they do Yakko and
Wakko and Dot. A lot of other companies can do realistic people like in Batman or F!, but
TMS imbues the Warners with such a lovely sweetness and (Ch*ist, I hate to use this word)
wholesome openness. NOBODY else does that, and I'm not sure anyone else can. Enough so
that the whole attitude of the show (to me) is different depending on who's animated it--you
can take the same script, and the same acting, and it'll look smug and smarmy from Wang,
while TMS will make it gracious and full of personality with a real feeling that these
characters are siblings who love and torment each other like all siblings do, and that
that's human nature, and it's beautiful. Besides the fact that TMS "fills in the gaps" in
the script direction and is very smart when adding things that aren't in the script, you can
tell when someone loves their work, and TMS loves to draw the Warners--you can see it in the
lovely exaggerated gestures and the loopy grace they give them.
Look, I know that hiring animation companies is mainly concerned with money and stupid
politics (how did someone call it? Byzantine?). I just wish the people best suited for the
job would be the ones to do it.

Yeah, I'm an artist, and I really do see all that in the TMS stuff--that's why I fell in
love with the series in the first place. By the way, does anyone else out there see it, or
am I the only one on the entire planet?

J or S Weinman

Sep 6, 1996, 3:00:00 AM9/6/96

True, true. Still, SIG (so it goes). At least there will be a
little TMS on A! this year--"Cutie and the Beast," for instance,
(according to EK--thanks from all of us), is TMS. Also, from what I've
heard there's going to be a more even balance between Wang and Akom this
year, so that there won't be as many episodes entirely animated by Wang.
Akom is improving, too. I like the TMS artwork a lot, but even they
have their faults--they're great at "smear" animation (the swishy
in-between drawings that allow characters to pop from pose to pose very
quickly), and they do make the characters look nice, but being schooled
in the Japanese style of animation they often have problems with
"character animation" in the sense of how a character moves when he's
not "posing." Notice that a TMS cartoon sometimes has Yakko just
standing there and his mouth moves and his nose twitches; they're not
very good at fluid, non-jerky movement. They're still the best, of
course, but both Wang and Akom are better when it comes to animating
fluid movement.

Ron Keeper O'Dell

Sep 6, 1996, 3:00:00 AM9/6/96

Ariadne <> wrote:

> First of all, any idea what he means by "next season"? The one that starts Saturday, or

He means this season, as A) that post was made several months ago,
and B) he no longer works at WBA so would have little knowledge of
what'll be done for '97.

> I've seen the previews for Superman and it occurred to me that
>a lot of other companies could have done the same level of animation
>besides TMS, like the people who did Batman (can't remember the name,
>sorry, though it wasn't TMS, was it?) or Freakazoid--Koko, I think?

Koko did much of Batman and Freakazoid, yes. They're good with the
"real-world" situations. They were a little bit lost in a "toon"
situation with S&TM -- good drawing, bad motion.

I think using TMS for Superman is similar to using TMS for S&TM
last year: Classic characters they want to be sure are drawn "right."

Don't despair entirely, though. Like Peter said back there, TMS was
used a bit for Animaniacs this season. All I've heard about them doing
was this weekend's "Cutie and the Beast" though.

>By the way, does anyone else out there see it, or
>am I the only one on the entire planet?

People notice. The gang at WBA even mentioned Akom's trouble
with drawing lively eyes when we talked about animation studios
there last year. a.t.a's Fred Baker returned a cel he had
bought from "I Got Yer Can" because the blank stare in Slappy's
eyes got on his nerves very quickly.

As for putting things in which weren't in the script/board, well, that's
hard to tell without seeing the script/board first. Can you give examples
of where you think this occurred? I'll see if I agree.

Pinky's Friend

Sep 7, 1996, 3:00:00 AM9/7/96

On Sep 06, 1996 14:18:05 in article <Re: Peter Hastings' Q&A - P&TB>,

'Ariadne <>' wrote:

>Okay, now begins my annual rant about TMS, so you folk who don't care can
>this post... :)
> First of all, any idea what he means by "next season"? The one that
>Saturday, or 1997?

Both. As I posted before, the three studios handling PatB are Akom, Wang
and Rough Draft. Rough Draft did the episode that was on this morning,
"It's Only a Paper World". Next week's show is Akom. Week three is a
rerun of "Snowball" and week four is Wang.


Ron Keeper O'Dell

Sep 9, 1996, 3:00:00 AM9/9/96
to's Friend) wrote:

>Both. As I posted before, the three studios handling PatB are Akom, Wang
>and Rough Draft. Rough Draft did the episode that was on this morning,
>"It's Only a Paper World". Next week's show is Akom. Week three is a
>rerun of "Snowball" and week four is Wang.

I wonder: Does the Week 4 episode feature Snowball's return? The choice
of "Snowball" as a repeat as early as Week 3 makes me curious...


Sep 10, 1996, 3:00:00 AM9/10/96

J or S Weinman wrote:

<<I like the TMS artwork a lot, but even they
have their faults--they're great at "smear" animation (the swishy
in-between drawings that allow characters to pop from pose to pose very
quickly), and they do make the characters look nice, but being schooled
in the Japanese style of animation they often have problems with
"character animation" in the sense of how a character moves when he's
not "posing." Notice that a TMS cartoon sometimes has Yakko just
standing there and his mouth moves and his nose twitches; they're not
very good at fluid, non-jerky movement. They're still the best, of
course, but both Wang and Akom are better when it comes to animating
fluid movement.>>

I'm not sure I know what you mean. I know that the character design of TMS Warners has
its ups and downs--sometimes they look like toddlers (like in "Draculaa, Draculee"), and
sometimes they can be nearly as bad as Freelance ("Roll Over, Beethoven" comes to mind).
Can you give me some more specific examples of not being "very good at fluid, non-jerky
movement", because I think they are VERY fluid and graceful. Do you mean they take some
shortcuts with limiting the animation?

and Keeper said:

<<He means this season, as A) that post was made several months ago,
and B) he no longer works at WBA so would have little knowledge of
what'll be done for '97.>>

Hate to be gossipy (and yes, I know I've been out of it for a while, so I haven't heard
anything), but I'm curious, when/why did he leave?

<<As for putting things in which weren't in the script/board, well, that's
hard to tell without seeing the script/board first. Can you give examples
of where you think this occurred? I'll see if I agree.>>

I was quoting a letter Peter Hastings wrote to me a long time ago, when I wrote all the
big-type people at WBA (including Spielberg!) complaining about the lack of decent
animation in the 3rd season. Quite a while ago, back when I was on AoL! (Yikes!) Hang
on, let me find it. . . Okay, here it is:

<<Hi. This is Peter Hastings. I got your letters today and I'm glad you like the shows so
much (except for the animation). Along with you, I would LOVE to see every show go to TMS,
and hopefully more will (we are making a P&B Christmas special there now). They are
absolutely the best of the studios we use. They're smart. They fill in the gaps. They make
the right choices when necessary. They are DAMN expensive. This is a factor, as is
availability. All the studios we use are extremely busy doing all the animation you see on
TV. Sometimes you simply can't get who you want. You mention that TMS animation attracted
you to Animaniacs, but many of our sucessful shows were done by other studios. Usually
we'd save TMS for a very good script just so it wouldn't get wrecked by somebody else. But
there are shows done by Wang, and even Akom, that came out pretty well (and plenty that
didn't). In short, I hope we can use TMS more, but you have to know that that is not going
to make or break P&B. The Simpsons, for example, is all done by Akom. There are lots of
ways to make a show better and (hopefully) we'll be doing them all. Thanks for watching
and tell your friends!

This was about a year ago now, I guess. I guess I can't give any concrete examples
without knowing the scripts either, but what I mean is that in the TMS stuff there are a
lot of little touches that don't end up in the work from the other companies, and I don't
think it's because they gave TMS a "fuller" script. I'm talking about stuff like the
looks they give each other, or let's see, some examples, off the top of my head. . .

In one of the little in-between timekiller "escape from the watertower" bits (yes, I'm
sure they have a proper name, but I don't know it), Yakko, Wakko and Dot all climb out
onto a rocket ship and scramble over it to get inside. They all take slightly different
routes to get there.
Stuff like they always pose them slightly differently from each other, in accordance with
their personalities. It's what actual humans do when they stand around, but in animation
it takes an extra bit of design to incorporate it.
Or when they get all that money to buy a huge fruitcake at the end of "A Christmas
Plotz", they all rub their eyes using a different gesture. That kind of thing, very
subtle, that maybe a lot of people don't notice.
Just the little body language things that aren't specifically in the script, but that a
good actor would put in there as s/he does the character. TMS does the same thing.
Does that clarify it?


Lari 35960

Sep 11, 1996, 3:00:00 AM9/11/96

In article <>, jeff <> writes:

>Q:Do you ever have guest stars that do voices on your show?
>A:Well, we've had Ernest Borgnine, Jim Belushi, Valerie Harper,
>Roddy McDowell, and a bunch of other stars that you've never
>heard of unless you're over thirty. And of course the biggest
>stars, Rob Paulsen and Maurice LaMarche, the voices of Pinky
>and the Brain.

Hey, I've heard of ALL of them! And I'm well under thirty!!

Yes, I am the teenage goddess of heavenly bodies and brownies. Want one?
"And that's why you're good at math." "I thought that it was genetic."
"No, it's Cheerios." (a conversation between Lari and Lari's mom)

J or S Weinman

Sep 11, 1996, 3:00:00 AM9/11/96

First off, wasn't it great that # 84 was all TMS? I felt like
the Warners had come home--they were finally looking right again.

Ariadne wrote:
>Can you give me some more specific examples of not being "very good at fluid, non-jerky
> movement", because I think they are VERY fluid and graceful. Do you mean they take some
> shortcuts with limiting the animation?

No, I don't. But their style is based on strong poses and
rather jerky movements. As I said, their specialty is having a
character "pop" rapidly from pose to pose; when they have to animate a
character just standing there, they seem a little nonplussed. A good
example occurred in "Hello Nice Warners" on the line "We're going to do
the tragic ending to Old Screamer"--Yakko really wasn't moving much,
and I think it's simply because they couldn't quite figure out what he
should be doing in terms of his whole body while he was speaking.
"Fluid" animation, or what I mean by fluid, would have a character's
body sort of undulating a little, stuff like that--to make it seem like
he's moving naturally even when he's just talking. But TMS is still by
far the best, and you're definitely right about the extra touches. They
go the extra mile, and they're worth the extra money (or they should be,
anyway). Their faults are minor. And--
We got them back in show # 84. A whole episode done by TMS--
that's a great way to kick off the season (too bad they showed the
leftover # 83 first). And, while it took me a couple of viewings to
really get into "Cutie and the Beast," I actually found it funnier the
second time, especially because it showed that even though they tease
her, Y&W will stick up for Dot when she's treated badly. It sort of
provided a new dimension to their relationship without any of # 83-type
sentimentality, and the songs were excellent. It's not an episode for
people who hate the Warners, or for people who dislike in-jokes, but
guess what--when I saw it the third time I liked it even better, and the
fourth time was even--you get the idea. A fine short. The rest of the
episode could hardly have been better, and everything was wrapped up in
a great package by having the Warners finally look like they're supposed
to. Thumbs up, kudos for youdos, and all that, cartoon-making-people.
But don't let "Cuckoo Clock" happen again.

Pinky's Friend

Sep 11, 1996, 3:00:00 AM9/11/96

On Sep 09, 1996 04:40:14 in article <Re: Peter Hastings' Q&A - P&TB>,

' (Ron "Keeper" O'Dell)' wrote:

>I wonder: Does the Week 4 episode feature Snowball's return? The choice of

>"Snowball" as a repeat as early as Week 3 makes me curious...

Sorry, it doesn't.


Pinky's Friend

Sep 11, 1996, 3:00:00 AM9/11/96

Ron Keeper O'Dell

Sep 12, 1996, 3:00:00 AM9/12/96

Ariadne <> wrote:

> I'm not sure I know what you mean. I know that the character
>design of TMS Warners has its ups and downs--sometimes they look like
>toddlers (like in "Draculaa, Draculee"), and sometimes they can be
>nearly as bad as Freelance ("Roll Over, Beethoven" comes to mind).

Actually, those two stories you mention were among the first made.
(Draculee, Draculaa actually was the first recorded.)

Draculee, Draculaa was 406-601
Roll Over, Beethoven was 406-701

I think this means that they were made concurrently, so what we see
are two TMS units making their first attempts at drawing the Warners.
(Or indeed, the first time any animators drew them, really.)

Lari 35960

Sep 17, 1996, 3:00:00 AM9/17/96

In article <50scgo$>,'s Friend) writes:

>Both. As I posted before, the three studios handling PatB are Akom, Wang
>and Rough Draft. Rough Draft did the episode that was on this morning,
>"It's Only a Paper World". Next week's show is Akom. Week three is a
>rerun of "Snowball" and week four is Wang.

Why was Brain so fuzzy? That was bugging me, a bit...

Pinky's Friend

Sep 18, 1996, 3:00:00 AM9/18/96

On Sep 17, 1996 19:36:14 in article <Re: Peter Hastings' Q&A - P&TB>,

' (Lari 35960)' wrote:

>>Both. As I posted before, the three studios handling PatB are Akom, Wang

>>and Rough Draft. Rough Draft did the episode that was on this morning,
>>"It's Only a Paper World". Next week's show is Akom. Week three is a
>>rerun of "Snowball" and week four is Wang.
>Why was Brain so fuzzy? That was bugging me, a bit...

He was supposed to be frazzled from having so much difficulty coming up
with a plan.



Sep 20, 1996, 3:00:00 AM9/20/96

They were trying to make him all unkempt and disheveled looking at the
begaining. Like the stereotypical writer's block victim raiding the icebox
in order to procrastinate getting back to work. (Actually, that's how it
really works)
I thought it was a cute touch.

Lari 35960

Sep 27, 1996, 3:00:00 AM9/27/96

In article <51ua99$>, (PhnxMyst)

I thought it was cute, too... and, of course, I loved the disheveled and
unkempt Brain in "Snowball" too. (here's a thought... Brain in a slacker
movie). Actually, that sort of situation taught me never to use genuine
Folger's Crystals in an espresso machine.

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