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Pregnant Ky. Woman Kills Attacker

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tiny dancer

Feb 11, 2005, 2:03:55 PM2/11/05
Pregnant Ky. Woman Kills Attacker

FORT MITCHELL, Ky. (AP) - A nine-months' pregnant woman fought off and
killed a knife-wielding woman who may have been trying to steal the baby,
police said Friday.

Police said 26-year-old Sarah Brady acted in self-defense in killing
Katherine Smith on Thursday. No charges were filed.

Smith, 22, had been falsely telling neighbors for weeks that she was
pregnant, and a search of her apartment after her death revealed a full baby
nursery, investigators said.

``She had everything in place that you'd expect to have in place with a
newborn coming,'' said Steve Hensley, police chief in this Cincinnati

Brady, 26, was treated for cuts at a hospital.

Police said that about a week ago, Smith called Brady, a stranger, and asked
her to come over and pick up a mistakenly delivered package. Brady picked up
the package, the two spoke briefly and she left, according to police.
Thursday's attack occurred after Brady went to pick up a second package at
Smith's apartment, police said.

In December, a Missouri woman was strangled and her baby was cut from her
womb. The baby was later found alive, and a Kansas woman was charged with
kidnapping resulting in death.

tiny dancer

Feb 11, 2005, 2:09:00 PM2/11/05

A few more details to the story and photo's at link above,



Feb 11, 2005, 3:34:38 PM2/11/05
In article <Mi7Pd.497$>, says...

> Pregnant Ky. Woman Kills Attacker
> FORT MITCHELL, Ky. (AP) - A nine-months' pregnant woman fought off and
> killed a knife-wielding woman who may have been trying to steal the baby,
> police said Friday.
> Police said 26-year-old Sarah Brady acted in self-defense in killing
> Katherine Smith on Thursday. No charges were filed.

How did Brady get the knife away from Smith and then stab her to death?

bel - feeling hinky

tiny dancer

Feb 11, 2005, 3:57:58 PM2/11/05

"Phoenix" <> wrote in message

> In article <Mi7Pd.497$>,
> says...
> > Pregnant Ky. Woman Kills Attacker
> >
> >
> >
> > FORT MITCHELL, Ky. (AP) - A nine-months' pregnant woman fought off and
> > killed a knife-wielding woman who may have been trying to steal the
> > police said Friday.
> >
> > Police said 26-year-old Sarah Brady acted in self-defense in killing
> > Katherine Smith on Thursday. No charges were filed.
> How did Brady get the knife away from Smith and then stab her to death?
> bel - feeling hinky

I was feeling a bit hinky about this one too. But Smiths neighbors did say
'she'd told them all she was pregnant, and had a complete nursery fixed up.'
So it does seem like it could be true.


Feb 11, 2005, 4:23:28 PM2/11/05

It better be true, I can't take two of these in one day. First the
baby tossing and now this? I need a drink.

"Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy.
All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to greater danger. It works the same in any country."

-Hermann Goering (1893 - 1946)
Commander-in-Chief of the Luftwaffe, President of the Reichstag, Prime Minister of Prussia and Hitler's designated successor

The second in command of the Third Reich

"These [terrorist] attacks are not inevitable. They are, however, possible, and this very fact underscores the reason we cannot live under the threat of blackmail…The terrorist threat to America and the world will be diminished the moment that Saddam Hussein is disarmed."

-George W Bush (1946- )
Commander-in-Chief of the United States Armed Forces

President of the United States of America

tiny dancer

Feb 11, 2005, 5:01:52 PM2/11/05

<> wrote in message

It's after five in the east. bars open! ;) Have a good time in Mexico
and have a drink on me! ;>


threat of blackmail.The terrorist threat to America and the world will be


Feb 11, 2005, 5:07:12 PM2/11/05

<> wrote in message
> On Fri, 11 Feb 2005 15:57:58 -0500, "tiny dancer"
> <> wrote:
> >
> It better be true, I can't take two of these in one day. First the
> baby tossing and now this? I need a drink.

In case you haven't heard/read .....the baby wasn't tossed....the girl made
up the story, the baby is hers ...

java ~ but you can still have a drink!


Feb 11, 2005, 5:31:06 PM2/11/05
It's not that unusual for a one-knife fight to end in a fatality to the
attacker. Perhaps Brady had some self-defense training?


Message has been deleted


Feb 11, 2005, 10:23:29 PM2/11/05
"tiny dancer" wrote:

> "Phoenix" wrote:

>> > Re:

>> > Pregnant Ky. Woman Kills Attacker
>> >
>> > FORT MITCHELL, Ky. (AP) - A nine-months' pregnant woman fought off and
>> > killed a knife-wielding woman who may have been trying to steal the
> baby,
>> > police said Friday.
>> >
>> > Police said 26-year-old Sarah Brady acted in self-defense in killing
>> > Katherine Smith on Thursday. No charges were filed.

>> How did Brady get the knife away from Smith and then stab her to death?
>> bel - feeling hinky

> I was feeling a bit hinky about this one too. But Smiths neighbors did
> say
> 'she'd told them all she was pregnant, and had a complete nursery fixed
> up.'
> So it does seem like it could be true.

Given the other details--the fixed up nursery and the reports of lies to
neighbors, etc, that the dead woman was expecting a baby--I would say we
almost certainly were looking at another Lisa Montgomery here, and that a
bullet was very narrowly dodged. This one had the closest thing a story like
this can have with a happy ending, considering one person comes out dead in
it. I don't mourn much for attempted murderers who get killed by the
would-be victim (or someone coming to the rescue) in the commission of the
crime. And it saves the taxpayers money and local LE figuring out what to do
w/ yet another nutjob ready to kill a near-term pregnant woman so as to cut
a living infant out of the victim's womb. Sorry if that sounds cold-blooded,
but that's how I feel.

Good for Ms. Brady for successfully defending her life and her baby. Not an
easy thing to do with a big, heavy load up in front, making a person very
unweidly. This story cheers me up a lot, actually. I don't feel "hinky"
about it at all.

(add sbc before global to email)

tiny dancer

Feb 11, 2005, 11:18:12 PM2/11/05

"EnEss" <> wrote in message

The thing that made me feel 'hinky' was why she went to this woman's place
twice. But the later story appeared to explain that aspect of things.



Feb 12, 2005, 12:07:09 AM2/12/05
In article <REePd.29786$>, says...

Exactly my point - it's definitely NOT an easy thing for an waddling
pregnant woman to do, and I'd like to know how she did it.

I'd also like to know if one stab killed Smith or many stabs. It seems
that if Brady could disarm Smith and then injure her, the battle is


Robin Colleen Moore

Feb 12, 2005, 2:23:04 PM2/12/05
Phoenix <> wrote:

Adreneline is an amazing thing--if it can help people do things like
lift cars off pinned victims, I imagine it could certainly help a
pregnant woman fight off an attacker, besides which the latter victim
would be fighting for both herself and her baby. It does sound as if
she was wounded, but not seriously, so I imagine the psychological
aspects of this will be a LOT harder to deal with than simple physical

> I'd also like to know if one stab killed Smith or many stabs. It seems
> that if Brady could disarm Smith and then injure her, the battle is
> over.

I'd be inclined to think that, in a situation where you're fighting for
your life, you're going to keep stabbing/shooting/whatever until you're
quite sure that the perp can't come after you--perhaps it's overkill,
but it makes sense to me. Also, you can't always predict which injuries
would be most likely to kill someone and which others would simply
incapacitate them--there are plenty of cases of people who've survived
nasty head or chest wounds, and others who've bled out and died from
being stabbed in the leg. I hate to phrase it quite this way, but it's
entirely possible the would-be victim managed to get off a "lucky shot"
and just happened to nail her attacker in just the right way as to kill

Robin the mad photographer (happy that she and her baby are fine, but
sorry that she had to deal with that kind of thing at all)

I am happy to be an American. Nowhere else could a Jew with a giant
nose engage in tongue play with an African American with a fabulous
tush after winning an Academy Award on live television for playing a
Holocaust survivor and not have someone declare a holy war against us.

Michael Snyder

Feb 12, 2005, 2:54:44 PM2/12/05
"tiny dancer" <> wrote in message

> Pregnant Ky. Woman Kills Attacker
> FORT MITCHELL, Ky. (AP) - A nine-months' pregnant woman fought off and
> killed a knife-wielding woman who may have been trying to steal the baby,
> police said Friday.

As Bo remarked in another thread, this is getting common enough
that we should consider removing it from the 'weird' category.


Feb 13, 2005, 3:18:15 PM2/13/05
"Robin Colleen Moore wrote:

> Phoenix wrote:
>> Exactly my point - it's definitely NOT an easy thing for a waddling

>> pregnant woman to do, and I'd like to know how she did it.

> Adreneline is an amazing thing--if it can help people do things like
> lift cars off pinned victims, I imagine it could certainly help a
> pregnant woman fight off an attacker, besides which the latter victim
> would be fighting for both herself and her baby. It does sound as if
> she was wounded, but not seriously, so I imagine the psychological
> aspects of this will be a LOT harder to deal with than simple physical
> recovery.

Also, I looked at the photo of Ms. Brady and she looked like a good size
woman--w/ height and mass, so possibly she had size advantage. She might
also be in great physical shape and have excellent timing and reflexes. Some
people do.

>> I'd also like to know if one stab killed Smith or many stabs. It seems
>> that if Brady could disarm Smith and then injure her, the battle is
>> over.

> I'd be inclined to think that, in a situation where you're fighting for
> your life, you're going to keep stabbing/shooting/whatever until you're
> quite sure that the perp can't come after you--perhaps it's overkill,
> but it makes sense to me.

To me, too. And this is how the police proceed if someone in a threatening
pose with a weapon doesn't respond to a verbal command to drop the weapon
and surrender. They don't shoot to wound or disable or disarm. They shoot 3
x at mass (center of body) to insure the threat will be taken out quickly.
If someone attempted to murder me (and coming at me w/ a knife I take as an
attempt on my life) I think I too would be inclined to fight back until I
was reasonably confident my assailant no longer posed any threat to me. And
I've watched too many horror movies to be content w/ mere unconsciousnees of
the other person.

If the other person dies in the counter attack, I'm sorry but that's tough.
Anyone who makes an attempt on someone's life (or attempts to rape or rob
someone) should be aware that such behavior is risky business and you take
your life in your hands when you aggress that way.

> Also, you can't always predict which injuries
> would be most likely to kill someone and which others would simply
> incapacitate them--there are plenty of cases of people who've survived
> nasty head or chest wounds, and others who've bled out and died from
> being stabbed in the leg. I hate to phrase it quite this way, but it's
> entirely possible the would-be victim managed to get off a "lucky shot"
> and just happened to nail her attacker in just the right way as to kill
> her.

This is a definite possibility and your phrasing is understood. From the
intended victim's POV, it is indeed lucky to have the counter assault over
quickly and the threat completely ended--no matter what it takes to achieve
this result.

> Robin the mad photographer (happy that she and her baby are fine, but
> sorry that she had to deal with that kind of thing at all)

I'm sorry this happened to the pregnant woman as well. It sounds like this
woman very nearly lost her life. Her baby might have died in the attack too.
This woman did what she had to do to survive. No one should be put in that
situation. There are a lot of crazies out there.

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