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Any Police Officer wanting to bust KiddyPorn/Child abusers

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19.10.1998, 03:00:0019.10.98
Marshal Law wrote:
> I need your help!!
> There is a Usenet NG (alt.binaries.x) that has quite a few posters of child
> porn/child abuse. Extreme examples of this are images:
> fe_009.jpg - fe06_008.jpg posted by someone calling themselves
> I...@wil.u.cum on 10/13/98
> and images:
> im003.jpg -im079.jpg posted by someone calling themselves PANCHO on 10/14/98
> I've reported this abuse to and received an automatic response
> letter stating that if I believe there is a crime being committed (and if
> you'll view some of the images yourself you'll see), there is I should
> report it to the police. Hopefully, thats what I'm doing now!
> If you can, Please Help!
> Marshal Law


The presence of child pornography on the INTERNET and on BBS
services is a disturbing and growing phenomenon. With
your help however we can reverse this trend and eliminate this type
of material from the information superhighway and bring the people
responsible for its production and distributionto justice.

The U.S. Customs Service is the country's front line of defense to combat
the illegal importation and proliferation of this hideous material.

U.S. Customs Child Pornography Enforcement Program You can help by reporting
any information you have about child pornography to the U.S. Customs Service
by calling 1-800-BE-ALERT

For complaints regarding websites, individuals, servers, or chat rooms
trafficking in suspected Child Pornography please forward all correspondence
to the International Child Pornography Investigation and Coordination Center

Please include as much information as possible about the persons involved
if known, their E-mail addresses, FTP site, Etc.

You will remain anonymous and could be eligible for a cash award!

The protection of our children and the elimination of this illegal material
depends on all of us to do our part. Please report violations you see.
You can make a difference!


20.10.1998, 03:00:0020.10.98
>> There is a Usenet NG (alt.binaries.x) that has quite a few posters of
>> porn/child abuse. Extreme examples of this are images:

This NG is already under Law Enforcement surveillance. And there is a huge
difference between child porn and child abuse. They are not necessarily

>> I...@wil.u.cum on 10/13/98

Well, he says he's in Australia, but I doubt if anyone could prove that.

>> im003.jpg -im079.jpg posted by someone calling themselves PANCHO on

Likewise, untraceable. As am I.

>> I've reported this abuse to and received an automatic response
>> letter stating that if I believe there is a crime being committed (and if
>> you'll view some of the images yourself you'll see)

Which, of course, means that you have to download them to your PC. And even
if you
believe you've deleted them, you ain't. They're still there. Take it into PC
World for an upgrade or hardware fix, and if you've got a modem, they'll
take your hard disk to bits. And find those images.

>>there is I should
>> report it to the police. Hopefully, thats what I'm doing now!

They already know. This is why this guy is such a buffoon. BTW, he's had his
account terminated for abuse of other NET users.

>> If you can, Please Help!

Don't waste your time, you'll only take up Law Enforcement resources which
could be directed
at real crime.

>> Marshal Law

An ex-parrot. He has ceased to be, at least until he gets another ISP
account, but ISPs do talk
to each other, you know.


No point, most of the world's intelligence agencies - police, FBI, CIA,
Customs, MI5, MI6 are already
doing their own investigations, and do not welcome interference from
cyber-vigilantes or do-gooders. <satire> sorry about lumping the police in
with "intelligence", a lapse </satire>

And I think that if this post went to, which its header suggests it
did, then children may now know where to find child pornography. Is that
really what we want to happen? I don't think so either.



21.10.1998, 03:00:0021.10.98

Witt wrote:

> >> There is a Usenet NG (alt.binaries.x) that has quite a few posters of
> child
> >> porn/child abuse. Extreme examples of this are images:
> This NG is already under Law Enforcement surveillance. And there is a huge
> difference between child porn and child abuse. They are not necessarily
> connected.
> >> I...@wil.u.cum on 10/13/98
> Well, he says he's in Australia, but I doubt if anyone could prove that.

and you figured that out from this bogus e-mail address ? read
minds at parties also ?

> >> im003.jpg -im079.jpg posted by someone calling themselves PANCHO on
> 10/14/98
> Likewise, untraceable. As am I.

really now...hummm.......I had a friend once that claimed the same
might know him....his name was Kevin...Kevin Mitnick....yeah, he was totally
untraceable also....right up untill the time the took him off to jail.....want
his address ? You could trade techniques together...

like they don't have any idea where to find it now...what with usenet groups
named like alt.binaries.x, alt.binaries.teen etc ?

> Witt


21.10.1998, 03:00:0021.10.98
>> Well, he says he's in Australia, but I doubt if anyone could prove that.
>and you figured that out from this bogus e-mail address ? read
>minds at parties also ?

No, not from the bogus address, I have other info.

If I encounter any minds at parties, yes, but I get to so few these days.

>really now...hummm.......I had a friend once that claimed the same
>might know him....his name was Kevin...Kevin Mitnick....yeah, he was
>untraceable also....right up untill the time the took him off to
>his address ? You could trade techniques together...

I know his address, it's currently NY State Pen, IIRC. The difference is
that LEA really wanted him because he'd already served time for hacking and
was ripping people off, AND they had the assistance of an extremely clever
guy - to whom Mitnick made a personal challenge to come and find him. He

>like they don't have any idea where to find it now...what with usenet
>named like alt.binaries.x, alt.binaries.teen etc ?

Of course they do, if they want to find it. I'm not sure they ought to be
given clues by adults, though; that's just irresponsible.



21.10.1998, 03:00:0021.10.98
>This is interesting. Are you at liberty to divulge any details on the

Well, it's all public knowledge. Mitnick is currently awaiting trial for
and was caught because he challenged a Japanese computer expert (name not to
to come and get him. I'll gladly email you URLS (when I have time to spare,
but, as you know, I'm
pretty busy right now. I've just had my Judicial Review refused by the
single Judge, and have
to consider whether to renew it before the full Divisional Court.) I'll be
in touch.


Tom Alciere

22.10.1998, 03:00:0022.10.98
uld avoid making any offers to buy kiddie porn, as such offers can encourage the
production therefo; and even though the perpetrator is busted, the harm is already
done to the "model" who then has to testify about it in court and the jury sees
the photos. Kinda like paying a hit man to rub somebody out and then busting him
after the target is dead.


Look4yourself wrote:

> Marshal Law wrote:
> >
> > I need your help!!
> >

> > There is a Usenet NG (alt.binaries.x) that has quite a few posters of child
> > porn/child abuse. Extreme examples of this are images:
> >

> > fe_009.jpg - fe06_008.jpg posted by someone calling themselves
> > I...@wil.u.cum on 10/13/98
> >
> > and images:
> >

> > im003.jpg -im079.jpg posted by someone calling themselves PANCHO on 10/14/98
> >

> > I've reported this abuse to and received an automatic response
> > letter stating that if I believe there is a crime being committed (and if

> > you'll view some of the images yourself you'll see), there is I should

> > report it to the police. Hopefully, thats what I'm doing now!

> > If you can, Please Help!

> > Marshal Law
> The presence of child pornography on the INTERNET and on BBS
> services is a disturbing and growing phenomenon. With
> your help however we can reverse this trend and eliminate this type
> of material from the information superhighway and bring the people
> responsible for its production and distributionto justice.
> The U.S. Customs Service is the country's front line of defense to combat
> the illegal importation and proliferation of this hideous material.
> U.S. Customs Child Pornography Enforcement Program You can help by reporting
> any information you have about child pornography to the U.S. Customs Service
> by calling 1-800-BE-ALERT
> For complaints regarding websites, individuals, servers, or chat rooms
> trafficking in suspected Child Pornography please forward all correspondence
> to the International Child Pornography Investigation and Coordination Center
> at
> Please include as much information as possible about the persons involved
> if known, their E-mail addresses, FTP site, Etc.
> You will remain anonymous and could be eligible for a cash award!
> The protection of our children and the elimination of this illegal material
> depends on all of us to do our part. Please report violations you see.
> You can make a difference!



22.10.1998, 03:00:0022.10.98

Witt wrote:

> >This is interesting. Are you at liberty to divulge any details on the
> >story?
> Well, it's all public knowledge. Mitnick is currently awaiting trial for
> hacking/phreaking
> and was caught because he challenged a Japanese computer expert (name not to
> hand)

almost..but not quite...


22.10.1998, 03:00:0022.10.98

Witt wrote:

> >> Well, he says he's in Australia, but I doubt if anyone could prove that.
> >
> >and you figured that out from this bogus e-mail address ? read
> >minds at parties also ?
> No, not from the bogus address, I have other info.
> If I encounter any minds at parties, yes, but I get to so few these days.
> >really now...hummm.......I had a friend once that claimed the same
> >might know him....his name was Kevin...Kevin Mitnick....yeah, he was
> totally
> >untraceable also....right up untill the time the took him off to
> jail.....want
> >his address ? You could trade techniques together...
> I know his address, it's currently NY State Pen, IIRC.

funny...when he is in Cali., maybe your address book needs updating..but seeing
as he was never in NY State PEnn....hummmmm

> The difference is
> that LEA


> really wanted him because he'd already served time for hacking and
> was ripping people off,

care to site proof for this very funny claim ? Just who did Kevin "rip off" ?

> AND they had the assistance of an extremely clever
> guy - to whom Mitnick made a personal challenge to come and find him. He
> did.

well, I see your lore needs updating too.....

> >like they don't have any idea where to find it now...what with usenet
> groups
> >named like alt.binaries.x, alt.binaries.teen etc ?
> Of course they do, if they want to find it. I'm not sure they ought to be
> given clues by adults, though; that's just irresponsible.

ummm....I think you'll fuind that it's normally the kids that are giving the
"clues" to the adults...they KNOW where this stuff is....must more than most
adults Web TV users do.

> Witt


22.10.1998, 03:00:0022.10.98

Mark Wright wrote:

> One joyful day (21 Oct 1998 14:36:52 -0500 to be precise), "Witt"
> <> decided that the Usenet community
> would benefit from this remarkable comment:
> [Sorry to barge into alt.activism.children, I periodically browse this
> group in case of discussion about censorship - both internet and real
> world - given that most of it is done in the name of "the children".
> Anyway, amongst other things, this thread caught my attention...]
> <snip>
> >I know his address, it's currently NY State Pen, IIRC. The difference is
> >that LEA really wanted him because he'd already served time for hacking and
> >was ripping people off, AND they had the assistance of an extremely clever

> >guy - to whom Mitnick made a personal challenge to come and find him. He
> >did.

> This is interesting. Are you at liberty to divulge any details on the
> story?

I would watch details from him...for some reason he thinks Mitnick is in NY.
last I heard he was in Ca..

I spoke with his grandmother the other day (she's in Las Vegas) as far as I know
he's still there...heck, never been in NY state Penn.....

> Mark Wright
> -
> ================Today's Thought====================
> "In places where books are burned, one day,
> people will be burned" - Heinrich Heine, Germany -
> 100 years later, Hitler proved him right
> ===================================================


22.10.1998, 03:00:0022.10.98
Hackman wrote in message <>...

>funny...when he is in Cali., maybe your address book needs updating..but
>as he was never in NY State PEnn....hummmmm

An error on my part due to faulty recollection. Having checked at, you are correct.

>LEA ?

Law Enforcement Agencies, a common enough abbreviation in Usenet.

>care to site proof for this very funny claim ? Just who did Kevin "rip
off" ?

Even you should know his history of phreaking. And he's said to have stolen
data from
Tsutomu Shimomura's computer, and others.

>well, I see your lore needs updating too.....

Only what I, or anyone, can find out from the usual places.

>ummm....I think you'll fuind that it's normally the kids that are giving
>"clues" to the adults...they KNOW where this stuff is....must more than
>adults Web TV users do.

Probably correct.


PS, if that's your real NNTP posting host, it's showing.


23.10.1998, 03:00:0023.10.98

Witt wrote:

> Hackman wrote in message <>...
> >funny...when he is in Cali., maybe your address book needs updating..but
> seeing
> >as he was never in NY State PEnn....hummmmm
> An error on my part due to faulty recollection. Having checked at
>, you are correct.

no problem...just didn't want him gettig even more bad press !!!

> >
> >LEA ?
> >
> Law Enforcement Agencies, a common enough abbreviation in Usenet.

oh...sorry...around here, PIG is the norm 8;)

> >
> >care to site proof for this very funny claim ? Just who did Kevin "rip
> off" ?
> >
> Even you should know his history of phreaking.

yeah..."should" problem is there are alot of "stories". Did you know that one
reason he was not allowed phone access is because they felt that he could
decode a 14,400 modem stream with his ears and respond with clicks and
whistles! A hoot huh ? (we who know him know that 9600 baud is the best he has
ever done!!!! 8;)

> And he's said to have stolen
> data from
> Tsutomu Shimomura's computer,

ahhh...the IP spoof icedent huh ? Funny...they never found the data...and his
programming skills were not up to that task...and if that was the case, why was
he not charged with it ? No. S. thought it was him, then set about to find
him. Kevin was spending his time working on a Brit trying to get DEC source
access....but the NY Times (in it's wonderful reported Markoff) has always had
a hard on for Kevin..basicly because he wouldn't allow himself to be
interviewed my Markoff's ex-wife Katie Haffner. Oh, did you happen to check
out the Redbook (or was it Vantay Fair) article by Haffner on Susan Thunder ?
The "Hooking Hacker" ? Well, if you knew Susan, you'd really beging to get an
idea just how fucked this whole mess was from the start...oh...and we won't
even get into the civil rights violations that have been stacked onto
him.....but yeah...Kevins the bad guy here....

> and others.

like the 20,000 credit card numbers found in the account he was using? That
list had been floating around the net for months before they found a copy in
that account...he didn't steal it...he, like many hackers had a copy of
it had floated in the underground for awhile.

> >
> >well, I see your lore needs updating too.....
> >
> Only what I, or anyone, can find out from the usual places.

anyone else ? Usual places ? Hummm....not good enough for me...I have been in
contact with Kevin since he was busted...there is a lot more to the story than
has been reported in the "usual" places.....not all the news thats fit to be
printed is on CNN you know!

Oh...the tape recording messages...not Mitnicks...
The IP spoof to S. machine ? Not his...heck, while Mitnick might have been a
good hacker due to GREAT social "skills" he was not a capable enough programmer
to do what it is thay were claiming he had done, he was a medioric software
hack but great of social manipulation...and the best way into a system ? With
the users password. Best way to get that...ask (creativly!)

> >
> >ummm....I think you'll fuind that it's normally the kids that are giving
> the "clues" to the adults...they KNOW where this stuff is....must more than
> most adults Web TV users do.
> Probably correct.

yeah...and thats the problem...well see more govenment intrussion into the
internet to "Save the Kids" (TM)

> Witt
> PS, if that's your real NNTP posting host, it's showing. to try and find me using it ?
(You do know that IBM has MANY news servers in many states...and a simple
telent session allows me to appear to come from the state of my choice! Kinda
cool when I think of the Weathr Channel showing all the rain in Texas....thank
god I only post from there!)


23.10.1998, 03:00:0023.10.98
>oh...sorry...around here, PIG is the norm 8;)

I don't know which NG you're actually responding from, but I take the point.

>whistles! A hoot huh ? (we who know him know that 9600 baud is the best he
>ever done!!!! 8;)

Even I only managed 2400 and that using a secret Green Lantern decoder ring!

>like the 20,000 credit card numbers found in the account he was using?
>list had been floating around the net for months before they found a copy
>that account...he didn't steal it...he, like many hackers had a copy of
>it had floated in the underground for awhile.

I didn't catch that, but I've been out of the loop for quite a while now.
Gone legit. Sad, but more money in it.

>contact with Kevin since he was busted...there is a lot more to the story
>has been reported in the "usual" places.....not all the news thats fit to
>printed is on CNN you know!

I understand that.

>yeah...and thats the problem...well see more govenment intrussion into the
>internet to "Save the Kids" (TM)

And, ultimately, as both you and I realise, pointless.


> to try and find me using it ?

No. It doesn't bother me. I know better than to try and hack a dial-in.
Where do I point my
EPS at, for one thing?

Stay cool.


26.10.1998, 03:00:0026.10.98

Witt wrote:

> >oh...sorry...around here, PIG is the norm 8;)
> I don't know which NG you're actually responding from, but I take the point.
> >whistles! A hoot huh ? (we who know him know that 9600 baud is the best he
> has
> >ever done!!!! 8;)
> Even I only managed 2400 and that using a secret Green Lantern decoder ring!

hahaha....yeah...and Capt. Crunch thought that the Crunch was the 2600hz key!

> >
> >like the 20,000 credit card numbers found in the account he was using?
> That
> >list had been floating around the net for months before they found a copy
> in
> >that account...he didn't steal it...he, like many hackers had a copy of
> >it had floated in the underground for awhile.
> >
> I didn't catch that, but I've been out of the loop for quite a while now.
> Gone legit. Sad, but more money in it.

yeah...age does that to us...I still keep my fingers in for the historic

> >contact with Kevin since he was busted...there is a lot more to the story
> than
> >has been reported in the "usual" places.....not all the news thats fit to
> be
> >printed is on CNN you know!
> I understand that.
> >yeah...and thats the problem...well see more govenment intrussion into the
> >internet to "Save the Kids" (TM)
> And, ultimately, as both you and I realise, pointless.

yes...pity huh....

> Witt
> >
> > to try and find me using it ?
> No. It doesn't bother me. I know better than to try and hack a dial-in.
> Where do I point my
> EPS at, for one thing?


> Stay cool.

(we don't know each other do we ?)


26.10.1998, 03:00:0026.10.98
>(we don't know each other do we ?)

Don't think so, unless you were around mebbe 15 years ago. That's when I was
doing most of my stuff, but even then, i tended to work pretty much alone.



27.10.1998, 03:00:0027.10.98

Witt wrote:

15 years...hummm...well, I *was* around...but as you, not into groups...
Did know the old crowd from Kevins days...Rosco, Susan, etc., but most of my
work was east coast...

> Witt


27.10.1998, 03:00:0027.10.98
>15 years...hummm...well, I *was* around...but as you, not into groups...
>Did know the old crowd from Kevins days...Rosco, Susan, etc., but most of
>work was east coast...

Don't know those guys, but I wasn't working out of the US, then - or
Australia. Pretty much a loner then, as now. P'raps this would be better in
email. Use MixMaster to



28.10.1998, 03:00:0028.10.98
In "The Child Terror," FRONTLINE correspondent Peter J. Boyer travels to
Dade County, Florida to explore the impassioned roots and controversial
consequences of the nation's 15-year legal battle against child sexual

During the 1980s, Miami became ground zero in the crusade to prosecute child
molesters. Many high-profile cases were prosecuted by the office of
prosecutor Janet Reno who pioneered a national effort to bring child
to justice.

Now, however, some of these cases are unraveling. In this report,
FRONTLINE deconstructs two of the them, probing what went wrong.

continued --->

28.10.1998, 03:00:0028.10.98
go to the white house !!!

Thank you for your time and consideration:


30.10.1998, 03:00:0030.10.98

Poliariat wrote in message <>...

Thanks for that objectively presented update. Strangely, you seem to have
posted the same message in two to the "legit" groups such as
alt.LE and alt.childrens.rights and another version to
Why? Was there a reason you chose to hide the legit groups from the obscure
prettyboy group? How did you filter through the numerous forums of
molestation and pick prettyboy? Hmmmmm....Is there a reason that you used a
"new" moniker to make these posts?

My suggestion to you would be this: You worry about keeping out of the
pants of children and the rest of us will worry about what we watch on TV.
Sound good? Remain hiding under the refrigerator with the other cockroaches
and we'll step on you less often.

What's ironic is that such folks use an expose' such as that mentioned here
to rationalize the raping of kids by demonstrating that the system isn't



30.10.1998, 03:00:0030.10.98
In "The Child Terror," FRONTLINE correspondent Peter J. Boyer travels to
Dade County, Florida to explore the impassioned roots and controversial
consequences of the nation's 15-year legal battle against child sexual

During the 1980s, Miami became ground zero in the crusade to prosecute child
molesters. Many high-profile cases were prosecuted by the office of
then-chief prosecutor Janet Reno who pioneered a national effort to
bring child molesters to justice.

Now, however, some of these cases are unraveling. In this report,
FRONTLINE deconstructs two of the them, probing what went wrong.

continued --->

GHalleck wrote:
> Thanks for that objectively presented update.


FireFox wrote:
> I have been using the Internet for several years now, and it has promised
> great things. Although I do not understand why child pornography is allowed
> to continue and grow on the Internet. How hard can it be to catch these
> monsters ? Doesn't each posting and /or transfer have an IP number that can
> be traced back through the domain and linked to a physical account address?
> Huh, get real, most ISP's keep a log of accounts and times. We have the
> technology to put a man on the moon but we cant' find the person that posted
> the kiddy porn on the Internet. Maybe I'm missing something, could it be
> that the Internet is a multi-million dollar industry and they don't want bad
> publicity ? Or does anyone really care ?
> Seems to me if these activities are allowed to continue, we will in turn put
> more of our children at risk. All that it is doing is fueling the minds of
> pedophiles and breeding new ones alike, and because of this we may find more
> and more of our children being abducted, molested, and murdered. Is this
> the way we treat our children in America. I don't understand how one of the
> most hideous crimes is allowed to continue and grow. When will someone do
> something. ?
> Bowen B.


31.10.1998, 03:00:0031.10.98
GHalleck wrote:
> Thanks for that objectively presented update. Strangely, you seem to have
> posted the same message in two to the "legit" groups such as
> alt.LE and alt.childrens.rights and another version to
> Why? Was there a reason you chose to hide the legit groups from the obscure
> prettyboy group? How did you filter through the numerous forums of
> molestation and pick prettyboy? Hmmmmm....Is there a reason that you used a
> "new" moniker to make these posts?
> My suggestion to you would be this: You worry about keeping out of the
> pants of children and the rest of us will worry about what we watch on TV.
> Sound good? Remain hiding under the refrigerator with the other cockroaches
> and we'll step on you less often.
> What's ironic is that such folks use an expose' such as that mentioned here
> to rationalize the raping of kids by demonstrating that the system isn't
> perfect.
> GHalleck

I can only cross-post to a few newsgroups at a time, I post to 100
newsgroups in twenty 5-newsgroup packets. On ocassion I forget a newsgroup.
So I left-out your favorite newsgroup. I will post there next time.

If you have a problem with an other issues, you can email Marty Panach, it can be found in

Anyway, here is my defense to your accusations:

I wish to report a bizarre crime situation in the Maple
Heights, Ohio area (a suburb of Cleveland, USA) using a
form of radiation-based mind control. A criminal gang is
entrapping and torturing victims with radiation
bombardment (deliberately trying to produce brain
injuries), electronic rape, transmission of rabid screech
"voices" (sound simulation being possible),
round-the-clock force-fed verbal communications, and
drug effects (transferred from drug users who are
apparently on amphetamines, coke, etc.--at intentionally
uncomfortable levels in order to stress victims into
nervous breakdowns). Victims are kept debilitated with
chronic radiation poisoning which is at times similar in
potency to nerve- (or minimally tear-) gas in terms of
being a hazardous biological agent, except that the effects
are more directable to the specific target. The levels are
periodically upped to that point whenever the predators
deem it necessary to keep their prey in thrall, or to achieve
a desired end. Although, torture could be described as
intermittent, communication is continuous. This is in
effect electronic telepathy--being used for nothing but
deleterious purposes, however (for the implementation of
torture). The signal can be transmitted to victims from
incredible distances with accuracy, it is impossible to
evade, and there is a large army of persons engaged in the
stalking (7 days, 24 hours--with unbelievable tenacity).
There is probable usage of satellite tracking, augmented
by ground-based weapons, making escape difficult.
(Surmising the means is theoretical, based on prolonged
experience.) I have been followed without relent for 25
years now, around the clock, by stalkers who never stop
preying on their victim. They are sadists who do all in
their power to inflict suffering on victims, in a way that is
senseless--constantly engaging in psychological and
physical abuse. They latch on to a victim and never
thereafter permit prey to experience full consciousness,
denying freedom of thought and basic human rights.
Packs of thugs gang up on helpless individuals with laser
weapons and try to administer brain damage, to knock the
victim's brains out, so to speak. An army of them
surround the victim from hidden locations, from time to
time generating shrieking effects and hyped-up nervous
states while so doing as a means of creating mental
distress. I reported the abuses in the 1970's. There was a
phony Congressional investigation, a little bit of press
flurry about illegal CIA activity which never divulged the
main facts--camouflaging the mind control as a drug
operation instead of revealing the technological bases of
the radiation-based mind control--then a smokescreen put
up through U.S. news media, which seem to have become
pawns of a de facto dictatorship. The public went back
into a quiescent sleep while the perpetrators bore down
more cruelly on helpless victims.

Some of the transmissions are suspected of being via satellite.
In fact, the evidence to this effect is for me overwhelming.
The roof of a building (i.e. your house) can be targeted,
and there is very little scattering to the outside, creating the
apparent impression that nothing is happening (outside).
Meanwhile a humongous pulsating signal is being generated
inside, creating standing waves through directed-beam
transmissions. However, the victim need not be stationary to
receive. The signal goes for miles. Being stationary makes it
easier to deliver pain and to concentrate harassment, though.

The so-called Star Wars program could be a dangerous
offensive weapons program which is a tool of a virtual
dictatorship. People who know too much and are willing
to talk are stalked with the mind control by torturers until
they suffer ruin--suicides, destitution, confinement to
mental institutions, diagnoses of fake schizophrenia,
which is degrading character assassination--even
subjected to illegal psychosurgery after being driven into
provoked rages with torture from which they could not
escape. The U.S. press appears to have complicity in
maintaining secrecy--conferring absolute power on the
vicious clique monopolizing this technology. No
defenses are ever developed for detection by an unwitting
population which is never informed of any capabilities of
it. The ability to stalk press people with the mind control is
part of the reason for the successful secrecy, but there is
also a certain amount of corruption on the part of the
establishment, which is kept comfortable as long as it
plays along. The technocracy is careful to (overtly)
victimize only the weakest and most helpless of prey for
target practice, to cover its tracks. I know I am
surrounded by an army of these persons, with beams
coming from multiple directions. I have been anything but
silent to local police, yet I have never seen any discipline
of the criminals. Some of the predators will pose as
benevolent (as therapists, well-wishers, religionists, etc.)
until they think they are not being observed, and then
they will do a 180 degree turn and start their extortion and
terrorization. There has been no halt to their operations
in 25 years. I have registered complaint after complaint
after complaint with the local police department. The one
person I have been able to pinpoint as being somehow
(maybe indirectly--through some kind of guilt by
association) connected with the technology is a very
improbable type--a Mr. John Wavrzacz at 14101 Rockside
Rd., Maple Heights, Ohio. Evidence was an uncanny
ability to know about events he had no means of being
privy to other than some kind of clairvoyance. The son of
neighbor Carol Tipton (formerly Skocdopole), 5337 E. 141
St., also needs investigation. Although he appears
outwardly decent, Al Kovach, the person who purchased
my home at 5333 E. 141 St. and from whom I rent, is also a
mystery figure. He supposedly lives near Fleet Ave. in
Cleveland and claims to be an electrician. I can't afford
to leave any stones unturned.

Another fact: In the past I distributed a report with a Feb.
7, 1976 Cleveland Plain Dealer newsclipping attached
entitled "Soviets said to spy with perilous rays". There
was a lot of ensuing reference in the media to CIA mind
control about that time. After I let out Wavrzacz's name in
1996, some terrorists hit me with an incredible radiation blast
akin in its effects to tear gas. This stuff causes respiratory
passages to swell until near-suffocation results. Without
antihistamines, the ability to breath is threatened. In their
communications perpetrators make reference to some kind
of "gang" and "family" membership. There is never a police
bust of criminal perpetrators in this area. No complaints
to any authority are ever to any avail. Activity is
occurring in the E. 141 St.-Granger Rd. section of Maple
Heights, Ohio. At least that is the target area (almost
certain use of overhead satellite technology augmented by
ground-based weapons--this is theory, it is difficult for me
to ascertain the exact means). I would like to re-emphasize
the almost certain utilization of satellites to relay some signals.
What else would account for the signal being very strong
inside a building, then apparently much weaker on its entire
periphery? Also, nuclear reactions may be involved,
judging from the often very hazardous nature of the radiation.
Nuclear weapons in space? Nuclear terrorists? There are
upsurges in torture activity correlating with breaks in the
academic calendar--Spring break being the worst time of the
year. This leads me to suspect participation of academics in
the crimes. Local colleges--Case Western Reserve University
and Cleveland State University, both in Cleveland--could be
suspect. Possibly students lured into collaboration by criminal
professors, or some such scenario. How American students
could be lured into supporting anything so flagrantly
antidemocratic I couldn't begin to guess. I am also considering
local hospitals as being possible sites of activity. There are
two Veterans hospitals in the area--in Brecksville and
Cleveland, plus a branch of NASA. I was in Marymount
Hospital in Garfield Heights, Ohio, a couple of times. It is the
only hospital in which I have ever undergone any surgical
procedures (twice).

Although anyone who had experienced this phenomenon
would think some sort of implant for tracking and reception
necessary, a CAT scan and x-rays of my brain back in 1981
by Radiologic Medical Imaging Associates in Mayfield Hts.,
Ohio (referral from a Dr. Grant Heller in Beachwood,Ohio)
did not turn any up, according to radiologists who reviewed

There are indications from his behavior that my brother Bill
was also a previous victim. He is today very ill, displaying
symptoms of long-term abuse.

The American public can never acquire defenses, regulation,
pertinent laws, or restriction so long as the secrets are kept. I
need help in tracking to source. Victims undergoing the most
heart-rending violations are simply brushed off as lunatics,
ignored, scoffed at--and it is an affront to human decency and
dignity. The reason secrecy has been maintained this long
(over twenty documented years) is the promotion of a
vicious reign of terror against any resistance or dissent.
Anyone who knows anything is stalked and tortured until
they crumble. The clique in power are very cocky and
obnoxious overlords, in the process of transforming the
democracy into a farce. The group which has victimized
me is little more than a ring of psychotic deviates who
molest innocents for sadistic kicks--deriving some kind of
insane satisfaction from intimidating helpless prey for spite.
They have no consciences or internal limits, and brag about
their amorality. I believe they have been picking up women
(and boys) for sexual reasons, afterwards driving them
insane. They juice up on dope while they hold their prey
captive. While they attempt to damage the victims'
brains, they spew Nazi philosophy at them.
I sometimes wonder if secret police (military) support
exists--a suspicion derived from the fact that activities are
never stopped. These persons, who are terrorists, never
face arrest, intimidating me without end. In at least one
area of the country (New York City) I have evidence of
coordination with mental health authorities to entrap
victims into insane asylums. This is of course after
deliberately driving them crazy. What I have depicted is a
brutal denial of the rights to life, liberty, the pursuit of
happiness, and security in their homes which are
supposedly guaranteed to law-abiding Americans. The
thirteenth amendment prohibition against slavery is also

If the technology were in the right hands (instead of the
very wrong ones who hold it now), there might be a
questionable need to expose it. However, victims like myself
have been subjected to cruel and unusual punishments.
Like 25 years of constant telemetric tracking combined with
efforts to induce psychological breakdown and persistent
torture. Persons like my clueless brother Bill subjected to
what looks like illegal experimentation with extremely
destructive effects--virtual loss of life which is the result of
prolonged torture (and possibly psychosurgery). Naivete and
weakness make the target all the more tempting, apparently.

Some of the perpetrators want to know if the human being
can be completely robotized with psychological (and physical)
breakdown methods, and they never know when to stop.
Their big dream is to produce a mindless golem. This is
not expanding human potential in a positive way.

The technology is dangerous, yes. But there is no excuse
for the kind of abuse which has gone on. People's lives
have been destroyed. The most innocent kinds of people
too. The need for secrecy is not sufficient justification.
Unbefitting Civilized Man, if such could be said to exist.

Closing with the valuable words of Sir Winston Churchill:
"Still if you will not fight for the right when you can easily win
without bloodshed, if you will not fight when your victory will
be sure and not so costly, you may come to the moment when
you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only
a precarious chance for survival. There may be a worse case.
You may have to fight when there is no chance of victory,
because it is better to perish than to live as slaves."


Admittedly, this is a difficult task.
The first step toward prevention of illegal mind manipulation
with these electronic weapons is to make their existence
public knowledge and to document misuse wherever it occurs,
so that the public can be on guard for perpetrators and
symptoms of abuse. Establishing the existence of the technology
is step number one. Unfortunately, it is difficult to separate the
wheat from the chaff, fact from fraud. This is one factor making
the exposure of the conspiracy so difficult, making it so easy
for conspirators to succeed with their deceptions.

Maybe the same ingenuity and propensity to develop
advanced technologies like this which Man has
demonstrated could be turned toward development of
methods for detection, tracking down to source, and
unveiling of those who misuse technology. One note of
hope is that the weapon can to some extent serve as its
own means of detection--that is, it can be used to detect
illegal operators by being able to see through walls.

In order to ferret out perpetrators, it helps to
try to ascertain the nature and purpose of the abuse.
Not all of the mind control being done in the U.S. falls
under the heading of "experimentation". Sometimes that
was the original incentive. But once the controls and
circumstances are in place for it to occur, much has
occurred which simply reflects malicious and selfish
criminality, or the perverse elements in some human
natures. Putting any kind of implant in anybody's head is
simply opening the door to crime. So is any kind of
unsupervised usage of any similar technology on a
completely unwitting public.

Rather than "experimentation", what has happened to
me personally, at least at its current stage, savors more
of cult-type activity, although I am not able to determine
exactly the purpose of the perpetrators. I can only
speculate. Frankly, a sane and healthy individual would
derive little satisfaction from committing the kinds of acts
of victimization which I have undergone (as regards
"purpose"). Rather, they are expressions of psychopathic,
sociopathic personalities--particularly regarding the
length of time involved and fanatical zeal demonstrated by
assailants, as well as their cruelty in torturing and denying
normal lives to their enslaved victims. The perpetrators
may be described as armed and dangerous criminals--
psychotic as regards their personal taste levels and morals
--whose methodical organization has so far prevented any
reasonable law enforcement. What is going on here in
Ohio currently looks sort of like a cult or entertainment
racket with a ring of underground criminal patrons or
adherents (largely deviates, who refer to themselves as
"gang" members). On the other hand, it could represent the
activity of some government--even our own--bent on power
and aggrandizement. How it started out initially
25 or more years ago, I don't know. The type of help I would
appreciate would be help with detection and law enforcement:
identification and apprehension of the perpetrators, so that
illegal activity could be shut down and the ring leaders could
be brought to justice. An alert public is better able to look
out for signs and symptoms of this type of activity and any
other illegalities which might be occurring with this hidden
technology. You would not want a group like this to remain
operating at large--a distinct danger to society--to get its
talons into your child or family member. It would be ruination
for that poor victim's life--all downhill from that point.

The Mind Control Forum is a good web site at which
illegal mind control victims have joined to air their
grievances. It is at:

Another valuable site for victims of illegal
technological brain control abuse is:

Look into matters presented at:
There are opportunities there to add to the pool of

There are interesting entries at the site of the Freedom
of Thought Foundation (although it seems somewhat
commercialized) at:
However, many legitimate causes often suffer from neglect
when there is neither the time nor the money to pursue them
and even psychological support is missing.



The Boycott Brazil home page depicts the tragic plight
of avowed victim John Lambros, and underlines the
potential of this technology for political abuse, which
may (or may not be) in a different category. His
particular incident occurred outside the United States.
It is at:
You will want to boycott coffee imported from certain
sources after you read this.

We face the possible spectre of the elimination of dissent
in a way that is sneaky and seemingly bloodless but
nonetheless scurrilous--using as internment centers
psychiatric hospitals--analogous to the old KGB abuse of
psychiatry--not supposed to occur in the so-called free

There are striking similarities to some of the practices
described in the old John Barron book: KGB: THE
Books, 1974, Chapter V: "How to Run A Tyranny"):

"...Colonel-Doctor Daniel L. Lunts pronounces the
diagnosis [on political prisoners], which usually turns
out to be some form of 'schizophrenia'. On one occasion,
the colonel-doctor discovered a strain of schizophrenia
'which has no clear symptoms'. On another, he is said to
have told prisoners: 'When I say a man is schizophrenic,
he is schizophrenic, just as if I say an ashtray is
schizophrenic, it is schizophrenic.' "

Another quote from the same book:

"...Regarding the fate of inmates in these institutions,
Solzhenitsyn says: 'The commitment of free-thinking
people to psychiatric hospitals is spiritual murder, it is
another version of the gas chamber, but even more cruel:
The sufferings of those being killed are more painful and
more prolonged.' "

Added to the situation are capabilities for apparent
symptom production inherent in these mind control
weapons--physical and mental torture invariably
provoking crazed responses.

What I have personally undergone might (or might not be)
political in nature (Most likely it isn't), but there is
decidedly a conspiratorial policy of denial on the part of
political authorities which hinders any type of legal control
of usage.


With a behind the scenes view, it is obvious that the
public is literally "conditioned" with an automatic
response with what has probably been a continuous
process of reverse media and other types of propaganda
to automatically reject any complaint in which a victim
claims to be "hearing voices". They are conditioned to
perceive this as a "classic" pathological symptom (with a
"classic" description--which has made its way into
"classic" textbooks) which could not possibly have any
foundation in fact. This is your "textbook" symptom, in
other words. This response is so pervasive that, from
behind the scenes, from the vantage point of knowing
about the capability to produce microwave hearing effects
which has been in existence for almost, if not in excess of,
thirty years (carefully concealed from public knowledge
except for one or two books and press releases), the whole
thing savors of a carefully orchestrated public relations
conspiracy. How common were those cases of victims
reporting "hearing voices"? What percentage were
merely the result of a hallucinogen or genuine aberration,
and what percentage reflects this now sinister appearing
scheme to influence the minds of members of the populace
from behind the scenes with the new technology? What is
the extent of the conspiracy on the part of segments of the
psychiatric profession? How many of them were witting?
I have personally documented to my own satisfaction the
existence of brain control technology for 25 solid years,
along with the conspiracy to hide it. I have kept journals
on this phenomenon for that length of time--saved
newsclippings and books hoping to find vindication for
what I now know to be fact. The public is conditioned like
Pavlov's dog to automatically reject the possibility of such
a thing actually existing, and this poses a maximal danger
to society as it falls prey to a very sinister scheme to
control it from behind the scenes. The reasons
government and the media would engage in the scheme of
concealment is partly the use of force which is intrinsic in
the brain control itself--the ability to neutralize thought,
literally, with electronic disruption. Also, the powers that
be are aware of the dangers of said technology, which are
admittedly considerable, should it fall into enemy hands.
However, the abuse I have experienced at the mercy of
some of these operators indicate that the technology is
already in some very wrong hands, determined to stop at
nothing in their efforts to control society, respecting NO
laws, such as those supposedly sacrosanct ones
protecting individual privacy and freedom of speech.

The closest I have ever seen to a public revelation of what
this technology can do was a 1976 Associated
Press newspaper release (printed in the Cleveland Plain
Dealer November 22, 1976, p. 9-A) entitled
"Mind-bending Soviet radio waves reported". Now that
was over two decades ago, and the stuff is still secret,
which frightens me (with regard to possible inroads
against privacy which may have been achieved since
then). Part of the text of that release follows:

"A newly declassified U.S. Defense Intelligence
Agency report says extensive Soviet research into
microwaves might lead to methods of causing disoriented
human behavior, nerve disorders or even heart attacks.
'Soviet scientists are fully aware of the biological
effects of low-level microwave radiation which might
have offensive weapons application', says the report....
The Pentagon agency's report, distributed within
the government last March, said one biological effect
that could offer antipersonnel uses is the phenomenon
known as 'microwave hearing'.
'Sounds and possibly even words which appear to
be originating (within the head) can be induced by
signal modulation at very low average power densities',
the study said....
The report was compiled by Ronald L. Adams of the
Army surgeon general's office and Dr. R.A. Williams of
Batelle Laboratories, Columbus [Ohio]."

Although microwaves could be utilized, the penetrability
of the signal (capable of being received in subterranean
places like the transit entranceway beneath Cleveland's
Terminal Tower complex and certainly not blockable by
anything so flimsy as a few sheets of tinfoil) leads me
personally to suspect the use of high-energy ( thus
ionizing) radiation--something more like an X-ray. I am,
however, no expert on these things.

One of the very earliest publications dealing with the
Soviet interest in the phenomenon was PSYCHIC
Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder, which first came out May,
1970 (Prentice-Hall). Since then, the technology has
found its way to other countries--most notably our own.

Even earlier than this (written up in LIFE magazine in
September, 1962) there were rumors that the neurophone
invented by G. Patrick Flanagan in the United States
(author of the book PYRAMID POWER, 1973, De Vorss &
Co.) could effect a telepathic transfer (but this machine
was not wireless).

There is flagrant censorship and denial by government and
mainstream news-media. Fear of proliferation and subsequent
increases in abuse are probable rationales. I wish that
restriction of this technology to proper and safe hands
would make disclosure unnecessary. If complaint to
authorities brought a reasonable resolution of the problem,
instead of what looks from here like either gross indefinite
neglect or unforgivable collusion, it would not be
necessary. However, as things are, the price of silence is
extremes of abuse barely imaginable, against which no
steps are ever taken. Silence is for victims suicidal, as
things stand. Society at large is in grave danger. It is
galling that someone could undergo 25 years of
torture and human rights abuses in the United States of
America, which touts itself all the time as the freest
country in the world, yet there is barely a whisper of the
situation anywhere. The crime would have been
solved long ago had there been any degree of publicity.
The secrecy keeps it going. Let's hope that Usenet and the
web will continue to be forums for cases of injustice.


It has been suggested that the Faraday Cage might offer
some protection against illegal electronic mind manipulation.
General plans for constructing such a cage can be found at:

Thick metal shielding would be another obvious component.
Thin isn't effective.

One defense facility built along these principles around
World War II was the Bunker, near the coast of Scotland,
described at . Of
course, anything that elaborate is reserved for the monied.

Such control is against many known laws on the books just
about everywhere. In particular, it runs directly counter to
international agreement as evinced by the Universal Declaration
of Human Rights of the United Nations, a condensed copy of
which may be found at: Articles 3, 4, 5, 12, *18*,
19, 20 are all in violation. The Declaration will have a 50th
anniversary in December. It has never been fully realized and is
more than ever in jeopardy, but is certainly a sterling ideal. There
is an opportunity to become a signatory to it and to examine
relevant matters at the Amnesty International web site at:

Admittedly, such formalities can seem frivolous when some thug
is trying to demolish your brain with a beam (psionic or
psychotronic) weapon.

John Wavrzacz, at 14101 Rockside Road, is the only one in the Maple Heights,
Ohio, area I have been able to uncover as having access to electronic mind
control, and he is a known past pimp and drug dealer who apparently has a
very cozy relationship with the local police. He makes frequent trips to
Florida for unknown purposes. It is odd that the police seem comfortable
with his access to the technology, never wanting to interfere with his

His connections could even be higher than local--maybe Federal--because he
can weather any kind of publicity and seems protected. I am unable to
determine his relationship to this slimeball organization, but he is almost
certainly someone else's [possibly forced] subordinate in an area that is
becoming increasingly black. Sexually molesting kids in the neighborhood
both physically and electronically is apparently the gang's favorite

They tend to prefer debilitated ones, like the mentally retarded and
indigent, whom they like to corner and dominate, and more or less fit
the profile of being homosexual pedophiles.

Last month quite a few Cleveland and suburban police were disrobed as
protecting cocaine trafficking for the actual Mafia. After less than
a month after the bust they are back in business stronger than ever.

Claims have been made by some communicants (who are often pathological
liars it should be cautioned) of involvement in Krishna Consciousness.
I am unable to find any Cleveland chapter in the phone book. Please
send any relevant information on the cult (particularly Cleveland or
nearby Ohio chapters) or on involvement of any other cult in similar
technology to

Sometimes communicants generate either Arab- or Chinese- or Buddhist
sounding "music" via communications, similar to chanting. Maybe they are
instead actually Arabs, Chinese, or Japanese, it is needless to note.

Wavrzacz just happened to have been a Marine in Japan in the '70s.

There was mention at one point by a communicant (there are verbal
transmissions) of a "Seabrook" or "Seaborg" (phonetic spelling) atomic
facility. Is there any such facility?

AUGUST 25, 1998 JOURNAL ENTRY (Clues as to who might be committing the brain
control atrocities in Cleveland?):

Today, Aug. 25, 1998, coincides with a bunch of punks getting
in sudden vociferous communication with me, doing choir-like howling and
being obnoxious and disgusting--harassing me to death. I have also had
my genitals stimulated by rapists with directed-beam energy quite a few
times against my violent objection for the past 48 hours. They had been
transmitting illegal drug highs last night while doing this. This probably
also coincides with the commencement of school somewhere in the area.

Why does this activity always seem to fluctuate with the cycles of the
academic calendar? There is probable recruitment of youth elements and
organizing them into gangs. This is stealing, murder, and inhumane torture.
This is the 25th year of similar victimization.

A few years back, Wen Ko, a professor in the Case Western Reserve
University bioengineering department and former native of Communist China,
was rumored to have done funny brain control. His record ought to be
looked into.

They also had a dental dean who ran an auto theft ring a few years back,
and then there was the crooked researcher who fabricated data in the New
England Journal of Medicine. Maybe this is more of the same moral
standard for that institution. I would also check out both Ronald Haybron
and Bernard Hamermesh, if they are still around--

suspicious characters in the Cleveland State University physics department
in the 1960's and '70's--because of odd peculiarly relevant comments in
odd teaching methods. Because of the gravity of the situation, I cannot
afford to leave any stones unturned.

Back in the 1970's, a communicant claimed to be working around
30th and Chester in Cleveland, which was near both Cleveland State
University and Channel 5.

My enemies are conspiring against me!



31.10.1998, 03:00:0031.10.98
Poliariat wrote in message <>...
GHalleck wrote:
> Thanks for that objectively presented update. Strangely, you seem to have
> posted the same message in two to the "legit" groups such as
> alt.LE and alt.childrens.rights and another version to
> Why?  Was there a reason you chose to hide the legit groups from the obscure
> prettyboy group?  How did you filter through the numerous forums of
> molestation and pick prettyboy?  Hmmmmm....Is there a reason that you used a
> "new" moniker to make these posts?
> My suggestion to you would be this:  You worry about keeping out of the
> pants of children and the rest of us will worry about what we watch on TV.
> Sound good?  Remain hiding under the refrigerator with the other cockroaches
> and we'll step on you less often.
> What's ironic is that such folks use an expose' such as that mentioned here
> to rationalize the raping of kids by demonstrating that the system isn't
> perfect.
> GHalleck

I can only cross-post to a few newsgroups at a time, I post to 100
newsgroups in twenty 5-newsgroup packets. On ocassion I forget a newsgroup.
So I left-out your favorite newsgroup. I will post there next time.

If you have a problem with an other issues, you can email Marty Panach, it can be found in

Anyway, here is my defense to your accusations:

Kill yourself, pedophile.

Paul Stryker

13.11.1998, 03:00:0013.11.98

On that Date of Wed, 21 Oct 1998 05:51:15 -0500, in Newsgroup, I followuped respond to "Hackman <>"
who wrote:

|Witt wrote:
|> >> There is a Usenet NG (alt.binaries.x) that has quite a few posters of
|> child
|> >> porn/child abuse. Extreme examples of this are images:

|> This NG is already under Law Enforcement surveillance. And there is a huge
|> difference between child porn and child abuse. They are not necessarily
|> connected.
|> >> I...@wil.u.cum on 10/13/98

|> Well, he says he's in Australia, but I doubt if anyone could prove that.
|and you figured that out from this bogus e-mail address ? read
|minds at parties also ?

Hmmm, sounds like CID remote viewers, but I do. [smirk].

|> >> im003.jpg -im079.jpg posted by someone calling themselves PANCHO on
|> 10/14/98

|> Likewise, untraceable. As am I.

|really now...hummm.......I had a friend once that claimed the same
|might know him....his name was Kevin...Kevin Mitnick....yeah, he was totally
|untraceable also....right up untill the time the took him off to jail.....want
|his address ? You could trade techniques together...

That is funny, but sad. Mitnick was hurting for notoriety his head shrinks say.
Of course you say "I know him" in so many words throughout this newsgroup,
interesting enough your are drawing attention to yourself too. Most real hackers
never boast nor ever use the same name in e-mail, newsgroups, and excetra......
Hey, but what Do I know --Silly me what do I know.



16.11.1998, 03:00:0016.11.98

Paul Stryker wrote:

nice try....but I claim to know all my personel friends....
and why not ?

My "Hackman" could as easily be my is a last name you know ?

Your remote "viewing" isn't working today!

> R0dgerRabbit

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