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John Mark Karr--Hey look at this!

11 பார்வைகள்
படிக்கப்படாத முதல் மெசேஜுக்குச் செல்


16 ஆக., 2006, 9:27:23 PM16/8/06
Hey everyone...lookee here. My husband was doing a net search for John Mark
Karr, the reported name of the suspect in custody for the murder of
Jonbenet. He found a resume (including picture) of a John Karr who has a
background in elementary school teaching and is world traveled. He also goes
into detail of private family care work he did of young children, describing
how he bathed and dressed young children, including many little girls. It
kinda sounds like he really enjoyed that part.

It could be a coincidence...there could be other men w/ the same name in
elementary school teaching and world traveling who seem to be about the
right age. But this sure is weird. Look at it and see what you think. Here's
the link:

(add sbc before global to email)


16 ஆக., 2006, 11:10:44 PM16/8/06
The guy in the picture on that website sure looks a lot like the guy in the
picture they are showing on Fox...

Assuming that our Karr actually wrote all of the things on that site, and
that they are true, it is interesting to me that he was in Germany and the
Netherlands (looking after young girls) right after he went on the lam for
child porn charges in California.

"EnEss" <> wrote in message

tiny dancer

16 ஆக., 2006, 11:10:24 PM16/8/06
It kind of looks like the photo I saw of him on Greta.

"EnEss" <> wrote in message

மெசேஜ் நீக்கப்பட்டது


17 ஆக., 2006, 12:42:00 AM17/8/06

"EnEss" <> wrote in message

They are using the same picture on Rocky Mountain News.

Posted via a free Usenet account from

17 ஆக., 2006, 12:44:40 AM17/8/06
Congradulations to your husband! He's probably the first person in the
world to put on the suspect's photo for the public.

The link provided by your husband:

tiny dancer

17 ஆக., 2006, 12:46:27 AM17/8/06

"earthage2002" <> wrote in message

If that truly is him, all the positions on his resume from after the kiddie
porn charges, involve his working with/caring for small children on a very
*intimate* level. And of course, he is doing all that in only foreign


17 ஆக., 2006, 12:51:19 AM17/8/06

Pneuma Cheney wrote:
> That isn't him, John Karr lived in Alabama and graduated from college there.
> He moved to California in 2000 and in 2001 he was arrested for child porn and
> fled the jurisdiction.

You obviously didn't read it too closely or check out the rest of the

Michael Snyder

17 ஆக., 2006, 12:44:15 AM17/8/06

"EnEss" <> wrote in message

Doesn't this guy look awefully young? Suspect's supposed to be in his

On the other hand, the John Karr whose resume you posted is
awefully sketchy about his history prior to 1995.

Also no mention of Georgia *or* Colorado.


17 ஆக., 2006, 12:56:25 AM17/8/06

"Michael Snyder" <> wrote in message
It is the same guy. Look at the picture in this link:



17 ஆக., 2006, 12:57:37 AM17/8/06

"Pneuma Cheney" <fr...@frank.spaam> wrote in message

> On Thu, 17 Aug 2006 01:27:23 GMT, "EnEss" <> wrote:

> That isn't him, John Karr lived in Alabama and graduated from college
> there.
> He moved to California in 2000 and in 2001 he was arrested for child porn
> and
> fled the jurisdiction.

I don't KNOW if it is or not, but -

- If you compare the job4teacher pic with the Petaluma pic, they look a LOT
alike - the only real difference I see is that the job4teacher Karr has
black hair and the Petaluma Karr has brown hair, but that could be dye.
They both have the same general facial structure, the same degree of
balding, and the same haircut.

- It's true that the job4teacher guy says he went to Regents' College (now
Excelsior College) in Albany, NY, and that the arrested Karr's brother says
he went to school in Alabama, BUT - Excelsior College has "at-a-distance"
programs, so he could have gotten a degree from Excelsior while living
anywhere. Also, the job4teacher Karr doesn't say what year he got his
degree, which is a bit odd on a resume....

- The job4teacher Karr doesn't say ANYTHING about where he lived in the
United States at any time, just that he taught at "some of the most
prestigious schools in the United States, working with children from high
profile families" - which is an awfully weird way to write a resume - and
says he has been living abroad in all sorts of places since 2001. (By the
way, there are other versions of the job4teacher Karr's resume out there
that you can find in Google caches, and the most recent one has him living
in Taipei, Taiwan.) In other words, the job4teacher Karr left the US at
exactly the same time the Petaluma Karr went on the lam and off the radar,
and has been moving awfully fast since then.

So either EnEss is on to something, or else the job4teacher guy is just a
guy with the same name, who also taught second grade, and who looks a lot
like the Georgia/Alabama/Petaluma Karr, and writes a really weird and
seemingly evasive resume, and started travelling abroad to all sorts of
countries (Europe, Central America, Reunion Island in the Indian Ocean, and
Taipei) at the same time the Petaluma Karr (who was arrested in Thailand)
went on the lam, and puts a lot of stuff in his resume about bathing young
girls and such. Well?



17 ஆக., 2006, 1:02:25 AM17/8/06
Oh, well, I just saw the Rocky Mt News photo, so that settles that. :-)



17 ஆக., 2006, 1:09:45 AM17/8/06

EnEss wrote:
> Hey everyone...lookee here. My husband was doing a net search for John Mark
> Karr, the reported name of the suspect in custody for the murder of
> Jonbenet. He found a resume (including picture) of a John Karr who has a
> background in elementary school teaching and is world traveled.

That's the same guy that's in the pic from the Petaluma paper.



17 ஆக., 2006, 1:13:48 AM17/8/06

Chocolic wrote:
> >
> It is the same guy. Look at the picture in this link:
> Chocolic

Yes - that's the photo to which I referred. This guy has a long
history of being around children. It makes me sick!



17 ஆக., 2006, 1:19:38 AM17/8/06

"-L." <> wrote in message

Makes you wonder about other vics. I'm thinking there is a blog from
him around somewhere. Will have to call on Steve Huff.

Ooooops, here I go doing something I hate..... accuse somebody without
the facts. We'll just have to wait for more to come out.



17 ஆக., 2006, 1:22:34 AM17/8/06

Chocolic wrote:
> Makes you wonder about other vics. I'm thinking there is a blog from
> him around somewhere. Will have to call on Steve Huff.
> Ooooops, here I go doing something I hate..... accuse somebody without
> the facts. We'll just have to wait for more to come out.
> Chocolic

It's hard not to get excited about this arrest, if you are a follower
of the case (especially if you believed the Ramsey were innocent). I
actually cried when I heard the details of the arrest. I have wanted
this to be solved for so long - for some reason this murder affcted me



17 ஆக., 2006, 1:37:43 AM17/8/06
"tiny dancer" wrote:

> "earthage2002" wrote:
>> They are using the same picture on Rocky Mountain News.

> If that truly is him, all the positions on his resume from after the
> kiddie
> porn charges, involve his working with/caring for small children on a very
> *intimate* level. And of course, he is doing all that in only foreign
> countries.

I know, I had the same thought. Chilling. All that stuff, those details
about bathing and dressing little girls, including an infant girl, that's
only appropriate on a resume for someone applying for a job as a nanny---not
at all appropriate for applying for a teaching position.

The fact that he puts all that crap in there while also skating over what
ought to be much more important details to a resume for a teaching position
(like what schools he taught at, dates, etc.) tells something very
disturbing about him. These are the details of what he's done that stand out
as most important in HIS mind. Why does dressing and bathing little girls
stand out in his mind so? Because it turned him on to the point of nearly
exploding, and, as a sociopath, he typically has no sense of how skewed his
sense of appropriateness is in relation to how the general public perceives
such things? I don't know, but that bathing and dressing business is damn
strange IMO.

Interesting too...several people in discussions here previously have talked
about how no intruder killer would change a child's clothes before or after
killing her, so it had to be the mom because she gave the wrong info. about
what the child was wearing when she went to bed. But now...who knows? If
this guy is the one, maybe that was part of his whole sick ritual. He
deliberately changed JBR into other clothes because he likes doing it.



17 ஆக., 2006, 1:38:35 AM17/8/06

"-L." <> wrote in message
Me too, I was so excited at first. I always felt so bad for that
family. I never felt the parents were guilty. But now the excitement
is fading a bit. On the one hand, I hope they found the person. But
on the other hand, I hope we don't have another lynching before the
true facts are known.



17 ஆக., 2006, 1:45:15 AM17/8/06
"Michael Snyder" wrote:
> Doesn't this guy look awefully young? Suspect's supposed to be in his
> 40's.
> On the other hand, the John Karr whose resume you posted is
> awfully sketchy about his history prior to 1995.

Exactly! I'm thinking it's an older picture.

> Also no mention of Georgia *or* Colorado.

I noticed. If you look the thing over, you'll notice how sketchy all of the
info. is w/ regard to places, dates and names of business, schools. co.,
etc. A big no-no for anyone serious about finding work. OTOH, it's the way
to go if you're hiding a lot of stuff and want to remain deliberately

This guy is one major creep. I wonder if there are any unsolved, gruesome
murders of little girls in any of the countries this creep has been to, at
the time he was there.


17 ஆக., 2006, 1:47:51 AM17/8/06

"EnEss" <> wrote in message

OMG.....he does sound like he's applying for a nanny position. That
resume is freakin weird. If I would have read that resume under a
different name and not associating him with any case, I would have
still gotten goose bumps.


tiny dancer

17 ஆக., 2006, 1:53:36 AM17/8/06

"EnEss" <> wrote in message

I wonder about those children he claimed to have cared for in the resume.
If they are real jobs, real children, I'd be mighty interested in the
welfare of those kids.

Michael Snyder

17 ஆக., 2006, 1:52:31 AM17/8/06

"EnEss" <> wrote in message

Actually, I ran across one while googling. A little girl who was killed
in Rochester NY in 1994. She was 4 and 1/2 at the time, so was
probably born in the same year as JBR. And like John Ramsey, this
girl's father was initially treated as a suspect. However, someone
else has since been convicted of her murder, so I didn't pursue it.

But -- didn't the resume that you found mention that this John Karr
studied at Albany?


17 ஆக., 2006, 2:16:04 AM17/8/06

Petrel wrote:
> Oh, well, I just saw the Rocky Mt News photo, so that settles that. :-)
> p>

That link ( ) has some Ramsey family
photos I hadn't seen before. It's just heartbreaking.


tiny dancer

17 ஆக., 2006, 3:25:19 AM17/8/06

"-L." <> wrote in message

It's a shame Patsy didn't live to see this day. I can't imagine how it must
have been for her, to have people accuse her of the murder and sexual abuse
of her own child.



17 ஆக., 2006, 3:44:32 AM17/8/06

"Michael Snyder" wrote:

> "EnEss" wrote:
>> This guy is one major creep. I wonder if there are any unsolved, gruesome
>> murders of little girls in any of the countries this creep has been to,
>> at
>> the time he was there.

> Actually, I ran across one while googling. A little girl who was killed
> in Rochester NY in 1994. She was 4 and 1/2 at the time, so was
> probably born in the same year as JBR. And like John Ramsey, this
> girl's father was initially treated as a suspect. However, someone
> else has since been convicted of her murder, so I didn't pursue it.
> But -- didn't the resume that you found mention that this John Karr
> studied at Albany?

Yes! He claims to have a bachelor's from Excelsior College in Albany, NY but
oddly does not specify what field of study...what the degree is in. Albany
is in central NY and Rochester is in Upstate NY. They're about 4 hrs apart
by car. Still...not such a big distance. OTOH, my husband determined that
Excelsior College offers a study-from-afar program (essentially, a
correspondence school), so it's possible he never attended classes on the
campus and lived elsewhere while he "earned" his degree--if he even has one. husband was saying how it's so common for people to lie on their
resumes, but w/ this guy it's probably *really* the case!

Anyway, something else...there was just a news conference aired live on
MSNBC that was taking place in Bangkok where it's afternoon of tomorrow
there (and middle of the night here) and the American woman talking to the
cameras from Homeland Security said Karr is being investigated for a
possible tie in another unsolved murder (of a child?) in Santa Rosa, Ca. She
gave no other details.

The creep just a couple of days ago applied for a teaching position at a
girl's school somewhere in Thailand...possibly in Bangkok.

They claim he's confessed to JBR's murder and has been completely
cooperative. They said he's being charged w/ 2 counts of murder and 2 counts
of child abduction (as well as 1 count of deviant sexual assault of a
child), so possibly that is what's behind this story that he had knowledge
of the crime unknown to the general public and media. The number of counts
of those 2 crimes suggests to me something particularly unusual.


17 ஆக., 2006, 3:49:35 AM17/8/06

> Doesn't this guy look awefully young? Suspect's supposed to be in his
> 40's.
> On the other hand, the John Karr whose resume you posted is
> awefully sketchy about his history prior to 1995.
> Also no mention of Georgia *or* Colorado.

The resume does mention Georgia -- Atlanta to be specific.

"World Travelled: London, Paris, Amsterdam, Zurich, Milan, Bologna,
Stuttgart, Munich, Sydney Australia, Taipei,
Singapore, Seoul Korea, Osaka Japan, Istanbul, Reunion Island off the
coast of Madagascar, Atlanta, Dallas, Los
Angeles, San Francisco, and a host of other cities in the United


17 ஆக., 2006, 3:50:23 AM17/8/06

<mikesmith9999 wrote:
> Congradulations to your husband! He's probably the first person in the
> world to put on the suspect's photo for the public.

Yeah, I know. If anyone found it before he did and posted it anywhere on the
internet, I certainly didn't see ir or know about it. I was quite surprised
when he called me over and I saw what he'd come up w/. I looked over the
thing and I felt pretty sure he'd hit on the right John Karr. I think he was
surprised too.

The odd part though...he says all he did was enter "John Karr" and "teacher"
on google and one of the hits that came up right away took him to the site.
It strikes me as a simple and obvious enough search strategy that someone
somewhere would've come up w/ it since the guy's name was released late this
afternoon. Well, obviously other people did begin finding it, as it's been
showing up in news coverage.

tiny dancer

17 ஆக., 2006, 3:53:22 AM17/8/06

"EnEss" <> wrote in message

Perhaps he should offer his services to the major news channels? ;-)


17 ஆக., 2006, 4:09:08 AM17/8/06
Note - this guy had an internet degree - there is no such thing as Regents
College - I got this by googling "Regents College New York":

In 1971, the Board of Regents of The University of The State of New York
created Regents College Degrees to assess academic knowledge of working
adults and award college degrees based on demonstrated knowledge rather than
time spent in a college classroom.^It was founded on a basic premise that
seemed radical to some but which is now widely accepted: What a person knows
is more important than how or where that knowledge was acquired.^Regents
College degrees, therefore, are a different concept of a college: one that
is an assessing institution rather than a teaching institution.^It has no
campus and offers no courses.^Students can combine college credits from a
variety of different sources int an accredited degree program.^Staff and
faculty evaluate that credit according to the requirements of the particular
degree program.^When all requirements are met, the Board or Regents of The
University of The State of New York confers the degree.

Another note: this guy is beyond belief if you read that resume all the way
through. He builds computers, is a musician, plays several instruments,
sings, writes poetry, acts... this is a truly mixed up resume. And teaching
5 to 10 year old kids... it's chilling since we just saw him say he "loved
Jon Benet and she died accidentally". He taught grade 2 in Honduras in
2004-05. Librarian and story time for grades 1 to 3. Private caregiver of
little children in Europe. Like a nanny/governess he woke them, gave them
breakfast, drove them to ballet...taught English to Korean children...
all this was after he murdered Jon Benet...
Before that he was in real estate, and restored mansions. That was 1981-96.

And the world travelling, which the press conference just now mentioned
several times. I am sure this resume is going to be taken down soon.

I just can't understand how he would use his real name after being charged
with the child porn. Did he think the name was that common that he could
blithely post his photo, real name and resume on the internet?

"EnEss" <> wrote in message


17 ஆக., 2006, 8:51:18 AM17/8/06
Now your husband needs to view the videotapes of JohBenet and try to
locate the Karr in them.


17 ஆக., 2006, 9:43:28 AM17/8/06

EnEss wrote:
> Hey everyone...lookee here. My husband was doing a net search for John Mark
> Karr, the reported name of the suspect in custody for the murder of
> Jonbenet. He found a resume (including picture) of a John Karr who has a
> background in elementary school teaching and is world traveled. He also goes
> into detail of private family care work he did of young children, describing
> how he bathed and dressed young children, including many little girls. It
> kinda sounds like he really enjoyed that part.
> It could be a coincidence...there could be other men w/ the same name in
> elementary school teaching and world traveling who seem to be about the
> right age. But this sure is weird. Look at it and see what you think. Here's
> the link:
> NS
> (add sbc before global to email)

Yes, this is him. I saw this picture on an established news site.


17 ஆக., 2006, 9:48:17 AM17/8/06

I had never seen snapshot-style photos of JBR before. Thanks for that link.

I'm entirely creeped out at the moment and will be avoiding reading
about this for a few days because, oh my God, JBR without the makeup and
hair looks almost identical to my elder daughter, who is five. It's
suddenly hit me what her parents must have gone through, what they must
have seen on the day they found her. I've spent until now looking at
the case analytically and never really came down on one side or the
other in the "Ramseys did it" debates, but now it seems very, very real
and, in a strange way, close to home.



17 ஆக., 2006, 9:50:20 AM17/8/06
"Jeff" <> wrote in


Oh dear:

-Private Teacher / Caregiver (2002-03 in Western Europe) as follows:

Germany: Three girls - 7, 11, and 12: I taught English to the girls
through conversational and instructional methods.
I gave computer instruction to the girls via their laptop PC's. I drove
the girls to their activities: ballet, riding,
handball, etc. I assisted the girls with their homework.

Germany: Two girls - 5 and 8; boy 10: I taught English to the children
through conversational and instructional
methods. I awoke the children in the morning and gave them breakfast. I
helped the children get ready for school
and escorted them to the school bus. I helped the 8 year old girl with
her homework each day. I took the children
outside for play. At days end, I made sure the children had their evening
bath, then put them to bed and read to
them before they went to sleep.

Netherlands: Baby girl 9 months, boy 3, and girl 4: I taught English to
the three year old boy and four year old girl,
through conversational and instructional methods. I was very attentive to
needs of the baby which included
changing, feeding, and bathing her. I helped the baby when she learned to
walk at 10 and a half months. I fostered
independence in the children's activities.

This is all pretty lame for a magna cum laude graduate. But, boy oh boy,
it's as scary as shit, too.


17 ஆக., 2006, 11:53:14 AM17/8/06

"FragileWarrior" <FragileWarrior@f'> wrote in message

That has pedophile written all over it. Esp the "private" teacher



17 ஆக., 2006, 1:07:54 PM17/8/06
The picture looks like him. And they mentioned the resume on MSNBC.

Cliff and Linda Griffith

17 ஆக., 2006, 10:45:21 PM17/8/06
"earthage2002" <> wrote in message

> They are using the same picture on Rocky Mountain News.

The caption under the photo:
John Mark Karr is held by U.S and Thai authorities at an immigration office
on Thursday in Bangkok, Thailand.

(And he's being held quite tightly, at that.)


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