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Judge Freezes OJ Simpson $1 Million Book Advance

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2007年1月4日 19:13:182007/1/4
LOS ANGELES, California (AP) -- A federal judge prohibited O.J. Simpson from
using money he may have received from a canceled book deal and TV interview
in which he reportedly told a hypothetical tale of how he would have killed
his ex-wife and her friend Ronald Goldman.

U.S. District Judge Manuel Real issued the order Wednesday, freezing the
money during a hearing about a lawsuit filed last month by Goldman's father.
It remains in effect until a January 24 hearing.

The federal lawsuit accuses Simpson of "fraudulent conveyance" and alleges
that he created a shell corporation called Lorraine Brooke Associates last
March that received at least $1.1 million.

The suit contends the company was created to hide money from the book and TV
deal so the Goldman family could not seize any of it to satisfy a 1997
wrongful death lawsuit judgment. With interest, that judgment is estimated
at $38 million.

Simpson was acquitted of criminal charges in the 1994 killings of former
wife Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman.

The latest lawsuit seeks about $1.1 million plus punitive damages, although
Goldman family attorney Jonathan Polak said he did not know how much money
Lorraine Brooke Associates currently had in its account.

He called the order preventing transfer or use of the money a first step to
determining the figure. Otherwise, it would be a "moving target" because
Simpson could move the money, Polak said.

A call to Simpson's attorney, Yale Galanter, was not immediately returned

Simpson has said that he spent the proceeds he received as part of the deal.
The book, titled "If I Did It" and scheduled to come out November 30, was
never released by News Corp.-owned HarperCollins and the TV interview never

News Corp. head Rupert Murdoch called off the project on November 20,
apologizing for "any pain that this has caused the families of Ron Goldman
and Nicole Brown Simpson."

News Corp. has said the company paid $880,000 to a third party in connection
with the project.

Simpson has told The Associated Press that he took part in the project
solely for personal profit and acknowledged that any financial gain was
"blood money."

tiny dancer

2007年1月5日 01:36:392007/1/5

<> wrote in message

Wouldn't you just love to see OJ taken down a couple notches.


Bo Raxo

2007年1月5日 02:23:062007/1/5
收件人 wrote:
> The federal lawsuit accuses Simpson of "fraudulent conveyance" and alleges
> that he created a shell corporation called Lorraine Brooke Associates last
> March that received at least $1.1 million.

Time for ol' Bo to play amateur psychologist. Why did Orenthal name
the shell corporation "Lorraine Brooke Associates"?

Lorraine is the middle name of his older daughter Arnelle, whom he had
with his first wife Marguerite. Brooke is the middle name of his
younger daughter, whom he had with Nicole.

Now he could have named it "Lorraine Ryan Associates", using the middle
names of the children he had with Nicole. But he chose the names of
his female immediate family members.

Why? Because this whole book project was a way of acknowledging and
coming to grips with his guilt over killing Nicole. And to a
narcissist like Orenthal, it's always about his own self: Nicole's
death isn't to him about taking away the mother of two of his children,
it's about his relationship with the women in his family. Their being
dependent on him: It was Nicole's breaking that dependence that got
her killed. Writing this book was a way to generate money to keep
those women in the family dependent on him, keep him at the center of
their universe.

His choice of name for that shell corporation is a huge "tell", as they
say in poker. It shows the twin motives, of acknowledging the crime
he's so vehemently denied, and cementing his grip over the women in his
family, which is what motivated him to kill in the first place.

Bo Raxo

Uncle Clover

2007年1月6日 11:27:552007/1/6
Man, that's cold.

<pun> <pun> <pun>

Uncle Clover

The hardest person to say, "No!" to is to one's own self.

Who we were is meaningless in the face of who we are, and
who we are is but a stepping stone to who we shall become

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