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The alt.troll FAQ!!

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Cappy-Bob Hamper

Jan 16, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/16/99
I have thrown together a rough draft just for fun. Take a look at it
and add/subtract/suggest...

Tell me what you think.....

Welcome to Frequently Asked Questions about Alt.Troll

This document is designed to answer the frequently asked questions
about Usenet trolls, trolling and the alt.troll newsgroup. This FAQ
was created for information only, and how you use it entirely up to
you. The existence of this document is in no way intended the grant
license or permission to violate your news providers Terms of Service
(TOS) rules or indicate the acceptability of anything described
herein. Be sensible.

If you are taking the time to read this FAQ, you:

a.) Want to find out more about trolls and trolling
b.) You are morbidly curious. Car wrecks also fascinate you.

If you cruised into cyberspace today and forgot your sense of humor at
home, please turn around and go get it. You'll need it while reading
this document, as it is intended as parody.

Copyright (c) 1999 by Cappy Hamper


The following persons have contributed to this document at some point
in its evolution:

JB, O, BJ, DH, Dwtv, etc. (contibutors will be credited)

The following persons have had been unwittingly plagiarized:

Chuck Harrington

This document was written by Cappy Hamper (,
with contributions from my cat, and somebody else at some point. It
is copyrighted. The copyright is to prevent anyone from editing or
selling this material. Feel free to redistribute it in any form as
long as it is unaltered in content and no credit or money is taken for
the contents themselves. Comments, questions, contributions or ideas
should be mailed to the email address above or posted to alt.troll.



1a) What is trolling?
1b) What is a troll?
1c) Why do trolls troll?
1d) When is a troll not a troll?
1e) Who are the trolls on real life?
1f) Trolls suck.




3a) So trolling is OK then?
3b) Is any newsgroup a potential target?
3c) What are the penalties for trolling?
3d) What is a TOS agreement?
3e) What is a netcop?


4a) How can I post anonymously?
4b) What news reader should I use?
4c) What news server should I use?
4e) What if I get TOSed?


5a) What about anti-troll sprays and powders?
5b) Should I compliment a troll?
5c) How do I get trolls out of my kitchen?
5d) Can I get my panties unbunched?

Part 6: About the alt.troll FAQ



1a) What is trolling?

The use of the word "trolling" comes from the fishing technique where
a baited hook is dragged through the water, in an attempt to attract
and catch a fish. Usenet trolling is the act of posting an article, or
"troll" (baited hook) in a Usenet newsgroup (the water) with the
intention of attracting the native inhabitants (groupers) and
provoking an emotional response (caught!). The phrase was originally
coined as "Trolling for flames", where the posters intention was to
incite a "flame war", the Usenet intellectual equivalent of a bar

1b) What is a troll?

It is convenient that the word "troll" has multiple meanings. Aside
from the fishing example above, "troll" also is the name of a mythical
creature, generally thought of as ugly, fat, cantankerous,
wart-covered, smelly, and completely unlikable. Since trolling is
typically thought of as a detestable and unsavory activity performed
by loathsome, contemptible hooligans, the name "troll" fits them quite

1c) Why do trolls troll?

There are as many reasons as there are trolls. Many trolls are just
practical jokers attempting to amuse themselves and their audience.
Some have genuine animosity toward a particular group or individual
that they believe has done them wrong. Some are just loathsome,
contemptible hooligans bent on disrupting the ordinarily peaceful
exchange of useful information for their own perverted pleasure.

Usenet provides a medium to create and express oneself, and gives the
added dimension of anonymity, allowing the troll to create and express
emotions, thoughts and ideas that he/she might not ordinarily express.
For many, Usenet is the first and only place their creative works will
ever be "published". Trolling, for many, is a creative endeavor, an
art form if you will, misunderstood by many, appreciated by a few, but
valid to the writer none-the-less.

1d) When is a troll not a troll?

If trolling is performed for any reason other than for an artful form
of expression or harmless amusement, it is a crime and the criminal
should be punished accordingly. Trolling is not about tricking senior
citizens or lonely spinsters out of their nest eggs, making dates with
teenage girls, verbally abusing or otherwise hurting anyone, or
bringing about the end of Usenet. If you are an asshole, sociopath,
disgruntled postal worker, on a power trip, or are unusually cruel,
get some therapy or a house pet. Trolling is not for you.

1e) Who are the trolls in real life?

Doctors, lawyers, clergymen, truck drivers, real estate agents,
college students, university, professors, mechanics, politicians,
circus clowns, professional mercenaries, cowboys, eccentric
billionaire software tycoons, warehousemen, movie stars, hit men,
landscapers, authors, policemen, tax collectors, TV news anchors,
sports figures,, well, some of them have jobs doing

1f) Trolls suck! Get a life you loser. Stop posting your smelly crap
all over my Usenet!

I'm sorry, this is a FAQ. You'll have to rephrase that in the form of
a question.



The following is a list of common troll styles. This list should not
be considered exhaustive, as there is not way to predict what those
pesky little trolls will come up with next. However, here are some
typical and widely used forms, the names of which have been coined by
the author:

2a) The STRAIGHT UP ASSHOLE FLAME TROLL- Easy. The troll will post a
message with a very inflammatory header that will guarantee furious
replies. An example would be a post in ALT.SKINHEADS with the header,
a single sentence like "There's a revolution coming and we're gonna
gang-rape all your zit-covered skinhead women, you cowardly redneck
assholes!" Bubba and all his friends down at the gun shop will be
more than happy to attempt to out-vulgarize the troll, and the troll
will gleefully reply until the thread takes on a life of it's own.

2b) The CLUELESS NEWBIE JOKE TROLL- The troll will either post a new
message or follow up on a previous thread with a funny, usually
blatantly incorrect or ironic header, and a witty or outrageously
stupid body. An example would be a post in ALT.SATAN with the header
may not get any replies, but the joke has been made. The troll can
chuckle to him/herself for hours.

2c) The HIT, RUN AND WATCH TROLL- The troll will drop a single post
with a disagreeable header and creative content, then sit back and
watch the thread run it's course. An example would be a message in
OWNERS", filled in with a few lines about why dogs are better than
cats. The thread will erupt with indignant cries of "bigot" and "not
my kitty!" followed by follow-ups of the wiser groupers telling
everyone not to respond to trolls, then disagreements between the
members...etc. A variation is to add a little creativity to the same
idea, such as the header, "HOW DO I KEEP MY DOG FROM CHASING CATS?"
Then fill in the body with a few lines graphically describing how your
dog often comes home with lifeless kitties in his mouth. Or better
yet, post a "RECIPE FOR CHINESE FELINE FOO YUNG." This can die
immediately or go on forever.

2d) The CONFIDENCE or TACTICAL TROLL- The troll will begin by posting
a few messages in a given NG that are on-topic, if not slightly
over-the-top. Methodically, the troll will begin writing the messages
to be a little more sarcastic, silly, or even more over-the-top than
the last one, until the group finally catches on that the poster is a
troll. By that time the troll has had plenty of fun, and can go on
his/her way to the next group. An example would be a message in the
alt.alien.visitors NG with an initial post, "HOW DO I KNOW IF I'VE
BEEN ABDUCTED?" The troll would ask believable questions and seem
legit at first. As groupers began to reply, the troll would add to the
story line and let it develop into a full scale story of an abduction,
sexual probing, missing time, mutilated farm animals, aluminum foil
hats, and ongoing communications where the aliens have announced that
they are coming to land the mother ship in Las Vegas and turn it into
a casino/theme park. Here is where the frustrated writer/troll does
his work, and is often the most entertaining thread to follow if you
are a troll fan.

2e) The CREATIVE CROSS POST TROLL- The troll will select two or more
NG's where the groupers are already against each other, and start a
fight between them. An actual example was the message cross-posted in and, "HOWARD STERN KICKS
RUSH LIMBAUGHS ASS!" The body explained in some detail why Howard is
better than Rush. This is not a troll to the Howard groupers, but
definitely is to the Ditto Heads. The Rush groupers took offense,
blasted out several replies, the Howard fans replied, and a war broke
out between the two groups that continues to the day of this writing.
Of course, a few trolls jumped in and fanned the flames occasionally.
The two groups didn't realize (or didn't care) that every message was
cross-posted to both groups, so in effect they were tolling
themselves. Brilliant.

2f) The GANG TROLL- A single troll will invite others to join a
successful thread, or a group of trolls will agree to launch a
simultaneous attack on a pre-determined target NG. Coordination is
done by e-mail, on the home newsgroup (alt.troll), ICQ, or some other
method of communication. The trolls may choose to argue opposite sides
of the issue, half pretending to be groupers who are over-the-top and
fight back against the evil trolls, or all just blast away at the
regulars. An individual may also be the target, in which case the
trolling may cross NG borders. The gang troll can be performed in
tandem with any of the other trolling types to completely befuddle the
NG. This can be done for a few days, stopping as suddenly as it
started, or go on until the group (or individual) self-destructs.



3a) So trolling is OK then?

No! Trolling is offensive and rude. It upsets and even infuriates
people and makes them yell and spit and stomp around in their offices
and computer rooms. You may be responsible for giving someone a stroke
or a brain hemorrhage. Trolling is definitely frowned upon by your ISP
and/or news provider. The only ones who think trolling is funny are
the trolls. So unless you're a troll, trolling is not funny. Remember
that. Do not laugh at trolls. They suck.

3a) Is any NG a troll target?

Technically, yes. However, the wise troll knows how to choose his/her
battles. Most trolls prefer to stick with the more arcane and/or
socially stunted groups. Likely targets may be groups dedicated to any
rock star, movie star, TV star, make of car, house pet or other
animal, obscure religions, radicals, hate groups of any kind, nuke
(anything), cartoons, drugs, alcohol, stupid collecting activities and
the like. Some of the more genteel trolls may advocate avoiding groups
engaged in genuinely academic, mainstream religious, warez related, or
otherwise non-frivolous discussions. There are plenty of the former to
keep even the most industrious troll busy for a thousand years.

3c) What are the penalties for trolling?

You cannot be fined, jailed, or permanently separated from your
computer. You will not get your fingers broken by Bill Gates. You will
not be killed and eaten by netcops. What will happen is that the
groupers will yell and scream. They may follow you around and troll
you back. They may threaten to get you TOS'ed (have your account
suspended), and can successfully do so if you have not hidden your
identity. However, there are approximately 4.7 trillion ISPs in every
metropolitan area. You can simply open a new account. In addition,
getting caught trolling from your company's computer network will
likely result in your immediate dismissal. (More time for trolling!
Yeee Haw!)

3d) What is a TOS agreement?

The Terms of Service, or TOS agreement is the list of rules that ISP's
and news servers provide to users. Generally, the agreement will
directly or indirectly warn against trolling, referred to as
intentionally disrupting, threatening, flooding, or spamming on
Usenet. If a user is caught trolling, his/her account may be
suspended. This is referred to as getting "TOSed".

3e) What is a Netcop?

A "Netcop" is a Usenet vigilante. A newsgroup hall monitor. They
cruise the streets and alleys of Usenet in search of bad guys. Their
goal is to stop to trolling and other types of free expression, and to
send Usenet into a fit of blandness.

(In reality, they are figments of their own imaginations. A properly
educated troll in the correct state of mind does not fear these rabid
guard dogs. Their bark smells of cat crap and the only bite they have
is that of the fleas on their hairy butts. CH)


4a) How can I post anonymously?

It is common for groupers to use false identities, or "Nyms", when
posting messages. This is especially important if the nature of the
message implicates the author to any wrongdoing. But even if you use a
nickname, your newsreader and ISP post enough information in the
headers of every post to easily attract an abuse complaint to your
ISP. However, it is possible to post messages in such a way that it is
practically impossible to trace the message back to you or your news
service. Trolls do this to avoid getting TOS'ed. This section will
cover a few possible methods. Remember, none of these is foolproof and
under no circumstances should you try any of this, as it may be a
violation of your TOS agreement.

Hacking the headers in Forte' Agent: This is the best method since you
can change your name (nym-shift) and other fields at will. Properly
hacked headers will not only protect your identity, but if
appropriately worded, can add fun to the troll. The header hacking
programs will add space and change headers in full versions of Agent.
Go to for downloads and
instructions. You can change the domain name, your posting name, your
email address, and the Path and the NNTP Posting Host entries. It will
also add a few extra "vanity" X-headers so you can customize and add
amusing text. THIS DOES NOT WORK WITH ALL ISP'S! Some providers
override the attempt to cover your tracks. Always post a message to
alt.test and look at all the headers (type "H") to see what is still
showing. There should not be any reference to your ISP's domain name
or IP address anywhere other than the inbound section of the path.
Always save a backup of your agent.exe file before hacking!

Dejanews: Dejanews is an Internet based news
provider. You can read and post to all non-binary newsgroups through
your web browser. Dejanews requires a mail-back verification before
you can post. Go to and set up a mailbox. When
you set up your account with Dejanews, use the hotmail account to
register with. Then post away! It is possible to have several accounts
active at once. If you get TOSed on one, set up two more. This method
is not completely anonymous. Since the IP address of origin is posted
in the headers, you could be traced back to you ISP. However, unless
you're dangerous or really make someone mad, no one will go to the

Anonymous Remailers: There are several free anonymous mail2news
programs and services as of this writing. They're great if you want to
post the all the secret launch codes for the American nuclear arsenal
to alt.nuke.usa without any fear of being caught. Mostly they are a
hassle. These links will take you to sites with excellent information:

4b) What news reader should I use?

Forte' Agent is preferred by most everyone as the best all-around
newsreader. The freeware version can be downloaded at Upgrade to the full version right away. You
should pay for it, because the good folks at Forte' worked hard to
produce an excellent product. Do not find one of the key generators on
the internet and crack it for free.

4c) What news server should I use?

If you use a premium news server, like Newscene or Airnews, you will
have full access to all newsgroups, near perfect propagation when you
post, and complete posts for all your binary file downloading needs.
In addition, most premium news providers do not add or override to
your headers, making the header hacking procedure above work
perfectly. They do cost around $10.00/month, but worth it.

4e) What if I get TOSed?

Don't. But if you do, get another account.



5a) What about anti-troll sprays and powders?

Try this: Spray a little Cruex around your CPU, monitor, and keyboard.
Make sure you lift up your mouse and give his undercarriage a good
dose. Sprinkle baking powder on your sheets and in your shoes. Gargle
with four ounces of Isopropyl alcohol, DO NOT SWALLOW IT! Then
collect and incinerate all of your undergarments and "personal

5b) Should I compliment a troll?

Yes. Say, "My you look pretty today! Have you lost weight?" It drives
them crazy.

5c) How do I get trolls out of my kitchen?

You can't. Buy extra food and throw an old towel in the corner for
bedding. If you try to make them leave, they'll just get mad.

5d) Can I get my panties unbunched?

Not likely. Try some WD-40



This section is for people who want to know more about the
FAQ itself, and for those who want to be a part of
maintaining and distributing this document. First we will
start with a Version History of the alt.troll FAQ:


Version 0.1: This version. Revisions will be 0.2, 0.3, etc.

Version 1.0: This will be the first full version when completed

Version 1.x: This will be the mini FAQ for periodic posting to the
alt.troll NG.

Future Versions: TBA

Cappy Bwana

Jan 16, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/16/99

Monty Cantsin

Jan 16, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/16/99
to wrote:



This section is for people who want to know more about the
FAQ itself, and for those who want to be a part of
maintaining and distributing this document. First we will
start with a Version History of the alt.troll FAQ:


Version 0.1: This version. Revisions will be 0.2, 0.3, etc.

Version 1.0: This will be the first full version when completed

Version 1.x: This will be the mini FAQ for periodic posting to the
alt.troll NG.

Future Versions: TBA

Dear Cappy,

Rather than start from scratch, check out:

Section 8 Troll RFC

Applications are requested for a standard API to the existing troller's
tool the "Automatic Random X-Post Generator" - now in pre-release beta.

Experienced trollers and recovered trollees are invited to submit items
for inclusion in this FAQ.

Mirror sites are required for the soon to open Troll WWW Site! Please
send in your favourite trolls.
(min 500 verifiable follow-ups).

Suggestions are welcome for an appropriate newsgroup to post the
winning troll into after each Troll of the Month title is awarded.

Sincerely yours,

Monty Cantsin

p.s. Check out my handiwork in my favorite fishin' pond:
Surf Usenet at home, on the road, and by email -- always at Talkway.

Cappy Bwana

Jan 16, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/16/99
On Sat, 16 Jan 1999 15:15:15 GMT, "Monty Cantsin"
<> wrote:

> wrote:
> --------------
> --------------
> This section is for people who want to know more about the
> FAQ itself, and for those who want to be a part of
> maintaining and distributing this document. First we will
> start with a Version History of the alt.troll FAQ:
> --------------------------------
> Version 0.1: This version. Revisions will be 0.2, 0.3, etc.
> Version 1.0: This will be the first full version when completed
> Version 1.x: This will be the mini FAQ for periodic posting to the
>alt.troll NG.
> Future Versions: TBA

>Dear Cappy,
>Rather than start from scratch, check out:
>Section 8 Troll RFC
>Applications are requested for a standard API to the existing troller's
>tool the "Automatic Random X-Post Generator" - now in pre-release beta.
>Experienced trollers and recovered trollees are invited to submit items
>for inclusion in this FAQ.
>Mirror sites are required for the soon to open Troll WWW Site! Please
>send in your favourite trolls.
>(min 500 verifiable follow-ups).
>Suggestions are welcome for an appropriate newsgroup to post the
>winning troll into after each Troll of the Month title is awarded.
>Sincerely yours,
>Monty Cantsin
>p.s. Check out my handiwork in my favorite fishin' pond:

I've seen the FAQ you mentioned before. I felt that stealing the work
of someone else for use here in alt.troll would be discourteous.
Besides, I had fun creating the new one.

The idea of all troll uniting under one moniker is interesting, but
then again so is the concept of troll clans, each having it's own
fortress and FAQ. I will watch to see what, if any, comments are made
by the regulars here.

BTW, never saw you before-where have you been? Or are you just
trolling us, you little dickens?


Jan 16, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/16/99
Cappy wrote:

>I have thrown together a rough draft just for
>fun. Take a look at it and
>Tell me what you think.....

Wow. Impressive. You've really been working on that, haven't you?
Well, maybe you can add another question/response in Section 1: Do
trolls ever grow up and get a *real* life? Alas, I know not the answer
to this. Perhaps you do, Master? Maybe they go on to become the
doctors, lawyers, etc., but have relapses, need a fix and come slumming?
And how long have _you_ been doing this btw?

Do you want typos or similar things in your magnum opus brought to your

And a seemingly nonsequitur: You _do_ know why the Greeks invented
olive oil, don't you? <tee hee>

I like BJ, I believe he is Wallace -- and Grommit can't be far behind.


Monty Cantsin

Jan 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/17/99
On Sat, 16 Jan 1999 17:32:32 GMT (Cappy Bwana) wrote:

> I've seen the FAQ you mentioned before. I felt that stealing the work
> of someone else for use here in alt.troll would be discourteous.
> Besides, I had fun creating the new one.
> The idea of all troll uniting under one moniker is interesting, but
> then again so is the concept of troll clans, each having it's own
> fortress and FAQ. I will watch to see what, if any, comments are made
> by the regulars here.
> BTW, never saw you before-where have you been? Or are you just
> trolling us, you little dickens?
> CH

Dear Sir,

I am not trolling you. I am Monty Cantsin.

Monty Cantsin is a real person whose existence became my life around
1976. But this thing is much
more complicated because I am not the only Monty Cantsin on earth.

Besides me there are at least as much Monty Cantsins as the population
of the World.

There are conscious and unconscious Monty Cantsins. The process to
become conscious of our
Monty Cantsin self is slow and incalculable. Today there are only a few
conscious Monty Cantsins.
But remember that only twelve apostles assisted the Last Supper and
five members launched the
Bolshevik Party.

The moment when someone awakes to the consciousness of Monty Cantsin
self is the most exciting
episode of life. Of course there are pseudo-Cantsins who only use the
name's magic power for their
egocentric success.

Sincerely yours,

Monty Cantsin

Cappy Bwana

Jan 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/17/99
On Sat, 16 Jan 1999 18:05:58 -0800 (PST), wrote:

>Cappy wrote:
>>I have thrown together a rough draft just for
>>fun. Take a look at it and
>>Tell me what you think.....

>Wow. Impressive. You've really been working on that, haven't you?

It took about 4 hours total, more or less.

>Well, maybe you can add another question/response in Section 1: Do
>trolls ever grow up and get a *real* life? Alas, I know not the answer
>to this. Perhaps you do, Master? Maybe they go on to become the
>doctors, lawyers, etc., but have relapses, need a fix and come slumming?

How's this?

1g) Are trolls immortal or do they die like the rest of us?

Because trolls are generally intellectually superior to their targets,
they will eventually become bored and move on to more challenging
activities. But don't worry, as long as there are affordable computer
systems available to the masses, there will alway be new creative
users with a twisted minds willing and able to entertain you.

I was going to add this in there somewhere too:

There are two basic troll species. Those with overactive minds (busy
brain, ADHD, whatever you want to call it) constantly seek out new
sources of mental stimuli. For these, myself included, newsgoup satire
acts as a sort of *Mental Floss*.

And there are those who are permanently disgruntled, or "physically
short changed" in some way and seek out ways to compensate for their
shortcomings through vicious personal attacks against others in order
to achieve a *Mental Erection*.

(Note: Both species probably have a life of some kind. Mine would
probably surprise most people. But maybe not... CH)

>And how long have _you_ been doing this btw?

Not long. I have a very short attention span. I only keep coming back
here to see you. *wink*

>Do you want typos or similar things in your magnum opus brought to your

Typhos? waht typoos? Sure.

>And a seemingly nonsequitur: You _do_ know why the Greeks invented
>olive oil, don't you? <tee hee>

What? So Popeye could get a date? OH!!! I get it. *blush*

>I like BJ, I believe he is Wallace -- and Grommit can't be far behind.

A delightfully polite chap from across the pond with an ironic nym and
an unpredictable style. What's not to like? Plus he's got Troll
seniority on us by about 10 years. Actually, I think he's really a 12
year old girl from South Dakota, but I might be wrong.



Cappy Bwana

Jan 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/17/99
On Sun, 17 Jan 1999 06:26:15 GMT, "Monty Cantsin"
<> wrote:

>I am not trolling you. I am Monty Cantsin.


Cool. Thanks for clearing that up, Monte.


Monty Cantsin

Jan 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/17/99

You're welcome, but I am unsure that you understand the full import of
what I have said.

In this age where everything is packaged differently and underneath the
packaging everything is the
same, the illusion of individuality through the adoption of a unique
name is the shortest route to
conformity and isolation.

The uniqueness of a name is no different to the uniqueness of a number
as the substitution of social
security and bank account numbers for names clearly shows. Those who
base their individuality on
the uniqueness of their name are no more than numbers. It is in Power's
interest that each individual
has a unique name, thus making them easily identifiable. Without these
classifications, Power cannot
control because it cannot differentiate, divide and isolate.

A group of us who are sick of the fragmentary world in which we live
have all agreed to use a
comnon name. This name is Monty Cantsin, and there is no attempt among
those who use it to
pretend that it is unique to any individual. Far from it, we encourage
everybody to use the name
Monty Cantsin.

Every action done under the name of Monty Cantsin is a gesture of
defiance against the Order of
Power and a demonstration that the Neoists are ungovernable. Every
action performed under the
name Monty Cantsin is a blow for a unitary world and real
individuality. An individuality based upon
the reality of subjectivity rather than mere appearance.

And of course in a circle of artists, poets and musicians who are
seeking to make their names, the
adoption of a single name has many obvious advantages. Making your name
becomes much easier
when you share that name with a large group of performers. The name
Monty Cantsin will be seen
everywhere because Monty Cantsin is everywhere.

Monty Cantsin is a true individual in a world where real individuality
is a crime. He has witnessed the
dematerialisation of the art object and knows that the only art work
still worth creating is his own life.

Monty Cantsin is the ultimate art product and ultimately we must all
become Monty Cantsin. As
society has become increasingly drained of real individuality the
emphasis in art has shifted
increasingly away from the art object and onto the personality of the
artist. Monty Cantsin is an artist
with such a strong personality that a unique name is unnecessary to his

Anyone can become Monty Cantsin but no one will become Monty Cantsin
until they have
developed sufficient strength of personality that they are able to
function freely in the world of
subjectivity away from the bondage of unreality.

Monty Cantsin has developed such a strength that he is no longer
subject to the lies of science and
can flout them at will. The only thing that can halt him are the limits
of his imagination.

If you want to become Monty Cantsin all you have to do is to start
using the name and you will prove
yourself worthy of it. Anybody can be Monty Cantsin, and after the
revolution everybody will be
Monty Cantsin.


Monty Cantsin

Jan 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/17/99
On Sun, 17 Jan 1999 07:04:08 GMT, "Monty Cantsin"
<> wrote:

I don't know if you are a troll or a lunatic but I like both and
anyone who preaches revelution is OK by me. I am Monty Cantsin too!

Bill Jillians

Jan 18, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/18/99
Within the article <>, him claiming the name
Cappy-Bob Hamper <>, scribed:-

>5c) How do I get trolls out of my kitchen?
>You can't. Buy extra food and throw an old towel in the corner for
>bedding. If you try to make them leave, they'll just get mad.

You can always try offering them cheese.

I do just about anything if cheese is involved.

Your eyes ignite like cold blue fire, The scent of secrets everywhere.
A fist filled with illusions clutches all our cares. But we know .. don't we ?!
And we'll dream, won't we ?! .. of Montague Terrace (in blue).
SCOTT - Montague Terrace (in blue). mailto: Bill
Alt.Troll: Doctorin the House - with this House in-situ in darkest UK Usenet St.

Bill Jillians

Jan 18, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/18/99
Within the article <IXfo2.2441$
>, him claiming the name Monty Cantsin <Monty_...@neoism.Org>,

>On Sun, 17 Jan 1999 07:04:08 GMT, "Monty Cantsin"
><> wrote:
>I don't know if you are a troll or a lunatic but I like both and
>anyone who preaches revelution is OK by me. I am Monty Cantsin too!

I don't care if you are the pope. GORRANYCHEESE ???

BJ or should I say NotMontyCantsin.

Monty Cappysin

Jan 18, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/18/99
On Sun, 17 Jan 1999 07:04:08 GMT, "Monty Cantsin"
<> wrote:

>On Sun, 17 Jan 1999 06:54:58 GMT(Cappy Bwana) wrote:
>> On Sun, 17 Jan 1999 06:26:15 GMT, "Monty Cantsin" wrote:
>> >I am not trolling you. I am Monty Cantsin.

>> Cool. Thanks for clearing that up, Monte.

>You're welcome, but I am unsure that you understand the full import of
>what I have said.

>A group of us who are sick have all agreed to use Monty Cantsin, and
>there is no Monty Cantsin. Every Monty Cantsin is a gesture of Monty
>Cantsin is a blow for Monty Cantsin will be Monty Cantsin is Monty Cantsin
>is a true Monty Cantsin is the ultimate Monty Cantsin. As emphasis in
>Monty Cantsin become Monty Cantsin Monty Cantsin.
>Monty Cantsin has developed such Monty Cantsin all you have to do is to start
>using Monty Cantsin everybody will be Monty Cantsin.

OK, I think I get it. So I'll change my name to Monty Cappysin, OK?
And I'll change my cats name to Monty Scooter, and My Bird's name to
Monte Brain. I'll start calling everybody I meet "Monty".

At the grocery checkout, "Thank you, sir"
"Well, thank you, Monty!"
"No, my name is Betty"
"Uh? Oh, sorry, Monty."

Now, do we all have to wear the same Monty uniform or a Monty hat? Is
there a Monty theme song? A Secret Monty Handshake? What happens if I
want to spell my name "Monte" or "Montie"?

On the positive side, Publishers Clearing House will only have to
print up on letter. "Monty Cantsin, you DEFENITELY have won ONE
MILLION DOLLARS!" Also, it'll make the witness protection program work
a lot better.


Sorry. Thanks for the invite, but I'm gonna wait until everybody goes
by a more interesting name, like
Gustavus Von Hinterburgenclausthoffgugenmanheim

Try the folks at alt.syntax.tactical. This is right up their alley.


cAppY baNanAna

Jan 18, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/18/99
On Mon, 18 Jan 1999 03:24:34 +0000, Bill Jillians
<> wrote:

>Within the article <>, him claiming the name
>Cappy-Bob Hamper <>, scribed:-

>>5c) How do I get trolls out of my kitchen?
>>You can't. Buy extra food and throw an old towel in the corner for
>>bedding. If you try to make them leave, they'll just get mad.

>You can always try offering them cheese.
>I do just about anything if cheese is involved.

Since we're on the subject, I would like to complain about the price
difference between a Quarter Pounder and a Quarter Pound with Cheese.
It's like 30 cents! What's that piece of cheese cost them anyway, a
nickel? It's like getting mugged.

I keep a package of Kraft American Singles in the glove box. I save at
least $150.00 a month that way.


Monty Cantsin

Jan 18, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/18/99
On Mon, 18 Jan 1999 03:28:46 +0000, Bill Jillians
<> wrote:

>Within the article <IXfo2.2441$
>>, him claiming the name Monty Cantsin <Monty_...@neoism.Org>,

>>On Sun, 17 Jan 1999 07:04:08 GMT, "Monty Cantsin"
>><> wrote:

>>I don't know if you are a troll or a lunatic but I like both and

>>anyone who preaches revolution is OK by me. I am Monty Cantsin too!

>I don't care if you are the pope. GORRANYCHEESE ???
>BJ or should I say NotMontyCantsin.

All new great ideas meet with resistance initially. I thought
about being pope but I couldn't understand a word those dagos said so
I gave it up.

Jan 18, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/18/99
And Cappy wrote:

>1g) Are trolls immortal or do they die like the
>rest of us?

Yes. I like this.

>(Note: Both species probably have a life of
>some kind. Mine would probably surprise most
>people. But maybe not... CH)

Hummm. Cryptic. Hummm.

>Not long. I have a very short attention span. I
>only keep coming back here to see you. *wink*

I love the way you talk to me! But I know better than to believe you.
I have heard it said Trolls are tricksters.


Ya know, somehow I don't think so.

Boy those veg-heads can't spell for beans, huh? Do you suppose it's
because they suppress their carnivorous nature? Maybe a good old
juicy cow burger would make their brain cells come alive.


Karen Eliot

Jan 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/19/99
On Mon, 18 Jan 1999 04:51:54 GMT (Monty Cappysin) wrote:
> Sorry. Thanks for the invite, but I'm gonna wait until everybody goes
> by a more interesting name, like
> Gustavus Von Hinterburgenclausthoffgugenmanheim
> Try the folks at alt.syntax.tactical. This is right up their alley.
> CH

I can understand your reticence in this matter.

my own involvement with neoism began when i was just a little girl
growing up at the invisible college
in akademgorodok, siberia. i spent my youth with scientists and
technicians, and almost without
friends of my age. a computer programmer gave me the nickname eliot
canterel. i didn't know where
this name came from and i already thought it would remain a mystery to
me when its inventor lost his
memory one year later in a medical self-experiment. he had drilled a
hole into his skull, soaked it with
a yodine solution after having his hair shaved off and having stunned
himself locally with three
injections. he made three indentations with a scalpel, pulled the
loosened lobe of skin back and
penetrated a surgical plug-in driller through the skull bone. the
misfortune happened because he
forgot to pay attention that the metal did not reach the brain mass.
his girlfriend found him lying
unconscious on the floor in a lake of blood, the driller still in his

i later learned about the so-called elliot-trepanation and, just having
read the waste land by t.s. eliot
whom i often confused with george eliot, the once mysterious verses 125
to 127

i remember
those are pearls that were his eyes
are you alive, or not?
is there nothing in your head?

suddenly seemed to make sense.

when reading pynchon's novel about pierce inverarity's testament, i
discovered that the latin verb
"inerat" forms the common quantity of "inverarity" and "eliot
canterel". i read the remaining letters,
e-k-o-l, as "ecole," which reminded me of my childhood. the sum of
their alphabetical values -
5+11+14+12 - is twenty-three, in the total of the digits five, and
hence results in the first name of my
nickname, again; so "inverarity" appears as the code for "inerat ecole"
and "inerat eliot", and the
remaining letters v-ri-y could mean "verity" or "variety".

it was at the same time that i met the cellist david 'oz' zack at a
music festival in eindhoven. in a pub,
we discussed the possibility of contradictions in absolute music. after
some beers, fourteen secret
masters of the world". he said that he could reveal one fact, the name
of the open pop star: monty

ten years later, i was told that zack had been arrested for faking
welfare checks and that he died in a
mexican prison after his severe diabetes had not allowed him to recover
from a leg amputation.
meanwhile, i had come up with the conclusion that "monty cantsin" was
alluding to maris kundzins and
istvan kantor, the first and the second bearers of the name, to monte
cazazza, the cover star of VILE
magazine, and to martial canterel, the magician and novel hero in
raymond roussel's "locus solus",
paris 1914. in german, locus solus or "der stille ort" means a toilet,
and i was surprised to find out that
it was almost a palindrome of "eliot". confusing raymond roussel with
henri rousseau, i came to
jean-jacques rousseau's nouvelle heloise, and recognized in it the
anagram of "he only loves u, lee", a
modest variant of duchamp's "elle a chaud au cul". the fact that
duchamp exhibited an upside down
urinal under the pseudonym r. mutt seemed to fit "locus solus" and the
inversion of my name. i
worked through a duchamp-monography, read of his obsession about
roussel, and stopped in a
footnote about arthur cravan. cravan was once supposed to be identical
with b. traven, a writer of
adventure novels. arthur cravan's name was actually fabian lloyd. he
was married with the poetress
mina loy who is frequently confused with the actress myrna loy. there
were other speculations about
traven being ambrose bierce - pierce inverarity? -, jack london or j.d.
salinger, or even the grandson
of kaiser wilhelm. it is however sure that he contributed as hal croves
on the screening of his novel
"the treasure in the sierra madre". similarly, the bord computer in the
science fiction movie "2001"
was called "hal", to allude to ibm and its founder, the computer
pioneer norman hallerith. i also
recognized that my name is, apart from the initials, included in
"norman hallerith". then i read that
traven originated from germany where he had published anarchist
literature under the name ret marut.
so was the urinal autographed with r. mutt actually a work by traven or
cravan? or was zack, who
seemed to have moved to mexico just when traven had appeared and cravan
had vanished there,

it was about that time that i learned that monty cantsin was the
figurehead of a strange new
phenomenon called neoism. it seems that neoists confuse the public by
drinking human blood and
wearing dead cats, fish and mushrooms on their heads. these so-called
neoists had certainly managed
to confuse me. on the hand there were parallels to my own life: martial
canterel, keter elyon, and my
own metaphysics, which i used to call one-ism. the similarity was just
too much. on the other hand,
this blood-drinking and fish-habidahery nonsense. despite myriad
instances of synchronicity, i
decided that i was not the fulfillment of the monty cantsin prophecy.


i hope this letter will shed some light on just who this monty cantsin
is, but the question remains: what
the fuck is neoism?

Karen Eliot

Bill Jillians

Jan 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/19/99
Within the article <IXfo2.0741$

>, him claiming the name Monty Cantsin <Monty_...@neoism.Org>,
>On Mon, 18 Jan 1999 03:28:46 +0000, Bill Jillians
><> wrote:
>>Within the article <IXfo2.2441$
>>>, him claiming the name Monty Cantsin <Monty_...@neoism.Org>,
>>>On Sun, 17 Jan 1999 07:04:08 GMT, "Monty Cantsin"
>>><> wrote:
>>>I don't know if you are a troll or a lunatic but I like both and
>>>anyone who preaches revolution is OK by me. I am Monty Cantsin too!
>>I don't care if you are the pope. GORRANYCHEESE ???
>>BJ or should I say NotMontyCantsin.
> All new great ideas meet with resistance initially. I thought
>about being pope but I couldn't understand a word those dagos said so
>I gave it up.

Ah ... that is because they should be taught English when they enter the

The country in this case being the EEC conglomeration of United Nations
of Europe ... soon to be known as ... THE BIG CHEESE.


Jan 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/19/99
In article <UZQo2.3455$>,

"Karen Eliot" <> wrote:
> On Mon, 18 Jan 1999 04:51:54 GMT (Monty Cappysin) wrote:
> > Sorry. Thanks for the invite, but I'm gonna wait until everybody goes
> > by a more interesting name, like
> > Gustavus Von Hinterburgenclausthoffgugenmanheim
> >
> > Try the folks at alt.syntax.tactical. This is right up their alley.
> >
> > CH
> >
> I can understand your reticence in this matter.


OK, so what does "reticence" mean?


-----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==---------- Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own

Ivor Zingradovadeski

Jan 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/19/99
to ( did write in
group posting message:

< In article <UZQo2.3455$>,
< "Karen Eliot" <> wrote:

< > On Mon, 18 Jan 1999 04:51:54 GMT (Monty Cappysin) wrote:
< > > Sorry. Thanks for the invite, but I'm gonna wait until everybody goes
< > > by a more interesting name, like
< > > Gustavus Von Hinterburgenclausthoffgugenmanheim
< > >
< > > Try the folks at alt.syntax.tactical. This is right up their alley.
< > >
< > > CH
< > >
< >
< > I can understand your reticence in this matter.

< OK, so what does "reticence" mean?

I bellieve she's saying that you're reluctant to address/get involved
with it.


- Ivor Zingradovadeski -

Jan 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/19/99
In article <>, (Ivor Zingradovadeski) wrote:
> ( did write in
> group posting message:
> < In article <UZQo2.3455$>,
> < "Karen Eliot" <> wrote:
> < > On Mon, 18 Jan 1999 04:51:54 GMT (Monty Cappysin) wrote:
> < > > Sorry. Thanks for the invite, but I'm gonna wait until everybody goes
> < > > by a more interesting name, like
> < > > Gustavus Von Hinterburgenclausthoffgugenmanheim
> < > >
> < > > Try the folks at alt.syntax.tactical. This is right up their alley.
> < > >
> < > > CH
> < > >
> < >
> < > I can understand your reticence in this matter.
> <
> < SNIP
> <
> < OK, so what does "reticence" mean?
> I bellieve she's saying that you're reluctant to address/get involved
> with it.

OK, so what does reluctant mean?

Monty Cantsin

Jan 20, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/20/99
On Tue, 19 Jan 1999 16:05:29 GMT wrote:
> In article <UZQo2.3455$>,
> "Karen Eliot" <> wrote:
> > On Mon, 18 Jan 1999 04:51:54 GMT (Monty Cappysin) wrote:
> > > Sorry. Thanks for the invite, but I'm gonna wait until everybody goes
> > > by a more interesting name, like
> > > Gustavus Von Hinterburgenclausthoffgugenmanheim
> > >
> > > Try the folks at alt.syntax.tactical. This is right up their alley.
> > >
> > > CH
> > >
> >
> > I can understand your reticence in this matter.
> OK, so what does "reticence" mean?
> CH

The following interview conducted with me may be of some assistance in
resolving the
meaning of "reticence" or "reluctance" in the context of this matter.

You are frequently supposed to have spoken of your "life" as a
"labyrinth." Could you
expatiate on this?

Monty Cantsin:
In fact, I do not recognize either term. A labyrinth may sometimes
function as a magical mirror
suggesting a center, an abundance, a signification; therefore, when you
enter it, you will expect to
undergo an initiation rite, like in the Theseus myth. This symbolism
fashions every existence that,
through many afflictions, strives for its own "center," however
realizing this "center" just in doing so.
At first, I thought I had to either escape or find "the thread,"
although I didn't tell myself "I am drifting
through a labyrinth". Later, when I was aware of that trope, I rather
paid attention to the way, and,
since it seemed a trope, the potentials of its reversals and
permutations, the question whether and
how I was subject to it: If the suggestion of the labyrinth was not so
much whether there is a center
or not, but that every such suggestion was, at the same time, a
suggestion of the opposite.
Every Neoist makes the same experience. But, while making these
statements, I also have to
acknowledge that life doesn't exhaust itself in a single labyrinth: the
afflictions repeat, and speculations

In recognizing this, have you arrived at your own center?

I sometimes thought I had come close to it, but upon thinking so, I was
just drifting away. It's the
Neoist condition: to be neither archangels, nor archons, nor true
heroes. You will constantly come
across seemingly new labyrinths. Our conversation, for example, appears
to lead me into another

You speak of moments where you "re-recognize" yourself. What face did
you see then? Is
this a secret?

Yes, but it's easy to be guessed.

You once wrote about a feeling of your continuity and profoundness.

I made this experience several times, and it simultaneously marked the
peak of a crisis. I thereupon
acknowledged the importance of recollecting myself periodically, as the
condition of multiplying my
subjectivity. Once when I took a walk along the Department of Classics
in Chicago, I suddenly felt
the transparency of time and multiple forking paths between my lives in
India, Prague, and so on. It
was a consoling experience: everything seemed both there and forgotten.

So nothing was bad?

Of course, I saw many errors, shortcomings, even backlashes. But
perhaps I am still reluctant to
acknowledge their immense necessity.

How do you judge your overall work?

As usual, I am right in the middle of a work that has not yet begun and
is already finished. You may
judge about it by considering what you may suppose to be its entirety,
or you may pick out what you
may suppose to be some fragment, and nevertheless end up with always
the same and always the
It's just the same as with any other work, be it some Goethe, the
Thousand and One Nights or some
drunkard dragging his tail in the mud, and then reconstructing the
influences of one on the other.

Do you think that our conversation could nevertheless lead you in the
trap of a "definite

Just on the contrary, these conversations have helped to create
countless new obstacles. Your
questions forced me to rethink certain problems and resolve them with
even more complex ones.

Here we may resort to a saying of Aquinas: "If you ask me what the
question is, then I
don't know it; but if you don't ask..."

...then I will." Yes, that's definitely the best reply.

Of course, one could always resort to a dictionary.

Monty Cantsin

Cappy Montsin

Jan 20, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/20/99
On Wed, 20 Jan 1999 02:31:35 GMT, "Monty Cantsin"
<> wrote:

>On Tue, 19 Jan 1999 16:05:29 GMT wrote:
>> In article <UZQo2.3455$>,
>> "Karen Eliot" <> wrote:

>> > On Mon, 18 Jan 1999 04:51:54 GMT (Monty Cappysin) wrote:
>> > > Sorry. Thanks for the invite, but I'm gonna wait until everybody goes
>> > > by a more interesting name, like
>> > > Gustavus Von Hinterburgenclausthoffgugenmanheim
>> > >
>> > > Try the folks at alt.syntax.tactical. This is right up their alley.

>> > I can understand your reticence in this matter.

>> OK, so what does "reticence" mean?

>The following interview conducted with me may be of some assistance in

>resolving the meaning of "reticence" or "reluctance" in the context of this matter.
>You are frequently supposed to have spoken of your "life" as a
>"labyrinth." Could you expatiate on this?

OK, so what does expatiate mean?

The MOD-feather

Jan 20, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/20/99
Rocker insulted just about everyone's
intelligence by blubbering in <78343r$sb0$> that:

>> < >
>> < > I can understand your reticence in this matter.
>> <

>> < SNIP

>> <
>> < OK, so what does "reticence" mean?

>> I bellieve she's saying that you're reluctant to address/get involved
>> with it.
>OK, so what does reluctant mean?

Is it a word ? It doesn't look like one to me.


I am the Modfeather. If I said I was the Modfather I'm sure people would
accuse me of trying to pass myself off as Paul Weller. Thus I am NOT
the Modfather although it's a neat name that has an air of Crime about
it that I really wanted to use.

So now you know ... or maybe you still don't.

Anything that you wanna do. And any place that you wanna go. Who makes the
rules that make people select. Who is to judge that your ways are correct ? The
fools only laugh because they envy you. The media is washed out ..... the TV
telling you what to think. Wear any clothes just as long as they're bright.
Don't need permission 'cos this is the new Art School.
The Jam (debut album:Side 1:Track 1) mailto: Bill
News:Alt.Troll: Don't listen .. we don't care.

The MOD-feather

Jan 20, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/20/99
Rocker Cappy Bwana <> insulted just about everyone's
intelligence by blubbering in <> that:

>>I like BJ, I believe he is Wallace -- and Grommit can't be far behind.
>A delightfully polite chap from across the pond with an ironic nym and
>an unpredictable style. What's not to like? Plus he's got Troll
>seniority on us by about 10 years. Actually, I think he's really a 12
>year old girl from South Dakota, but I might be wrong.

Come into the corn and be one with the corn Cappy ..... we are all
waiting for you there ....


The Mod.

Ivor Zingradovadeski

Jan 20, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/20/99
to ( did write in
group posting message:

< In article <>,
< (Ivor Zingradovadeski) wrote:
< > ( did write in
< > group posting message:
< >

< > < In article <UZQo2.3455$>,
< > < "Karen Eliot" <> wrote:

< > < > On Mon, 18 Jan 1999 04:51:54 GMT (Monty Cappysin) wrote:
< > < > > Sorry. Thanks for the invite, but I'm gonna wait until everybody goes
< > < > > by a more interesting name, like
< > < > > Gustavus Von Hinterburgenclausthoffgugenmanheim
< > < > >
< > < > > Try the folks at alt.syntax.tactical. This is right up their alley.
< > < > >
< > < > > CH
< > < > >
< > < >
< > < > I can understand your reticence in this matter.
< > <

< > < SNIP
< > <
< > < OK, so what does "reticence" mean?
< >
< > I bellieve she's saying that you're reluctant to address/get involved
< > with it.
< OK, so what does reluctant mean?

You bastard. You trolled me.



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888 888 d88888 8888b d8888 8888b d8888 d88888
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888 888 d88P 888 888 Y8P 888 888 Y8P 888 d88P 888
888 888 d8888888888 888 " 888 888 " 888 d8888888888
888 8888888 d88P 888 888 888 888 888 d88P 888

"Everyone is someone else's Fuckhead."
- Lady Crystaviel Lockier begats a particularly spiffy philosophy.

"Me Tarzan you Cheeta."
- Bakunin

"I think the shock of his ass, ehm face, should be so strong to force
him to delete other words from his brain in order to not find any
arguments against himself."
- EagleStorm

"Tipical of the dog to hate the master with a wood in the hand."
- Sam

"Cacchio... ti e` scappata la signature dalla gabbia."
- Eaglestorm

"I'm in total awe of your mental skills einstien!"

"You are way out of your league here, and I am a mere amature."

"You are obviously to much of a putz to understand sarcasm, I won't elaborate."
- u...@thecrack.ofdawn failing to understand sarcasm and PKBing himself into oblivion.

"<You suck!>"
- CoolBreeze, any post (paraphrased)

- Mike, any post (paraphrased)

" And my 2 functioning brain cells are still better then your 1 non
functioning cell."
- Mike, blowing his head off.

Medical Catastrophe

Jan 20, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/20/99
The MOD-feather <> wrote:

> Rocker Cappy Bwana <> insulted just about everyone's
> intelligence by blubbering in <> that:
> >>I like BJ, I believe he is Wallace -- and Grommit can't be far behind.
> >
> >A delightfully polite chap from across the pond with an ironic nym and
> >an unpredictable style. What's not to like? Plus he's got Troll
> >seniority on us by about 10 years. Actually, I think he's really a 12
> >year old girl from South Dakota, but I might be wrong.
> Come into the corn and be one with the corn Cappy ..... we are all
> waiting for you there ....

It's *good* that you sent him into the cornfield.

|\__/,| (`\ M E D I C A L C A T A S T R O P H E
meow. _.|o o |_ ) ) Smeeter #26 T253 Vote for Stepp

Bill Jillians

Jan 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/21/99
Within the article <bebp2.173$
>, him claiming the name Monty Cantsin <>,

>On Tue, 19 Jan 1999 16:05:29 GMT wrote:
>> In article <UZQo2.3455$>,
>> "Karen Eliot" <> wrote:
>> > On Mon, 18 Jan 1999 04:51:54 GMT (Monty Cappysin) wrote:
>> > > Sorry. Thanks for the invite, but I'm gonna wait until everybody goes
>> > > by a more interesting name, like
>> > > Gustavus Von Hinterburgenclausthoffgugenmanheim
>> > >
>> > > Try the folks at alt.syntax.tactical. This is right up their alley.
>> > >
>> > > CH
>> > >
>> >
>> > I can understand your reticence in this matter.
>> OK, so what does "reticence" mean?
>> CH

<big snip>

Don't you KNOW any one-liners ?


crappy pamper

Jan 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/23/99
On Sat, 16 Jan 1999 09:34:05 GMT, (Cappy-Bob Hamper)

An actual example was the message cross-posted in
>RUSH LIMBAUGHS ASS!" The body explained in some detail why Howard is
>better than Rush. This is not a troll to the Howard groupers, but
>definitely is to the Ditto Heads. The Rush groupers took offense,
>blasted out several replies, the Howard fans replied, and a war broke
>out between the two groups that continues to the day of this writing.
>Of course, a few trolls jumped in and fanned the flames occasionally.
>The two groups didn't realize (or didn't care) that every message was
>cross-posted to both groups, so in effect they were tolling
>themselves. Brilliant.

you heartless bastard

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