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Dell Winders Lies To Gain Sympathy

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Nomen Nescio

Aug 29, 2009, 7:47:01 AM8/29/09
Dell said; "It is regrettable that my detractors found PHBB
forums to be an easy hack. Years of information posts went down
the drain with the loss of my last 3 forums. For 15 years
members of the Skeptic Society has made every unscrupulous
attempt imaginable, on line, and off line, to create mischief,
silence my voice, and defame my character for sharing my field
experience with LRL, MFD & Dowsing."

That assertion is a bold faced lie. Dell trashed his own forums
in an effort to gain sympathy and market his scam LRL
contraptions. For over 15 years now, Dell has been complaining
about being a victim. The truth is, it is all a lie and a part
of his grand scheme to market and sell do-nothing dowsing
gadgets to the gullible and technically challenged.

Do not become Dell's next victim. Just say no to his overpriced
do-nothing dowsing scams.

Eva Hart

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