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What is TS/TG/TV

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Mar 23, 1995, 7:49:50 AM3/23/95

I am currious as to what these terms mean. Please fill me in as I am trying
to find where I fit it the the big picture.

The terms in question are:

TV - What does it mean and how does it relate the the following?
TS - What does it mean and how does it relate the the following?
TG - What does it mean and how does it relate the the following?

SRS - What does it mean?

Thank all of you for your help

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Alexis Belinda Dinno

Mar 23, 1995, 12:47:24 PM3/23/95
to wrote:

: I am currious as to what these terms mean. Please fill me in as I am trying

: to find where I fit it the the big picture.

: The terms in question are:

: TV - What does it mean and how does it relate the the following?

TransVestite. These are individuals who cross dress (i.e. wear the
garments and accessories of the opposite sex) for a variety of
reasons ranging from sexual exploration, to gender role exploration, to
comedy, and for other reasons. This activity may be engaged in behind
closed doors, at clubs or near full-time. TVs are Hetero and Homo men
and women. The term 'Drag Queen' generally refers to gay men who dress with
notable flamboyancy in women's attire.

: TS - What does it mean and how does it relate the the following?

TransSexual. These are individuals who feel that their physical body
(their sex) is in conflict with their psyche (vis a vis, their gender),
and who seek to resolve this conflict by living in their gender of choice
usually (though not always) with the aid of hormones, electrolysis,
surgery and various therapies (like voice for example).

TSs have a few sub-labels. M2F and F2M are respectively Male to Female, and
Female to Male (reflecting the direction of change from the person's
originally percieved gender to their gender of choice).

Another TS sub-label is Pre-Op (short for pre-operative). This means
that the individual has yet to undergo surgery (SRS or GRS).

: TG - What does it mean and how does it relate the the following?

TransGender. This is a great word! This is an embracive term which



Androgynists. Those who adopt a fine balance of male and female to present a
person who is neither one nor the other.

Transgenderists. Individuals who adopt primary characteristics of both
male and female (and this may include hormone therapy as well as some
surgeries like castration, breast implants, or mastectomy) and who may
wish to present as male or female at different times and places. These
are persons with a very creative expression of gender.

Intersexed Individuals. These are persons whose physical sex at birth
does not easily fit in with socialized concepts of male or female. These
persons may be neuter or hermaphroditic.

Have I missed any?

Much like Queer, which is inclusive of gays, lesbians, bisexuals, fetishists,
and TGs among others... Transgender is a word which reflects the diversity of
the 'gender community.'

: SRS - What does it mean?

SRS (Sex Reassignment Surgery, also termed GRS for Genital Reassignment
Surgery) is the proverbial 'Sex Change Opperation.' This is the surgery
which TSs often undergo as one of the final physical transformations of
their gender transition. For M2F (or MTF) TSs this generally means that
the testicles are removed, along with a portion of the penis, and a
vagina is created. On a very general level the reverse is true for F2M
TSs undergoing SRS. Please note that there are a wide variety of
methods, techniques and goals all called SRS. Go find a FAQ or five, or
better yet write to a few surgeons who perform the opperations for
literature on their techniques.

You should also know that there are a number of other surgeries relevant
to TSs and TGs:

Breast Implants/Mastectomy

Castration (removal of the testicles)

Tracheal Shave (sanding down that old Adam's Apple)

Facial cosmetic surgeries intended to feminize/masculinize

One or two voice surgeries (M2F only) to raise voice pitch/eliminate low

: Thank all of you for your help

You're welcome. My appologies to my F2M brethren (as well as non-TS) if
this information is more informing of M2F TS concerns...


Mar 23, 1995, 1:19:41 PM3/23/95

IA>TV - What does it mean and how does it relate the the following?

Transvestite: The English translation (and preferred term) crossdresser
pretty much tells it all. A person who on occasion dresses in clothing
associated with the opposite gender identity.

>TS - What does it mean and how does it relate the the following?

Transsexual: Someone whose genitalia does not match their gender
identity. Is either planning for, or has had, sex reassignment surgery.
Different from the TV/CD because the need is to cross the gender
identity line on a full-time basis *and* have the genitalia for the sex
that gender identity is associated with.

>TG - What does it mean and how does it relate the the following?

Transgenderist: Someone who lives full-time in a gender identity
opposite to the one associated with our sex. Different from a TV/CD
because there is no "changing back" at the end of the night; different
from a TS becuase there is no surgery planned or done.

IA>SRS - What does it mean?

Sex Reassignment Surgery: See TS, above. The surgical process of
creating somewhat-functional genitalia of one sex out of the other.
(Somewhat-functional, because SRS does not create the female
reproductive organs, so pregnancy is not possible, but does create a
realistic-looking -- and, by many reports, sexually-responsive --
vagina. There is not, at this time, any way to create a satisfactory
penis on an FTM TS.)

This will undoubtedly lead to further questions.

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Phillida Hutcheson

Mar 24, 1995, 12:13:45 AM3/24/95
to wrote:

TV=Transvestite more popular now is CD or cross dressor. Usually a
genetic male (GM) who dresses in women's clothes but is comfortable in
the male role the rest of the time.

TS=Transsexual some one who is very uncomfortable with their assigned
sex and is wants to change it physically. May be a GM or GF (Genetic
Female often also abbreviated as GG for Genetic Girl)

TG=Transgendered usually a catch all for various trans people but also
refers to someone who is living full time in their gender of choice
without surgery.

SRS=Sex Reassignment Surgery the surgical procedure that changes the
sex classification assigned at birth. (I prefer SCS for Sex Corrective

Love, Laughter, Happiness, and Hugs...Phillida

>All who joy would win must share it
>Happiness was born a twin. -Lord Byron

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Mar 24, 1995, 5:06:54 PM3/24/95
In article <3ksc7c$>, (Alexis Belinda Dinno) says:

>: TG - What does it mean and how does it relate the the following?
>TransGender. This is a great word! This is an embracive term which

>Intersexed Individuals.
>Have I missed any?

You missed the _very_ small number of people who live as only one gender
but who have medical problems which preclude ever having the reassignment
surgery. (I know that this is a small minority, because I'm the only one
I know of, and no one else ever discusses it.)

> ... Go find a FAQ or five, or

>better yet write to a few surgeons who perform the opperations for
>literature on their techniques.

It's easy to send someone to find a FAQ or literature, but you didn't give
any sources.
I have been reading this newsgroup all this semester and have yet to see
any FAQ or address for one. Since this is the logical place to find it,
can you tell me the illogical place it is?
I'm sorry if this posting comes across as abrupt or 'bitchy', I just find
that helpfull answers for basic questions tend to be good PR.


Mar 24, 1995, 6:08:15 PM3/24/95


IC>It should be noted that 'transgenderist' is an ill formed word. Its
>commonly accepted meaning is as you define, but at its roots it litterally
>means "one who is transgendered" (see last paragraph) which encompasses
>much more than transitioned transexuals who will not be having surgery.

IC>The correct term for a so called 'transgenderist' is a non-op TS, or
>a transitioned non-op TS if you wish to be specific.

Virginia Prince, who coined the term, would flame you *big time* if she
was reading this.

I am a transgenderist. I am *not* a non-op transsexual. Transsexual
implies a change of sex by its very derivation, and there is not going
to be any SRS in my case.

Hoisted by your own petard ...

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Mar 25, 1995, 8:01:06 PM3/25/95

IC>I'm aware Virginia Prince coined the term, and she could flame me if
>she likes, but it's still a badly formed term where the derivation does not
>match the common meaning. Hey, if all that matters is whether someone
>famous believes something or not, Katherine Cummings agrees with me
>that the derivation does not match the common meaning.

Given that she coined the term and it was then corrupted by those who
co-opted the term to include everyone in the community, I disagree with
your analysis that it is a "badly formed term". I believe it to be
semantically correct.

IC>>I am a transgenderist. I am *not* a non-op transsexual. Transsexual

>>implies a change of sex by its very derivation, and there is not going
>>to be any SRS in my case.

IC>No, transsexual does not imply a sex change. Webster defines it as

IC> a person with a psychological urge to belong to the opposite sex that
> may be carried to the point of undergoing surgery to modify the
> sex organs to mimic the opposite sex

IC>Which is the commonly accepted definition in the community also.

Forgive me for disagreeing with Webster, but *that's* a badly formed
definition. I think you'll find that the community presumes SRS is
involved whenever the term "transsexual" is used.

And BTW, I am not trying to belong to the opposite *sex*, I am trying to
be part of the *gender* normally associated with females. There is a
difference between "sex" and "gender" and even Webster's doesn't seem to
get that.

IC>I certainly accept you are a 'transgenderist' by the commonly accepted
>meaning in the community, it's just a badly formed term. As to whether
>you're a non-op transsexual, well, you seem to fit the definition
>from what i know of your lifestyle, however I'll never be one to force
>a label on anyone.

Thank you for the concession.

IC>It is always unfortunate when someone of high-profile makes a bad decision
>(as Virginia did). If you wish to debate the importance of having word
>derivation match the common meaning, please do so, but don't embarrass
>yourself by saying with wide eyes "Virginia says it's right, so it must
>be true". It is a malformed word...this is a fact which can be
>confirmed by anyone who's taken a first years linguistics course, or
>has a copy of Webster's and knows how to use it. I suggest you consult
>such a source, and learn not to trust so much in your idols, before you
>put your foot in your mouth again.

But I happen to *agree* with Virginia. And if you knew both of us,
you'd know that we are friends who do *not* always agree. (In fact, we
disagree more than we agree.)

Idol? Not quite ... although I respect a lot of the things -- whether
perceived as "right" or "wrong" by the community -- that she has done
for us.

Before you tear her down in public, do remember that if she hadn't
pioneered a lot of what we now take for granted, this newsgroup would
probably not exist. Nor would the transgender support networks we all
take for granted.

Nor would 90% of the transsexual community have ever had the opportunity
for SRS.

Think about it.

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