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reissue landcross translation

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Jan 15, 2004, 9:03:12 PM1/15/04
i haven't goten my reissue landcross yet. but looking at how's its
sold i bet there's some story just like the other reissued six
combiner teams. anybody got a translation of the booklet story that
comes with the toys. that' assuming there is one of course.


Jan 16, 2004, 6:03:14 AM1/16/04
to (kid) wrote in message news:<>...

Is there in fact a booklet like the other Micromaster releases? I've
been seeing pics of what looks like a b/w instruction booklet, but
that's no assurance that there's a story. Can someone who has the toy
now provide scans?


Doug Dlin

Jan 16, 2004, 10:18:45 AM1/16/04

Working on it. RL work's been keeping me away from this sort of thing again.

Doug Dlin
apcog at

Doug Dlin

Jan 17, 2004, 9:43:16 PM1/17/04
On Jan. 15, 2004, kid wrote:

Whew...finally got a chance to work on this. Thanks to Jason of for sending me scans. A more nicely formatted version of
this will be on his site shortly, I'm certain.

Doug Dlin
apcog at


Today, the battle between the Cybertron and Destron Micromasters has
repeated itself again, but the discovery of the ruins at Mount St.
Hillary has changed the state of the battlefield for both sides.

The Cybertrons had moved their Metrobase headquarters to the foot of
Mount St. Hillary, taking up a position to defend the ruins. Beaten to
the punch, the Destron forces repeatedly attempted to invade the ruins
through various schemes, or else attacked and plundered the humans'
energy bases and military installations, which were now short-handed
thanks to the defense of the ruins. Then, one day, something happened.

Just like they'd done the day before, the ruins investigation team of
Joe, Crushbull and Converter was unearthing a lifepod in the middle of a
Destron attack. This pod, however, emitted a mysterious energy plasma
radiation, temporarily rendering all Micromaster warriors nonfunctional.
"We have readings of a dimensional displacement in the skies over the
base," San Diego reported.
Hearing this, Circuit said, "The wind's changed. There's an unknown
wind blowing out of the dimensional tear." As the plasma radiation from
the lifepod returned to normal, the dimensional displacement matched
this action and closed, and the Destrons began retreating from the
battle. And so the battle ended with no one noticing the six black
shadows that had appeared, if only for an instant, along with that
strange wind...

"The waveform closely resembles tachyon waves."
"Could it be an analogue to the dimensional vibrations that once washed
over us...?" Sireen responded to Alan's report, though it was hardly an
answer. The command room sank into silence, silence which was shattered
when the invasion alarm siren resounded.
The base's auto-sensors lit up the invader--a pitch-black jet was
raiding from the skies above. From the jet came a word with which they
were all familiar: "Transform!" A single robot made a graceful landing.
"I am Wing, a Cybertron Transformer." As he spoke, vivid coloration
surfaced on his body.
"A stealth mode? Isn't that a new Destron combat power?" Spark's
doubts were only natural.
"Are you an envoy from Seibertron, here to rescue your teammates from Earth?"
Wing responded to Diego's question: "We did indeed come from Seibertron,
but it seems we've somehow arrived on a different world. This IS Earth,
isn't it...?" He gazed at Mount St. Hillary.
"We?" Desire had not missed that key word.
"Yes, all six of us in the Multiforce..." As Wing spoke, the empty
space on either side of him distorted, and the forms of five robots
appeared. "Disengage Stealth Mode." As had happened with Wing, their
black bodies shifted to being brightly colored. "Let me introduce--"
But a siren cut off Wing's words. It was the emergency alert. "Okay,
let's save the introductions for after we've sent these Destrons
packing. Transform!" The six robots split up into three groups, then
one of each group became a top or bottom body half. The paired halves
then combined and took off. Time seemed to stop for the Micromasters at
the events of this moment.
"Incredible!" Windy's voice brought the Cybertron warriors back to
their senses, and the battle began! True to their word, the members of
the Multiforce repelled the Destron Build Team's attack. Then Berserker
Mode SixWing came charging in, burning with rage. As expected, the
Multiforce struggled under the fierce assault.
"Let me help." SixTrain came running in.
"We're fine. And as long as we're introducing ourselves, we'll show you
how we work together." With this declaration, the three robots split
into upper and lower halves, and then all six combined--the gestalt
warrior Landcross was born. Landcross' power, greater even than
SixWing's, forced the Destron Micromasters to withdraw. The battle was ended.
"It seems that while we were testing this stealth equipment we'd
developed on Earth, we passed through a dimensional rift and came to
this Earth. Perhaps we were originally meant to intervene on this
world," Landcross murmured as he watched the Destrons' retreat.
"However, this world is rather different from the one I was on." The
Cybertrons had gained new allies, and their voices echoed from the foot
the supposedly extinct volcano of Mount St. Hillary.

Jet Fighter/WING
A strong sense of responsibility, as leader of the Multiforce, he brings
the team together. Under Commander Star Saber, he was assigned the
defense of the solar system district, but in response to the recent
accident, he has resolved to fight alongside the Micromasters.

Waver loves children, and during his free time, he goes cruising on the
lake, giving rides to them. His abundant knowledge proves most useful
in his role as Wing's adviser. As he was the central figure in the
stealth experiments, he feels responsible for the current accident.

Super Car/DASH
Focusing on the highways, he mixes in with other cars and gathers
intelligence on the Destrons. He has really taken to his Stealth Mode,
and has made headlines as the "Ghost Super Car" from his habit of
disappearing as he races along.

Amply learned in things military, he is well-versed in combat tactics,
serving as the Multiforce's strategist. Considering his fear of
changing history with the recent accident, it is most interesting that
it was Tacker who proposed contact with the Micromasters.

Space Shuttle/MACH
Though he can be quick to fight, this warrior is gentle towards his
teammates. Among the team, he is especially good friends with Tackle.
When Windy pointed this out, Mach revealed a past episode in which the
two of them had a major brawl, and he and the Micromasters rapidly
became friends.

With his love of things like mountain climbing and camping and with his
hobby of fishing, this warrior has a real taste for the outdoors. A
survivalist fighter, he can combat on just about any kind of
battlefield. Among the team, he seems to work best with Mach, and even
in vertical combination, he seems to combine more often with Mach.

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