Google Groups จะไม่รองรับโพสต์หรือการสมัครสมาชิก Usenet ใหม่อีกต่อไป โดยคุณจะยังคงดูเนื้อหาเดิมได้อยู่

Leave the Allspark ezboard if you didnt already.

ยอดดู 17 ครั้ง


3 ก.พ. 2545 21:13:043/2/45
For those who dont know. There is a different owner named Vindicator.
there is also a different crew of mods+admins.

Kalidor is the best owner period. he led the allspark community on a
non-flame,peaceful board. there was great discussion while Kalidor & his
mods+admins were in charge.

The board Vindicator stole & renamed "allspark classic". Currently has
mods+admins not setting a good example. these Vindicator chosen mods+admins
flame,curse & fight with the members. a really good mod/admin should be polite
& set the good rule example.
Vindicator is another renaud type persona. all he does is lie,steal & cheat
his way into the TF fandom.

If you haven't already left the "allspark classic ezboard" please do so now.
there is nothing there & any member still there is wasting there time

The kalidor ezboard allspark was good because we had members with major
contacts & inside hasbro,mainframe,fox,ytv info. those members left & went to
the ikon allspark. here is the link to the ikon allspark. .

Other great TF boards are as follows: Iacon harbor,ben yee's board & tf2005.
There are plenty of inside contacts on these boards. site has the
link for the ezboard under a section called chat. has links for the
2 boards called iacon harbor & tf2005 board.

Once again please leave the allspark classic because vinnie & his crew are
garbage. they are a bunch of no good hackers & bums. they have no contacts or
inside info. why anyone would want to still post on a hated,despised board
called the allspark classic ezboard or bottalk is beyond me. Whats next is
Dennis Barger the men in black guy going to steal ATT & make himself the

Please leave the allspark classic ezboard & join a board that honors the TF
community in a positive manner.

If you want to stick it to Vindicator & his crew at the allspark classic board,
do the following: Report every bad post you see on that ezboard to the owner
of the ezboard francise. Remember that allspark classic already has 2 strikes
against it & was shut down once by the higher ups of the ezboard francise. I
am sure if a thousand plus emails get sent to the ezboard owner then the board
will be shut down permanently. join the cause & report as many bad post on
the allspark classic ezboard as possible. lets get this board shut down before
march 1,2002.

Heck create as many nicks as possible, post nudity & report that under a
different screen name/nick. create dozens of nicks/screen names & post in a
cursing,hating manner,then use another screen & report that post to the ezboard
owner. like I said the board has 2 strikes against it,another strike will shut
it down permanently.

If your reading this Vindicator,I give your board 3 weeks at best.


3 ก.พ. 2545 23:45:493/2/45
Seriously, well, i dunno bout sabatoge, but still.
Hey, we need all the new posters we can at Come on in,
I'm sure you'll like it.

A Prime Example

3 ก.พ. 2545 23:48:193/2/45
>Heck create as many nicks as possible, post nudity & report that under a
>different screen name/nick. create dozens of nicks/screen names & post in a
>cursing,hating manner,then use another screen & report that post to the

Well, you had a good thing going there till you got to this part. From the way
you described "classic Allspark", it sounds as if you should remain there, its
one place you "fit in".
" Beer is Gods way of showing us that he loves us and wants us to be happy"
--- Benjamin Franklin


4 ก.พ. 2545 05:50:464/2/45

> these Vindicator chosen mods+admins
> flame,curse & fight with the members. a really good mod/admin should be
> & set the good rule example.

yes your right I have seen the odd rude comment.

> Vindicator is another renaud type persona. all he does is lie,steal &
> his way into the TF fandom.

I've seen no evidence for this besides co-opting the board in the
firstplace. which was rude - but if his rivals are all like you I don't
blame him _ HA!

> If you haven't already left the "allspark classic ezboard" please do so
> there is nothing there & any member still there is wasting there time
> posting/replying.

If I get bored I'll leave - not because you don't like the place - a Board
is defined by it's members as much as by it's owner.
& I like "some" of the members there - I have no plans to leave.

> The kalidor ezboard allspark was good because we had members with major
> contacts & inside hasbro,mainframe,fox,ytv info. those members left &
went to
> the ikon allspark. here is the link to the ikon allspark.
> .

All Spark does avoid some of the more trying idiocy's I see but I still
dispair at some of the nincompoops who say playskool Transformers are
Minicons Armada is Victory & similarly silly things - so either palce is
hardly populated by the great masterminds of transfandom.

> Other great TF boards are as follows: Iacon harbor,ben yee's board &
> There are plenty of inside contacts on these boards. site has
> link for the ezboard under a section called chat. has links
for the
> 2 boards called iacon harbor & tf2005 board.

I'd prefer to avoid Ben Yee's board - it has nothing to offer and it's
primitive looking Ben is yet another in a long line of people who have been
screwed over by Hasbro It's been ages since any substantial news has come
from that direction.

Tf2005 I like as it's gets into the details of toys more than some - which I

Iacon Harbor I've just recently started visting & I quiet like it it's a
little quiet though quiet good.

> allspark classic ezboard or bottalk is beyond me. Whats next is
> Dennis Barger the men in black guy going to steal ATT & make himself the
> Moderator.

Bigbot has one thing going for it - No over the top sig files - that really
bugs me about allspark / both of them.

& I happen to Like the Bottalk board - it's fast & unclutered - I Like it
for the members not the owner - he's easily forgotten - he hardly ever posts
& is not intrusive... which is not something that can be said of the Lock
happy allspark's

> If you want to stick it to Vindicator & his crew at the allspark classic
> do the following: Report every bad post you see on that ezboard to the
> of the ezboard francise.

- do your own dirty work - I'm not going to do it for you.

Steve-o Stonebraker

4 ก.พ. 2545 08:22:064/2/45
On Mon, 4 Feb 2002 10:50:46 +0000 (UTC), Survive wrote:
> Bigbot has one thing going for it - No over the top sig files - that really
> bugs me about allspark / both of them.

Just turn off image-loading in your web browser. You'll be shocked at
what a huge difference it makes. (No waiting for ad banners to load,

Hydra & Buster's Masterforce/Victory subtitling project needs donations!
*** ***
Steve Stonebraker | Transformers FAQ Keeper | Astrophysicist | | AOL IM: srstoneb

David Willis

4 ก.พ. 2545 08:42:204/2/45
> I'd prefer to avoid Ben Yee's board - it has nothing to offer and it's
> primitive looking Ben is yet another in a long line of people who have
> screwed over by Hasbro It's been ages since any substantial news has come
> from that direction. has Ben Yee been screwed over by Hasbro? Just because he doesn't
get much inside news from them anymore, somehow they've done him wrong?

I've never gotten news from Hasbro directly, but I suppose that means
been screwing me over for the past 22+ years...



Jefferey Mark Bowman

5 ก.พ. 2545 02:11:375/2/45
ถึง just can't do it can you? You just can't keep a sane head upon
your shoulders. DON'T BRING THIS HERE. A.T.T. has had enough with it's share
of idiots in the past, and we don't need more. So quit bringing up the
ALLSpark here.

"David Willis" <> wrote in message


5 ก.พ. 2545 15:48:075/2/45
Autobot32,It was a joke post. put forth to annoy Vindicator+crew. No,I wont
waste my time visiting that board. In fact I sent the url to the classic
allspark to the recycle bin. I have no reason to post/reply there anymore.

Brian Lukis

5 ก.พ. 2545 18:06:565/2/45
If someone can help me with a few questions I have about this board,
(which happen to fit nicely with some things I've seen in this

I guess I know why different Transformer message boards are on the
internet (I used to have a message board up on our site, but it's down
now for technical reasons); In my mind though, it is nice to have a
"main" place for TF news and speculation, and it would seem logical
that that place be here, A.T.T.. (As it is the oldest, is set up sort
of democratically, and is nicely searchable thanks to Google and
others.) From the perspective of A.T.T., what is the point of having
other message boards? I have some sense that A.T.T. (should it be
considered its own entity with virtues) is in some weird way 'in
hiding,' and likes when boards distract potential posters. Or is
there another purpose to other boards - from a perspective outside the
owner of the board.

Considering this...
I have set up a section of our site (for now called "Brian's TF
Weblog") that tracks new info, or cool concepts associated with
Transformers. More than anything else, I have links to A.T.T. threads
(through Google) that I want to underscore. It is meant for
non-regular viewers of A.T.T. to be able to see some of the cool
aspects of Fandom. (It happens to be harder to link to other boards
due to the instability of ezboard links. - Are those links really as
unstable as I think they are?) I wonder what A.T.T. would think of my
weblog which feeds it more viewers, who could be posters.



5 ก.พ. 2545 19:04:405/2/45
Brian Lukis wrote:

> In my mind though, it is nice to have a
> "main" place for TF news and speculation, and it would seem logical
> that that place be here, A.T.T.. (As it is the oldest, is set up sort
> of democratically, and is nicely searchable thanks to Google and
> others.)

Well, "anarchically" would be the best way to describe ATT's setup, I
think. It's not ruled by the people, like a democracy; it's not ruled
by *anybody.* That's its blessing and curse.

Personally, I favor ATT because of its interface more than anything
else. No images to clutter the space and slow the download time, better
threading (even with Google), and if you're using a newsreader, NO

> From the perspective of A.T.T., what is the point of having
> other message boards?

To absorb all the people too stupid to figure out Usenet.

It's not a perfect weeding-out process, but it helps.

Ha ha. I'm joking. DejaNews evened that playing field years ago,
sadly. And I don't honestly think that everyone on web-boards is stupid
or that everyone on ATT is a genius. In fact, sometimes I *like*
web-boards better because they seem to have less of a tendency to get
idiotically violent than this beloved NG. At the same time, though, the
effort of waiting for and then slogging through everyone's l33t animated
DBZ GIFs has, in my experience, been seldom worth the intellectual payoff.

The only area where I've found web-boards to be really worthwhile is the
art forums. THERE, the graphics-heavy presentation actually has value,
and a LOT more artists tend to congregate.

Oh, and besides art stuff, there's one other thing that justifies the
AllSpark in my mind. A specific thread, in fact, from the AllSpark Awards:;act=ST;f=18;t=991

I'm sorry, but you just can't pull it off like that on a NG.

> I have some sense that A.T.T. (should it be
> considered its own entity with virtues) is in some weird way 'in
> hiding,' and likes when boards distract potential posters.

That anarchical nature really dissuades me from thinking of ATT as a
single entity. For what it's worth, though, I don't see the xenophobia
you're describing. Nobody hates newbies, as long as they're decent
folk. For some reason, this past month has presented ATT a *slew* of
new posters, and they've been good people who (as far as I can tell)
have been received well.

Also, I don't see how ATT *can* hide itself. Maybe ATT just doesn't get
mentioned as often in the web-board world as the AllSpark gets mentioned
here? If there's any motive in that trend, I'm not aware of it.

> I have set up a section of our site (for now called "Brian's TF
> Weblog") that tracks new info, or cool concepts associated with
> Transformers. More than anything else, I have links to A.T.T. threads
> (through Google) that I want to underscore. It is meant for
> non-regular viewers of A.T.T. to be able to see some of the cool
> aspects of Fandom.

That sounds cool to me. If ATT is losing its status as Grand Central
Station of Transfandom, it saddens me only because that means we're also
losing SOME good content - fresh news and interesting people.

> (It happens to be harder to link to other boards
> due to the instability of ezboard links. - Are those links really as
> unstable as I think they are?)

Well, they tend to change servers often enough...

- Jackpot (And ownership....)

| To contact me, please e-mail aquamandible [at] yahoo [dot] com.
| _ _ ______ ______ _ _
"The `k's are for the kwality!"


5 ก.พ. 2545 19:49:195/2/45
In article <>, (Brian Lukis) writes:

>I guess I know why different Transformer message boards are on the
>internet (I used to have a message board up on our site, but it's down
>now for technical reasons); In my mind though, it is nice to have a
>"main" place for TF news and speculation, and it would seem logical
>that that place be here, A.T.T.. (As it is the oldest, is set up sort
>of democratically, and is nicely searchable thanks to Google and
>others.) From the perspective of A.T.T., what is the point of having
>other message boards? I have some sense that A.T.T. (should it be
>considered its own entity with virtues) is in some weird way 'in
>hiding,' and likes when boards distract potential posters. Or is
>there another purpose to other boards - from a perspective outside the
>owner of the board.

I guess the other boards are good because you can post pictures right there
without people complaining about it, also if everybody came to A.T.T. it would
be WAY too big, and nobody could ever read all the messages. I also think that
alot of people are not welcomed here so they have to find some other group
where they can belong to.......

Jen One


5 ก.พ. 2545 19:50:175/2/45
Brian Lukis <> wrote in message

From the perspective of A.T.T., what is the point of having
> other message boards? I have some sense that A.T.T. (should it be
> considered its own entity with virtues) is in some weird way 'in
> hiding,' and likes when boards distract potential posters. Or is
> there another purpose to other boards - from a perspective outside the
> owner of the board.

I think it's basically the fact that people who weren't around when the
internet was created are much more familiar with Web-page based
messageboards than newsgroups or USENET. Heck, I think a majority of
Outlook Express users have never pressed that "News" button. So, that's why
the Allspark is probably gonna' take over ATT's "centrality" eventually.

Stranger- Impulse's #1 fan, next to Max of course.


5 ก.พ. 2545 23:23:585/2/45
>> If you haven't already left the "allspark classic ezboard" please do so
>> there is nothing there & any member still there is wasting there time
>> posting/replying.
>If I get bored I'll leave - not because you don't like the place - a Board
>is defined by it's members as much as by it's owner.
>& I like "some" of the members there - I have no plans to leave.

"PREDAKINGX" said in another post "No, I wont waste my time visiting that

board. In fact I sent the url to the classic allspark to the recycle bin.
I have no reason to post/reply there anymore."

If this is the same person, not only does he have no reason to post there,
he doesn't have the ability either, after he posted an obscenity-filled

2/4/02 6:48:09 pm primez banned g1predaking

Trolling and hatred are no longer acceptable on the AllSpark Classic. Such
posts will be deleted, and those who write them will be suspended or
terminated. The staff are no longer going to argue with anyone who is trying
to get us angry. We will just remove their posts, and if they continue,
remove their ability to post.

The AllSpark board started out as a quiet place where friends could have
fun. Over the years, it has gone through upheaval and warfare, hurt
feelings, abandonment, and finally mass exodus. There really is no reason
that a message board about children's cartoons and toys needs to include
political high drama, Machiavellian plotting, and screaming fits of anger.
And since there's no good reason for it, we have put an end to all that.
Agreed, there were some rude comments by the admins and mods early on, but
that has ended now.

We want to make the AllSpark Classic the board that it used to be - a
friendly place where people can come to talk about Transformers and have
some fun without fear of harrassment, spam, or pornography. If you're
willing to treat others with respect, then you're welcome at the AllSpark

- TarantulasPrime

Neale Davidson

5 ก.พ. 2545 23:42:465/2/45
> Trolling and hatred are no longer acceptable on the AllSpark Classic. Such
> posts will be deleted, and those who write them will be suspended or
> terminated. The staff are no longer going to argue with anyone who is
> to get us angry. We will just remove their posts, and if they continue,
> remove their ability to post.

Unless, you know, it happens to be from the admin or moderators. In /that/
case, it's outright encouraged. You can't be a mod if you don't start
users, ya know...

Give me a break, Tara. Shut up, you're fooling no one. 1000 users LEFT
VinSpark.. most of them went to Allspark (the real one), and those that
didn't just left completely.

You lot are some of the most destructive and hateful fans that I've EVER
seen, period.


The poster formerly known as "Contrary to popular belief Craig Little's mother wasn't a hamster, though his father did have a faint whiff of elderberries when the Spanish Inquisition unexpectedly abducted him." now going for an even longer Usenet handle..

5 ก.พ. 2545 23:34:035/2/45

"TarantulasPrime" <> wrote in message
<snip ALLSpark stuff>

Can't we keep ATT free of all this?


5 ก.พ. 2545 23:50:425/2/45
TarantulasPrime wrote:

> We want to make the AllSpark Classic the board that it used to be - a
> friendly place where people can come to talk about Transformers and have
> some fun without fear of harrassment, spam, or pornography.

I think it's best not to hide, but rather to confront my crippling fear
of pornography head-on.

- Jackpot

Zobovor X

6 ก.พ. 2545 02:33:326/2/45
Brian Lukis wrote:

>From the perspective of A.T.T., what is the point of having other
>message boards?

So we have other groups of fans to bitch and moan about, of course.

Seriously... the size of the fandom has increased exponentially in the past few
years. I think it's only natural that sub-sections of the fandom would break
off and form their own discussion groups; a single message board or newsgroup
that encompassed *all* these discussions would be impossibly crowded.

>I have some sense that A.T.T. (should it be considered its own entity
>with virtues) is in some weird way 'in hiding,' and likes when boards
>distract potential posters.

I've never seen any evidence of this, myself. Personally, I like it when new
posters join the group. Some of my favorite ATTers are newbies, relatively
speaking. I certainly *don't* want us to turn into one of those newsgroups
where everybody knows everybody else, and newcomers aren't interested in
becoming part of the group because the entire newsgroup consists of tired
in-jokes and off-topic banter. (I won't name any specific newsgroups, but one
of them has "starwars" in it.)

>I wonder what A.T.T. would think of my weblog which feeds it more
>viewers, who could be posters.

Personally, I'm all for it. We could still do with some fresh blood.

Zobovor... if I collect six more newbies, I can use them in a formula to make
gold! Assuming I don't eat them first, that is.


6 ก.พ. 2545 07:06:426/2/45
Zob-X-Marks-The-Spot wrote:

> Personally, I'm all for it. We could still do with some fresh blood.

I've wondered for quite some time how ATT would be affected if the lurkers (such
as myself) decided to post on a regular basis. I wouldn't be surprised if the
amount of posting would double if that happened. But it would still get more
viewpoints tossed into the mix.

> Zobovor... if I collect six more newbies, I can use them in a formula to make
> gold! Assuming I don't eat them first, that is.

Oh, sure, you'll be happy for a little while, but you'll be sorry when the cable
bill comes!

Anthrax....who would post regularly, but usually what I would respond with gets
said anyway, so I refrain. It's my little way of trying to help the
signal-to-noise ratio.


6 ก.พ. 2545 07:51:086/2/45

"Neale Davidson" <> wrote in message

> > Trolling and hatred are no longer acceptable


> Unless, you know, it happens to be from the admin or moderators.

For a long time, users of were allowed
to openly flame staff members. Staff members were expected to "take it" so
they didn't "look like Renaud." The name "Renaud" was used to excuse a lot
of poor policy decisions, sort of like the name "Hitler" is often used as a
defense by folk who have no better arguments to support their unreasonable

This has changed. Now we understand that members of the staff are just
people trying to have fun, and that they shouldn't be expected to deal with
all manner of plots and schemes. Trolls are no longer given free reign. It
isn't a perfect system, but it is better than what we were once forced to
endure in silence. As we weed out the bad elements who plague our little
board and who are interested only in spreading chaos, things will get


> Give me a break, Tara. Shut up, you're fooling no one. 1000 users LEFT
> VinSpark.. most of them went to Allspark (the real one), and those that
> didn't just left completely.

And good for them. Once again, please understand that we are not interested
in a popularity contest! We don't care what folk at other places do, only
what is done at our board--unless of course plans to cause mischief at our
board are being discussed. ;)

Your friends attacked another (innocent) community and tried to blame us for
the deed. Why, you can read another thread here at ATT and you will see an
open call to frame us by posting spam and porn in our names! We do not
welcome such folk at our board.

Yes, I'm sorry that so many folk were fooled into believing false
accusations about us. That does frustrate me. But I'm not interested in
going to monumental efforts to change the minds of people who are little
more than strangers. You won't see me pulling the same propaganda smear on
the Ikonboard that we've suffered on our ezboard. Neither will you see us
posting porn and other criminal material like the friends of the Ikonboard
have done.

Face it Neale, for all your big talk of legal issues, you have allied
yourself with folk who are willing to violate the innocent when they don't
get their way. I don't care how you try to twist the truth to serve your
own purposes: Posting porn on a board that children visit is wrong, Neale.
Just plain wrong.

Those are your friends, Neale. Those are the people you are defending.

> You lot are some of the most destructive and hateful fans that I've EVER
> seen, period.

Hateful? You and your friends have little right to sling that word about.
Personally, I don't hate any of you. I just think you're a collection of
trolls and flame war vets who get a kick out of seeming important on the web
by stirring up as much trouble as you can, all for a little attention.

Destructive? Take a close look at your friends. Several of my boards have
had entire forums obliterated by your pals. Here's a good example: I was
helping out a board for some folk from the newsgroups, Neale, and the entire
board was destroyed just to spite me! They had nothing to do with at all, and yet they suffered just
because your friends decided to target me and didn't care who was in the

Don't speak to me of destruction or hate, Neale.

- Vindicator

URL: http://www.CYBERTRON.WS
...the bravest are surely those who have the clearest
vision of what is before them, glory and danger alike,
and yet notwithstanding go out to meet it.
- Thucydides
I. to take vengeance for (AVENGE)
II. to show to be true, reasonable, just (UPHOLD)
III. to protect from attack or encroachment (DEFEND)


6 ก.พ. 2545 10:23:336/2/45

"Vindicator" <> wrote in message

> For a long time, users of were

> to openly flame staff members.

I can't get that link to work. However seems to
work for me.


6 ก.พ. 2545 14:33:226/2/45
"Vindicator" <> wrote in message news:<0F988.2265$>...
> This has changed. Now we understand that members of the staff are just
> people trying to have fun, and that they shouldn't be expected to deal with
> all manner of plots and schemes. Trolls are no longer given free reign. It
> isn't a perfect system, but it is better than what we were once forced to
> endure in silence. As we weed out the bad elements who plague our little
> board and who are interested only in spreading chaos, things will get
> better.

Wow. You're looney, Vin. Looney as the day is long. Don't they have
medication you can be put on for paranoia when it gets to be such a
psychotic state that it has a massive negative impact on your ability
to interact with other people? And if all you guys want is to have
the completely private password-protected forum you've created,
couldn't you have just gotten your own board for that?



6 ก.พ. 2545 14:35:116/2/45
>If this is the same person, not only does he have no reason to post there,
>he doesn't have the ability either, after he posted an obscenity-filled

Thats another lie. Here's what really happened. Vindicator took over the
allspark ezboard & immediately banned all mods,admins & 600 members. I was one
of those members that got banned for no apparent reason. I didn't even get the
chance to post reply on the new vin allspark board.


6 ก.พ. 2545 14:43:036/2/45
So what are you saying vin,you allow your admins/mods to attack members. It is
a mods/admins duty to set the good rule example at all cost. Giving your crew
free reign,it's nothing but a superiority contest.
You should be ashamed of yourself for saying those words. After all a cop who
wears a uniform does not have the right to shoot or beat people because he's
having a bad day. part of the responsibility of a person set in charge is not
being a bully.

I said Renaud was horrible,but you sir are worse than him.

GR Crosscut

6 ก.พ. 2545 14:59:316/2/45
ถึง (Brian Lukis) wrote in message news:<>...

> If someone can help me with a few questions I have about this board,
> (which happen to fit nicely with some things I've seen in this
> thread...)
> I guess I know why different Transformer message boards are on the
> internet (I used to have a message board up on our site, but it's down
> now for technical reasons); In my mind though, it is nice to have a
> "main" place for TF news and speculation, and it would seem logical
> that that place be here, A.T.T.. (As it is the oldest, is set up sort
> of democratically, and is nicely searchable thanks to Google and
> others.) From the perspective of A.T.T., what is the point of having
> other message boards?

I for one like having the discussion moderated. How many pointless
flame wars and off topic rubbish does ATT have that could simply be
solved with a little "Topic Locked" button. Also, THe AllSPark is
nifty because it has "Transformers Discussion" *and* "General
Discussion". Nothing is ever off topic, really. It just gets moved to
the corect forum.

Also, some complain (or whine inconsessantly) about pictures on
forums. Well, yeah, they can be a problem (along with art theft. Hey
Zob! Shockwave 75 is stealing your Dancing Shockwave pic again, the
little bugger). And it does get kinda stupid sometimes (one time a guy
had a 1.5 MEGABYTE .gif file. Oy vay) but hey, that's what admins and
mods are for, and once a complaint is registered, something usually
gets done about it. Also, graphics in moderation, can greatly add to
the feeling of a board. ATT is just boring old text (which works for
some, I know) but message boards personal pics and signatures can tell
yu alot about a person (Mike Miksch's bizzare animal love pictures
come to mind... o_O )

I have some sense that A.T.T. (should it be
> considered its own entity with virtues) is in some weird way 'in
> hiding,' and likes when boards distract potential posters. Or is
> there another purpose to other boards - from a perspective outside the
> owner of the board.

But seeing as ATT is simply a big list of messages created by many
different individuals, your point ir rendered quite moot. :)

> Considering this...
> I have set up a section of our site (for now called "Brian's TF
> Weblog") that tracks new info, or cool concepts associated with
> Transformers.

So does

More than anything else, I have links to A.T.T. threads
> (through Google) that I want to underscore. It is meant for
> non-regular viewers of A.T.T. to be able to see some of the cool
> aspects of Fandom. (It happens to be harder to link to other boards
> due to the instability of ezboard links. - Are those links really as
> unstable as I think they are?)

Well seeing as all messages get deleted eventually, I'd have to give a
big "tchya'!" to that question.

I wonder what A.T.T. would think of my
> weblog which feeds it more viewers, who could be posters.

Dude, Like Anne of Green Gables, ATT is not a real person. It's a
group of people with very different opinions.

GR Crosscut
Also, AllSPark isn't even run off of EZBoard anymore. It's nice to
leave, but man, we've been having some serious slow server problems. I
wish Kalidor was a millionaire, then he could afford all kinds of cool
stuff to pad the AllSpark with. Ah well. :)


6 ก.พ. 2545 17:52:316/2/45
"Vindicator" <> wrote in message

> This has changed. Now we understand that members of the staff are just

> people trying to have fun, and that they shouldn't be expected to deal
> all manner of plots and schemes. Trolls are no longer given free reign.
> isn't a perfect system, but it is better than what we were once forced to
> endure in silence. As we weed out the bad elements who plague our little
> board and who are interested only in spreading chaos, things will get
> better.

For who? Geez, you sound like Charlie Chaplin in "The Little Dictator."
Except that Chaplin was, y'know, funny. You're just sad.

>You won't see me pulling the same propaganda smear on
> the Ikonboard that we've suffered on our ezboard.

But apparently you see nothing wrong in posting your propaganda here. Coming
on the heels of your "[Allspark Classic] Slander" post, Vinny, that last
statement of yours is truly priceless.

> Hateful? You and your friends have little right to sling that word about.
> Personally, I don't hate any of you. I just think you're a collection of
> trolls and flame war vets who get a kick out of seeming important on the
> by stirring up as much trouble as you can, all for a little attention.

Yeah, I don't hate you either. I just think you're a sad, silly little man
who gets a kick out of acting and sounding like a dictatorial bigwig, all
for a little attention.

And as a final note, Vinny, that little "news article" on your site ( )
likening the Autobots to the Taliban is not only stupid, but tasteless and
offensive. If this is what you consider amusing, then you need help. Badly.


"I never met a Decepticon I didn't dislike." -Bluestreak

Zac Shipley

6 ก.พ. 2545 23:28:286/2/45
>The AllSpark board started out as a quiet place where friends could have

It still is, numbnuts. It was only after YOUR takeover did it become this
place many fans hate. What does it tell you when even Deathy is against you?

I'm not going to question the ban/delete attitude lately, because its justified
with all the porn attacks. However, you had this thing going a good long while

Hell I have been banned, and I've not ONCE posted anything objectionable to the
board since the new order came in. I was only banned after Vindicator
wrongfully accused Flame War Central of slander. Well I got news for you
dickheads: I am not the sum of the members of my board. I avoided Allspark
'classic' (and what a basatardization of the name that is) after it had been up
and running for a week. Why? because I go to boards where I can find
INFORMATION and NEWS. Your board has none of that, and is instead filled with
petty, aging fans who should wake up and realize that fortifying your position
means cutting off anyone and everyone out there.

Speaking of which, I have to go post some new Botcon, so have a nice day Tarry.

-Zac Shipley
news, media, features, and all that other nifty crap fanboys love.

Jefferey Mark Bowman

7 ก.พ. 2545 01:22:407/2/45
Oh you had plenty of chances. You damn well flooded TransFormers Discussion
doing so.

"PREDAKINGX" <> wrote in message


7 ก.พ. 2545 07:55:197/2/45
"Zac Shipley" <> wrote in message


> Hell I have been banned, and I've not ONCE posted anything objectionable
to the
> board since the new order came in. I was only banned after Vindicator
> wrongfully accused Flame War Central of slander. Well I got news for you
> dickheads: I am not the sum of the members of my board.

You were banished for 1) posting pornographic material on our board and 2)
your long history of encouraging the coordinated harassment of numerous
individuals and boards, including our board and many of our members.

You have no defense for the first charge: posting porn is forbidden on our
board and always has been, so as to protect children who visit. For the
second charge, although you claim that you are "not the sum of the members"
of your board and hence can't be held accountable for their acts, you
directly participated in many of those acts yourself, and your board was and
continues to be used to coordinate such actions. Your aptly named "Flame
War Central" board is a community of organized thugs, Shipley, dedicated to
spreading chaos and inflicting pain for your members' personal amusement.

I congratulate you on clawing your way to the top of the heap.


7 ก.พ. 2545 09:25:387/2/45

"Vindicator" <> wrote in message


Why do you insist on portraying yourself as a victim? You're a piece of
garbage who hijacked an otherwise pleasant forum in hopes of seizing
ultimate power in typical cartoonish super-villian fashion. EZboard
intervened and held a vote to see if you stayed or went. The community
voted you out on you ass. Then you bribed an EZboard admin for control of
the forum. As a result the Allspark community flipped it's middle finger at
you and moved itself to the REAL Allspark All
you have left is a dead forum where you and your salad-tossers take pride in
being the all-mighty rulers of a dead forum. You made your bed, now sleep
in it like a man and accept that you are nothing in the Allspark community
but a piece of bird crap on the windshield.

Neale Davidson

7 ก.พ. 2545 10:48:097/2/45
> For a long time, users of were
> to openly flame staff members.

Wrong. Flames of any sort met with the 'warning', 'final warning', 'week
'month ban', 'permanent ban' system. There were only a few times that the
were flamed heavily, and it almost never got to the banning stange - right
up until
you stole the board by bribery.

> This has changed. Now we understand that members of the staff are just
> people trying to have fun, and that they shouldn't be expected to deal
> all manner of plots and schemes.

Except for the plots and schemes you hatch? Like hacking the Allspark
/three times/? Like planning to now hack into the Allspark on Ikonboard
(based on posts found on Blue's Club). The only plots and schemes that i've
seen going on are coming from you and your admin, NOT from Kalidor
or anyone at the Allspark proper.

> And good for them. Once again, please understand that we are not
> in a popularity contest! We don't care what folk at other places do, only
> what is done at our board--unless of course plans to cause mischief at our
> board are being discussed. ;)

You are /so/ interested in a popularity contest. If you weren't, you would
have made your own board - or stuck to your own board, instead of hijacking
a popular one, and then not letting it drop when it because obvious that you
/still/ lost all the support. This constant need for attention is probably
the most
pathetic thing about all this.

> Your friends attacked another (innocent) community and tried to blame us
> the deed. Why, you can read another thread here at ATT and you will see
> open call to frame us by posting spam and porn in our names! We do not
> welcome such folk at our board.

Yeah, one user called to flame you, out of a thousand. As for any
trying to 'frame you for misdeeds'... well, honesty is /not/ one of your

> Those are your friends, Neale. Those are the people you are defending.

Actually, I took people to task for certain behaviour at your dead version
Allspark. I asked people to stop the flames, and they largely did. I'm not
defending anyone who posts porn.

Quit playing the 'innocent victim' route here. No one's buying it. And there
is, in fact, proof that certain members of Blue's Club planned and carried
out those attacks you're talking about.

> Hateful? You and your friends have little right to sling that word about.
> Personally, I don't hate any of you. I just think you're a collection of
> trolls and flame war vets who get a kick out of seeming important on the
> by stirring up as much trouble as you can, all for a little attention.

Let's see, you're now the most depised man in the whole fandom. That's no
mean feat, Vindicator. But, of course, this is a conspiracy of a couple of
thousand people all just to get /you/, because the whole damn universe
came out of your ass.

You're a self-centered, paranoid idiot, Vindicator. I've never seen any
Transformers fan as delusional as you. Frankly, you're just not worth any
effort to talk to.

Welcome to the killfile.


Neale Davidson

7 ก.พ. 2545 11:02:227/2/45
> You were banished for 1) posting pornographic material on our board and 2)
> your long history of encouraging the coordinated harassment of numerous
> individuals and boards, including our board and many of our members.

Zac did NOT post porn on the Deadspark, dumbass.

What you and your admin /did/ was to to the Allspark, check the active
user's list, and started banning as many screen names as you could find.
THEN you make claims about their 'improper behaviour', and claim you
had to delete their 'offensive' posts.



7 ก.พ. 2545 13:20:497/2/45
Y2Bogus wrote:

> All
> you have left is a dead forum where you and your salad-tossers take pride in
> being the all-mighty rulers of a dead forum.

But it worked so well in BMach.

- Jackpot (who wasn't in any way involved in the Vindicator mess,
but isn't above random smartassery, either.)

Thylacine 2000

7 ก.พ. 2545 14:25:237/2/45
"Vindicator" wrote:
> <snip>
> > Hell I have been banned, and I've not ONCE posted anything objectionable
> to the
> > board since the new order came in.
> You were banished for 1) posting pornographic material on our board and 2)
> your long history of encouraging the coordinated harassment of numerous
> individuals and boards, including our board and many of our members.

Hey, Vandalizer, can you explain why I *twice* had my Allspark account
deleted, both times after you hacked the ez-op passwords and stole
control at the board? Considering the fact that I'd posted to that
board a total of, oh, maybe 20 times, and certainly hadn't caused
trouble by *any* stretch of the imagination.

C'mon. Hit me with another rationalization. I need to set my watch.

Steve-o Stonebraker

7 ก.พ. 2545 15:40:277/2/45
Is it too much to ask that you guys all just shut up about these disputes?
If you must yell at each other over it, please do it in email, or on one
of the boards in question, instead of using a third-party forum as your
dumping ground.

Hydra & Buster's Masterforce/Victory subtitling project needs donations!
*** ***
Steve Stonebraker | Transformers FAQ Keeper | Astrophysicist | | AOL IM: srstoneb

A Prime Example

7 ก.พ. 2545 17:21:307/2/45
>I said Renaud was horrible,but you sir are worse than him.

" Beer is Gods way of showing us that he loves us and wants us to be happy"
--- Benjamin Franklin


7 ก.พ. 2545 16:03:347/2/45
Steve-o Stonebraker wrote...

> Is it too much to ask that you guys all just shut up about these disputes?
> If you must yell at each other over it, please do it in email, or on one
> of the boards in question, instead of using a third-party forum as your
> dumping ground.

C'Mon, Steve. This is ATT, the dumping ground for anything even remotely
related to Transformers. We should be able to flame, spew, rank on, defile,
curse, fling insults, attack, and generally dislike each other because
that's the nature of ATT. I mean, it's not like I come here to talk about or
read about Transformers. To me, it's all about the flame-fest of the week.
If I wanted to talk about Transformers, I certainly wouldn't go to a Usenet
group with the word "Transformers" in it. So, by all means, keep up the good
work on this thread.

ViceGripX - Tongue firmly planted in cheek.


7 ก.พ. 2545 22:49:517/2/45
In article <>,
(PREDAKINGX) writes:

>You should be ashamed of yourself for saying those words. After all a cop
>wears a uniform does not have the right to shoot or beat people because he's
>having a bad day.

Even though that DOES happen sometimes......

Jen One

A Prime Example

8 ก.พ. 2545 01:16:598/2/45
>because the whole damn universe
>came out of your ass.

So THATS what that smell is.

Chopper Face

11 ก.พ. 2545 09:24:2111/2/45
On Tue, 05 Feb 2002 16:04:40 -0800, Jackpot
<> wrote:
>effort of waiting for and then slogging through everyone's l33t animated
> DBZ GIFs has, in my experience, been seldom worth the intellectual payoff.



19 ก.พ. 2545 06:30:0919/2/45

- Vindicator

URL: http://www.CYBERTRON.WS
...the bravest are surely those who have the clearest
vision of what is before them, glory and danger alike,
and yet notwithstanding go out to meet it.
- Thucydides
I. to take vengeance for (AVENGE)
II. to show to be true, reasonable, just (UPHOLD)
III. to protect from attack or encroachment (DEFEND)

"Chopper Face" <> wrote in message

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