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A last post from Beastbob1

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Jun 28, 1998, 3:00:00 AM6/28/98

Hi, all --

Regretfully, as soon as I post this message I will be shutting down my
Beastbob1 account. It appears that someone has been posting false (and,
thankfully for the moment, wrong) Season Three information under my name to at
least one user's Web page, and will probably continue to do so.

It should be noted that I have never posted information to anyone's web page or
discussion group.

Under normal circumstance the above disclaimer should be enough. However, my
clients (Mainframe, Hasbro, and Claster) are particularly security-conscious
this year, given the leak fiasco we experienced last year. I do not propose to
chase this false poster around the Web issuing denials. And it is far too easy
for anyone with a standard ISP to forge posts and e-mail with my address. I
suppose the only surprise is that it hasn't happened more often.

But as a freelancer, my reputation is important to me. My clients must believe
that I would not betray their trust. Therefore, I will close this account. I
will issue no further posts, and I will communicate via a different account
ONLY with Ben Yee, who has proven himself trustworthy in these matters.

To reiterate:

If you see a post purporting to be from me, it is FALSE.

If you receive e-mail from someone claiming to be me, it is FALSE.

The ONLY exception to the above will be Ben's page.

Let this in no way be perceived as a condemnation of ATT or Transfans in
general. I hope to see you all at Botcon next year, and I have vast quantities
of your e-mail in treasured storage. By maintaining communication with Ben, I
hope to continue to learn about and incorporate the Transformers Universe into
BW. But I cannot allow the current situation to continue. This isn't a joke
to me. This is business. I hope you understand.

'Till all are one --



Jun 28, 1998, 3:00:00 AM6/28/98


Well...if you're a true Beast Wars fan, then you'll have started seeing
my few random posts on various WWW pages
devoted to my personal favorite source of income, Beast wars. :-) So
here it is; this page's special Season Four "spoiler":

Expect two of the "dead" characters from Season Two to be back in
fighting form this season - and with shiny new toys,
too! I'm not saying who, because that would be telling. But at least
one of them we've gotten a LOT of mail on...

Beast Wishes!
Bob Forward

So it was loocking sincere dont you think!!!!??? Well, I'll tell to the
people that the rumors is false and I'll erase from my board the FALSE
message. All my excuses again. But the message was loocking soooo true
and the MORON who have written that will be banned from my board but
please dont punish the people from ATT they have done nothing, the
people you should punish it's the person who have written the FALSE
message and the people who have belive on it LIKE ME. but PLEASE again
Bob, the people here have done nothing dont do this!!!! PLEASE!!!! What
can I do for make you change your mind!!!!????? E-mail me


Jun 28, 1998, 3:00:00 AM6/28/98

RESTAURANT LILY <> wrote in article


<Snip False Info>

> So it was loocking sincere dont you think!!!!??? Well, I'll tell to the
> people that the rumors is false and I'll erase from my board the FALSE
> message. All my excuses again. But the message was loocking soooo true
> and the MORON who have written that will be banned from my board but
> please dont punish the people from ATT they have done nothing, the
> people you should punish it's the person who have written the FALSE
> message and the people who have belive on it LIKE ME. but PLEASE again
> Bob, the people here have done nothing dont do this!!!! PLEASE!!!! What
> can I do for make you change your mind!!!!????? E-mail me

Hey, don't be too hard on yourself. =o) You didn't know it was false.

Besides, I think Bob Forward's reasons are justified and reasonable. 'Tis
better to have a single reliable source of info than having lots that spout
falsehoods. =o)

Besides, Ben Yee has proven himself to be a very relaible person. But I
won't vouch for that during April 1st. ;o) (j/k)

~ Tyme
Till All Are One


Jun 28, 1998, 3:00:00 AM6/28/98

Well, thanks you, at least one person on ATT belive me.
I have erased the message and told the people that the post was false.


Jun 28, 1998, 3:00:00 AM6/28/98
to BeastBob1

Dear Bob,

I'm sorry that a few bad peaches ruined your time. Your reasons for leaving are
quite sound and I hope most of the patrons will understand them.

Keep up doing great things with Beast Wars and I hope you get the chance to simply
lurk through att once in a while.

Take care,

Kevin J. Guhl
(Transformers fan-fiction & art)


Jun 28, 1998, 3:00:00 AM6/28/98

I think Bob did the best thing he could do.
Hope to see Bob next years BotCon!



Jun 29, 1998, 3:00:00 AM6/29/98

May Bob continue in his ventures, whether it is in script-writing, fatherhood,
or whatever his pursuits may be.

We'll all miss ya, Bob-- but when we see the new season, we'll feel like you
were here all along!

To a great new season, and a great offline life....



Jun 29, 1998, 3:00:00 AM6/29/98

I WISH I could say that I'd see Bob at BonCon '99. That is a WISH. The ONLY
possible way that that wish will come true is IF BotCon '99 comes to Wisconsin
or Minnesota. Maybe farther, because I am only 14, can't drive and my mom is
nice enough to drive me there. (Unless it comes to Minneapolis, then I get to
go by myself :) See 'ya Bob. I REALLY wish I could talk to you OnLine sometime.
Just drop me an Email. I have MANY BW questions because I rerely ever get to
watch the show (work and all). L8R Bob!


Jun 29, 1998, 3:00:00 AM6/29/98

In article <>,

I'm sure all of us will miss seeing you post here, Bob. You will be reading,
the group, though, won't you? Gotta have some way of knowing if what you'll
do in the next Season pleases everyone, right? :)

Maybe, in the future, we'll all look 'Forward' (hit me, please :)) to
seeing Ben post about you and Larry, and how things are going.....

Best wishes!! :D

Retrax (Jon)

BTW, I hope EVERYONE will see Bob's post, and that the troublemaker will
realize what he/she has done......

-----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Create Your Own Free Member Forum

Andrew Crane

Jun 29, 1998, 3:00:00 AM6/29/98

Good luck Bob. Hope all goes well. Make season 3 a good one for
all us Transfans. :-) Bye!

Andrew Crane /
Transmasters UK forever!! \/\<[( o )]>/\/

Barton Fink

Jun 29, 1998, 3:00:00 AM6/29/98

BeastBob1 wrote:
> Hi, all --
> Regretfully, as soon as I post this message I will be shutting down my
> Beastbob1 account. It appears that someone has been posting false > (and, thankfully for the moment, wrong) Season Three information under > my name to at least one user's Web page, and will probably continue to > do so.
> It should be noted that I have never posted information to anyone's web > page or discussion group.
> Under normal circumstance the above disclaimer should be enough. > However, my clients (Mainframe, Hasbro, and Claster) are particularly > security-conscious this year, given the leak fiasco we experienced last > year. I do not propose to chase this false poster around the Web > issuing denials. And it is far too easy for anyone with a standard > ISP to forge posts and e-mail with my address. I suppose the only > surprise is that it hasn't happened more often.
> But as a freelancer, my reputation is important to me. My clients must > believe that I would not betray their trust. Therefore, I will close > this account. I will issue no further posts, and I will communicate > via a different account ONLY with Ben Yee, who has proven himself > trustworthy in these matters.
> To reiterate:
> If you see a post purporting to be from me, it is FALSE.
> If you receive e-mail from someone claiming to be me, it is FALSE.
> The ONLY exception to the above will be Ben's page.
> Let this in no way be perceived as a condemnation of ATT or Transfans > in general. I hope to see you all at Botcon next year, and I have vast > quantities of your e-mail in treasured storage. By maintaining > communication with Ben, I hope to continue to learn about and > incorporate the Transformers Universe into BW. But I cannot allow the > current situation to continue. This isn't a joke to me. This is > business. I hope you understand.
> 'Till all are one --
> Bob

That is understandable, but I hope you'll come back after the next
season gets underway. We like having you here.

Tom Thatcher

Jun 29, 1998, 3:00:00 AM6/29/98

In article <6n8asm$2hh$1@nnrp3>, Barton Fink <> wrote:

> That is understandable, but I hope you'll come back after the next
>season gets underway. We like having you here.

Doubtful. Given the confidentiality problem, and the need to keep
a clear reputation in the business, the only way Bob could come
back is after *all* the season 3 episodes have aired and before
any contract for season 4 is signed (unless Hasbro, Claster and
Mainframe change their views on spoilers).

Tom Thatcher | You can give a PC to a Homo habilis,
University of Rochester Cancer Center | and he'll use it, but he'll use it | to crack nuts.

Ronald Ng

Jun 29, 1998, 3:00:00 AM6/29/98

Sorry to see you go like this. Good luck for the Future and I'm sure
we'll be seeing you again.

Take care.


ROnald Ng | @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
Simon Fraser University | - - - - - - - - - - - - - | Btoy Pacific Publishing
Chen Style Taijiquan and other Internal Arts | - - - - -
(604)252-8773 | Springboard Diving@@@@@@@@@@@@


Jun 29, 1998, 3:00:00 AM6/29/98

Well, along with everyone else, I wish Bob the best of luck with things. :)


On the other hand...I cannot express how terribly disappointed I am with all
this. One of the things I treasured most was the friendly relationship there
was between the writers and the fans. It was a precious thing to me that
anyone could politely email the writers about a non-spoiler question and get a
real answer. To say that I am upset someone took this from me is putting it
very lightly. The worst part is that this is *not* just the result of
one......forgery-happy piece of barilliium balony (since there are young eyes
present) but also resulting from *all* the spoilage that has occured from Day
One. Because people got greedy and just *had* to know stuff ahead of time and
*had* to broadcast said knowledge. It wasn't enough to be happy they knew it
but they had to post it to the group. (Something that killed three comics.) If
you find out a cool *secret*, Keep Your Mouth Shut!! That's why they call it a secret.

I can't even count the number of episodes I've had ruined by spoilers (even
outside of the Final Five week). And it pisses me to no end that this
wonderful opportunity withthe writers was taken away by spoilers too. I just
have to ask WHY?, WHY? was it necessary to jeopardize so much over a little
piece of information that would have been answered anyway with some patience?

Anyway, I had to get that off my chest. None of it is personally directed at
HooksX and if I ever find out who did the forgery they are in danger of
finding out just how sharp my teeth and claws are.


~~~~Grrrlgoyle and her crew of Femme Space Pirates
+ Moderator for the Colony +
+ G++ FR FW-- M- #123 D++ ADA N+++ W B+++ OQP BC97- BC98++ MU- +
+ +
+ (New) GODZILLA: "It's like Jurassic Park only stupider and +
+ more boring. Matthew Broderick will make you long for the +
+ excitement that was Jeff Goldblum." -- the Daily Show +


Jul 1, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/1/98
(BeastBob1) writes:

>Hi, all --

>Regretfully, as soon as I post this message I will be shutting
>down my Beastbob1 account. It appears that someone has been posting false
>(and, thankfully for the moment, wrong) Season Three information under my
>name to at least one user's Web page, and will probably continue to do

>It should be noted that I have never posted information to anyone's web
>page or discussion group.

I say we hunt down the rat bastard who did it and hang him up and force him to
listen to Wheelie for hours on end.

::picks up his pitchfork and waves it around menacingly.::

But seriously, I think the same thing will probably happen to Larry, if he's
not careful. If that happens, all we have to do is get the perp's RL address
and give it to Larry.
~Jhaixus Out~ BZZT!
Homo Teenagus-
Habitat: Malls
Diet: Pizza and Mountain Dew
Sleep Cycle: Sleeps all day, party all night.
#Transfiction@DALNet for all your writing needs.

Jul 2, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/2/98

Here's an idea. Why don't Mainframe, Hasbro and/or Claster create an official
BW animated series web site?

This way, the story editors get to disseminate pertinent information about
the show and since it's on an official web site, there'll be no questions
about the authenticity of the information.

Plus, the web site could provide a (moderated) forum for fan/writer


"Think of the most awful, unspeakable menace you can - and then double it.
That's what we're up against." - Pyro


Jul 2, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/2/98

> Here's an idea. Why don't Mainframe, Hasbro and/or Claster create an official
> BW animated series web site?

Well, Mainframe has a site up. It's not as impressive as the ReBoot one, but
think, now they have all these shows including one with cel animation thats
taking up a lot of their webpage time.

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