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[TFTM] TFTM the "Greatest Movie Ever"?

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Brian Kilby

Feb 19, 2001, 12:49:15 AM2/19/01
Okay, don't laugh (well, those of you prone to laughing at such a ridiculous
question) but when I read fan reviews of TFTM on various websites, that's
what most people seem to profess.

Here are some direct quotes from's reviews:

"This has to be the best movie ever!"

"Ever since i was 3 years old i have thought this has been one of the best
movies EVER!!! "

"It comes in 2nd for the best movie in the world(the best being a tie with
the Star Wars trilogy and Godzilla vs. Destroyah)."

"This is the best movie i've ever seen, hands down."

"TRANSFORMERS the Movie is the best movie of all time."

"The best movie of all time."

"This was one of the best movies I have ever seen in my life!"

"This is the best movie ever made!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"This has to be the best movie ever!"

"Ok this is the greatest movie ever made"

And my favorite...

"Citizen WHO? This is the greatest movie anyone has ever made or ever will
make. I sincerely believe you should buy about twelve copies and pass them
out to strangers on the street."

>From Yahoo! Movies:

"Took already established characters and place into a story with actual
drama and consequences--and had them remain in character."

"The movie is brilliant."

"The series and the movie just make today's stuff look horrible."

"Awe-Inspiring"--from a guy named KNOCKERZ (!) An obviously brilliant

"This is the best movie ever made. I've loved Transformers all my live and
all I can say is this movie rules over all others."

"what a movie, and with a brilliant soundtrack. when you hear 'the touch,'
the hairs on the back of your neck stand up"--also from "KNOCKERZ".

"Should be required viewing in schools."

I would include some reviews from, but that's twenty-eight pages
with ten reviews per page to sort through. Suffice it to say, the average
rating out of those 280 reviews is four and a half stars.

So, I suppose the question is, is Transformers the Movie the "Greatest Movie
Ever"? Or, perhaps, do Transans just need to see more movies?

Brian Kilby,
I'm going to update and expand my old Videoflicks review for Radio Free
Cybertron, I'll probably do that today.


Feb 19, 2001, 2:17:31 PM2/19/01
"Brian Kilby" <> wrote:
> Okay, don't laugh (well, those of you prone to laughing at
> such a ridiculous question) but when I read fan reviews of
> TFTM on various websites, that's what most people seem to
> profess.

> I would include some reviews from, but that's
> twenty-eight pages with ten reviews per page to sort
> through. Suffice it to say, the average rating out of
> those 280 reviews is four and a half stars.
> So, I suppose the question is, is Transformers the Movie
> the "Greatest Movie Ever"? Or, perhaps, do Transans just
> need to see more movies?

Well, it's probably the greatest Transformers movie ever

Christopher "Beautiful" Carlson
Canada's #1 Nashville Predators Fan

"You can never have too many books."


Feb 20, 2001, 1:08:36 PM2/20/01
I love this question, because you either get syncophantic rants or disdainful
scorn. For what it's worth, I think that TFTM suffers from a crisis of rising
We (speaking of the fandom) had been bombarded by the excellent 1985 second
season that introduced a slew of new characters (Combaticons, Stunticons,
Areialbots and the other Autobot cars).

The first animation sketches for TFTM were laid down in 1984, so the 3d series
(Hot Rod, Galvatron) was conceived most likely BEFORE the 1985 season's
characters. It is unfortunate, therefore, that we lacked the opportunity to
see the Stunticons and Combaticons participate on the strike against Metroplex.
It is also doubling disappointing that Predaking wasn't unveiled until Five
Faces of Death, but that's another story.

The first 20 minutes of the movie are probably the most violent and brilliant
ever conceived in the series. Megatron's master stroke attack on the city is
one of those special moments (guess who I'm rooting for in the genre). I
especially like the slate wiper mentality of the writers of TFTM -- a kill them
all sentiment that only works in a theatre-type film.

Unfortunately, the story wanes, especially with some out of character examples
(Soundwave not helping Megatron during the Astrotrain sequence). More than once
I wanted to utter "S------" like Spike when I realized that Galvatron was
Megatron. The Unicron battle could have been more epic, but I guess the
technology for a spectacular battle didn't exist yet.

The movie stands on #10 on my Top 25 films of all time, lower than Casablanca,
the Star Wars series, and Bridge on the River Kwai, but higher than The Longest
Day and Silence of the Lambs.


Feb 20, 2001, 1:08:30 PM2/20/01

>"Citizen WHO? This is the greatest movie anyone has ever made or ever will
>make. I sincerely believe you should buy about twelve copies and pass them
>out to strangers on the street."

I wonder if this person has ever seen Citizen Kane - or maybe was
tortured with it in english class and ended up hating it. No, TF:TM
is NOT the greatest movie ever made, and neither is it the best anime
movie made in the US, let alone the world. Much Japanime leaves it
for dead and I'd have liked to have seen it done by the groups who did
'Ghost in the Shell' or 'Wings of Honneamise' (which I can never
spell). As for being the best TF movie, well they only made one, so
that can't be said either.

It's the best quality animation out of the old US series, that's for
sure (I am looking forward to RID though), and for people in the
fandom, it's a great, fun movie. Note that great here is not used in
a serious fashion, as in "He was a man of great intellect" or
anything, but in a looser way, as in great fun, great laugh etc..

I might be a TF fan but I'm sure as heck not pretentious enough to
proclaim TF:TM the greatest movie ever (or to label any movie such a

Dinogrrl :)

Iori Yagami

Feb 21, 2001, 4:46:15 PM2/21/01
Personally I think a remake of TFTM using the same process used in Macross
Plus would be even better.
"Brian Kilby" <> wrote in message


Feb 22, 2001, 12:46:54 PM2/22/01

> So, I suppose the question is, is Transformers the Movie the
"Greatest Movie
> Ever"? Or, perhaps, do Transans just need to see more movies?
> Brian Kilby,
> I'm going to update and expand my old Videoflicks review for Radio
> Cybertron, I'll probably do that today.

I think most Transfans need to get out more than the once a year to go
to Botcon!


-- Life has this horrible habit of getting in the way of my
hobbies. --


Feb 25, 2001, 2:57:39 PM2/25/01
>"Should be required viewing in schools."

I'm speechless on this one....

>So, I suppose the question is, is Transformers the Movie the "Greatest Movie
>Ever"? Or, perhaps, do Transans just need to see more movies?

Okay...for years TF:TM was probably one of my favorite movies. Largely because
it was the only animated G1 thing I had for awhile prior to when I started
buying the Rhino videos. As I watched the older G1 eps my respect for the movie
went way down.

Now, I can't even put it on my 50 favorite movie list. The main reason I
purchased it on DVD was because my VHS copy is 10 years old and shot to hell
and I'm a Transfan. Up against the other movies I own on DVD: Alien, Patton, LA
Confidential, Glory, even Ghostbusters (what am I saying 'even'? That movie is
just plain fun) it is near trash (though there are plenty movies worse than
TF:TM). The only reason TF:TM has it's moments for me is because I'm a Transfan
and that's the only reason why I can get into the Prime and Megatron fight, or
appreciate touches like Soundwave carrying Megatron out of Autobot City. But As
a Transfan I hate it for the mindless slaughter of Prowl and Wheeljack and for
the appearences of Wheelie and Daniel.

As a movie it's got plot holes (how did Hot Rod and Kup know to go to the
planet of Junk?) and gives newcomers no background into anything.

I compare it typically to the X-Files movie which my father, who really doesn't
like the show found the movie entertaining. Not classic but with knowing next
to nothing about the X-Files the movie he could follow. TF:TM on the other hand
gives the newcomer nothing save "The Autobots are trying to free their
homeworld from the evil Decepticons". Unlike the first episodes of the cartoon
where we are given reasons to see the Decepticons as the antagonists (they
tried to steal Earth's resources) in TF:TM it's just you're supposed to hate
them because the narrator says so and because they are fighting the guys we say
are the heroes.

With that in mind, as a movie I can give it a 6.5 out of 10. As a Transformers
fan I rate it the same next to the G1 and BW episodes. Great animation for G1
and some nice moments but has it's flaws (treats old characters like dirt being
the big one).

And for the record my three favorite movies are: Silence of the Lambs, Blade
Runner and Saving Private Ryan. Note that this list is subject to some change
depending on the day but Silence of the Lambs is ALWAYS on it.

The Master Shrink
ALFett of aol's "The Ark" chat room (1997 - 1998)
"If everybody is thinking alike, then somebody isn't thinking." - George S.
Patton Jr.

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