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Metropolis - an amazing film from 1927

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Seetha LightInAll Hearts

Sep 12, 2011, 2:02:10 PM9/12/11

Metropolis is a 1927 German expressionist film [ageless masterpiece!]
directed by Fritz Lang. Produced in Germany during a stable period of
the Weimar Republic, Metropolis is set in a futuristic urban dystopia
and makes use of this context to explore the social crisis between
workers and owners inherent in capitalism, as expressed by Karl Marx and
Friedrich Engels.

More details:

It's available on netflix's online movies...

The moral of the story
"The Mediator between the head and hands must be the heart!"

in the film, the head was symbolically represented by the capitalist
mastermind Joh Fredersen, the hands - the exploited worker/slaves, and
the heart was Fredersen's sympathetic son.


This film is very relevant to the current world situation. People are
finally starting to stand up to the corrupt politicians -who act like
they are totally corrupt and heartless.

Their days in power are coming to an end now. As the great economist
David Korten has said, capitalism in it's current state is like a
cancerous tumor sucking the life force out of the people.

The major industrial and technological advances of the past ~100 years
make it possible, for the first time in our recorded history for us to
throw corrupt politicians, war, poverty, & unbridled greed out the door
forever, and to build a truly civilized civilization, where respect for
all life is a significant factor.


"When the people's voices are not heard, there will be revolution."
"Without sharing there can be no justice; without justice there can be
no peace; without peace there can be no future."
Maitreya, the World Teacher


re: the impending collapse of the world's corrupt economic system

Humanity will receive help through this immediate crisis. Despite
outward appearances of doom and gloom, we are assured the crash
precipitates a golden era for humanity.

"After the preliminary shock, the nations will meet together to discuss
the means of coping with the future in ordered fashion. Those advocating
cooperation will gain the ascendancy. This will not happen overnight.
The process will be gradual, but will not be long delayed. Already there
are those in various governments who are awaiting the time to act."

"Every effort has been and will be made to reduce chaos to a minimum."

"This will lead to a complete change of government priorities: the
supplying of adequate food, shelter, health-care and education will
become paramount responsibilities of all forward-looking nations. The
waste of resources will cease. A rational and sustainable economic
structure based on sufficiency will become the norm. Leisure will be the
natural byproduct of such a structure."

"Maitreya, The World Teacher, will present the nations with an
alternative way of living, of conducting economic and political affairs."

From the Share International site:


"The day that hunger is eradicated from the earth there will be the
greatest spiritual explosion the world has ever known. Humanity cannot
imagine the joy that will burst into the world on the day of that great
revolution." Federico Garcia Lorca

"He shall proclaim the norm, lovely in its beginning, lovely in its
middle, and lovely in the end thereof."
Gautama Buddha speaking about Maitreya

"People will begin to understand that humanity is travelling together as
one huge group, at different stages of the evolutionary journey. We are
all travelling together along a path of evolution to something
tremendous which our minds at present find difficult to truly
understand." Benjamin Creme

It's time for our dreadfully dysfunctional family (the human family)
to move forward, to become functional and to live in peace.


"Many await My Coming with trepidation, fearing the loss of all that
they have amassed & gained. Fear not, My friends, for the loss will be
the loss of separation only, of division & fear, of envy & hate. To
clear these from the world, all must be remade. Know this, My friends,
& be ready to share, to see your brother as yourself, to clasp him in
your arms & call him friend. In this way, My brothers, you manifest
God's Plan." Maitreya, the World Teacher

"When the people's voices are not heard,
there will be revolution." ...
"Without sharing there can be no justice;
without justice there can be no peace;
without peace there can be no future...
Man must change or die.
There is no other course."
Maitreya, the World Teacher

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