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Q&A's about Maitreya, UFOs, Overcoming the Fear of Death, etc

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Senor Deodara

Sep 9, 2011, 8:02:38 PM9/9/11
Below are a few Q/As from the September issue of Share International

Q. How many television interviews has Maitreya had to date?

A. Twenty-three (7 September 2010).

Q. Is it true that certain mountains and mountain ranges are bases for
the Space Brothers?

A. Yes.

Q. In the June 2010 issue of Share International, Benjamin Creme’s
Master says: “Men are about to experience a profound truth, an
awareness of their essential Being…. The joy and beauty of Brotherhood
will thrill through their Being, and each will see themselves as a
part of that beauty and love.” Is He referring to the Day of
Declaration or something else?

A. The Master was referring to the Day of Declaration. [When Maitreya
will speak to the entire world, each hearing Him in their native

Q. Is Maitreya an alien?

A. No, He’s not an alien. “Alien” is a strange word to use. There are
no aliens anywhere. It is a misuse of the term, since we are all
brothers, all part of the One humanity. Humanity is everywhere in
cosmos. Maitreya comes from Earth, was born on Earth and will stay on
Earth for the next at least 2,500 years.

Q. When Maitreya appears on Japanese television will He look Japanese?

A. Maitreya will appear in His ‘body of manifestation’. He is not
Japanese, so He will not look Japanese.

Q. Will He be speaking Japanese?

A. Yes, He will speak Japanese.

Q. Is there any way to overcome the fear of death?

A. We all have to die. It is sad that many people live their lives in
fear; one of the biggest fears is that of death. If only they knew how
easy it is to die compared with being born they would be amazed that
they spent so much time in fear. Dying is simple and not frightening.
One of Maitreya’s many ‘main tasks’ is to rid humanity of fear,
including fear of death.

In the 19th century the Master Hilarion stimulated the formation of
the Spiritualist Movement precisely to help rid humanity of the fear
of death. The fear of death is usually the fear of extinction for
ever, whereas the truth is that life is everlasting. We are souls; the
soul incarnates again and again until there is complete union between
the soul and its reflection, the man or woman on the physical plane.
When they become one, and are therefore a Master, they are free for
ever from what we call death.

Q. Are there politicians in the world who are inspired by Maitreya?

A. There are very few politicians of the old school who know or care
anything about Maitreya. But in the centres, especially in those where
a Master lives, there are a growing number of selected groups of
people who have been brought together. They know the plan and know
what humanity needs, and through their obvious lack of ego and obvious
sincerity they will be put in positions of influence and power.

These questions are often about individuals. The energies of Aquarius,
however, only work through groups. The idea of an enlightened or
strong person coming out and forming a group is changing. But when a
group is working as a group, not as individuals, then the energies of
Aquarius can be contacted and used.

Q. I would like to be guided by Maitreya, the Masters and the Space
Brothers. What should I do to achieve that?

A. According to Maitreya the best thing you can do is to practise what
He calls the three most important facets of His teaching: honesty of
mind, sincerity of spirit and detachment. Cultivate these three and
you make the easiest and simplest advance.

excerpted from:

There is lots of very interesting information at the link above,
including some pictures of Space Craft used by our Space Brothers
(aka: "UFOS")


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