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Mar 10, 2006, 12:42:47โ€ฏPM3/10/06

Elizabeth (who is also known by her sock puppet name: "Elizabot") denies her
obsession with me; yet here are just some of the actions she has done to
show that that she is obsessed like only an emotional preteen could be.
On November 2005 my mother passed away. While I did not bring this up in
CSMA, Elizabeth's obsession lead her to find this information and she
proceeded to use this in her trolling of me.
o Elizabeth comments on the death of my mother, information I had not
discussed in CSMA (or elsewhere in any public forum) "Speaking of corpses,
how was the funeral that you should have attended earlier on the 25th,
Snit?" <>
o Elizabeth started a new thread where she used the death of my mother to
further her trolling "There is a deeply disturbed poster in this newsgroup
who was recently talking about sex with dead bodies on the same day as his
mother's funeral." <>
o Elizabeth rants " You are such a sick pervert talking about what you did
on the day of your mother's funeral. You can play up your self-righteous
bullshit act all you want. The truth is that you were talking about sex with
dead bodies the day your mother was buried. It takes a truly sick individual
to act the way you've acted and have been acting on this newsgroup since you
showed up here over two years ago. There is nothing wrong with continuing to
point out how sick you are. Do not expect me to stop shoving the truth in
your face. I only hope one day you realize what how distubed you are and
seek the help you really need." <>
o Elizabeth continued to make multiple references to my mother and tried to
associate it with necrophilia. <dmq3ot$c67$>,
<dmq33q$c67$>, <>,
Elizabeth has not shown any understanding of what it says about her that she
is obsessed enough to not only find information about my mother's death but
to use such information in her online harassment.

Elizabeth posted information about my child that, as far as is known, can
only be found in the print edition of my local paper. When asked about it
she refuses to say where she got the info and begs to know details she
o Elizabeth comments about the name and gender of my child - information I
have not discussed in CSMA. <>
o When asked how she knew, she at first told me should would tell me in a
day or two, "I have composed a response to your post, but I think I shall
hang on to it for a day or two." <>
o I commented that the only way I knew of where she could get the info was
the print edition of my local newspaper
o Elizabeth did a quick 180ยบ and told me she would not tell me, "I'm not
telling you. Neener neener neener!!!" <>
o When I pointed out her flip-flop she became irate "So I changed my mind.
If you have a problem with that, tough shit, and go fuck yourself."
o Elizabeth repeatedly begged me and tried to coerce me to tell her the
details of what she has missed in her comments:
o "What mistakes might those be, Snit? Please be specific."
o "In order for you to prove your assertion, you are going to have to tell
what the error was and prove it." <>
o "We all want to know about the "error" in the local paper. Was it, as Tim
A suggested, that you are not the father of you wife's child?"
o Since Snot won't tell us, we'll just have to have a little guessing game,
won't we? <>
Elizabeth still has not been able to offer any alternative method she could
have found the info other than by reading the print edition of my local

Elizabeth posted information about me obtained from the college website
where I work, including what type of classes I teach and the days I work.
o Elizabeth stated, "Maybe even one of them is taking your Tuesday or
Wednesday night lab class." <>
o I responded, "Hmmm... where do they call my classes "lab classes"... oh,
that is right - on the college website where I teach. And where you,
clearly, look up info on me!"
o Elizabeth tried to obfuscate / hide the fact that I was correct, "You
taught a couple of labs last semester. Has something changed?"
o I point out the obvious flaw in Elizabeth's claim, "And what makes you
think you know the nights? ... clearly you have looked recently."
o Elizabeth again tries to hide the fact that I was right about her hunting
though the college web site, "It is extremely obvious by the gaps in your
posting" <>
o I point out this new even more obvious flaw in Elizabeth's claim, "how can
you tell when I am teaching at the college and when I am teaching elsewhere?
Or doing tech work? Or doing other things I have scheduled weekly? Answer:
you cannot." <>
o Once again Elizabeth flip flops in an effort to hide her digging through
my college's web site, "I was guessing! Thanks for confirming my guess."
o Elizabeth has made it clear in the past that she has tracked me to the
college where I work "But no one here knows your place of employment! I
figured it out..." <40f321a3$0$202$>
o Elizabeth posted specific information on where I work and made thinly
veiled threats, again, to send her lies to my employer: "I can only hope
someone from Yavapai College in Prescott Arizona figures out what a
disgusting individual you really are, Mr. Michael Glasser."
Elizabeth was never able to explain why she felt the need to lie on this
issue. Remembering from semesters past? Watching when I post? Guessing? No,
those are merely Elizabeth's lies. Elizabeth has clearly been digging
through my college's web site. Again.

Elizabeth followed me around begging me to tell her how "incest" made me
feel - after pretending that I wanted to talk to her about incest and she
did not want to.
o On 13 Sep 2004 Elizabeth pretends she does not want to discuss incest with
me (she had been trolling me on this topic and lying about my views), "Just
because I'm not willing to discuss incest with you..."
o After that date Elizabeth brought the topic of incest up again in
unrelated conversation: <416aef82$0$216$>
o After later still Elizabeth repeatedly and obsessively begged me to tell
her how incest makes me feel,
"Ready, Snit? Please rank the words on a scale of 1 to 5. 1 being you feel
happy, 3 being you have no reaction, and 5 being you feel angry.
1) incest ...":
o <419d37e9$0$211$>
o <419ecf11$0$211$>
o <419ed76a$0$211$>
o <419eded5$0$209$>
o <41a39012$0$208$>
o <>
o and likely others... I stopped looking after five but then found another
in other research.
o She repeatedly begged me to take this "test" and tried to coerce me into
doing so:
o "WOW! You are so anxious about this test that you won't even take it! What
are you so afraid of, Snit? Why are you refusing to take this test?"
o "Still avoiding the test. Very telling."
o "Can you now rate your emotional reaction to the word 'incest'"?
o "have you noticed how he keeps focusing on the first word, incest, when he
talks about the test I made for him? I didn't realize that a single word
would present too much of a challenge for him"
o "(p.s. Don't forget to take the test)"
o And yet, after all of that, Elizabeth still spews such lies as "I have
told him in the past that I do not wish to talk with him about the subject.
Can you take a guess what the subject is? Incest."
o When I mention Elizabeth's behavior she calls it "Another of your filthy
lies. "<>
Elizabeth has yet to explain why she followed me around for so long begging
that I tell her how "incest" made me feel - and although the proof is clear
to see in the Google record she shows her denial by calling my comments
about her actions "filthy lies".

When Elizabeth found out my wife and I were expecting a child she repeatedly
whined that I would not discuss family planning options with *her*!
o "If you care so much, then why are you adding to the human population? Is
is because you need some sort of ego boost? " "This includes you, as you are
not willing to address how having children takes a toll on the environment."
o "I asked him if he had considered the environmental and ecological tolls
that having children have on the environment"
o "Having children takes considerable resources and takes a toll on the
environment. Do you disagree?" <4219f646$0$42485$>,
o "Snit started this OT post and refuses to address the very real point that
having children takes considerable resources and takes a toll on the
environment." <42195420$0$42488$>
o "All this to avoid my real point - having children takes considerable
resources and takes a toll on the environment. Why don't you simply admit
that you don't give a damn about the effects that having children has on the
environment and be done with it" <42194c49$0$42484$>,
o "Nothing in your response addresses the *fact* that having children has
negative environmental and ecological consequences to the planet. Why are
you so afraid to face this truth, Snit? Why are so afraid to address the
facts?" <42193fed$0$42483$>,
o "Have you ever thought about having children and the environmental
consequences? I doubt it." "If you really cared about having children, you'd
adopt." <42192e82$0$42487$>
o "I just love it when you whiny hypocritical earth muffins have children
without caring about the ecological consequences. :) "
o "For starters, don't get your wife preganant
Elizabeth's obsession with trying to discuss family planning issues with me
became so extreme others commented "Its starting to look like your sole
gripe is that Snit never gave you a baby."
<>. All this time I made it very,
very clear I had no intention of discussing my family planning options with
Elizabeth. And I still don't.

Elizabeth posts more posts that deal with me that she does *anyone* else by
a long shot (likely 10x as many about or to me). She is clearly obsessed
with me.
o The number of posts Elizabeth makes and the exact percent that deal with
me clearly change over time - but I was able to show that nearly 75% of her
posts mentioned me, "Of Elizabeth's 702 posts, about 520 (or nearly 75%)
mentioned 'Snit'" <>
o Elizabeth did not refute that claim, but instead merely pointed out how
Steve Carroll was even more obsessed with me, "It seems as though Snit has a
much greater case against Steve Carroll for obsession than against Elizabot.
(Sorry Steve)" <401a8ecc$0$70300$>
o Elsewhere I calculated that 99% of Elizabeth's posts included me in some
way. Her "refutation" was that it was only 96%, which she whined "So Snit
changes his argument and admits to exaggerating his claim by 400%".
While the stats on this will change over time, Elizabeth's history clearly
shows that even she realizes she posts far more about me than anyone else.
Her "defense" is that she posts only 96% about me and that Steve Carroll may
be even more obsessed.

Elizabeth repeatedly insinuated that I have called her on the phone When I
brought it up, she whined, "I have not brought up the phone call issue in
three months and only briefly at the time."
o "I mentioned receiving strange phone calls from your home area and how I'm
considering contacting the police.
If I find that the phone number that I'm getting these phone calls is from
someone who knows you or can be associated with you somehow, you'll hear
from your local police." "Let me be very clear: if I find that you or your
friends have been calling my house, you will hear from your local police
department, and I *will* be pressing charges."
o "And you are trying to bully me. I've been getting lots of odd phone calls
from Arizona lately and have been considering contacting the police. I've
kept all of them on my caller ID box."
o Of those quotes Elizabeth whined "I have not brought up the phone call
issue in three months and only briefly at the time."
<41fdaed3$0$209$> and "I never repeatedly insinuated
such a thing." <> and "*You* are the one
who brought this all up again, Snit. I dropped it three months ago. Why do
you keep talking about this? " <41fd8212$0$203$>
o Later I commented about how Elizabeth repeatedly brought up her fantasy
about my calling her. She at first denied doing so "I mentioned it once.
Your claim above uses the word "repeatedly". Grow a second brain cell.", but
when faced with her quotes she flip flopped and merely whined that it was "2
posts on the same day." <>
Elizabeth repeatedly insinuated that I called her and then denied she had
ever done so. While I believe she did eventually admit that she had never
received any calls from me I did not find that post in Google.

Elizabeth publicly accused me of being a rapist (with her as one of my
o Therefore, Snit is "raping" the newsgroup.
o "So you find murdering, beating, and raping older women funny?"
For most people the charge of "rape" is a serious charge... for Elizabeth
she makes such accusations freely in public forums. It is true, however,
that Steve Carroll makes such allegations even more frequently.

Elizabeth fantasized I returned any romantic interest in her, "Reality shows
I rejected you in mid-December, 2003."
o Elizabeth wrote that quote in at least two posts:
o When confronted with her quote, Elizabeth claimed "Another delusional lie
from Snit." <>
Elizabeth fantasizes about having the opportunity to reject me - as though I
returned any romantic interest in her. I do not - and I have made that very,
very clear to her.

Elizabeth threatened to call the police and make false allegations if I
cross some imaginary line (what has she not accused me of? Rape and
perversion do not cross her line!)
o Elizabeth made grotesque and unsupported accusations against me including
"You even suggested that other should people ignore me - a typical response
from a jealous, abusive man. You are trying to isolate me so that you can
have me all to yourself.", her fantasy that I returned her romantic interest
(detailed above), claiming I had "a classic persona of an adult sexual
predator", and even "Abusive men such as yourself often do not get help
until they injure or kill the object of their desire." She then threatened
"You are very near to crossing the line. I will not hesitate to contact the
Prescott Police Department if you do. And that's a promise."
o She repeated the same baseless accusations and threat several times:
o <4014650a$0$70308$>
o <4015b3b7$0$70309$>
o I took her threats to my local police and Elizabeth started spewing lies
about it - repeated her threat:
o "I have not taken csma arguments into the "real world" - unlike you. You
did go to the police, Snit. By your own logic, *you* are the true danger."
<403ce968$0$195$> Note: Elizabeth claims my taking
printed copies of her posts to the police constitutes a threat to her.
o "You clearly admit you took this outside of USENET. According to your own
logic, *YOU* are the real danger here. You will refuse to see this, as is
your pattern of denial. Perhaps I should reconsider going to the police
after all. " <403d0080$0$202$> Note: Again Elizabeth
sees my taking printed copies of her posts to the police as a threat to her.
o "I have made no accusations to the police department, as Snit is
suggesting." <403ce895$0$199$> Note: I never said she
went to the police - Elizabeth's comment is a lie.
o Elizabeth has since accused me of rape (as seen above) and many other
crimes. She has not, of course, claimed I have crossed whatever line she is
fantasizing about. The only hint I know of that she has given about her line
is in reference to her fantasies about being called by me "Someone was
calling my home repeatedly from Arizona, Snit. That is very true. That's the
sort of thing I was talking about when I warned you about crossing the
line." <41fd6e83$0$211$>
o Elizabeth whined that I blew her threat "out of proportion", "My only
"legal/police threat" was in fact, a promise I made when you were acting
like a sex pervert: "You are very near to crossing the line. I will not
hesitate to contact the Prescott Police Department if you do. And that's a
promise." You totally blew that out of proportion."
While Elizabeth, Steve Carroll, and Tim Adams will pretend that Elizabeth's
threat was not a threat because she called it a "promise" there is no doubt
she was threatening to take her false allegations - the ones she has
repeatedly posted to CSMA - to the police.
From the Cambridge Advanced Learner Dictionary: "Threat: a suggestion that
something unpleasant or violent will happen, especially if a particular
action or order is not followed". Elizabeth does not want me talking about
your obsession and she tries to turn it around to make it look like I return
her romantic feelings. The sad thing is she might just believe the BS she

Elizabeth tracked me down to my place of employment and made thinly veiled
threats to send her, um, "views" there.
o In a thread Elizabeth entitled "Snit does not understand how Usenet can
get him into trouble" Elizabeth presented a list of lies and out-of-context
statements and wrote of those things the following thinly veiled threat "I
would not be upset if someone anonymously sent the following truths to your
place(s) of work". The fact that she dishonestly calls her BS "truths" does
not diminish her threat. <40c892d9$0$207$>
o Before that post Elizabeth had made it clear she had already tracked me
down to my place of work:
o "So I take it I have your agreement that it it okay for me to post your
place of work. Thanks." <40f3295d$0$209$>
o "But no one here knows your place of employment! I figured it out after
looking at your bookmark page though. Should I repost that post along with
the Sigmond FAQ and your place of work? Would that give you something *real*
to bitch about? Is that what you want?"
Elizabeth made it clear she had already tracked me down to my place of
employment and was willing to send - or threaten to send - her lies there
for the sake of a Usenet argument.

Elizabeth, along with Steve Carroll, have tried to dishonestly and
repulsively tie my completely unrelated health concerns with my pointing out
their trolling, lying, and outrageous behavior.
o While it is true that Steve Carroll uses this despicable trolling tactic
far more than Elizabeth does, Elizabeth is not above doing so herself, see
these posts
o <42334f5c$0$42480$>
o <>
o <>
o I maintain a website on anxiety disorders and Elizabeth has dug though it
and tried to use information from there to embarrass me.
o What is your own form of faith? Does it involve herbal medication and deep
breathing? <3fe15090$0$196$>
o I will pay for your lorazapam prescription refill. Try your deep breathing
exercises in the mean time. <3fe15169$0$196$>
o Even her silly "test" discussed above in which she begged me to talk to
her about incest had "lorazapam" as the second item.
o The sad thing is Elizabeth knows what she is doing is wrong, but she
cannot help herself. Even Elizabeth has stated, "It's from that other
newsgroup, and I don't see posting posts from health newsgroups as fair
game." <40514863$0$198$>
o Even worse, Elizabeth has admitted she has "anxiety issues" herself, in
relation to dentists if nothing else.
<41092655$0$207$> (I do not know if Elizabeth's
"anxiety issues" are similar to my anxiety disorder or not)
While Elizabeth knows that what she is doing is wrong and even has admitted
to having "anxiety issues" herself, she cannot help herself from making
references to (and linking to) my posts in an
effort to win silly Usenet debates. When backed into a corner by her own
lies there is little she will not do - even if Steve Carroll is willing to
sink even further.

Elizabeth has taken at least one image from my site (owned by someone else)
and edited it (including adding feminine hygiene products to the image) and
reposted links to it in a public forum (CSMA).
o Elizabeth has long ago removed the image from her web site and, as far as
I know never re-posted it. This makes direct evidence of this impossible.
However, not even Elizabeth denies having done as I say, and of it she says:
o "I have only edited and posted the *one* image that I briely put on my web
site last year, Snit." <>
o "Are you still crying about that, Snit? Parody is acceptable fair use
under the law." <> Although Elizabeth
confuses what she believes she has a legal right to do with what is right to
do, she does not hide the fact that I am 100% right in my accusation against
o "Leave it to you to find something negative to say about it.... "
<> Elizabeth shows she cannot understand
why I would not appreciate her repulsive "parody" of the image of me.
Elizabeth not only tries to defend her offensive actions by claiming that
she believes they are legal (not moral!), she shows no understanding of why
someone would not want her to edit an image and add feminine hygiene
products and other such details to the image.

Other miscellaneous signs of Elizabeth's obsession.
o Elizabeth makes reference to knowing where I live:
o "Two of those are within easy walking distance of Snit's house!"
o Elizabeth made threats about having people watch me:
o "If you are that convinced of some sort of obsession, why do you continue
to provoke me, Snit? Might it have occurred to you that I have friends
and/or relatives in Arizona? Maybe they are all watching you. Maybe even one
of them is taking your Tuesday or Wednesday night lab class. What do you
think of that neighbor of yours? You know the one. ;)"
o She even mentioned people who are listed as my neighbors in public tax
records: <>
o Elizabeth tried to get me to tell her about how my wife and I spend out
anniversary: <>,
o Elizabeth dug through my family's photo site looking for images where I
was holding my daughter while I was not wearing a shirt and then connected
that to her obsession with sex and incest: <>.
What is listed on this page is far from all of what Elizabeth has shown in
CSMA. There is a multi-year history of her obsessive and potentially
dangerous activities and claims.

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