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five statements on yassin's murder

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da leggere,
22 mar 2004, 17:10:3922/03/04
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
The Lord of Adam, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and the final Prophet, Muhammad
(Peace be with them all)

22 March 2004
Press Release

The American Muslim Association of North America, AMANA
Condemns Israel's Terror Assassination of Shaykh Ahmad Yasin

The American Muslim Association of North America, AMANA condemns in the
strongest terms Israel's terror assassination of Shaykh Ahmad Isma'il Yasin,
the renowned Islamic scholar and founder of the leading Palestinian
Resistance Movement - Hamas which where established to free the Palestinian
territories against the illegal occupation by Israelis.

"This evil act of state terrorism against an old and disabled man is
outrageous. As Shaykh Ahmad Isma'il Yasin was leaving the mosque after the
morning prayers, an Israeli helicopter missile launch killed him and enraged
the entire region with vows of revenge.

"We hold the international community directly responsible for allowing the
Israeli Occupation Forces to continue with its policy of wanton killing and
terrorizing of Palestinian civilians. No amount of military force and
assassinations will bring about a Final Solution to the Palestinian
dehumanization and continued oppression.

The American Muslim Association calls upon our US Government and its
partners in the European Union to take immediate and effective measures to
bring about an end to Israel's decades-long illegal occupation of the
Palestinian territories and uphold the rule of international law. The double
standards being employed in the so-called "War on Terror" are not only
counterproductive, but with these recent terrorist attacks, it will not
bring peace to the region or peace to the civilized world.

We also demand criminal charges brought against Sharon and his terror regime
who planed the assassination of Shaykh Ahmad Isma'il Yasin and other
innocent civilians who are being killed every day under the Israeli
occupation forces.

Our hearts, prayers and condolences go out to the Palestinian people in
their struggle to live in peace, dignity and freedom in their own homeland.


The American Muslim Association of North America, AMANA has a long history
of promoting peace and justice for all. Trough our campaign to stop the
killing of Muslim, Jewish and Christian civilians in our messages and in our
The American Muslim Association of North America, AMANA.
Proudly Serving the U. S. Communities Since 1992


Al-Awda/PRRC statement/alert on Yassin murder

22 March 2004 For Immediate Release

Al-Awda, The Palestine Right to Return Coalition strongly condemns the
extra-judicial murder of Sheikh Ahmad Yassin, the spiritual leader of The
Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement, known by its acronym as HAMAS. Ten
other Palestinian by-standers were killed by the Zionist occupation army.

Sheikh Yassin, a 67-year-old quadriplegic who was partially blind was
assassinated while leaving a mosque in Gaza in his wheelchair. It is unclear
whether this war crime was committed without the prior knowledge and
approval of the Bush administration.

Sheikh Yassin was a refugee from the village of Jourah near Al-Majdal
(renamed by Israel Ashkelon). The murder of Yassin by missiles from a US
supplied Apache helicopter, like 200 other similar extrajudicial executions
carried out by Israel, is strongly condemned by the international community
and human rights groups across the globe as violations of international law
and as war crimes. This horrific act further shows that Israeli leaders are
only interested in perpetuating violence and state-sponsored terrorism to
avoid having to address the root cause of the conflict: the ethnic cleansing
of Palestine.

We extend our condolences to the Palestinian people, our brothers and
sisters in this struggle. We also urge the Palestinian leadership in
Ramallah to declare its rejection of any plans or agreements that fall short
of ending the Israeli occupation and the recognition of the inalienable
right of all Palestinian refugees to return to their original homes and

We call on all people of conscience to condemn this and other atrocious
attacks and to demand an end to U.S. governmental military and financial aid
and backing for such illegal Zionist war crimes.

Al-Awda, The Palestine Right to Return Coalition P.O.

Ariel Sharon's "Message Of Peace"

Amer Abdelhadi - Radio Tariq Al Mahabbeh Today, March 22nd , 2004, American
made Israeli fighter jets have sent three missiles to a crowded neighborhood
in Gaza murdering the founder and leader of the Islamic Resistance Movement,
Hamas, Ahmad Yasin and eight other Palestinians who were in the wrong place
at the wrong time, the wrong places being their homes; the wrong time
happening to be during their sleep at night

The Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has personally supervised the

After the morning prayers, Sheikh Ahmad Yasin was leaving the mosque, 30
meters away from his home in Gaza , when Israeli fighter jets sent its
deadly and heavy missiles to the crowded area in the Sabra neighborhood in
the Gaza City. Pieces of flesh and blood were thrown everywhere.

The assassination of Ahmad Yasin reminds us of the assassination of Salah
Shehadeh that took place in July 2002 and killed in addition to Shehadeh, 16
others, of whom 15 were civilians, 9 were children including Shehadeh's wife
and child.

In Both operations, the Israeli Prime Minister and some of his cabinet
members, bragged about the success of the murders and declared that they
were satisfied with the results of the operations; satisfied with murder,
satisfied with genocide. They made murder look like 'the right thing to do'
forgetting that a State, cannot execute a human being without a trial and
without proving his or her guilt.

Some members in the Sharon 's cabinet went to the extent of calling Yasin
'the Ben Laden of Palestine' and claimed that Arafat was more dangerous than
Yasin. This statement was received by Palestinians as a direct threat
against the Palestinian leader, Yasser Arafat.

While Israel claims that assassinating Palestinian figures will reduce the
number of attacks inside Israel, Palestinians are determined that Israel is
only trying to provoke and initiate violent reactions by Palestinians to
convince the already ignorant world community to accept Israel's plans to
move Israeli settlements from Gaza to the West Bank.

In a press conference held by Ariel Sharon and his Offence Minister Sha'oul
Mofaz, the two leaders justified the attack as "a necessity to reduce the
number of attacks against Israel by Palestinian 'terrorists'". Many Israelis
have condemned the attacks. Some of them went on to calling Sharon's
decision to murder Yasin as 'a Stupid move'.

Many countries in the world have denounced the assassination, some more shy
than others. The United States, as usual, has called all parties to
'practice self control' but retained that Yasin was responsible for killing
many Israelis and thus letting Sharon off the hook of guilt for his murders.
Many Palestinians took the American statement as a disgusting irony noting
that the United States has always accused Palestinians with terror when
attacks IN Israel took place while ignoring all the atrocities committed by
the 'state' of Israel against Palestinians.

Sharon , at time of his provocative visit to Al Aqsa Mosque in September
2000, claimed that he came with a message of peace. "I came here with a
message of peace" he said "I believe that we can live together, we and the
Palestinians". When he was elected and appointed as Prime Minister,
assassinations, demolitions, destruction, mass arrests, re-occupation, and
locking up of mass communities were the only proofs of 'his' message of

"The murder of Sheikh Ahmad Yasin is a clear proof that Israel is drawing
blood" several political leaders told the media today. Yasin was a political
leader, a respected leader who spent the bigger portion of his life in
Israeli Jails and one who was placed under house arrest by both Israeli and
Palestinian authorities.

Palestinian Islamic resistance movement, Hamas, and other political and
military faction vowed revenge after the assassination of Yasin. They said
their attacks "would be witnessed in every Israeli city and every Israeli

Israel would not have persisted in excessively escalating its attacks on
Palestinian civilians should the world community have intervened and
pressured Israel to respect their part in the so-called peace plan. In the
past four weeks, more than 35 Palestinians were murdered, most were
civilians killed in cold blood for no reason. The world community has been
suspiciously silent.

Terror and violence is practiced every day against Palestinians by the
Israeli occupation forces. In Nablus today, a student in the media
department at Al Najah University who was also practicing journalism as an
intern was killed when Israeli jeeps approached Balata camp near Nablus.
Israeli spokespersons claimed that their soldiers 'mistook his camera for a
weapon'. The exact story the American army used when they killed Mazen Da'
na, a Palestinian photographer reporting for Reuters in Iraq several months

The US Administration has placed so much pressure on world leaders to place
Hamas and other Palestinian resistant movement on their terrorist list. They
have acknowledged every attack that Palestinians were responsible for, yet
they have ignored all the assassinations, war crimes, massacres, murdering
of innocent civilians or those who were slaughtered 'accidentally' by Israel
(using American fighter jets). They have even given excuses to Israel for
all the atrocities they were responsible for claiming that Israel had the
right to defend itself.

The US Administration still claims to be the 'honest' sponsor for peace in
the Middle East.

Does this policy sponsor peace or does it harbor terrorism?

The world is watching, yet has done little.

Amer Abdelhadi
Radio Tariq Al Mahabbeh
Nablus (Under Attack)
March 22nd , 2004


..: MAS Freedom Foundation :..

March 23, 2004 PRESS RELEASE

MAS Condemns the Assassination of Sheikh Yassin, Calls for Congressional
The Muslim American Society condemns the assassination of Sheikh Ahmed
Yassin and calls on Congress to investigate Israel's violation of the U.S.
Arms Export Control Act.

(Washington DC) - The Muslim American Society (MAS) joins world leaders in
strongly condemning the assassination of Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, a quadriplegic
Palestinian religious leader, as he was leaving a mosque after performing
prayers with companions.

This horrific act will plunge the region into further turmoil and escalate
the cycle of violence in a region already suffering under an unlawful
Israeli occupation and devastated by unrelenting bloodshed. The
assassination will undermine the stated U.S. policy of fostering peace and
stability in the region.

The killing of Sheikh Yassin has brought condemnation from leaders

European Union foreign policy chief Javier Solana condemned Israel's killing
of Sheikh Yassin as "very, very bad news" for the Middle East peace process.

British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw said, "[Israel] is not entitled to go
for this type of unlawful killing, and we therefore condemn it.

"It is unacceptable, it is unjustified, and it is very unlikely to achieve
its objective."

MAS is deeply concerned about President George W. Bush's administration's
laissez-faire policy exhibited towards Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon,
especially since Sharon's policy of extra-judicial assassination violates
international law and undermines the very stated position of President Bush'
s peace policy for the region.

MAS Freedom Executive Director Mahdi Bray said, "This is an unlawful,
cowardly, and dangerous act of state-sponsored terrorism committed by Sharon
's government which should be strongly condemned by our government.

"By continuing a policy of not holding Israel accountable to violations of
U.S. and international law, we seriously undermine our national interest and
any genuine efforts in the war on terrorism. Such policies continue to
contribute to the devaluation of Palestinian lives and further undercut
legitimate aspirations towards creating a climate for lasting peace and
freedom in the region."

MAS Freedom Foundation has contacted members of Congress asking for an
immediate investigation and hearing on Israel's continued use of U.S.-made
weapons to attack civilians, a clear violation of the U.S. Arms Export
Control Act.

MAS Freedom Foundation will hold a press conference in Washington DC, at
23rd and C Streets, across from the State Department, on March 23, 2004,
addressing Sheikh Yassin's assassination and U.S. policy in the region.


* The Freedom Foundation is the public affairs arm of the Muslim American
Society (MAS), a national grassroots religious, social, and educational
organization. Learn more at
MAS Freedom Foundation
1050 17th Street NW #600
Washington, DC 20036
Tel: (202) 496-1288
Fax: (202) 463-0686

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful


Islamic civil rights group says Israel engaged in 'state terrorism'

(WASHINGTON, D.C., 3/22/04) - The Council on American-Islamic Relations
(CAIR) today condemned the assassination of a wheelchair-bound Palestinian
Muslim religious leader, calling it an act of "state terrorism."

Israel killed Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, a 67-year-old quadriplegic and the most
prominent Palestinian Islamic figure, in a missile strike outside a Gaza
City mosque on Monday.

In its statement, CAIR said:

"We condemn this violation of international law as an act of state
terrorism by Ariel Sharon's out-of-control government. Israel's
extra-judicial killing of an Islamic religious leader can only serve to
perpetuate the cycle of violence throughout the region. The international
community must now take concrete steps to help protect the Palestinian
people against such wanton Israeli violence.

"We call on the United States to join its allies in condemning this
political assassination and to make that condemnation meaningful by cutting
the flow American-taxpayer dollars to Israel. It is these tax dollars that
pay for the weapons Israel uses to carry out such illegal attacks. American
repudiation of Israel's brutal policies could also be demonstrated by the
cancellation of Ariel Sharon's upcoming visit to Washington.

"Bland administration statements urging 'restraint by all parties' will
only be viewed internationally as tacit approval of Israel's actions and
will undermine our moral and legal basis for the war on terrorism.

"Until Israel views Palestinians as human beings, and not just animals to
be slaughtered at will during 'hunting season,'* there can be no viable and
just resolution to the Middle East conflict. And until America adopts a
truly even-handed approach to that conflict, our nation's image will
continue to suffer worldwide."

(*Last week, a senior Israeli security official was quoted as saying
"hunting season has begun," in reference to assassinations of Palestinians.
[Washington Times, 3/18/04])

World leaders have been uniform in their condemnation of Sheikh Yassin's
assassination. British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw called the Israeli
attack an "unlawful killing." Straw said: "I don't believe Israel will
benefit from the fact that this morning an (elderly man) in a wheelchair
has been the target of assassination."

European Union foreign ministers said in a statement: "Israel is
not.entitled to carry out extra-judicial killings." French Foreign Minister
Dominique de Villepin said: "Such acts can only feed the spiral of

CAIR, America's largest Islamic civil liberties group, has consistently
condemned all terrorist acts, whether carried out by individuals, groups or

- END -

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da leggere,
22 mar 2004, 17:18:4522/03/04

"Heinrich" <> wrote in message

The man incited suicide bombers and therefore deserved to die.


da leggere,
22 mar 2004, 17:25:4722/03/04

"PaulAbeles" <> wrote in message

> "Heinrich" <> wrote in message
> The man incited suicide bombers and therefore deserved to die.

He also had started the collaboration of terrorist groups in Ashdod, this is
not a good sign for anyone. I am surprised that Europeans are not starting
to worry more than they are. The collective groups, as seen in Ashdod, will
not stop in Israel. Norma

Al Haj Sheik Yerbouty

da leggere,
22 mar 2004, 17:42:0922/03/04
I curse their moustaches and I fart on their beards!

"Heinrich" <> wrote in message


da leggere,
22 mar 2004, 17:47:4422/03/04
And here's one more "good riddance" :)


da leggere,
22 mar 2004, 18:21:2022/03/04
What a load of crap!

Murderers deserve to be murdered. Yassin the Assassin got his just
desserts. I'm celebrating :-)

"Heinrich" <> wrote in message


da leggere,
22 mar 2004, 18:34:3722/03/04
Damn right.

Along with this userless "head" of a terrorist, his
two NAZI bodyguards were eliminated too.

All in a day's work.

Good Job Israel!!!


"Ed" <> wrote in message

Don Ocean

da leggere,
22 mar 2004, 22:08:4422/03/04

PaulAbeles wrote:

Thats a rash statement..If one were to pursue that rational...Then
Israel would also be slated for death.. For is it not Israels actions
that promote retaliatory suicide bombings?


da leggere,
22 mar 2004, 22:19:2222/03/04

"Don Ocean" <> wrote in message

What's rash about it. There is ample evidence the man incited suicide
bombings of innocent people.
I wouldn't cry either if Sharon died tomorrow.


da leggere,
22 mar 2004, 22:33:4622/03/04

"PaulAbeles" <> wrote in message

> "Don Ocean" <> wrote in message
> news:c3o9ng$29g4cu$
> >
> >
> > PaulAbeles wrote:
> >
> > > "Heinrich" <> wrote in message
> > >
> > >
> > > The man incited suicide bombers and therefore deserved to die.
> >
> > Thats a rash statement..If one were to pursue that rational...Then
> > Israel would also be slated for death.. For is it not Israels actions
> > that promote retaliatory suicide bombings?

Nope... because the Arab violence against the Jews in Israel started first.


da leggere,
22 mar 2004, 22:46:0422/03/04

"Don Ocean" <> wrote in message

No it is not. It is Hamas's publically stated goal to destroy Israel an kill
all Jews. Israel has as much right to defend themselves from terrorism as we
do, and as Spain, Bali, and any other nation that is attacked by terrorists.
And I find your epitaph at the end of your statement to be interesting, since
you carry a concealed sidearm, and have a shotgun in your home that you
affectionately refer to as your "bazooka".

Don Ocean

da leggere,
22 mar 2004, 22:56:5622/03/04

Ed wrote:

> What a load of crap!
> Murderers deserve to be murdered. Yassin the Assassin got his just
> desserts. I'm celebrating :-)

Actually Ed...Your people probably did him a favor.. He sure wasn't
in good shape. But If we are going to kill all murderers... There goes
Israels entire IDF. Also don't you think that it was a terrible mistake
to murder/kill and Martyr a man in a wheelchair.. You do remember the
Klinghoffer murder? It pissed a lot of folks off at the extremists.
I suggest that in the future you encourage both sides to settle up and
make peace.. Even the Templars had peace treaties with these folks
during the roughly 300 years of crusades. If Israel could
produce(doubtful) a man of honor to present a working peace to those
folks... I would not doubt for a moment that it could work for the
benefit of all. Of course Israel may not be able to survive without
a wartime economy funded by the USA.


da leggere,
22 mar 2004, 22:56:3322/03/04
On Mon, 22 Mar 2004 21:08:44 -0600, Don Ocean <>

Sharon wants a reaction and an excuse to massacre
more defenseless people. No doubt the old man
gets off on this exhilirating type of activity.

Don Ocean

da leggere,
22 mar 2004, 22:59:0722/03/04

Ed wrote:

> "PaulAbeles" <> wrote in message
> news:_0O7c.120522$
>>"Don Ocean" <> wrote in message
>>>PaulAbeles wrote:
>>>>"Heinrich" <> wrote in message
>>>>The man incited suicide bombers and therefore deserved to die.
>>>Thats a rash statement..If one were to pursue that rational...Then
>>>Israel would also be slated for death.. For is it not Israels actions
>>>that promote retaliatory suicide bombings?
> Nope... because the Arab violence against the Jews in Israel started first.

Damned!! That sounds like Kindergarten talk... Don't you Jews have any
adults in Israel?


da leggere,
22 mar 2004, 23:23:0022/03/04

"Don Ocean" <> wrote in message

> Ed wrote:
> > "PaulAbeles" <> wrote in message
> > news:_0O7c.120522$
> >
> >>"Don Ocean" <> wrote in message
> >>news:c3o9ng$29g4cu$
> >>
> >>>
> >>>PaulAbeles wrote:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>>"Heinrich" <> wrote in message
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>The man incited suicide bombers and therefore deserved to die.
> >>>
> >>>Thats a rash statement..If one were to pursue that rational...Then
> >>>Israel would also be slated for death.. For is it not Israels actions
> >>>that promote retaliatory suicide bombings?
> >
> >
> > Nope... because the Arab violence against the Jews in Israel started first.
> Damned!! That sounds like Kindergarten talk... Don't you Jews have any
> adults in Israel?
> >

That is hilarious considering that Ed is an American, Don assclown:
Don Ocean's hot date:


da leggere,
22 mar 2004, 23:26:3322/03/04

"Don Ocean" <> wrote in message

> Ed wrote:
> > What a load of crap!
> >
> > Murderers deserve to be murdered. Yassin the Assassin got his just
> > desserts. I'm celebrating :-)
> Actually Ed...Your people probably did him a favor.. He sure wasn't
> in good shape. But If we are going to kill all murderers... There goes
> Israels entire IDF. Also don't you think that it was a terrible mistake
> to murder/kill and Martyr a man in a wheelchair.. You do remember the
> Klinghoffer murder?

That's a crock of shit, and you know it. Comparing Yassim to Klinghoffer is
assinine. Klinghoffer never hurt anyone. Yassim was responsible for the murder
of hundreds of people.


da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 01:42:4123/03/04

"PaulAbeles" <> schreef in bericht

> "Heinrich" <> wrote in message
> The man incited suicide bombers and therefore deserved to die.
is that for you to decide? not even speaking of the methods used

Don W. McCollough

da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 02:28:1523/03/04
"PaulAbeles" <> wrote in message news:<_0O7c.120522$>...

Neither would I. Sharon is a big zionist trouble maker. What does he
expect after killing this old man? Less terrorism and less violence
from muslims?


da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 02:56:0423/03/04

"Heinrich" <> wrote in message

The same type of people killed 100 Australians in Bali.

Fuck him and all his friends.


da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 03:25:4523/03/04

"PaulAbeles" <> a écrit dans le message de news:

> "Heinrich" <> wrote in message
> The man incited suicide bombers and therefore deserved to die.

The killing was strategically insignificant. Another "spiritual" leader will
simply rise in his place.


da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 03:27:2523/03/04

"Don Ocean" <> a écrit dans le message de news:

I agree too well !

How many israeli and palestinian lifes this media killing move is going to
cost in the near future?

Stupid of them


da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 03:33:2723/03/04

"PaulAbeles" <> a écrit dans le message de news:

Very few people on earth deserve to die ...

more than that Sharon.

It will be a Good riddance.

Hopefully, the Palestinians will hit Sharon next. Then maybe peace can be

I agree that terrorists and their leaders need to be removed (Sharon, Bush,


da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 03:35:5123/03/04

"Ed" <> a écrit dans le message de news:

> "PaulAbeles" <> wrote in message
> news:_0O7c.120522$
> >
> > "Don Ocean" <> wrote in message
> > news:c3o9ng$29g4cu$
> > >
> > >
> > > PaulAbeles wrote:
> > >
> > > > "Heinrich" <> wrote in message
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > The man incited suicide bombers and therefore deserved to die.
> > >
> > > Thats a rash statement..If one were to pursue that rational...Then
> > > Israel would also be slated for death.. For is it not Israels actions
> > > that promote retaliatory suicide bombings?
> Nope... because the Arab violence against the Jews in Israel started

The Jewish question is that of their cultural/ biblical mandate of the
"chosen people". one can certainly trace the conflict back to those days.

The modern issue is their relationship to imperialist policies launched by
the neocon terrorist clique in the White House.

Since USA is in an "infinite war" against the rest of the world, it is
expected a response from other nations and peoples. Make no mistake, it will
happen. And, I am sure it will be commensurate with the means used to create
this war.

No country has ever achieved complete world hegemony. In the past there were
compelling reasons: chiefly,distance and technical limitations. Today, those
barriers are no longer a major problem. So, our neocons and right wingers
believe it is achievable to reproduce the slavery born system worldwide...
they forgot one thing: nuclear weapons. Only one detonation and the game is

I hold that the imperialist war games are coming to an end soon, amid a
nuclear holocaust provoked by this leftover from our violence past.

The survirvors will have to pick the pieces. Just that. But I am sure the
rest of the world will remember. Out of necessity, it will be unforgettable.


da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 03:43:0923/03/04

"Don Ocean" <> a écrit dans le message de news:

> Ed wrote:
> > "PaulAbeles" <> wrote in message
> > news:_0O7c.120522$
> >
> >>"Don Ocean" <> wrote in message
> >>news:c3o9ng$29g4cu$
> >>
> >>>
> >>>PaulAbeles wrote:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>>"Heinrich" <> wrote in message
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>The man incited suicide bombers and therefore deserved to die.
> >>>
> >>>Thats a rash statement..If one were to pursue that rational...Then
> >>>Israel would also be slated for death.. For is it not Israels actions
> >>>that promote retaliatory suicide bombings?
> >
> >
> > Nope... because the Arab violence against the Jews in Israel started
> Damned!! That sounds like Kindergarten talk... Don't you Jews have any
> adults in Israel?

Only one detonation and the Kindergarten will be cleaned.

The popular concept of a nuclear exchange being the complete destruction of
the earth is flawed.

The idea that a nuclear exchange between the US and Soviet Union
(historically of course) would make the world uninhabitable for all but a
very small number of survivors . . . was not correct. The information
available nowadays concerning targetting, strategy, capability, etc . . .
make it infinitely easier to understand.

I'm not saying that a lot of people wouldn't die, or that it wouldn't be a
horrible experience . . . but it wouldn't be 'over' by any stretch of the

When you lay down with dogs, you wake up with fleas. There have most
certainly been dubious alliances for the purpose of maintaining a US
position of power . . . most specifically during the Cold War. However, as
I've illustrated before, these alliances do not mean that every decision
made by a US ally, from that point until the end of time, is the
responsiblity of the US.

The enemy of your enemy is your friend.

People who rely on those alliances as their debate crutch are generally
exposed to be apologists on many other subjects as well.


da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 03:45:4223/03/04

"Don W. McCollough" <> a écrit dans le message de news:

He's talked peace, while planning mass murder for decades.

Let it be known that after the yesterday attrocity, Sharon is an dead man.


da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 03:47:3123/03/04

"Xathos" <> a écrit dans le message de news:

> And here's one more "good riddance" :)

Sharon Bush Blair dick etc


da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 03:51:5623/03/04
This is precisely the type of insanity that leads to the creation of groups
like Al Qaeda.

Interpretation and not realizing the requirement of belief to adapt to
societal boundaries are at fault. It all begins with intolerance. Add some
catalyst, such as poverty or peer pressure, and you have the recipe for an
Freedom fighters group.

One thing is assured: A nuclear exchange in the middle east will mark the
third destruction and disperson of the israeli people, and it will forever
change the rest of the world attitudes towards the Zionist.

"NS" <> a écrit dans le message de news:


da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 04:01:0423/03/04

"Warhol" <> wrote in message

> "Don Ocean" <> a écrit dans le message de news:
> c3oclt$2an9sd$
> >
> >
> > Ed wrote:
> >
> > > "PaulAbeles" <> wrote in message
> > > news:_0O7c.120522$
> > >
> > >>"Don Ocean" <> wrote in message
> > >>news:c3o9ng$29g4cu$
> > >>
> > >>>
> > >>>PaulAbeles wrote:
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > >>>>"Heinrich" <> wrote in message
> > >>>>
> > >>>>
> > >>>>The man incited suicide bombers and therefore deserved to die.
> > >>>
> > >>>Thats a rash statement..If one were to pursue that rational...Then
> > >>>Israel would also be slated for death.. For is it not Israels actions
> > >>>that promote retaliatory suicide bombings?
> > >
> > >
> > > Nope... because the Arab violence against the Jews in Israel started
> first.
> >
> > Damned!! That sounds like Kindergarten talk... Don't you Jews have any
> > adults in Israel?
> Only one detonation and the Kindergarten will be cleaned.

And where is the detonation going to occur that will not affect Palestinians and
other Arabs in the region. Can you spell "fallout"? Do you even have a clue as
to what nukes can do?

> The popular concept of a nuclear exchange being the complete destruction of
> the earth is flawed.

Yes, I agree. But Plutonium has a hald-life of about 24,000 years, dork. Which
would make the Middle East uninhabitable for a long time.

> The idea that a nuclear exchange between the US and Soviet Union
> (historically of course) would make the world uninhabitable for all but a
> very small number of survivors . . . was not correct. The information
> available nowadays concerning targetting, strategy, capability, etc . . .
> make it infinitely easier to understand.
> I'm not saying that a lot of people wouldn't die, or that it wouldn't be a
> horrible experience . . . but it wouldn't be 'over' by any stretch of the
> imagination.

And you think that is imminently preferable to what is occuring today?


da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 04:03:0623/03/04

"Warhol" <> wrote in message

If he is so insignificant to you, then why all this bravado in you other posts?


da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 03:58:3323/03/04

"Don Ocean" <> a écrit dans le message de news:

> Ed wrote:
> > What a load of crap!
> >
> > Murderers deserve to be murdered. Yassin the Assassin got his just
> > desserts. I'm celebrating :-)
> Actually Ed...Your people probably did him a favor.. He sure wasn't
> in good shape. But If we are going to kill all murderers... There goes
> Israels entire IDF. Also don't you think that it was a terrible mistake
> to murder/kill and Martyr a man in a wheelchair.. You do remember the
> Klinghoffer murder? It pissed a lot of folks off at the extremists.
> I suggest that in the future you encourage both sides to settle up and
> make peace.. Even the Templars had peace treaties with these folks
> during the roughly 300 years of crusades. If Israel could
> produce(doubtful) a man of honor to present a working peace to those
> folks... I would not doubt for a moment that it could work for the
> benefit of all. Of course Israel may not be able to survive without
> a wartime economy funded by the USA.
> >

A nuclear exchange will mark the end of the current imperialist schemes and
those who planned and executed them, as we have come to know them.

The Patriot Act signify this dramatic change: for some a terrible loss, for
others a significant victory. Very high stakes in this game indeed.

As Vice Cheney and other neocons stated: "it won't be the same". The stakes
are so high in this new imperalist scheme, that there is no room for error:
The coming two years will tell us if it was just the beginning of a new
imperial USA, or the death of an old democracy.

I watched an picture of the Old man in his chair that was killed yesterday,
And he is stil Talking. Please check that by looking in his Eyes. The Jews
have to burn his picture too Ha Ha Ha Ha


da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 04:07:3923/03/04

"Warhol" <> wrote in message

> This is precisely the type of insanity that leads to the creation of groups
> like Al Qaeda.
> Interpretation and not realizing the requirement of belief to adapt to
> societal boundaries are at fault. It all begins with intolerance.

I agree. And it is intolerance like that which you espouse that is the core of
the problem.


da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 04:09:4023/03/04

"Warhol" <> wrote in message

> I watched an picture of the Old man in his chair that was killed yesterday,
> And he is stil Talking. Please check that by looking in his Eyes. The Jews
> have to burn his picture too Ha Ha Ha Ha

I'm sure that has already been done a thousand times over.


da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 04:06:2323/03/04

" George" <> a écrit dans le message de news:

Wow, gentlemen, nice exchange.

The killing was strategically insignificant. Another "spiritual" leader will
simply rise in his place.

It-s the old image of the Hydra monster. Cutoff one head, 9 more grow back
in its place.

I agree that terrorists and their leaders ( Sharon Bush Blair) need to be
removed, but in the case, cutting off the head does NOT kill the body.

BTW The sheik is still talking to his people. I Shaw it in his Eyes, on that
picture they showed on CNN. He was laughing with the stupid Zionist dark
powers. He Lives !!!


da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 04:10:1123/03/04

" George" <> a écrit dans le message de news:

The Muslims are not afraid of dead. Don't forget That!!!

> > The popular concept of a nuclear exchange being the complete destruction
> > the earth is flawed.
> Yes, I agree. But Plutonium has a hald-life of about 24,000 years, dork.
> would make the Middle East uninhabitable for a long time.

You don't know nothing, and I will not tell it yet. Big secret of God for
use stupid humans. God is Great don't forget that.

> > The idea that a nuclear exchange between the US and Soviet Union
> > (historically of course) would make the world uninhabitable for all but
> > very small number of survivors . . . was not correct. The information
> > available nowadays concerning targetting, strategy, capability, etc . .
> > make it infinitely easier to understand.
> >
> > I'm not saying that a lot of people wouldn't die, or that it wouldn't be
> > horrible experience . . . but it wouldn't be 'over' by any stretch of
> > imagination.
> And you think that is imminently preferable to what is occuring today?

This summer!!!


da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 04:11:1523/03/04

"PaulAbeles" <> a écrit dans le message de news:

Bali was Mossad @ work, and everybody knows that.


da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 04:13:3723/03/04

" George" <> a écrit dans le message de news:

The old man in his chair is not dead you BrRat. He lives and is stronger
than before, Will you burn now all his picture's too?


da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 04:23:3223/03/04

" George" <> a écrit dans le message de news:

Rat I am only warning you, and I don't use Weapons to do so. I have my mouth
to explain. That's the only weapon I use !!!

And you will see my postings Become harder and harder, "the Words of truth"
and you Zionist will go and hide in the most unbelievable places. And even
so you Will be found and brought to the mountain, Where our christ is. You
and your people have to stand trail for everything your kind has done to
innocent Life of this planet.

that's is written in the Bible too. Just checkit


da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 04:27:2323/03/04

" George" <> a écrit dans le message de news:

His picture will burn the hellfire for you, BrRat.

He is more alive than before. I shaw that in his Eyes! Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha


da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 08:42:0823/03/04
"PaulAbeles" <> wrote in message news:<o4S7c.120810$>...

yea hehehehe
if yasin were murdering jews only you'd be praising him


da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 08:50:3523/03/04

"BTov" <> wrote in message

If he murdered you I would praise him.

Allah is the

da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 09:08:4123/03/04
On Tue, 23 Mar 2004 10:27:23 +0100, "Warhol" <>

I read that there was nothing left but a burnt out wheelchair. This
was too funny for words! LOL!


da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 09:22:3823/03/04

"PaulAbeles" <> schreef in bericht

that'll be the day !!! me too.

Allah is the

da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 09:31:3523/03/04
On Mon, 22 Mar 2004 23:10:39 +0100, "Heinrich"
<> wrote:


Fuck you Muslim scumbags. Get out of my country you barbarian filth.

Allah is the

da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 09:33:1423/03/04
On Mon, 22 Mar 2004 21:59:07 -0600, Don Ocean <>

>Ed wrote:
>> "PaulAbeles" <> wrote in message

>> news:_0O7c.120522$
>>>"Don Ocean" <> wrote in message
>>>>PaulAbeles wrote:

>>>>>"Heinrich" <> wrote in message
>>>>>The man incited suicide bombers and therefore deserved to die.

>>>>Thats a rash statement..If one were to pursue that rational...Then
>>>>Israel would also be slated for death.. For is it not Israels actions
>>>>that promote retaliatory suicide bombings?
>> Nope... because the Arab violence against the Jews in Israel started first.
>Damned!! That sounds like Kindergarten talk... Don't you Jews have any
>adults in Israel?

Damn! You don't like it because it's true, Mr. Rag Head.


da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 08:54:0623/03/04

"Warhol" <> wrote in message

> " George" <> a écrit dans le message de news:
> s5T7c.128452$
> >
> > "Warhol" <> wrote in message
> > news:c3ouaj$2abc5k$
> > > This is precisely the type of insanity that leads to the creation of
> groups
> > > like Al Qaeda.
> > >
> > > Interpretation and not realizing the requirement of belief to adapt to
> > > societal boundaries are at fault. It all begins with intolerance.
> >
> > I agree. And it is intolerance like that which you espouse that is the
> core of
> > the problem.
> >
> >
> Rat I am only warning you, and I don't use Weapons to do so. I have my mouth
> to explain. That's the only weapon I use !!!

Yes, you certainly do have a large pie hole.

> And you will see my postings Become harder and harder, "the Words of truth"
> and you Zionist will go and hide in the most unbelievable places. And even
> so you Will be found and brought to the mountain, Where our christ is.

Do defile his name with your wahabbi threats, you filthy bastard.


da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 08:55:3823/03/04

"Warhol" <> wrote in message

> " George" <> a écrit dans le message de news:
> SWO7c.38094$
> >
> > "Don Ocean" <> wrote in message
> > news:c3ochs$2an9sd$
> > >
> > >
> > > Ed wrote:
> > >
> > > > What a load of crap!
> > > >
> > > > Murderers deserve to be murdered. Yassin the Assassin got his just
> > > > desserts. I'm celebrating :-)
> > >
> > > Actually Ed...Your people probably did him a favor.. He sure wasn't
> > > in good shape. But If we are going to kill all murderers... There goes
> > > Israels entire IDF. Also don't you think that it was a terrible mistake
> > > to murder/kill and Martyr a man in a wheelchair.. You do remember the
> > > Klinghoffer murder?
> >
> > That's a crock of shit, and you know it. Comparing Yassim to Klinghoffer
> is
> > assinine. Klinghoffer never hurt anyone. Yassim was responsible for the
> murder
> > of hundreds of people.
> >
> >
> Wow, gentlemen, nice exchange.
> The killing was strategically insignificant. Another "spiritual" leader will
> simply rise in his place.

If it is strategically insignificant, why are you so upset about it?

> It-s the old image of the Hydra monster. Cutoff one head, 9 more grow back
> in its place.
> I agree that terrorists and their leaders ( Sharon Bush Blair) need to be
> removed, but in the case, cutting off the head does NOT kill the body.
> BTW The sheik is still talking to his people. I Shaw it in his Eyes, on that
> picture they showed on CNN. He was laughing with the stupid Zionist dark
> powers. He Lives !!!

You are a true looney tune, Warthabbi.


da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 08:52:1623/03/04

"Warhol" <> wrote in message

Did you read "the five stages of mourning", especially the part about denial?


da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 08:49:4723/03/04

"Warhol" <> wrote in message

So they will risk killing themselves? For what purpose? To rid the world or
Jews, and in so doing, permanently damage their gene pool for generations? Do
you really think the Arabs are that stupid?

> > > The popular concept of a nuclear exchange being the complete destruction
> of
> > > the earth is flawed.
> >
> > Yes, I agree. But Plutonium has a hald-life of about 24,000 years, dork.
> Which
> > would make the Middle East uninhabitable for a long time.
> >
> You don't know nothing, and I will not tell it yet. Big secret of God for
> use stupid humans. God is Great don't forget that.

I certainly know a whole lot more about it than you do, Warthabbi.

> > > The idea that a nuclear exchange between the US and Soviet Union
> > > (historically of course) would make the world uninhabitable for all but
> a
> > > very small number of survivors . . . was not correct. The information
> > > available nowadays concerning targetting, strategy, capability, etc . .
> .
> > > make it infinitely easier to understand.
> > >
> > > I'm not saying that a lot of people wouldn't die, or that it wouldn't be
> a
> > > horrible experience . . . but it wouldn't be 'over' by any stretch of
> the
> > > imagination.
> >
> > And you think that is imminently preferable to what is occuring today?
> >
> >
> This summer!!!

Shall we look for your name on the bomb?


da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 08:51:2723/03/04

"Warhol" <> wrote in message

Really? Is that why Indonesia arrested, tried, convicted, and sentenced Islamic
terrorists for the incident - because it was a Mossad plot? Do you really
believe that Mossad has influence in Indonesia, Warthabbi?


da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 08:56:2723/03/04

"Warhol" <> wrote in message

Warthabbi, the Belgian looney tune babbles again.


da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 10:04:4023/03/04

"PaulAbeles" <> wrote in message

No doubt, that is true. No surprises here.


da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 10:05:5123/03/04

<Allah is the> wrote in message

Since when is it YOUR country?


da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 10:04:5823/03/04

"Heinrich" <> wrote in message

No surprises here either.


da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 10:35:4523/03/04
On Tue, 23 Mar 2004 09:51:56 +0100, "Warhol" <>

>This is precisely the type of insanity that leads to the creation of groups
>like Al Qaeda.

Hamas like Al Qaeda were created long before Yassin was killed, and
OBL soon to be terminated.

>Interpretation and not realizing the requirement of belief to adapt to

>societal boundaries are at fault. It all begins with intolerance. Add some
>catalyst, such as poverty or peer pressure, and you have the recipe for an
>Freedom fighters group.

Oh, Blah, Blah, Blah. The fact is that Hamas was created to be a
religous weapon to be used against Jews, and Israelis. Hamas would
never be restrained when and until it proves to costly to be a member
of Hamas, or any other terroist organization.
>One thing is assured: A nuclear exchange in the middle east will mark the
>third destruction and disperson of the israeli people, and it will forever
>change the rest of the world attitudes towards the Zionist.

Excuse me?? What "other" country possess nuclear capability in the
mideast?? For an exchange to occur more then one participant needs to
be armed. Should there be a "nuclear exchange" there won't be any
arabs to speak of in the middle east, they will come from your comfort
zone in Europe. I do think that the Europeans are wakeing up to what
is in their midst.

>"NS" <> a écrit dans le message de news:
>> Damn right.
>> Along with this userless "head" of a terrorist, his
>> two NAZI bodyguards were eliminated too.
>> All in a day's work.
>> Good Job Israel!!!
>> NS
>> "Ed" <> wrote in message

>> > What a load of crap!
>> >
>> > Murderers deserve to be murdered. Yassin the Assassin got his just
>> > desserts. I'm celebrating :-)
>> >

>> > "Heinrich" <> wrote in message
>> >


da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 10:38:1423/03/04
On Tue, 23 Mar 2004 10:23:32 +0100, "Warhol" <>

Haul your own sinning ass up the mountain, just remember to jump off
when you get there.

>that's is written in the Bible too. Just checkit

Much is written in the Bible. You on the other hand are just a
witless fuck.


da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 10:44:5123/03/04
On 22 Mar 2004 23:28:15 -0800, (Don W.
McCollough) wrote:

>"PaulAbeles" <> wrote in message news:<_0O7c.120522$>...

>> "Don Ocean" <> wrote in message
>> news:c3o9ng$29g4cu$
>> >
>> >
>> > PaulAbeles wrote:
>> >

>> > > "Heinrich" <> wrote in message
>> > >
>> > >

>> > > The man incited suicide bombers and therefore deserved to die.
>> >

>> > Thats a rash statement..If one were to pursue that rational...Then
>> > Israel would also be slated for death.. For is it not Israels actions
>> > that promote retaliatory suicide bombings?

>> What's rash about it. There is ample evidence the man incited suicide
>> bombings of innocent people.
>> I wouldn't cry either if Sharon died tomorrow.
>Neither would I. Sharon is a big zionist trouble maker. What does he
>expect after killing this old man? Less terrorism and less violence
>from muslims?

I suspect that Sharon believes that by killing the head of Hamas,
Arafat has a chance once again to take control before Hamas makes him
totally useless, politically. Arafats political power is way down, and
he cannot control any of his forces, this could be a boost. I don't
think that terrorism and violence will slow for a while, but they will
slow, and if Israel continues to target the leadership of terrorist
groups then it is a matter of time until sharon is proven correct.

I would expect that the Arabs in the territories should come to some
kind of agreement with Israel so that they can control their own
people, but I doubt that this will happen, for they want Israel to
cease to exist and the people gone, by what ever means works best.


da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 10:45:4923/03/04
On Tue, 23 Mar 2004 09:45:42 +0100, "Warhol" <>

>"Don W. McCollough" <> a écrit dans le message de news:

>> "PaulAbeles" <> wrote in message
>> > "Don Ocean" <> wrote in message
>> > news:c3o9ng$29g4cu$
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > PaulAbeles wrote:
>> > >
>> > > > "Heinrich" <> wrote in message
>> > > >
>> > > >
>> > > > The man incited suicide bombers and therefore deserved to die.
>> > >
>> > > Thats a rash statement..If one were to pursue that rational...Then
>> > > Israel would also be slated for death.. For is it not Israels actions
>> > > that promote retaliatory suicide bombings?
>> >
>> > What's rash about it. There is ample evidence the man incited suicide
>> > bombings of innocent people.
>> > I wouldn't cry either if Sharon died tomorrow.
>> Neither would I. Sharon is a big zionist trouble maker. What does he
>> expect after killing this old man? Less terrorism and less violence
>> from muslims?

>He's talked peace, while planning mass murder for decades.
>Let it be known that after the yesterday attrocity, Sharon is an dead man.
Should that happen, I believe that the territories will be part of
Israel soon after, and mostly Arab free.


da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 10:47:1623/03/04
On Tue, 23 Mar 2004 09:33:27 +0100, "Warhol" <>

>"PaulAbeles" <> a écrit dans le message de news:

>> "Don Ocean" <> wrote in message
>> news:c3o9ng$29g4cu$
>> >
>> >
>> > PaulAbeles wrote:
>> >
>> > > "Heinrich" <> wrote in message
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > The man incited suicide bombers and therefore deserved to die.
>> >
>> > Thats a rash statement..If one were to pursue that rational...Then
>> > Israel would also be slated for death.. For is it not Israels actions
>> > that promote retaliatory suicide bombings?
>> What's rash about it. There is ample evidence the man incited suicide
>> bombings of innocent people.
>> I wouldn't cry either if Sharon died tomorrow.

>Very few people on earth deserve to die ...
>more than that Sharon.
>It will be a Good riddance.
>Hopefully, the Palestinians will hit Sharon next. Then maybe peace can be

riiiiiiiiiiiight. Kill the Jews and the Arabs will be peaceful, more
fantasy from fools.
>I agree that terrorists and their leaders need to be removed (Sharon, Bush,


da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 10:48:2023/03/04
On Tue, 23 Mar 2004 03:56:33 GMT, not_over_the_hill
<> wrote:

>On Mon, 22 Mar 2004 21:08:44 -0600, Don Ocean <>

>>PaulAbeles wrote:
>>> "Heinrich" <> wrote in message
>>> The man incited suicide bombers and therefore deserved to die.
>>Thats a rash statement..If one were to pursue that rational...Then
>>Israel would also be slated for death.. For is it not Israels actions
>>that promote retaliatory suicide bombings?

>Sharon wants a reaction and an excuse to massacre
>more defenseless people. No doubt the old man
>gets off on this exhilirating type of activity.

Oh, I think that Yassin got off a lot with the orders he gave. He has
his own brother murdered, such a nice boy.


da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 10:51:0223/03/04

" George" <> schreef in bericht

hahaha it an earthlink poster so it must be ...........
watch out george he has connections in the knesset !!!!


da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 11:13:4123/03/04
If you are talking about the NT. It is a work of fiction by the Church in
Rome about 1000 AD.

"Alien" <> wrote in message

Bill Levinson

da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 12:47:5923/03/04

Don Ocean wrote:

> PaulAbeles wrote:
>> "Heinrich" <> wrote in message
>> The man incited suicide bombers and therefore deserved to die.
> Thats a rash statement..If one were to pursue that rational...Then
> Israel would also be slated for death.. For is it not Israels actions
> that promote retaliatory suicide bombings?

Those who have no swords can still die on them. ("Lord of the Rings")
Those with swords kill those without them and go on living. (A movie
about the life of Jesus)
My online tribute to Yassin; click on the image to hear the perpetual
mourner deliver a eulogy to him.


Bill Levinson

da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 12:48:5723/03/04

Don Ocean wrote:

> Ed wrote:
>> "PaulAbeles" <> wrote in message

>> news:_0O7c.120522$
>>> "Don Ocean" <> wrote in message
>>> news:c3o9ng$29g4cu$

>>>> PaulAbeles wrote:
>>>>> "Heinrich" <> wrote in message
>>>>> The man incited suicide bombers and therefore deserved to die.
>>>> Thats a rash statement..If one were to pursue that rational...Then
>>>> Israel would also be slated for death.. For is it not Israels actions
>>>> that promote retaliatory suicide bombings?

>> Nope... because the Arab violence against the Jews in Israel started
>> first.
> Damned!! That sounds like Kindergarten talk...

So you're saying that the guy who throws the second punch in a fight is
no different than the one who throws the first???

Bill Levinson

da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 12:49:4623/03/04

Bill Levinson

da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 12:51:0923/03/04

Don W. McCollough wrote:

> "PaulAbeles" <> wrote in message news:<_0O7c.120522$>...
>>"Don Ocean" <> wrote in message
>>>PaulAbeles wrote:
>>>>"Heinrich" <> wrote in message
>>>>The man incited suicide bombers and therefore deserved to die.
>>>Thats a rash statement..If one were to pursue that rational...Then
>>>Israel would also be slated for death.. For is it not Israels actions
>>>that promote retaliatory suicide bombings?


>> What's rash about it. There is ample evidence the man incited suicide
>>bombings of innocent people.
>>I wouldn't cry either if Sharon died tomorrow.

> Neither would I. Sharon is a big zionist trouble maker. What does he
> expect after killing this old man?

An example, "pour encourager les autres." An example that should have
been made a long time ago.

> Less terrorism and less violence from muslims?

Yes, unless they really want a one-on-one meeting with Allah and 72 virgins.

Bill Levinson

da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 12:52:1723/03/04

George wrote:

> "Don Ocean" <> wrote in message
> news:c3o9ng$29g4cu$
>>PaulAbeles wrote:
>>>"Heinrich" <> wrote in message
>>>The man incited suicide bombers and therefore deserved to die.
>>Thats a rash statement..If one were to pursue that rational...Then
>>Israel would also be slated for death.. For is it not Israels actions
>>that promote retaliatory suicide bombings?

> No it is not. It is Hamas's publically stated goal to destroy Israel an kill
> all Jews.

Which means Israel is 100 percent justified in killing any member of
Hamas, at any time and any place.

My online tribute to Yassin; click on the image to hear the perpetual
mourner deliver a eulogy to him.

Bill Levinson

da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 12:53:3923/03/04

Heinrich wrote:

> "PaulAbeles" <> schreef in bericht
> news:9DJ7c.120274$

>>"Heinrich" <> wrote in message
>>The man incited suicide bombers and therefore deserved to die.

> is that for you to decide? not even speaking of the methods used

True, I'd preferred to have seen him jerking and kicking at the end of a
rope-- "a long drop and a sudden stop." Then again, we'll take whatever
we can get.

Bill Levinson

da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 12:57:3823/03/04

NS wrote:

> Damn right.
> Along with this userless "head" of a terrorist, his
> two NAZI bodyguards were eliminated too.
> All in a day's work.
> Good Job Israel!!!

It's not a good job, it's hardly a good start.

When they off a few thousand of these vermin, I'll start to call it a
good job.

Bill Levinson

da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 12:59:0123/03/04

George wrote:

> "Don Ocean" <> wrote in message

> news:c3ochs$2an9sd$

>>Ed wrote:
>>>What a load of crap!
>>>Murderers deserve to be murdered. Yassin the Assassin got his just
>>>desserts. I'm celebrating :-)

>>Actually Ed...Your people probably did him a favor.. He sure wasn't
>>in good shape. But If we are going to kill all murderers... There goes
>>Israels entire IDF. Also don't you think that it was a terrible mistake
>>to murder/kill and Martyr a man in a wheelchair.. You do remember the
>>Klinghoffer murder?
> That's a crock of shit, and you know it. Comparing Yassim to Klinghoffer is
> assinine. Klinghoffer never hurt anyone. Yassim was responsible for the murder
> of hundreds of people.

And you can make peace only with human beings, not rabid dogs.


Allah is the

da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 13:43:5623/03/04

Eat shit, Himmler.


da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 13:56:1423/03/04

"Bill Levinson" <> wrote in message

This is not helpful.


da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 13:57:1523/03/04

"Bill Levinson" <> wrote in message

Not helpful.

Deborah Sharavi

da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 14:05:3923/03/04
"Heinrich" <> wrote in message news:<>...
>In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
>The Lord of Adam, Abraham, Moses, Jesus

That's a new one.

>The American Muslim Association of North America, AMANA condemns in the
>strongest terms Israel's terror assassination of Shaykh Ahmad Isma'il Yasin,
>the renowned Islamic scholar and founder of the leading Palestinian
>Resistance Movement - Hamas which where established to free the Palestinian
>territories against the illegal occupation by Israelis.

Is this Yassin or Amin al-Husseini?

>The American Muslim Association of North America, AMANA has a long history
>of promoting peace and justice for all.

Sure it does, as long and distinguished as the Third Reich.



da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 14:30:1123/03/04

" George" <> schreef in bericht

look who posted it george !!!!


da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 14:45:3223/03/04

"Heinrich" <> wrote in message

> " George" <> schreef in bericht
> news:nF%7c.1470$
> >
> > "Bill Levinson" <> wrote in message
> > news:DQ_7c.4488$
> > >
> > >
> > > Heinrich wrote:
> > >
> > > > "PaulAbeles" <> schreef in bericht
> > > > news:9DJ7c.120274$
> > > >
> > > >>"Heinrich" <> wrote in message
> > > >>
> > > >>
> > > >>The man incited suicide bombers and therefore deserved to die.
> > > >
> > > > is that for you to decide? not even speaking of the methods used
> > >
> > > True, I'd preferred to have seen him jerking and kicking at the end of a
> > > rope-- "a long drop and a sudden stop." Then again, we'll take whatever
> > > we can get.
> > >
> > > --Bill
> > >
> > >
> > > My online tribute to Yassin; click on the image to hear the perpetual
> > > mourner deliver a eulogy to him.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> > This is not helpful.
> look who posted it george !!!!

Wake up.


da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 15:52:0123/03/04

" George" <> wrote in message

> "Warhol" <> wrote in message
> news:c3otpq$29t9vs$
> >
> > "Don Ocean" <> a écrit dans le message de news:
> > c3oclt$2an9sd$

> > >
> > >
> > > Ed wrote:
> > >
> > > > "PaulAbeles" <> wrote in message
> > > > news:_0O7c.120522$
> > > >
> > > >>"Don Ocean" <> wrote in message
> > > >>news:c3o9ng$29g4cu$

> > > >>
> > > >>>
> > > >>>PaulAbeles wrote:
> > > >>>
> > > >>>
> > > >>>>"Heinrich" <> wrote in message
> > > >>>>
> > > >>>>
> > > >>>>The man incited suicide bombers and therefore deserved to die.
> > > >>>
> > > >>>Thats a rash statement..If one were to pursue that rational...Then
> > > >>>Israel would also be slated for death.. For is it not Israels
> > > >>>that promote retaliatory suicide bombings?
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Nope... because the Arab violence against the Jews in Israel
> > first.
> > >
> > > Damned!! That sounds like Kindergarten talk... Don't you Jews have any
> > > adults in Israel?
> >
> > Only one detonation and the Kindergarten will be cleaned.
> And where is the detonation going to occur that will not affect
Palestinians and
> other Arabs in the region. Can you spell "fallout"? Do you even have a
clue as
> to what nukes can do?

What makes this poster think that anyone from the Arab, Muslim, or
world gives a hoot about the Arafatistanians? They don't These vile
are simply USING the Arafatistanians in their backseat battle to wipe out as
Jews as they can. It may be sad, but that's the reality of the situation.

> > The popular concept of a nuclear exchange being the complete destruction
> > the earth is flawed.
> Yes, I agree. But Plutonium has a hald-life of about 24,000 years, dork.
> would make the Middle East uninhabitable for a long time.

And when Israel's mobile submarines launch their payload we'll see a lot
more than
just "the middleast" become a hell-hole.

> > The idea that a nuclear exchange between the US and Soviet Union
> > (historically of course) would make the world uninhabitable for all but
> > very small number of survivors . . . was not correct. The information
> > available nowadays concerning targetting, strategy, capability, etc . .
> > make it infinitely easier to understand.
> >
> > I'm not saying that a lot of people wouldn't die, or that it wouldn't be
> > horrible experience . . . but it wouldn't be 'over' by any stretch of
> > imagination.
> And you think that is imminently preferable to what is occuring today?


da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 16:04:3723/03/04

"NS" <> wrote in message

Simple. He's one of them.


da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 18:07:2023/03/04

" George" <> wrote in message

> "Don Ocean" <> wrote in message
> news:c3oclt$2an9sd$

> >
> >
> > Ed wrote:
> >
> > > "PaulAbeles" <> wrote in message
> > > news:_0O7c.120522$
> > >
> > >>"Don Ocean" <> wrote in message
> > >>news:c3o9ng$29g4cu$
> > >>
> > >>>
> > >>>PaulAbeles wrote:
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > >>>>"Heinrich" <> wrote in message
> > >>>>
> > >>>>
> > >>>>The man incited suicide bombers and therefore deserved to die.
> > >>>
> > >>>Thats a rash statement..If one were to pursue that rational...Then
> > >>>Israel would also be slated for death.. For is it not Israels actions
> > >>>that promote retaliatory suicide bombings?
> > >
> > >
> > > Nope... because the Arab violence against the Jews in Israel started
> >
> > Damned!! That sounds like Kindergarten talk... Don't you Jews have any
> > adults in Israel?
> > >
> That is hilarious considering that Ed is an American, Don assclown:

Not to mention that the statement is factual.

> ________________________________________________
> Don Ocean's hot date:

> > >
> > >>


da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 18:08:5923/03/04

"Warhol" <> wrote in message
> "Don Ocean" <> a écrit dans le message de news:

> c3oclt$2an9sd$
> >
> >
> > Ed wrote:
> >
> > > "PaulAbeles" <> wrote in message
> > > news:_0O7c.120522$
> > >
> > >>"Don Ocean" <> wrote in message
> > >>news:c3o9ng$29g4cu$
> > >>
> > >>>
> > >>>PaulAbeles wrote:
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > >>>>"Heinrich" <> wrote in message
> > >>>>
> > >>>>
> > >>>>The man incited suicide bombers and therefore deserved to die.
> > >>>
> > >>>Thats a rash statement..If one were to pursue that rational...Then
> > >>>Israel would also be slated for death.. For is it not Israels actions
> > >>>that promote retaliatory suicide bombings?
> > >
> > >
> > > Nope... because the Arab violence against the Jews in Israel started
> first.
> >
> > Damned!! That sounds like Kindergarten talk... Don't you Jews have any
> > adults in Israel?
> Only one detonation and the Kindergarten will be cleaned.

As will anyone stupid enough to actually try that.


da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 17:54:1223/03/04

"NS" <> a écrit dans le message de news:

No problem, God is Great, never forget that

> What makes this poster think that anyone from the Arab, Muslim, or
> pro-terrorism
> world gives a hoot about the Arafatistanians? They don't These vile
> creatures
> are simply USING the Arafatistanians in their backseat battle to wipe out
> many
> Jews as they can. It may be sad, but that's the reality of the situation.

Just check in again this Friday.

You only don't know what horror is waiting you, That's All !!!

> >
> > > The popular concept of a nuclear exchange being the complete
> of
> > > the earth is flawed.
> >
> > Yes, I agree. But Plutonium has a hald-life of about 24,000 years,
> Which
> > would make the Middle East uninhabitable for a long time.
> And when Israel's mobile submarines launch their payload we'll see a lot
> more than
> just "the middleast" become a hell-hole.

Those 400 bombs that's Israel has are not enough to win this war. And you
zionist Cowards are afraid to die. What an problem who will do the real
fighting. Man to Man Combat. HA HA HA HA

> >
> > > The idea that a nuclear exchange between the US and Soviet Union
> > > (historically of course) would make the world uninhabitable for all
> a
> > > very small number of survivors . . . was not correct. The information
> > > available nowadays concerning targetting, strategy, capability, etc .
> .
> > > make it infinitely easier to understand.
> > >
> > > I'm not saying that a lot of people wouldn't die, or that it wouldn't
> a
> > > horrible experience . . . but it wouldn't be 'over' by any stretch of
> the
> > > imagination.
> >
> > And you think that is imminently preferable to what is occuring today?

''What was Jesus' MESSAGE?''

.....It was brought only to the lost sheep of the House of Israel; His
Message was that Israel was to reign as a Prince with YHVH, and that ''He
that hath not The son, hath not The Father''... ''He that hateth The son,
hateth also The Father''; what does that say about the antiChrist ''jews''
that pretend to be of Israel? It proves they are liars, and of their father,
the devil; in other words, ''human'', you're busted...


da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 20:08:1223/03/04

"Bill Levinson" <> wrote in message

> Don Ocean wrote:
> >
> >
> > Ed wrote:
> >
> >> "PaulAbeles" <> wrote in message
> >> news:_0O7c.120522$
> >>
> >>> "Don Ocean" <> wrote in message
> >>> news:c3o9ng$29g4cu$
> >>>
> >>>>
> >>>> PaulAbeles wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>> "Heinrich" <> wrote in message
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> The man incited suicide bombers and therefore deserved to die.
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> Thats a rash statement..If one were to pursue that rational...Then
> >>>> Israel would also be slated for death.. For is it not Israels actions
> >>>> that promote retaliatory suicide bombings?
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Nope... because the Arab violence against the Jews in Israel started
> >> first.
> >
> >
> > Damned!! That sounds like Kindergarten talk...
> So you're saying that the guy who throws the second punch in a fight is
> no different than the one who throws the first???

No, I believe he is saying that the guy who throws the second punch in a
fight is the one who started the fight.


da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 20:18:3823/03/04

"Warhol" <> wrote in message

And if nukes do go off, who will be around to worship your god?

> > What makes this poster think that anyone from the Arab, Muslim, or
> > pro-terrorism
> > world gives a hoot about the Arafatistanians? They don't These vile
> > creatures
> > are simply USING the Arafatistanians in their backseat battle to wipe out
> as
> > many
> > Jews as they can. It may be sad, but that's the reality of the situation.
> >
> Just check in again this Friday.


> You only don't know what horror is waiting you, That's All !!!

What? More boring spew from you? We've come to expect it, Warthabbi.

> > >
> > > > The popular concept of a nuclear exchange being the complete
> destruction
> > of
> > > > the earth is flawed.
> > >
> > > Yes, I agree. But Plutonium has a hald-life of about 24,000 years,
> dork.
> > Which
> > > would make the Middle East uninhabitable for a long time.
> >
> > And when Israel's mobile submarines launch their payload we'll see a lot
> > more than
> > just "the middleast" become a hell-hole.
> >
> Those 400 bombs that's Israel has are not enough to win this war. And you
> zionist Cowards are afraid to die. What an problem who will do the real
> fighting. Man to Man Combat. HA HA HA HA

Our women could kick your Taliban-loving ass back to Afghanistan with no
problems, Wartbimbo.

> > >
> > > > The idea that a nuclear exchange between the US and Soviet Union
> > > > (historically of course) would make the world uninhabitable for all
> but
> > a
> > > > very small number of survivors . . . was not correct. The information
> > > > available nowadays concerning targetting, strategy, capability, etc .
> .
> > .
> > > > make it infinitely easier to understand.
> > > >
> > > > I'm not saying that a lot of people wouldn't die, or that it wouldn't
> be
> > a
> > > > horrible experience . . . but it wouldn't be 'over' by any stretch of
> > the
> > > > imagination.
> > >
> > > And you think that is imminently preferable to what is occuring today?
> >
> >
> ''What was Jesus' MESSAGE?''

Don't quit your day job, and pad your spider hole.


da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 21:22:0623/03/04

" George" <> wrote in message

> "Don Ocean" <> wrote in message
> news:c3ochs$2an9sd$
> >
> >
> > Ed wrote:
> >
> > > What a load of crap!
> > >
> > > Murderers deserve to be murdered. Yassin the Assassin got his just
> > > desserts. I'm celebrating :-)
> >
> > Actually Ed...Your people probably did him a favor.. He sure wasn't
> > in good shape. But If we are going to kill all murderers... There goes
> > Israels entire IDF. Also don't you think that it was a terrible mistake
> > to murder/kill and Martyr a man in a wheelchair.. You do remember the
> > Klinghoffer murder?
> That's a crock of shit, and you know it. Comparing Yassim to Klinghoffer
> assinine. Klinghoffer never hurt anyone. Yassim was responsible for the
> of hundreds of people.

Ah, but you can't expect Donny Trailer Trash Ocean to have any concept of
right and wrong, can you? Indeed, you can't expect the Demented Don to have
any concept of reality!


Don Ocean

da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 21:21:0123/03/04

And of course the history of the Jews shows them to be better?

I do believe both parties need to do some soul searching...But at this
point the Jews do have the keys to a peaceful resoulution.

> Deborah


da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 21:22:5323/03/04

"Warhol" <> wrote in message
> " George" <> a écrit dans le message de news:

> SWO7c.38094$
> >
> > "Don Ocean" <> wrote in message
> > news:c3ochs$2an9sd$
> > >
> > >
> > > Ed wrote:
> > >
> > > > What a load of crap!
> > > >
> > > > Murderers deserve to be murdered. Yassin the Assassin got his just
> > > > desserts. I'm celebrating :-)
> > >
> > > Actually Ed...Your people probably did him a favor.. He sure wasn't
> > > in good shape. But If we are going to kill all murderers... There goes
> > > Israels entire IDF. Also don't you think that it was a terrible
> > > to murder/kill and Martyr a man in a wheelchair.. You do remember the
> > > Klinghoffer murder?
> >
> > That's a crock of shit, and you know it. Comparing Yassim to
> is
> > assinine. Klinghoffer never hurt anyone. Yassim was responsible for
> murder
> > of hundreds of people.
> >
> >
> Wow, gentlemen, nice exchange.
> The killing was strategically insignificant. Another "spiritual" leader
> simply rise in his place.
> It-s the old image of the Hydra monster. Cutoff one head, 9 more grow back
> in its place.
> I agree that terrorists and their leaders ( Sharon Bush Blair) need to be
> removed, but in the case, cutting off the head does NOT kill the body.
> BTW The sheik is still talking to his people. I Shaw it in his Eyes, on
> picture they showed on CNN. He was laughing with the stupid Zionist dark
> powers. He Lives !!!

Yes, and the angels and all the little voices in your head keep talking to
you too.


Don Ocean

da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 21:27:2423/03/04

Ed wrote:

> " George" <> wrote in message
> news:xTO7c.38050$
>>"Don Ocean" <> wrote in message
>>>Ed wrote:
>>>>"PaulAbeles" <> wrote in message
>>>>>"Don Ocean" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>PaulAbeles wrote:
>>>>>>>"Heinrich" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>The man incited suicide bombers and therefore deserved to die.
>>>>>>Thats a rash statement..If one were to pursue that rational...Then
>>>>>>Israel would also be slated for death.. For is it not Israels actions
>>>>>>that promote retaliatory suicide bombings?
>>>>Nope... because the Arab violence against the Jews in Israel started
> first.
>>>Damned!! That sounds like Kindergarten talk... Don't you Jews have any
>>>adults in Israel?
>>That is hilarious considering that Ed is an American, Don assclown:

Still a Jew though...Or did that little fact evade you?

> Not to mention that the statement is factual.

So is Santa Claus, the Easter Bunnyand the tooth Fairy!

>>Don Ocean's hot date:

Why do bother.. I don't klick on anything friviolous and

Don Ocean

da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 21:38:2823/03/04

Ed wrote:

> "Bill Levinson" <> wrote in message
> news:dM_7c.4462$
>>Don Ocean wrote:
>>>Ed wrote:
>>>>"PaulAbeles" <> wrote in message
>>>>>"Don Ocean" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>PaulAbeles wrote:
>>>>>>>"Heinrich" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>The man incited suicide bombers and therefore deserved to die.
>>>>>>Thats a rash statement..If one were to pursue that rational...Then
>>>>>>Israel would also be slated for death.. For is it not Israels actions
>>>>>>that promote retaliatory suicide bombings?
>>>>Nope... because the Arab violence against the Jews in Israel started
>>>Damned!! That sounds like Kindergarten talk...
>>So you're saying that the guy who throws the second punch in a fight is
>>no different than the one who throws the first???
> No, I believe he is saying that the guy who throws the second punch in a
> fight is the one who started the fight.

No...What I am saying is that a fight requires at least 2 parties.
I am saying that someone has to quit punching the other in order
to reattain the peace. I am saying that both parties are fools
and that both parties deserve to become extinct. But without
damaging the rest of the world. I am saying that the Jews have
the capability and the keys to resolve this peacefully and to
stop the ethnic cleansing and the genocide that they are practicing.
I am saying that the Jews need to stop killing their own Palestinian
citizens and to start producing their own income.. Not sucking off
the American taxpayer forever. And Not guaranteed trade or outsourced
jobs from the US. Produce your own wealth for a 4000 year change.
You are not owed anything by the world. Matter of fact you owe the
world a lot...


da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 21:31:4023/03/04

"Don Ocean" <> wrote in message

> Ed wrote:
> > " George" <> wrote in message
> > news:xTO7c.38050$
> >
> >>"Don Ocean" <> wrote in message
> >>news:c3oclt$2an9sd$
> >>
> >>>
> >>>Ed wrote:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>>"PaulAbeles" <> wrote in message
> >>>>news:_0O7c.120522$
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>>"Don Ocean" <> wrote in message
> >>>>>news:c3o9ng$29g4cu$
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>>PaulAbeles wrote:
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>>"Heinrich" <> wrote in message
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>The man incited suicide bombers and therefore deserved to die.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>Thats a rash statement..If one were to pursue that rational...Then
> >>>>>>Israel would also be slated for death.. For is it not Israels actions
> >>>>>>that promote retaliatory suicide bombings?
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>Nope... because the Arab violence against the Jews in Israel started
> >
> > first.
> >
> >>>Damned!! That sounds like Kindergarten talk... Don't you Jews have any
> >>>adults in Israel?
> >>>
> >>That is hilarious considering that Ed is an American, Don assclown:
> Still a Jew though...Or did that little fact evade you?

So what? You're a moron. Or did that little fact evade you.

> >
> > Not to mention that the statement is factual.
> So is Santa Claus, the Easter Bunnyand the tooth Fairy!

Donnie Dumbo Ocean fantasizing about a menage et twah with biblical legends.


da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 21:26:2823/03/04

"Ed" <> wrote in message

No, you definitely cannot accuse me of expecting that Donny Dorko is anything
other than a bigoted assclown riding his motor scooter with his girlfriend,


da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 21:27:4023/03/04

"Don Ocean" <> wrote in message

What's this? Donnie "Dumbo" Ocean admitting defeat? What's the world coming


da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 22:32:2323/03/04

"Don Ocean" <> wrote in message

Donny Dork:

Israel's budget outlay is 81 billion dollars. They get about 2 billion annually
from us, while the Egyptians get about a half a billion, per Camp David. So it
seems that they do actually have an economy that is not all that dependent on
U.S. tax dollars.

Don Ocean

da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 22:34:2523/03/04

Alien wrote:

> On Tue, 23 Mar 2004 09:45:42 +0100, "Warhol" <>
> wrote:
>>"Don W. McCollough" <> a écrit dans le message de news:

>>>"PaulAbeles" <> wrote in message
>>>>"Don Ocean" <> wrote in message
>>>>>PaulAbeles wrote:
>>>>>>"Heinrich" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>The man incited suicide bombers and therefore deserved to die.
>>>>>Thats a rash statement..If one were to pursue that rational...Then
>>>>>Israel would also be slated for death.. For is it not Israels actions
>>>>>that promote retaliatory suicide bombings?

>>>> What's rash about it. There is ample evidence the man incited suicide
>>>>bombings of innocent people.
>>>>I wouldn't cry either if Sharon died tomorrow.

>>>Neither would I. Sharon is a big zionist trouble maker. What does he
>>>expect after killing this old man? Less terrorism and less violence
>>>from muslims?
>>He's talked peace, while planning mass murder for decades.
>>Let it be known that after the yesterday attrocity, Sharon is an dead man.
> Should that happen, I believe that the territories will be part of
> Israel soon after, and mostly Arab free.

Jew free too... Oh blessed day... Maybe peace at last! ;-p


da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 22:38:2923/03/04

"Don Ocean" <> wrote in message

May the unholy cloud of radioactive fallout drift upon your bigoted head if that
were to occur.

Don Ocean

da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 22:40:3323/03/04

Allah wrote:

> On Mon, 22 Mar 2004 21:59:07 -0600, Don Ocean <>
> wrote:

>>Ed wrote:
>>>"PaulAbeles" <> wrote in message
>>>>"Don Ocean" <> wrote in message
>>>>>PaulAbeles wrote:
>>>>>>"Heinrich" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>The man incited suicide bombers and therefore deserved to die.
>>>>>Thats a rash statement..If one were to pursue that rational...Then
>>>>>Israel would also be slated for death.. For is it not Israels actions
>>>>>that promote retaliatory suicide bombings?

>>>Nope... because the Arab violence against the Jews in Israel started first.

>>Damned!! That sounds like Kindergarten talk... Don't you Jews have any
>>adults in Israel?

> Damn! You don't like it because it's true, Mr. Rag Head.

Raghead? You sorry piece of shit! Saracens are predictable.. And you
fucking Jews stir them up and then Americans pay the damned bill!
You thieving damned Jews are just out to steal all you can and
to commit genocide on the indigineous people of that land.
Burning in Hell would be to good for you.

Don Ocean

da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 23:24:3723/03/04

Ed wrote:

Ahhh ...There goes that superJew arrogance again.. Half of America lives
in Trailerhomes, Modular homes, mobile homes and the unlucky live in
substandard housing. I personally have been fortunate in that I don't.
My domicile is actually quite comfortable and does keep the harsh
elements at bay. And like I said before..You murderous Jews probably
did that old sick suffering man a real favor by ending his suffering.
But you did use the detestable method of assassination. Our country
made that illegal years ago. You also struck in territory that is not
yours. And if my country wasn't run by the gutless...Our Marines would
be kicking your asses all the way back to Tel Aviv. And from there we
would let the UN run Israel. Then perhaps you murderous bastards would
learn to get along with your fellow citizens ..the Palestinians. Now
do tell me why you couldn't ask those folks to punish that old man
for his crimes.... Or couldn't you prove those crimes? Or perhaps those
weren't crimes but acts of retribution.? Just like you Jews so love to
do. Don't mumble, Boy! Speak up! No lies...Facts..


da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 23:55:2023/03/04

"Don Ocean" <> wrote in message

Main Entry: big·ot
Pronunciation: 'bi-g&t
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle French, hypocrite, bigot
: a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions
and prejudices
- big·ot·ed /-g&-t&d/ adjective
- big·ot·ed·ly adverb



da leggere,
23 mar 2004, 23:58:4023/03/04

"Don Ocean" <> wrote in message

Ah Yes, Don Dorko describes his lovely neighborhood.

>I personally have been fortunate in that I don't.
> My domicile is actually quite comfortable and does keep the harsh
> elements at bay.

Don't lie. The only thing that keeps your harsh mouth at bay is a large bottle
of Jack Daniels.

<snipped the Donnie Demento rant>


Bill Levinson

da leggere,
24 mar 2004, 01:41:1924/03/04

Ed wrote:

> "Bill Levinson" <> wrote in message
> news:dM_7c.4462$
>>Don Ocean wrote:
>>>Ed wrote:
>>>>"PaulAbeles" <> wrote in message
>>>>>"Don Ocean" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>PaulAbeles wrote:
>>>>>>>"Heinrich" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>The man incited suicide bombers and therefore deserved to die.
>>>>>>Thats a rash statement..If one were to pursue that rational...Then
>>>>>>Israel would also be slated for death.. For is it not Israels actions
>>>>>>that promote retaliatory suicide bombings?
>>>>Nope... because the Arab violence against the Jews in Israel started
>>>Damned!! That sounds like Kindergarten talk...
>>So you're saying that the guy who throws the second punch in a fight is
>>no different than the one who throws the first???
> No, I believe he is saying that the guy who throws the second punch in a
> fight is the one who started the fight.

Then he must be some kind of Arab. That is Arab logic for you.



da leggere,
24 mar 2004, 02:50:3824/03/04

" George" <> schreef in bericht

nice try george but you failed again


da leggere,
24 mar 2004, 02:51:5524/03/04

" George" <> schreef in bericht
it is nine o clock in the morning and ready for battle against the morons

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