>Have you got any cool lines?
I'm going to shove your face up your ass
and tie your ears around your balls.
Try this one from the US TV show Bob Newheart (sp?)
Introduce yourself to the individual. When he/she (if your a female)
spews forth their lame reply answer with: "Just thought you might like to
know the name of your assailant."
>Henrik...@dk-online.dk (Henrik Hansen) wrote:
>>Have you got any cool lines?
>I'm going to shove your face up your ass
>and tie your ears around your balls.
The classic has to be, "I'm gonna rip off yer head and shit down yer
Del Rawlins, HRM Student | "Screw the Government!"|
fs...@aurora.alaska.edu | --Legends of the Fall |
http://icecube.acf-lab.alaska.edu/~fsdcr/ |
>Have you got any cool lines?
The best one I've heard:
I'm gonna rip your ear off and stick it up your butt so you can hear
me kickin' your ass.
>>Henrik...@dk-online.dk (Henrik Hansen) wrote:
>>>Have you got any cool lines?
>>I'm going to shove your face up your ass
>>and tie your ears around your balls.
>The classic has to be, "I'm gonna rip off yer head and shit down yer
Or another:
I'm going to rip off your arms and beat the fuck out of you with the soggy
The Stars and Stripes fly high over Washington......
Under the Union Jack Mac.................
Ken Bunce.
I'm going to hang you from fish hooks by your eyelids and kick you in
the balls until you blink.
This is going to be 30 seconds of the most excruciating pain you're likely
to ever experience.
Hold still and this will go faster.
This will hurt you *alot* more than it hurts me.
What, just you? You're it? Do you have friends around here somewhere,
or is this going to be as boring as I think it's going to be?
Say goodnight motherfucker.
This is the part where things get painful. You are about to make noises
you probably thought the human body was incapable of making. Well, let
me tell you, you'll be surprised just how much punishment I can inflict
upon you without rendering you unconsious. It's all in the pace. Now,
shall we begin?
You are about to hurt real bad, my friend.
I should ask you while you're still in your right mind. Do you want to
die today? I only ask because they all end up asking for death, and I
feel it only fair to check beforehand. I wouldn't want to think I had
influenced your decision.
Stand still, or this is going to be much more painful than it has to be.
Just so you know, when you eventually pass out. STAY out...you won't
want to wake up to what will be happening to you after I'm done with you
Would you mind signing a waiver?
My favorite as your driving away in your car: "We are off like the
forskin of a Jew!"
What about "I'm gonna rip out your eyes and piss on your brains".
_ ___ __ |
| | /| | | \ / | \ | | | Net: http://www.cms.dmu.ac.uk/~se1dc
\ / /-| | |/ \/ |_/ | |-- | E-Mail: se...@dmu.ac.uk
\/ / | |__ |\ / | \ _|_ |__ |
When I left home this morning, I had a pocket full of lollipops and
asswhoopin's, and I'm all out of lollipops.
We're off like a dirty shirt.
We're off like a prom dress.
: >>Have you got any cool lines?
Gabriel Byrne from The Crying Game
"Ever pick up your teeth with broken fingers?"
( | Keith Adams lka...@acs.ucalgary.ca http://www.ucalgary.ca/~lkadams
)) | Deptartment of Mechanical Engineering, Univeristy of Calgary, Alberta
C|~~| | "It's naked,it's fun,and I agree with all of them" Paul,Mad About You
`--' | Mmmmmmmm.....mochachino....I'll need a double...extra whipped cream!!
Open your mouth again and I'll stuff your ass in it.
"You're about ten seconds away from the most embarassing moment of your
Diego Velasco
Computer Artist/Animator
E-mail: dvel...@risd.edu (Home)
art...@cs.brown.edu (Graphics Lab)
URL: http://www.cs.brown.edu/people/art053/ (Home Page)
>: > >>>Have you got any cool lines?
>: > >>I'm going to shove your face up your ass
>: > >>and tie your ears around your balls.
>: > >The classic has to be, "I'm gonna rip off yer head and shit down yer
>: > >throat."
>: > My all time favorite: Your girlfriend is going to get you killed if
>: > you keep believing her shit.
>: My favorite as your driving away in your car: "We are off like the
>: forskin of a Jew!"
>We're off like a dirty shirt.
>We're off like a prom dress.
Off like a cloud of henshit.
That was Stephen Rea. Gabriel Byrne's the one out of The Usual Suspects.
And yes, it was a cool line. BTW, the bloke he said it to was Tony
Slattery, well known 3rd rate UK comedian and 1st rate cunt, so it got a
BIG cheer in the cinemas on this side of the pond.
"All animals are equal." - George Orwell, Animal Farm
>I'm gonna open me up a can of whupass, and take a big fuckin'
How about:
I'm fixin' to make your teeth look like old people's toe nails!
Philip L. Goldsmith 206-525-4068 Fax 206-822-6763
Senior Consultant 2299 Northeast 60th Street
Advanced Network Solutions, Inc. Seattle WA 98115 USA
********** Hardware and System Software Support ***********
>I'm gonna kick your ass so hard, you're gonna have to part your hair to
>take a shit.
Do you wanna leave an address with your body so I can mail it to your
In article <315742...@daka.com>, William Hayek <wha...@daka.com> wrote:
> SquareD wrote:
> >
> > >>>Have you got any cool lines?
> > >
> > >>>Henrik...@dk-online.dk
Is that like, Zero Devilin, the guy from Melting Euphoria, or Muffin
Spencer-Devilin, the golfer?
And I really don't get the reference to the moon shaped bucket light?
Or were you talking about a bucket of moon light? I don't think you
can put it in buckets you know.
(_|_ (sto...@desire.apana.org.au)
(__|)ormdragon (cougar.opennet.org.au 2000)
Michael A. Brown
>I'm gonna kick you so hard you'll be wearing your ass for a hat!
Get ready to meet your tapeworm.
> >I'm gonna kick you so hard you'll be wearing your ass for a hat!
One I just heard told to someone else:
I'm going to smack you so hard you'll get a ticket for speeding in the next
(that's got to be hard!)
Who cringes at the thought
>Is that like, Zero Devilin, the guy from Melting Euphoria, or Muffin
>Spencer-Devilin, the golfer?
Uh, I think its from Batman or something. Its "Devil in" not "Devilin"
|\__/| .~ ~.
/o=o'`./ .' Recipe for Beaver au vin:
{o__, \ { Ingredients:
/ . . ) \ 1 beaver (remove hair)
`-` '-' \ } 1 bottle of Boones Farm
.( _( )_.' Strawberry Hill
:. '---.~_ _ _| To prepare:
Get really drunk, eat the Beaver.
>Blink your eyes and you will die in the dark.
How 'bout:
------ Have you ever picked - up your teeth with broken fingers??
J.W -
That one is cool.
"I beat up people like you on the way to fights!"
_/_/_/_/ _/ _/ _/_/_/_/ ------------------------ Anthony N Evans
_/ _/ _/_/ _/ _/ ---------------------- a...@hopper.unh.edu
_/_/_/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/_/_/ --------------------- a...@sun4.iol.unh.edu
_/ _/ _/ _/_/ _/ --------------------- a...@bigred.sr.unh.edu
_/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/_/_/ --------------- http://pubpages.unh.edu/~ane
I'm agonna tear off yer head and shit down your windpipe.
Uncle Brian
>"I'll rip off your balls and shove them so far up your asshole they'll come
>out your mouth."
I'll knock your teeth so far down your throat that you'll have to
stick your toothbrush up your arse to clean them.
I'll push your dentures so far down your throat that you'll have to
use a Steradent tablet as a suppository in order to clean them.
I'm going to ream your arsehole with the rough end of a pineapple.
YOU are about to get a severe wire-brushing!
Jon Hartley
"I just thought you should know, I'm about to be arrested for assault
and battery" and then followup with "I guess asking you to drop the
charges is futile at this point"
>In article <4kfg80$f...@usenetw1.news.prodigy.com>,
> QEX...@prodigy.com (Paul Belleville) wrote:
>>I am going to open up a can of kickass with your name on it.
>> PAUL BELLEVILLE QEX...@prodigy.com
>..or.....i'm gonna open a can-o-whoopass an' feed it to ya...
You're gonna eat free at the ass-kick buffet!
I probably read this in this group but it was a while ago.
"If you blink you're gonna die in the dark"
Tim Villa Faculties of Economics & Commerce, Education and Law
Network/Systems officer The University of Western Australia
Phone: +61-9-380-1796 Fax: +61-9-380-1068
email: tvi...@uniwa.uwa.edu.au http://ecel-tim.ecel.uwa.edu.au/
I heard it as: Don't let your mouth write checks that your ass can't
cash. :)
Visage (Steven D. Cook) - vis...@primenet.com - Toledo, Ohio / United States
h t t p : / / w w w . p r i m e n e t . c o m / ~ v i s a g e
Co-Founder and lead gfx artist of VisionImage Entertainment
Here's one: "Son't let your alligator mouth overload your hummingbird
Do you like my boots?
Antti `Vb Email: kun...@cc.helsinki.fi dP'_ ___ I play Bass,
Kuntsi Vb World Wide Web: dP / `-' ( and still I , ,
alias Vb http://www.helsinki.fi/~kuntsi/ dP (( II ||||||||||||||[###]
Mickut Vb................................dP \_.-.__( can think. ' '
"I'll rip off your dick and shove it so far up your arse that
you'll be wanking it through your nose"
Interesting visuals come to mind with that one.
* http://www.bf.rmit.edu.au/~s9205250/ O O O O *
* Subspace:s920...@otto.bf.rmit.edu.au < < < < *
* "You are standing in an open field, west of a ^Ascii Abbey Road, 1969 *
* white house... there is a small mailbox here..." -Zork I- The G.U.E. *
How about:
Put your jacket on...it's cold in the gutter.
or, really shit one: do you like hospital food?