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Acer Aspire 5610 eNET Manager memory problem

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James Truelove

Jan 14, 2007, 7:42:17 AM1/14/07
Hi All
I have a new Acer Aspire 5610 laptop. The eNet Manager utility give an
Application Error when saving the profile settings although it works. I get
a cannot read memory location error. When I use the XP network software
everything seems ok. I downloaded the eNet utility again from the Acer
website and installed it again, but still get the error message. I am
reluctant to take the laptop back as it would be a lot of hassle when it
still seems to work ok. Any comments welcome!


Ashley Hurden

Apr 2, 2007, 9:31:34 AM4/2/07

"James Truelove" <> wrote in message

I have an Acer Travelmate 8204WLMI with exactly the same problem. I have
tried phoning the Help Line at Plymouth. Complete waste of time. They just
tell you to reload. Which I too have done , with no success.

Good luck - evidently a software problem



Ashley Hurden

Apr 3, 2007, 3:12:14 PM4/3/07

"James Truelove" <> wrote in message

I subsequently did some digging through the system logs and found one of the
logs via (XP Pro) - Control Panel - Adminstrative Tools - Component
Services - Event Viewer (Local) - System

which showed an Information Event , Source Application Popup, event no 26,
which when you click and follow the MS link shows the following (below)

This may help - I suggest we both throw it at Acer . It appears that the
setup is wrong and needs more permissions




Event Type: Information

Event Source: Application Popup

Event Category: None

Event ID: 26

Date: 03/04/2007

Time: 01:01:57

User: N/A



Application popup: Acer eNet Management.exe - Application Error : The
instruction at "0x73e68c30" referenced memory at "0x0413d3a8". The memory
could not be "read".

Click on OK to terminate the program

For more information, see Help and Support Center at


Windows Operating System


Application Popup


Symbolic Name:

Application popup: %1 : %2


The program could not load a driver because the program
user doesn't have sufficient privileges to access the driver or because the
drive is missing or corrupt.

User Action

To correct this problem:

a.. Ensure that the program user has sufficient
privileges to access the directory in which the driver is installed.
b.. Reinstall the program to restore the driver to the
correct location.
If these solutions do not work, contact Product Support


Symbolic Name:

Unable to Load Device Driver : device driver could not be


The program could not load a driver because the program
user doesn't have sufficient privileges to access the driver or because the
drive is missing or corrupt.

User Action

To correct this problem:

< is driver the which in directory access to privileges
sufficient has user program that>

a.. Reinstall the program to restore the driver to the
correct location.
If these solutions do not work, contact Product Support


Related Knowledge Base articles

You can find additional information on this topic in
the following Microsoft Knowledge Base articles:

. File Lock or Access Denied Error Message When You
Save Files Over the Network

When you try to save a file such as a Microsoft Excel
workbook that you opened by using a universal naming convention (UNC) path,
you may receive an error message that is similar to one of the following:
Cannot read file. File is locked Access...

. Error message and events are logged in the System
log when you try to compress a large file on an NTFS volume in Windows XP,
in Windows 2000, or in Windows Server 2003: "Delayed Write Failed"

Describes a problem where a large file may not
compress when you use NTFS compression in Windows XP, Windows 2000, or
Windows Server 2003.

. When you visit a Web page that uses a custom pop-up
object, Internet Explorer 6 closes unexpectedly

Resolves an error in the Mshtml.dll file that occurs
after you install security update 918899. If you are not severely affected
by this problem, we recommend that you wait for the next cumulative security
update for Internet Explorer.


James Truelove

Apr 3, 2007, 8:28:22 PM4/3/07
I get similar events (1517) Source: userenv
See below..... I doubt Acer will acknowledge it is their problem tho'
See below
Rgds James

Windows saved user ACER-FCAFBFA90D\James registry while an application or
service was still using the registry during log off. The memory used by the
user's registry has not been freed. The registry will be unloaded when it is
no longer in use.

This is often caused by services running as a user account, try configuring
the services to run in either the LocalService or NetworkService account.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at

Also (1524)

Windows cannot unload your classes registry file - it is still in use by
other applications or services. The file will be unloaded when it is no
longer in use.

Ernest Fowler

Apr 9, 2007, 8:09:13 PM4/9/07
Actually, it _IS_ a Microsoft problem in the user profile hive. I
downloaded and installed the fix (KB837115) and haven't had a problem since.
To get the fix, start here:

Sometimes Microsoft does not give you the complete lowdown on a problem and
the fix associated with it. This is one of those times.

Ernie in Kansas City, Kansas USA

"James Truelove" <> wrote in message

James Truelove

Apr 10, 2007, 5:41:06 AM4/10/07
Tried this fix - unfortunately it did not change anything!
Thanks tho'
"Ernest Fowler" <> wrote in message

Ashley Hurden

Apr 20, 2007, 4:00:13 PM4/20/07
Well, I agree with James
1) I have tried the fix that Ernest suggested and it has not failed to solve
on my 8204 ( I reported the same problem in an earlier post).

2) I have just purchased a 4233WLMi which also has eNet and it has EXACTLY
the same problem with a fresh load, no additional software added, just UK
configuration selected at initial power-up installation. I.E. it fails with
only supplied Acer and Microsoft software. I have to say that it really
shouldn't do that and I would expect Acer to have tested this.

How do we get Acer to load one of these two UK supplied machines with
factory defaults., I can't see how they wouldn't experience the same

Should Acer take note and ship a better installation routine or change the
eNet software?

Ashley Hurden

"Ernest Fowler" <> wrote in message

Ernest Fowler

Apr 22, 2007, 7:03:08 AM4/22/07
Ashley (and James):

Humor an old man (oops, you weren't supposed to know that) and check your
Application Event Viewer on the machine you installed the User Profile Hive
Clean tool on.

It should show events for UPHClean start and stop, and, just before the stop
event, one event with a event code and user assigned to it (I find sorting
by the Source column helpful for this part of things). The events with a
user assigned will report on what caused the hive to remain open. On my
machine it consistently reports Windows Defender (MsMpEng.exe) as a culprit
along with the Windows Power Options tool (wmiprvse.exe) and the Service
Host (svchost.exe) as close seconds.

If you don't see UPHClean in the event logs for Application Event Viewer,
then you did not install it properly. Check out the ReadMe.txt file that
came with the download for further details on the event codes, what they
mean, what to do if...

BTW, there is nothing Acer can do about a Microsoft screw-up. I first
noticed this one during the Windows NT days. At least one of Bill Boys came
up with a work around "fix" although it would be nice if it was installed
with Windows.

BTW (2) My desktop (a generic homebuilt) suffers the same fate and reports
the same primary culprit. Your's might be different but I just wanted you
to know it happens on almost all Windows machines.

Ernie in Kansas City, Kansas, USA

"Ashley Hurden" <> wrote in message

Ashley Hurden

Apr 22, 2007, 12:53:51 PM4/22/07
Thanks for your continued interest ( and tolerance .. speaking as one old
man to another !) . And for working weekends.

Yes I have the same problems appearing - I think.
I get :
The following handles in user profile hive BLACKACER\Ashley Hurden
(S-1-5-21-2094491515-4151034035-11181430-1012) have been remapped because
they were preventing the profile from unloading successfully:

svchost.exe (1204)

HKCU (0x34c)

wmiprvse.exe (1532)

HKCU\Control Panel\PowerCfg (0x21c)

For more information, see Help and Support Center at


I suppose that these are unavoidable? There is nothing in the link to help.

BTW My main point was that , if I was Acer, I'd be looking for opportunities
to avoid this sort of error, rather than have the Acer name denigrated by
the MS software.

Ashley Hurden
Oxford UK

"Ernest Fowler" <> wrote in message


Ernest Fowler

Apr 23, 2007, 1:27:24 PM4/23/07
Yes, you do have similar reports as mine in the sense of context.

Not knowing how computer literate you are, I am going to try to help you see
the "big picture" about what you (we) are dealing with here.

Programmers come in all shapes and sizes so far as knowledge, ability,
experience, ability, creativity, ability, skill (did I already mention
ability?), ability, and, oh, yes, ABILITY. One of the many things
programmers are SUPPOSED to do when closing their application is clean-up.
Clean-up covers a lot of things and often something is overlooked. That is
why we have Beta testing and bug reports and all those wonderful things us
users must deal with. It seems that SOME programmers do not concern
themselves with such trivial matters as releasing memory back to the system
when their program ends, or closing the registry, or releasing hive usage,
or any one of many things. Hence our problem with the registry hive.

With each new evolution of Windows the system register has grown in
complexity and size. Now it is so large it is divided into "Hives." In my
experience with my many customers (and you) using Windows since NT came out,
this problem (the open profile) has existed. Now that UPHClean is
available, I have normally seen it reporting, as culprits, add on programs.
Interestingly, the hive problems seem to be caused by Microsoft programmer
written applications. So, whenever I find the hive problem in my customers'
Events file, I install this tool to ensure they have fewer registry

So, what can you do? Nothing to do. The "work around" to the open user
profile issue is solved using the UPHC tool. It has closed the open files,
released the system resources and released the user profile so that the
registry can be closed prior to system shutdown or user logoff. Everything
else is provided For Your Information (i.e.: UPHClean actually worked).

As for Acer, they can no more control what a computer user will install on
their personal computer than you or I can. I imagine one of their tech
support types knows about this issue, but I wouldn't bet any money on it
;^). With all the problems we can lay at their feet, this is one I wouldn't
put there.

BTW, if you haven't downloaded UPHClean since 8 March 2007, your copy is old
and should be updated. Especially if you use Microsoft's Vista get the
updated copy. The ReadMe gives instructions on how to uninstall for those
who did not do so before installing Vista on their computer. If you don't
know if your copy is current, go to the program folder at Program
Files/UPHClean, right click on uphclean.exe and click on the Properties menu
item. In Properties click on the "Version" tab, then click on "File
Version" in the "Other version information" window. Under "Value:" you
should see "". Just Cancel to exit the Properties window.

Whew, guess I said a mouthful this time. Hope it helps.

Ernie of PC Enterprises
Kansas City, Kansas, USA

"Ashley Hurden" <> wrote in message

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