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OT--Super Tuesday

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Deborah M Riel

Mar 1, 2004, 10:35:24 AM3/1/04
Those of you in Super Tuesday states, be sure to get out and vote
tomorrow! You can make a difference, and make your voices heard.

Deb R.
(Kucinich--keep the Progressive message alive!)

Geri and sometimes Brian

Mar 1, 2004, 11:02:38 AM3/1/04
>Those of you in Super Tuesday states, be sure to get out and vote
>tomorrow! You can make a difference, and make your voices heard.

We plan to. 55 - No, 56 - No, 57 - No, 58 - Yes.

>(Kucinich--keep the Progressive message alive!)

That's pretty optimistic!


Deborah M Riel

Mar 1, 2004, 11:35:36 AM3/1/04
In article <>,

Geri and sometimes Brian <gple...@aol.commotion> wrote:

>>(Kucinich--keep the Progressive message alive!)
>That's pretty optimistic!

Just doing my part. Win or lose, each vote for Kucinich could mean
another progessive issue stays on the table. He's in it 'til the end,
and I'll be right there supporting him.

Deb R.

Vicki Robinson

Mar 1, 2004, 11:34:14 AM3/1/04
In a previous article, (Deborah M Riel) said:

>Just doing my part. Win or lose, each vote for Kucinich could mean
>another progessive issue stays on the table. He's in it 'til the end,
>and I'll be right there supporting him.

I have no objection to the Kucinich message, but I sure hope that,
once the Democrats pick their candidate, that Kucinich gets behind him
and throws his support to an electable candidate.

Gore lost by 4 electoral votes.

Just to think I used to worry about things like that.
Used to worry 'bout rich and skinny
'til I wound up poor and fat.
-Delbert McClinton

Deborah M Riel

Mar 1, 2004, 11:52:09 AM3/1/04
In article <c1vom6$btp$>,

Vicki Robinson <> wrote:
>In a previous article, (Deborah M Riel) said:
>>Just doing my part. Win or lose, each vote for Kucinich could mean
>>another progessive issue stays on the table. He's in it 'til the end,
>>and I'll be right there supporting him.
>I have no objection to the Kucinich message, but I sure hope that,
>once the Democrats pick their candidate, that Kucinich gets behind him
>and throws his support to an electable candidate.
>Gore lost by 4 electoral votes.

From the Kucinich website:

Dennis Will Support The Nominee.

Dennis is unalterably committed to supporting whoever emerges as the
Democratic nominee for president, and to working tirelessly this fall
to defeat George Bush. Dennis toiled arduously in 2000 to win Ohio for
Al Gore.

You can rest easy, and cast your vote in confidence...

Deb R.

Geri and sometimes Brian

Mar 1, 2004, 11:52:00 AM3/1/04
>but I sure hope that,
>once the Democrats pick their candidate,

They already have - a cadaver.



Mar 1, 2004, 8:35:04 PM3/1/04
>>Just doing my part. Win or lose, each vote for Kucinich could mean
>>another progessive issue stays on the table. He's in it 'til the end,
>>and I'll be right there supporting him.
>I have no objection to the Kucinich message, but I sure hope that,
>once the Democrats pick their candidate, that Kucinich gets behind him
>and throws his support to an electable candidate.
>Gore lost by 4 electoral votes.

And he's promised to do just that. The man campaigned damn hard in OH for Gore
in 2000.
"The old Tom didn't poison your fish either!"
-Carson Kressley, from Queer Eye


Mar 2, 2004, 8:20:54 AM3/2/04
>>Gore lost by 4 electoral votes.
>And he's promised to do just that. The man campaigned damn hard in OH for
>Gore in 2000.

I do hate this idea that Nader lost the election for Gore. People voted for
Nader because neither Gore nor Bush convinced them that they would represent
their interests. And I'm not feeling the "anybody but Bush" argument this
time. I'm glad Nader is running. I'm not sure that I can convince myself to
vote for Kerry because I disagree with his political platform a little less
than I do Bush's.


Geri and sometimes Brian

Mar 2, 2004, 9:38:52 AM3/2/04
>I'm not sure that I can convince myself to
>vote for Kerry because I disagree with his political platform a little less
>than I do Bush's.

Well, of course I am voting for President Bush, mostly for his foreign policy,
but I have noticed that Kerry changes his opinion about some issues depending
on the circumstance/audience. But then, so do they all, to an extent. I hate



Mar 2, 2004, 11:58:38 AM3/2/04
>I do hate this idea that Nader lost the election for Gore. People voted for
>Nader because neither Gore nor Bush convinced them that they would represent
>their interests.


>And I'm not feeling the "anybody but Bush" argument this
>time. I'm glad Nader is running. I'm not sure that I can convince myself to
>vote for Kerry because I disagree with his political platform a little less
>than I do Bush's.

I'll hold my nose and vote for Kerry or Edwards, but there needs to be some
change with in. Part of the way we make that change happen is by making our
voices heard in the party primaries and convention.

Deborah M Riel

Mar 2, 2004, 5:48:49 PM3/2/04
In article <>,
Melissa <laa...@aol.comspamzap> wrote:

>I'll hold my nose and vote for Kerry or Edwards

Even in the primary?

Say it's not so!

Deb R.


Mar 2, 2004, 7:11:30 PM3/2/04
>>I'll hold my nose and vote for Kerry or Edwards
>Even in the primary?
>Say it's not so!
>Deb R.

Oh good god no. Voted for Dennis of course. :)

Deborah M Riel

Mar 2, 2004, 11:09:26 PM3/2/04
In article <>,
Melissa <laa...@aol.comspamzap> wrote:

>Oh good god no. Voted for Dennis of course. :)

Oh, thank you for saying that!

Deb R.

Geri and sometimes Brian

Mar 2, 2004, 11:20:28 PM3/2/04
>>Oh good god no. Voted for Dennis of course. :)

>Oh, thank you for saying that!

It appears that while all of that might have been good for the soul, it will
ultimately be pointless. The Demos will have Lurch (Addams Family reference
for the youngsters present) for their candidate. Let the mudslinging begin.
It appears he will need to get his story straight, though.

"So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real, but
it’s not new. Since the end of the Persian Gulf War we’ve known this.”
(Sen. John Kerry, Remarks At Georgetown University, 1/23/03)

"I was very clear. Saddam Hussein could not be left to his own devices based on
everything we learned about him for seven and a half years while we were
inspecting in Iraq. People have forgotten that for seven and a half years, we
found weapons of mass destruction. We were destroying weapons of mass
destruction. We were, the United States of America, together with Ambassador
Butler, and the United Nations.” (Sen. John Kerry, CBS’ “Face The
Nation,” 9/14/03)



Mar 2, 2004, 11:44:23 PM3/2/04
>It appears that while all of that might have been good for the soul, it will
>ultimately be pointless.

I don't find trying to influence my party of choice with convention delegates
who will reflect my views to be a pointless choice.

>The Demos will have Lurch (Addams Family reference
>for the youngsters present) for their candidate. Let the mudslinging begin.
>It appears he will need to get his story straight, though.

But why should you care what Kerry says? Really, was there a chance in hell
you'd vote for a dem?

Geri and sometimes Brian

Mar 3, 2004, 1:05:56 AM3/3/04
>But why should you care what Kerry says? Really, was there a chance in hell
>you'd vote for a dem?

No, of course not! But for all practical purposes now that he is the candidate
against the president, so IMO, the time has come ("the walrus said") for the
amusement at watching the Demos go through the motions of picking a candidate
(since it was really decided several weeks ago) to be over and serious
campaigning to begin.


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