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KILLFILE Candidate "NoPe" (was: tall on tv)

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Fred Cherry

Aug 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM8/26/99

In Message-ID: <>
Subject: Re: KILLFILE Candidate "NoPe" (was: tall on tv)
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 19:45:52 -0700
Michelle Steiner <> wrote:

> In article <7phfq8$396$>, NoPe <>
> wrote:
> > >How many hours did it take you to think that up, boy?
> >
> > About 1 hlaf a second because of your childish words..
> If I had used adult words, you wouldn't have understood them.
> > >> Know you role and SHUT UP!!
> >
> > >Ooooh.. Rocky Maivia, you're not. Ladies and gentlmen, and children
> > >of all ages, dumbass-x brings to you its idiocy champion of the
> > >worrrrrrrrrrrld, NoPe.
> > >
> > >Boy, if you want to pretend to be someone in professional wrestling,
> > >pick someone like yourself: Jimmy Hart or Paul Bearer, you Dumbass
> > >wannabe.
> >
> >
> Ooooh, the little boy telling the adult woman to grow up. That's a
> laugh.
> > Who's pretending? Seems to me like you have a hang up of the WWF.
> Well, let's see now. You have a fake email address that's a catch
> phrase from the WWF, and you use another catch phrase from the WWF to
> try to insult me, so when I rub your rooty-poo ass in it, you tell me
> that I have a hang up of the WWF. You are a genuine nut case, boy.
> > Just blow it out you godzilla ass.
> > Your opinions don't amount to sh@t..
> Out of the mouths of children... Does your mother know that you are
> making a fool of yourself on the internet? Does your father care that
> you're still a baby? For that matter, does your mother know who your
> father is?

Do the people in this newsgroup ( know that you are not a
real woman, i.e.:, a transsexual? Do the people in this newsgroup know that
you run the newsgroup In other words, they do whatever you
tell them to do. Do the people in this newsgroup know that you are one of
the four principal homosexual Nazis on Usenet? The other three are: Joseph
Dunphy, "Apuleius", and Rod Swift. Do the people in this newsgroup know
that you are a staunch supporter of NAMBLA? NAMBLA is the acronym of the
North American Man/Boy Love Association, the largest and most influential
organization of child-molesters in the world. (Fred Cherry)

Grand Duke of Yugoslobia
Duke of Vulgaria
Grand Muff-Diver of Jerusalem
& Elector of Homophobia


Aug 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM8/26/99
These are pretty serious accusations, and IMHO don't belong in this newsgroup.


Aug 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM8/26/99

Fred Cherry <> wrote in message

> Do the people in this newsgroup ( know that you are not a
> real woman, i.e.:, a transsexual? Do the people in this newsgroup know
> you run the newsgroup In other words, they do whatever
> tell them to do. Do the people in this newsgroup know that you are one of
> the four principal homosexual Nazis on Usenet? The other three are: Joseph
> Dunphy, "Apuleius", and Rod Swift. Do the people in this newsgroup know
> that you are a staunch supporter of NAMBLA? NAMBLA is the acronym of the
> North American Man/Boy Love Association, the largest and most influential
> organization of child-molesters in the world.

Who are you? ($1)

Fred Cherry

Aug 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM8/27/99

In Message-ID: <>

Subject: Re: KILLFILE Candidate "NoPe" (was: tall on tv)
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 19:52:30 GMT
Diamondsoul <> wrote:

> These are pretty serious accusations, and IMHO don't belong in this
> newsgroup.

> > Do the people in this newsgroup ( know that you are

> > not a real woman, i.e.:, a transsexual? Do the people in this newsgroup
> > know that you run the newsgroup In other words, they
> > do whatever you tell them to do. Do the people in this newsgroup know
> > that you are one of the four principal homosexual Nazis on Usenet? The
> > other three are: Joseph Dunphy, "Apuleius", and Rod Swift. Do the
> > people in this newsgroup know that you are a staunch supporter of
> > NAMBLA? NAMBLA is the acronym of the North American Man/Boy Love
> > Association, the largest and most influential organization of child-

> > molesters in the world.
> >
> > (Fred Cherry)
> >
> > Grand Duke of Yugoslobia
> > Duke of Vulgaria
> > Grand Muff-Diver of Jerusalem
> > & Elector of Homophobia

I was under the impression that this newsgroup ( wan an
"anything goes" newsgroup, such as, for example, the newsgroup
alt.flame.fucking.faggots. Here is what gave me that impression. Michelle
Steiner insinuated that NoPe's mother didn't know who NoPe's father was.
Now that is really low. That is EXACTLY the kind of message you will see in
the newsgroup alt.flame.fucking.faggots.

Anyway, here is part of the basis for my accusations.


Newsgroups: soc.motss,alt.politics.homosexuality,soc.culture.jewish,
Path: world!john1
From: (Fred Cherry)
Messag -ID: <>
Date: Wed, 26 May 1999 21:15:46 GMT
References: <7huqvf$>
Organization: The World, Public Access Internet, Brookline, MA
Lines: 523
Status: RO

In Message-ID: <>
Date: Wed, 19 May 1999 11:00:00 -0700
Newsgroups: ba.motss
Michelle Steiner <> wrote:

> In article <7huqvf$>, John <>
> wrote:
> > This Jew is obsessed with NAMBLA for two reasons.
> No, Cherry Boy; you are obessed with NAMBLA for only one reason. You
> have an irrational hatered of homosexuals, and you try to present all
> homosexuals as pederasts to justify your hatred.

Listen, Nazi girl.

I have a RATIONAL hatred of homosexuals. Homosexuals are mostly evil

When did I ever try to present all homosexuals as pederasts? Seright-Payne
is a homosexual gentleman of rare integrity and courage. He dares to tell
the truth about NAMBLA. Here is what he said:


From: Eric Seright-Payne <>
Subject: Re: Is NAMBLA really all that wacky? was: Homo & Violets...
Date: Sat, 08 Mar 1997 15:24:13 -0800
Lines: 150
Messag -ID: <>
References: <> <>
<> <>
<> <>
<> <>
<> <5flo14$>
<> <>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.01Gold (Win95; I)

Tebster wrote:
> NAMBLA was not formed by those who wish to ignore or flaunt
> age-of-consent laws. Those who take that approach (and aren't
> imprisoned) either leave the country or are incredibly secretive.
> NAMBLA's not about escapism or conspiracy; we are changing our culture's
> perceptions and taboos about male intergenerational sexuality through
> open, public forum.

No, you're not. What you're doing through your ranting and raving, your
screaming, and making your desire to rape children publicly known is
painting all gay men with your brush, and giving the Christian
Coalition/Religious Right something to point to to say: "See! That's
what homosexuals want to do! Rape your sons! Seduce your children!"

So we gay men are bearing the brunt of pain and acrimony for a handful
of truly sick individuals who believe an "age of consent" violates their
right to have sex. You ask "Is NAMBLA really that wacky?"

No, it's not. The Three Stooges are wacky. Robin Williams is wacky.

NAMBLA is sick and twisted.
> Our call to abolish age-of-consent laws is the radical position here.
> But it is the only way we can draw your attention to the fact that
> everyone, including youth, are already protected by broader rape and
> assault statutes. By enforcing statutes that deny youth the right to
> verbally state, under oath, whether or not any sexual activity (not just
> with adults) was consensual on their part, the statement, "My boyfriend
> and I made love last night" coming from a satisfied 13 year old, in the
> eyes of the law, indicates a " felonious violent sexual offence" has
> been committed. Even tho many states would try that boy as adult were he
> to commit a crime with a similar punishment, he is powerless to stop
> authority from hauling his lover to prison.

Many states would try that boy as an adult? Only if he has a past
record, is a repeat offender, or if the crime is truly heinous... but
for a first offense? Almost no state would insist a minor child be tried
at majority age.

A 13 year old, in the first rushes of adolescence is very likely to
confuse the ability to get a hard on with the emotion of love,
especially if the person with whom they achieved that hard on is an
adult who is telling them "you enjoyed it; it must be love." It's a
manipulative ploy, again pointing directly to the sickness NAMBLA so
embodies. A 13 year old is going to be satisfied by shooting a load, be
it under self manipulation, with another 13 year old, or with an
inflatable love doll. The difference between those scenarios and one
which includes an adult majority male is that adult is manipulating a
child for the adult's own perverse needs.

> The concept of using age as the determinant of whether a minor can
> assume responsibility of who may touch him is absurd. Existing laws have
> been in place for decades, yet children are not being adequately
> protected from abuse, assault, and the systematic deprivation of their
> basic individual rights. Our culture's approach to "protecting" and
> nurturing youth is flawed and needs to be overhauled, and NAMBLA's call
> to start with restrictive criminal statues brings focus on the damage
> caused by our cultures poor, shame ridden, approach to youth. A bold
> statement is not necessary wacky when the conditions that proved is are
> absurd.

Let's see... this reads suspiciously as if you're attempting to say:
"laws to protect children from sexual deviants like myself are not going
to work because I'm not going to respect those laws, so may as well do
away with them... then I won't be branded a sicko."

> Nor is is wacky to work to empower and integrate youth into our culture
> as individuals rather than a sub-class of "non-contributing consumers",
> or as vassels of family units. We seem to be incapable of raising
> generations of secure, responsible adults. Not surprisingly, Americans
> have no experience with individual freedom or responsibility until they
> turn 18 years old. Perhaps each individual should be allowed to accept
> our covetted freedoms and responsibilities as soon as they feel ready,
> while they're still eager to understand the important relation between
> individual "freedom" and "responsibility". Alternatively, no one can
> honestly state that current restrictions on the individual freedoms of
> youth, including sexually restrictive age-of-consent laws, are at all
> working to produce generations of responsible adults. It ain't so.

Oh, what a crock... since most children aren't going to grow up to be a
"secure, responsible" adult, might as well allow an adult to take
advantage of them sexually?

> In Japan, the age-of-consent is 12 years old, with a few
> "non-exploitation" restrictions. In 1991, Holland legislated that
> intergenrational relations with a younger partner of 12 may not be
> prosecuted unless family members object and other non-exploitation
> (non-comercial, abuse of authority, etc.) restrictions. In 1995, Spain
> lowered its age-of-consent to 12 with similar non-exploitation
> restrictions. Pragmaticly, if such legislation had been enacted prior to
> 1978 in Boston Mass, NAMBLA's charter members would surely not been
> goaded into organizing. But thought of America following the lead of
> these far more civilized cultures rather than lobbying with them to
> "Americanize" their statutes is truly "Wacky". It is against such
> reactionary back-assward tyranny that NAMBLA carries the torch.

Uh huh. Sure. That's why NAMBLA was meeting, under an assumed name, in
the old San Francisco Library meeting room directly adjacent to the
children's reading room. Oh, conveniently, there was a boys rest room
separating the two areas. "Just want to protect children"??? It's you
from whom children need to be protected!

> If this line of reasoning scares you, personalize it. Ask your children
> how much "protection" from their own decisions they want. Do you expect
> your children to ask you for permission to have sex with someone else
> when they feel they're ready? They take their freedom eventually.
> Perhaps they shouldn't have to.

Children want "protection" from their own decisions daily! A child makes
a decision not to do their homework, yet don't want to come home from
school with that "C", "D" or "F" on their report card.

The want to make extra money from a newspaper route, but don't want to
be out there in the rain - the want Mom and Dad to drive them.

They want to play baseball in the street, but don't think they should be
forced to fix the car they scratched or the window they broke.

Children see the world as one big place to play, the neither want - nor
is it expected of them - to shoulder the responsibilites of day to day
life in that world, outside of being a kid. Responsibilites are slowly
added to their lives, so at some point, hopefully, between their 17th
and 22nd years, they're ready to confront daily life and live life on
life's terms.

A 13 year old child, to go back to your original analogy, is no more
ready to accept the responsibilities of sex with an adult - and all the
health consequences that go with it, than a caveman is to set foot on
the moon.

You, sir, are two things: sick, and obviously NOT a parent - but someone
who sees children as his own personal playthings.

I hope you get caught, get sent to the nastiest prison they can find,
and you have a big, black cellie named Bubba who wants to call you

Eric Seright-Payne
Livermore, CA


> > One reason is that NAMBLA is an organization that hates Jews.
> that's a lie, and you know it.

So, I've hit a sensitive spot, have I? You object to my criticism of
NAMBLA, do you? Please explain why you are so upset by my criticism of

Anyway, it IS the truth. Every time I post the following information, all
you homonazi NAMBLA supporters go ape.


The members of NAMBLA have all sorts of mind games and tricks that they use
to seduce young boys into homosexual activity. Here is some information
about NAMBLA.

There was an article in THE JERSEY JOURNAL (Newsstand Edition), dated
6/11/82, pages 1 and 29, describing their modus operandi. The story says
that members of NAMBLA went to local fast food stores and "cased" the
stores for potential victims. It goes on to say that: "None of the victims,
it was stressed by authorities, had any previous homosexual experience."
The article then goes on to say that the victims were boys ranging in age
from eight to fourteen and that they were all poor white boys with no
father in the home. Then the NAMBLA members went to the boys' homes and
convinced the boys' mothers that the NAMBLA members were a "big brother"
charitable organization and wanted to serve as surrogate fathers. They
first took the boys on fishing and camping trips and to movies. THEN after
softening up the boys in this manner, they brainwashed the boys into
engaging in homosexual activity.

In addition, NAMBLA is an organization which has a pathological hatred of
women. I say this on the basis of one of the items of literature that they
used to recommend. They used to hand out literature at the anual New York
City "Gay Pride" parade which included the book: THE ASBESTOS DIARY, as one
of the books on their recommended reading list. I will quote from a review
of this book which appeared in the homosexual magazine TANGENTS, dated

Consider, for example, the kind deed done to humanity by
the author ("Duke" to his friends) in the matter of the old
whore. After one of his old *inamorati* has been sent to the
hospital with "the two worse of the seven sociable diseases,
plus stricture and involvement of the prostate and bladder--
and potent penicillin which killed Mark....," Duke goes to
the boy's funeral and later, after having purchased two
small household items at Polter & Geist's Department Store,
visits the old whatever: "...I threw a sawbuck in her lap
saying it was hers in any case but to tell me the truth: Is
she free from disease? 'I'm clean as your mother, dearie!'
she lisped, sealing her doom, and soiling my gloved fist on
*impasto* complexion I clipped her on the jaw, lowered her
unconscious form to the bed and ripped off her clothes. Then
I unwrapped my purchases: a pound of powdered Plaster of
Paris and a pastry tube...mixed powder with water to smooth
batter, poured it into pastry-tube the nozzle of which I
shoved up that malodorous maladied twat where at least one
young explorer had been wrecked on his maiden-voyage -- and
*Avant-garde* frictional fiction has ever rung with praise
for the whore with the heart of gold. Now I give you
something new: the whore with the plaster vagina!" If that
act is not of "redeeming" importance, I'd like to see one
that is.
All in all, a highly entertaining book.

--Gary Taylor

In addition, NAMBLA is an organization which hates Jews. That information
comes from PENTHOUSE Magazine. In the January '85 issue of PENTHOUSE
Magazine, there is an article about child-molesters. In that article, there
is a quote from a NAMBLA publication as follows:

That the New York Press (even the left wing Guardian!) still
swallow Judi as a legit source proves their gullibility--and
their complicity in the ongoing witch-hunt. Judi's abuses have
time and time again been publicly documented. Yet, like the
proverbial bad penny, she keeps turning up. And like any other
brazen loud Jewish kvetch, she won't close that motor-mouth
filled with lies. Every time that fat trap opens, she
jeopardizes public safety.

Now, please don't misunderstand. As a Jew, I'm not complaining over the
fact that NAMBLA hates us, I'm bragging about it. We Jews must be doing
something right, in order for a bunch of creeps like that to hate us!


> > Most of us Jews are obsessed with anti-semitism.
> And a very few, like you, pull the "anti-semitism" card to justify your
> own ends, without regard to truth. The rest of us are more rational
> about it.

Well, here is an example of homonazism. Why were you so silent about it?
After all, you always flame me every time *I* post anything.


From: (Apuleius)
Subject: Re: Where does which Bible condem Homosexuality?
Date: Fri, 20 Oct 1995 21:05:02 GMT
Organization: -- Milwaukee, WI
Lines: 21
Distribution: inet
Messag -ID: <4692sj$>
References: <>
<43b5mn$> <43cq0u$>
<43ds9v$> <john1.811352709@earth>
<43nvgi$> <>
<john1.811691108@earth> <43tha8$>
<john1.811764612@earth <440rck$s...@NNTP.MsState.Edu>
<john1.811868380@earth> <44bts4$>

>The only parts of the Bible I accept are the Books of the Maccabees. This
>is NOT in the Kink James version of the Bible, but it is in the Douay
>(Roman Catholic) version of the Bible. These books describe how my Glorious
>Ancestors, the Maccabees fought and won a war against homosexual
>oppression. This material may also be found in "The Oxford Annotated Bible
>with the Apocrypha, Revised Standard Version", New York, Oxford University
>Press, 1965.

Pagans were quite tolerant of other religions. Those not acceptable
were usually ones having political overtones deemed dangerous to the

Judaism brought INTOLERANCE into Western Civilization.

What goes around, comes around.

There is a straight and narrow road running from Leviticus to


> > Why is it that the FAQ of soc.motts gives NAMBLA a free plug?
> The FAQ of soc.motts doesn't even mention NAMBLA. You're a liar, but
> then again, bigots like you are liars. The URL for the FAQ is at
> <>; check it out for
> yourself.

You are correct. It is not there NOW. But it had been there up to very
recently. It had been there in the exact same form since at least 1955
(C.E.). Look at this:


From: Stephanie Smith <>
Newsgroups: soc.motss
Subject: soc.motss FAQ (monthly posting)
Followup-To: poster
Date: 3 Oct 1995 00:08:51 GMT
Organization: Cabal Noir: Affirmative Action Division
Lines: 1582
Distribution: world
Expires: Wed, 1 Nov 1995 12:00:00 PST
Messag -ID: <44puuj$>
Reply-To: soc.motss FAQ comments <>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Summary: This posting contains a list of Frequently Asked Questions (and
their answers) about the community of soc.motss.
X-Newsreader: Nuntius 2.0.4_PPC
X-XXMessage-ID: <>
X-XXDate: Sun, 1 Oct 1995 00:49:30 GMT

Archive-name: motss/faq
Posting-Frequency: monthly (first day)
Version: 2.7-TEXT

Motss FAQ V2.7-TEXT
(last updated: October 1, 1995)

[hundreds of lines of text deleted]

5.4.4 What is NAMBLA?
The North American Man-Boy Love Association "support[s] men and boys
in consensual relationships with one another and help[s] educate society
about the nature of such relationships," according to a posting by one
of its members. For info: XXXXXX Info, XXXX XX, P.O.Box XXX, XXXXXXX
XXXXXXX, XXX XX XXXXX, or email Discussion of NAMBLA's
goals via postings to soc.motss and in the LGBO* community often stirs
sharp controversy. More information is available on the XXX.


You notice that I Xed out all the information which would enable newbie
fags to contact NAMBLA.

I believe it was because of my constantly mentioning that the soc.motts FAQ
gives a free plug to NAMBLA, that this free plug was removed from the FAQ.
You would thank me for this if you were truly an enemy of NAMBLA.

Now, if you want to discuss who is and who isn't a liar, don't forget the
fact that I filed a complaint involving the Communications Decency Act of
1996. There was this homonazi NAMBLA supporter from Australia, namely Rod
Swift. Every time I flamed NAMBLA, Swift would flame me, using indecent
language. Because he is an Australian citizen, posting from Australia, he
was allowed to use indecent language to flame me, but I would not have been
allowed to even quote his indecent language. So I filed a complaint
challenging the constitutionality of that law. The American Civil Liberties
Union, as you well know, filed the complaint in that case which was
eventually ruled upon by the Supreme Court. In MY complaint I copied the
exact language of the American Civil liberties Union complaint. So, now one
of you faggots accuses me of legalizing sending porn to children. Look at


From: (Allen James)
Newsgroups: alt.flame.fucking.faggots
Subject: Fred "Kiddie-Porn" Cherry
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1999 20:52:13 -0500
Organization: Handsome Bastard Ltd.
Lines: 35
Messag -ID: <>
X-Newsreader: MT-NewsWatcher 2.4
Xref: alt.flame.fucking.faggots:5126


Fred Cherry, :
PLAINTIFF, : 96_Civ.______
-v- :
JANET RENO, in her official capacity as :

1. This is an action for declaratory and injunctive relief
challenging provisions of the "Communications Decency Act of 1996"
(the challenged provisions are referred to hereinafter as "the
Act"). One provision imposes criminal penalties for "indecent" but
constitutionally protected telecommunications to individuals under
the age of 18; another criminalizes the use of any "interactive
computer service" to "send" or "display in a manner available" to
a person under 18 any communication that "depicts or describes, in
terms patently offensive as measured by contemporary community
standards, sexual or excretory activities or organs." The
plaintiff, a user of computer communication systems, asserts that
the Act is unconstitutional on its face and as applied because it
criminalizes expression that is protected by the First Amendment;


In other words, O Fans Of Fred Cherry, he SUED the Government because they
made child pornography on the Internet ILLEGAL.

Jeez, what a lowlife you are, Fred.


> > Don't
> > forget all the altar boys who are molested by homosexual Roman Catholic
> > priests. The Roman Catholic Church is so influential that it is very
> > rare for any of these homosexual Roman Catholic priests to be
> > criminally prosecuted for their depredations.
> For someone who cries "Anti-Semitism" at the drop of a hat, you
> shoudn't be quite so fast to express your own religious bigotry.

So now you are defending the Roman-Catholic Church, are you? I thought all
of you fags and dykes were down on the Roman-Catholic Church. Didn't you
ever hear of the Pope's Encyclical "Veritatis Splendor"? The pope calls
faggotry and dykery "An objective disorder."

Aren't you aware of the differences between the Roman-Catholic (Douay)
version of the Christian Bible and the Kink James version of the Christian
Bible? Kink James, as is well-known, was a fag. The people who prepared the
Kink James version of the Christian Bible catered to Kink James'
prejudices. The Kink James version of the Christian Bible says: "Thou shalt
not suffer a witch to live." But the Roman-Catholic version of the
Christian Bible says: "Thou shalt not suffer a wizard to live." Now, look
up the definition of "wizard in the Oxford English Dictionary and one
definition of "wizard" is a male witch. But, even more important, The
Roman-Catholic version of the Christian Bible contains the Books of the
Maccabees, while the Kink James version does not. The books of the
Maccabees describe how My Glorious Ancestors, the Maccabees, fought and won
a revolution against homosexual oppression. See, for example, Howard Fast's
historical novel titled: "My Glorious Brothers."

> Fred Phelps and Fred Cherry: The two biggest homophobic nutcase liars
> in the world.

I have seen Phelps' website where he has a picture of himself with a picket
sign reading "Thank God for AIDS." In commenting on this website. I posted:
"Does he thank his god that bisexual men are engaging in anal intercourse,
catching AIDS, and then bringing this horrible disease home to their
unsuspecting wives?"

Not bad, eh? In one sentence I managed to put down both Phelps and faggots.

Fred Cherry

Aug 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM8/27/99
to (Jim) writes:

>>In Message-ID: <>
>>Subject: Re: KILLFILE Candidate "NoPe" (was: tall on tv)
>>Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 19:52:30 GMT
>>Diamondsoul <> wrote:

><the worlds longest post deleted, freeing up about 500MB of disk space>

My post is far from any record. A few years ago Roy Radow, former head of
the "Steering Committee" of NAMBLA, posted a message 978 lines in length.

>Hey, how 'bout those Mets?

Hey, how 'bout those Nazi Fags? They're doing better than the Mets.

Fred Cherry

Aug 28, 1999, 3:00:00 AM8/28/99

In Message-ID: <7q4l5b$hdq$>

Subject: Re: KILLFILE Candidate "NoPe" (was: tall on tv)
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 00:12:37 GMT wrote:

> In article <>,

> Diamondsoul <> wrote:
> > These are pretty serious accusations, and IMHO don't belong in this
> > newsgroup.
> >

> Ignore this clown, he's a well known netloon. I did a Metacrawler search
> under Dunphy and "Fred Cherry" which turned up the url
> which led me to the url
> You've got to see this to believe this. It's all documented with links.
> Cherry isn't just a loon, he's the King of the Loons. If you do a search
> under his name in Dejanews, you'll see just how well known his majesty
> is online.
> Agreed, this kind of accusation doesn't belong around here, but don't
> sweat it. Who's going to take this man seriously ?

Below is a recent post by your bosom buddy Dunphy. Dunphy stands revealed,
by his own words, as the most vicious of Nazis. He claims that his post was
a response to a post of mine. That is a typical Nazi lie. The truth is that
after an absence of more than a year, Dunphy just popped up out of nowhere.

If you really take this Nazi nutcase Dunphy seriously, then you are almost
as much a loon as he is.


From: (Joseph Dunphy)
Subject: Re: Dr.Laura Bashes NAMBLA and Fags
Newsgroups: alt.politics.white-power,alt.politics.homosexuality,
Followup-To: alt.fetish.jell-o
References: <>
<x5Dr3.1325$> <>
Organization: The Halls of Eternal Disbelief
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
Lines: 207
Messag-ID: <xllv3.42$>
Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1999 23:16:45 GMT
X-Trace: 935191005
(Fri, 20 Aug 1999 18:16:45 CDT)
NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1999 18:16:45 CDT
Status: RO

Of course, Fred, my post ended up in alt.politics.white-power, because it
was a followup to a post of yours in alt.politics.white-power, but you
never let a little thing like the facts get in your way before, so
why should you start now ?

For those who haven't seen them,

tells Fred's story, and is documented with links to documents held at
the sites of impartial third parties. Check it out.

Oh, and here is what Fred thinks is support for NAMBLA.

One might think that when Fred sees something entitled "NAMBLA : Evil
Incarnate", he might guess that it isn't favorable to NAMBLA. But that's
just part of the magic that is Fred.

As for the comments, try going for three days without sleep, because a few
thousand yahoos are mailbombing you, phoning your home, threatening your
family, having their friends visit and pound on your doors at late hours
... all because you didn't trim a followup ... and let's see how rational
you are, at that point. People sometimes forget just how over the top the
fanaticism online used to get, a few years back, and just how easy it was
to assemble a mob, in a place where everyone is but 10 minutes travel time
by e-mail, at the most.

Sad but true. In real life, it .1% of the people you meet want to give you
a hard time, that's only a handful of people from the lunatic fringe,
and you can shrug it off. If .1% of the people on Usenet do so ... the
last I heard, the population had bounced from 14 million, to well past
100 million. That's like having the population of Portland, Oregon
deciding to bother you en masse. Not fun. Which is why I got an unlisted
number, which went so well with the trap the Naperville police had to put
on my parent's phone, in order to get the calls to stop.

It'd be a good thing to mention on the site, I suppose.

Fred, you're a freak. Go away, and get a life, while you still have time.
At 70, that might not be for much longer.

Followups have been directed to a group worthy of Fred's intellectual

Fred Cherry ( wrote:

: From: (Joseph Dunphy)
: Subject: Re: Dr.Laura Bashes NAMBLA and Fags
: Newsgroups: alt.politics.white-power
: References: <>
: Organization: The Halls of Eternal Disbelief
: X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
: Lines: 60
: Message-ID: <x5Dr3.1325$>
: Date: Mon, 09 Aug 1999 16:12:13 GMT
: NNTP-Posting-Host:
: NNTP-Posting-Date: Mon, 09 Aug 1999 11:12:13 CDT

: > Ah, Fred. I knew those rumors of your death had to be exaggerated.
: > I've got a pair of urls for you ...
: >
: >
: >
: > for the Fred Cherry Story. It's about you, Fred. There's a lot more to
: > put up, but what's up, already, is pretty darn interesting, and
: > documented.

: It's documented all right. documented with your fantasies.

: I see you're posting from alt.politics.white-power. That's the right place
: for a homonazi like you to hang out. Here is a previous example of your
: homonazism.

: -----------------------------snip-----------------------------------

: From: st...@MCS.COM (Joseph B. Dunphy)
: Newsgroups: alt.censorship,alt.homosexual,alt.politics.homosexuality,
: soc.culture.israel,soc.culture.african.american,
: Subject: Re: NAMBLA Needs Psychiatric Help
: Date: 8 Oct 1995 23:02:37 -0500
: Organization: MCSNet Services
: Lines: 67
: Distribution: inet
: Messag -ID: <45a6st$>
: References: <> <446v85$s...@darkstar.UCSC.EDU>
: <> <449fh8$>
: <john1.813082240@earth> <456ie9$>
: <456rsl$> <457to0$>
: <457uce$> <459uka$>
: NNTP-Posting-Host:
: X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2 (KSD)]

: Oh, by the way, I will discarding further e-mail replies to anything
: on this thread without reading them first, so if you bother sending
: any, the time you spent writing them, and - oh, let me see if I can
: say this without breaking down in laughter - thinking them up, will
: be totally wasted.

: The response which I've gotten has been utterly brain dead.
: The previous post, being addressed to the memberships of the groups in
: which it appeared, in response to comments received from them, clearly
: belonged in them. All that I received in return was a series of knee
: jerk replies. Form letters about inappropriate posts, that didn't
: apply to the current situation.

: Get this straight. An assinine comment, repeated by multiple writers,
: remains assinine. The only "discussion" I've gotten has been a
: string of such comments from people who plainly didn't even bother
: to read what they were responding to.

: Well, I am not about to let myself be browbeaten into going along
: with anything, not even something that I initially agreed with. Like
: I said, Fuck you. If that's how you want it, fine. I'm going to
: join in on Mr. Cherry's little spamming effort, even though I was
: initially, and openly opposed to it, just to teach you assholes a few
: manners. I ask the people on this thread to do you want, and you're
: going to mailbomb me for having done so ? Fuck you ! I'm not going to
: take this shit out of you or anyone else. And if you send me some
: bullshit pile of mail, you'd better fucking believe that I'm going to
: fell free to talk about it here, you little jagoffs ! What, you can
: drop crap in my box, but I need your permission to talk about that fact
: in public ? Fuck you !

: Congratulations. You've turned an ally into an enemy. I'm now going to
: spam your worthless little groups just to spite you. I wasn't going to
: before. But the response to that last post where I explained my reasons for
: phrasing the group narrowing request as I did, after one of you had the
: chutzpah to complain about the fashion in which I did you schmucks a favor,
: was the last straw.

: If you didn't like that post, where I invited the other posters on this
: thread to take it out of your group, why the hell didn't one of you see
: fit to make the effort yourself ? What, you're just going to sit there,
: complain, do nothing, and then take potshots at whoever does do something ?

: What the fuck is wrong with you people ?

: Joseph B. Dunphy

: PS. I hope that Saddam Hussein blows the crap out of Tel Aviv, and clobbers
: Jerusalem badly enough that noone can be sure which pieces of rubble left
: over used to be part of the wailing wall. I hope that your wives and
: daughters are raped as the Syrian, Egyptian, and Jordanian armies
: close in for the kill, and wipe your shitty little country off the map
: forever. May the tattered, bleeding remnants of your population flee
: into the ocean, watching their cities vanish beneath the nuclear bonfires
: that will light up the skies on your nation's last night. May they
: toss from wave to wave, on their fragile little boats, praying to a god
: who doesn't hear them that a storm won't come, or that they've be
: able to find a friendly shore to put in on, before the last drop of
: moisture in them is lost to the heat, and the burning sun.

: In other words, I'm not happy with you right now. Go away.

: ------------------------------------snip-----------------------------

: You are one of the four principle homonazis on Usenet. The other three are:
: Rod Swift, "Apuleius", and Michelle Steiner.

: > Oh, and here's an example of what Fred though was "support for NAMBLA".
: > It's entitled "NAMBLA : Evil Incarnate". Maybe the title is too subtle
: > for you ?
: >
: >
: >
: > Later, Freddie. By the way, I hear you still think I'm gay. Much as I
: > hate to crush your fantasies, I still like girls, and some of them like
: > me back, without having to be paid to do so (as it seems they had to be,
: > in your case, back when you could still get it up). But keep the faith,
: > old guy, I'm sure the boy of your dreams is right around the corner.

: Yeah! You and that bull-dyke lesbian Andrea Dworkin both claim to be
: normal. See The New York Times dated 8/26/85, page B7. But in chapter 7 of
: Dworkin's book: "OUR BLOOD", Dworkin proclaims that she is a lezzie.

: You are the kook who claims he was once an Orthodox Jew. Well, there is a
: kook just like you who posts to soc.culture.jewish. He calls himself
: tekhelet. He has proclaimed himself to be "King and Moshiach" (Messiah).

: And so, in conclusion I say unto you, in the immortal words of Gene Ward
: Smith:

: "Fuck your ass with broken glass!"

: (Copyright 1995 by Gene Ward Smith)

: (Fred Cherry)

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