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Re: Another "short man experience" today.

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C Bump

Sep 13, 2007, 8:35:00 PM9/13/07
get a smaller car dude ... that will at least ease those situations a
little more

"Winston" <> wrote in message
>I pulled into the bank parking lot today, and there were 2 women at
> the ATM near the entrance. One was using the ATM, and the other one
> was apparently her friend. As I parked my car, the friend turned to
> face me, and started giving me "the eye". She was smiling at me, and
> slowly sidling closer to the doorway so that I would pass her on my
> way in. I wondered "what the hell is she looking at me for?", and then
> I realized it- I was driving a Jeep Wrangler, which is pretty high off
> the ground. "Damn, she probably thinks I'm tall", I thought. I tried
> to stall for a moment, hoping they would leave. No such luck. I opened
> the door and eased myself down to the pavement, and the lady gaped at
> me in shock. Then she started laughing, and quickly turned and walked
> back over to her friend at the ATM.
> Yep, just another day in the life of a short man.


Sep 13, 2007, 10:58:00 PM9/13/07
On Fri 14 Sep 2007 01:02:00a ... Winston <> wrote in

> I pulled into the bank parking lot today, and there were 2 women at
> the ATM near the entrance. One was using the ATM, and the other one
> was apparently her friend. As I parked my car, the friend turned to
> face me, and started giving me "the eye". She was smiling at me, and
> slowly sidling closer to the doorway so that I would pass her on my
> way in. I wondered "what the hell is she looking at me for?", and then
> I realized it- I was driving a Jeep Wrangler, which is pretty high off
> the ground. "Damn, she probably thinks I'm tall", I thought. I tried
> to stall for a moment, hoping they would leave. No such luck. I opened
> the door and eased myself down to the pavement, and the lady gaped at
> me in shock. Then she started laughing, and quickly turned and walked
> back over to her friend at the ATM.
> Yep, just another day in the life of a short man.

Dude - what are you driving something like that for in the first place?
Have you not come across the concept of global warming yet?

Seriously though, get out of a car you step up from. I drive a small
diesel, which gives about 60 mpg, when not taking a rare blast in the
sports car.

Not having a small dick complex, I don't need to drive anything which
isn't either (a) practical or (b) gives a decent G-force rush. You can
get (b) from motorbikes too, which also give very good mpg as a rule.

So... what's with the Jeep? Does your job require a lot of off-road


Sep 14, 2007, 6:49:13 AM9/14/07
On Thu, 13 Sep 2007 20:35:00 -0400, "C Bump" <>

>get a smaller car dude ... that will at least ease those situations a
>little more

Why? Maybe he likes the Jeep. Why should he have to change like that
to avoid this kind of situation?

Yeah. It's wrong. Damn I am sorry it happened.

Myself, I would have walked up like I was going to do ATM Business and
confronted them in some sort of manner like "Don't worrk honey, I am
too short to see your pin number" or "Bet you expected Robert Redford

I would have done anything in my power to make them as uncomfortable
as I could. I mean Eye for an Eye right? And if I had gotten the
chance I might have made it even more direct to drive the point home.

Whenever I sense that sort of thing I confront it directly. What the
hell. I am NOT about, I absolutly REFUSE to let some petty
airhead take away my self dignity and pride damnit! Not without
exacting a measure of their discomfort in return.

Sep 14, 2007, 6:52:24 AM9/14/07

Please tell me you are not generalizing those that drive large
vehicles as compensating for some perceived lack of masculinity?

Moreover I pray you are not using a direct assuly on masculinity to
further a personal agenda.

Ooops. Forgot to read the sig. My Bay. I understand now.


Sep 14, 2007, 2:48:38 PM9/14/07
stop ragging on the dude about the car, its nothing to do with that. the
situation might well have cropped up as it does sometimes if you
substitute the jeep wrangler for being sat down at a table etc then you
stand up, with all the described gawping and surprise from the
just reading that i can so relate to it. esp the part about waiting for
them to go away so that he wouldnt have to expose his stature to them.
shit. always gives you such a stone cold glimpse into how women react
differently when they're not aware of your height, and what ur missing out


Sep 14, 2007, 11:20:12 PM9/14/07

"C Bump" <> wrote in message

> get a smaller car dude ... that will at least ease those situations a
> little more

Yes, get one of those cars the midget clowns use in the circus. Then you'll
look really big when you get out :o)


Sep 14, 2007, 11:25:22 PM9/14/07

"james" <> wrote in message

> On Fri 14 Sep 2007 01:02:00a ... Winston <> wrote in
>> I pulled into the bank parking lot today, and there were 2 women at
>> the ATM near the entrance. One was using the ATM, and the other one
>> was apparently her friend. As I parked my car, the friend turned to
>> face me, and started giving me "the eye". She was smiling at me, and
>> slowly sidling closer to the doorway so that I would pass her on my
>> way in. I wondered "what the hell is she looking at me for?", and then
>> I realized it- I was driving a Jeep Wrangler, which is pretty high off
>> the ground. "Damn, she probably thinks I'm tall", I thought. I tried
>> to stall for a moment, hoping they would leave. No such luck. I opened
>> the door and eased myself down to the pavement, and the lady gaped at
>> me in shock. Then she started laughing, and quickly turned and walked
>> back over to her friend at the ATM.
>> Yep, just another day in the life of a short man.
> Dude - what are you driving something like that for in the first place?
> Have you not come across the concept of global warming yet?

Only retards believe that stuff.

> Seriously though, get out of a car you step up from. I drive a small
> diesel, which gives about 60 mpg, when not taking a rare blast in the
> sports car.
> Not having a small dick complex, I don't need to drive anything which

Why don't you just admit you're too poor for a real car?

> isn't either (a) practical or (b) gives a decent G-force rush. You can
> get (b) from motorbikes too, which also give very good mpg as a rule.

Yes, try a tricycle, great mileage.


Sep 14, 2007, 11:42:49 PM9/14/07

"boomshakk" <boomshakk@protected> wrote in message

Not just height pal although that probably ranks as #1 if you're really
short. Females just subconsciously reject any man under 5'6" or so. Females
will rarely reject a well off man even if he's sort of fat, ugly or a bit
old. But they will reject a short wealthy man 9 times out of 10. So even
wealth won't help a short man as it would an old fat man.


C Bump

Sep 15, 2007, 7:22:20 AM9/15/07

AHHH so the scumbag reappears.... wasn't necessary for you to say such a
rude ass statement... I double dare you to ever say that shit to my face..
you'd be way to chicken for that wouldn't you Avenger ( AKA Chicken )

"Avenger" <> wrote in message


Sep 15, 2007, 8:18:57 AM9/15/07

"C Bump" <> wrote in message

> AHHH so the scumbag reappears.... wasn't necessary for you to say such a
> rude ass statement... I double dare you to ever say that shit to my
> face.. you'd be way to chicken for that wouldn't you Avenger ( AKA
> Chicken )

Ok ok Gump don't get yourself all hot and bothered little man. When my 5'10"
hot model gf read that she was rolling on the floor laughing so hard that
she wet her pants lol She said she could imagine you making those threats
in one of those high falsetto Munchkin voices and strutting around like one
of those little bantam roosters. She thinks you shrimps are all fools and
are hypersensitive and imagine you're getting rejected if some hot girl
doesn't kiss your arse. There are plenty of hot girls who will shag you but
you never give them a chance. Here's one who is not exactly a beauty but I'm
sure most short guys would be ecstatic to fuck.


Sep 15, 2007, 10:14:00 AM9/15/07

yeh well im sort of on the extreme end of the shortarse spectrum totalling
just over 5'2. for me, shit, i'd be happy with one quality woman, i dont
feel the need to stick it in like 20,000 women to feel good. but i'd even
settle for having no women (well im settling for that now anyways) if it
meant i could live without the vague nebulous feeling of being such a
decrepit walking joke. so your model g/f, who for the sake of argument
lets just assume isn't fictitious, ask her what she thinks of a guy in my
situation. am i whingeing because i think hot women dont kiss my ass? go
on ask her how pissed off she thinks im entitled to be.

C Bump

Sep 15, 2007, 11:47:01 AM9/15/07
Are we supposed to actually believe that you have a 5'10" hot model
girlfriend HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA That is so pathetic of you !!! LMFAO
HAHAHAH!!! Sorry pal.. I'm actually in tears laughing at the thought of
you thinking we believe you HAHAHAHAH ..... dream on

"Avenger" <> wrote in message



Sep 15, 2007, 7:30:32 PM9/15/07

"C Bump" <> wrote in message

> Are we supposed to actually believe that you have a 5'10" hot model
> girlfriend HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA That is so pathetic of you !!! LMFAO
> HAHAHAH!!! Sorry pal.. I'm actually in tears laughing at the thought of
> you thinking we believe you HAHAHAHAH ..... dream on

She says you're just a little pusillanimous pipsqueak who is jealous of
normal sized men.


Sep 15, 2007, 7:50:05 PM9/15/07
On Fri 14 Sep 2007 11:52:24a ... wrote in

I've seen little evidence to suggest otherwise. As a medium height guy
of 5'8", what sort of vehicle do you drive?

> Moreover I pray you are not using a direct assuly on masculinity to
> further a personal agenda.
> Ooops. Forgot to read the sig. My Bay. I understand now.

Your "Bay"? What sig? And what's my "personal agenda" as you see it -
trying to promote an inhabitable planet after my lifetime, perhaps? Son
of a bitch that I am, I admit it. That is my "personal agenda". Would
you call this neurosis, or delinquency?

And what's your agenda, old chum? You're probably still hoping that
I'll become suicidally depressed, given you're such a _good_ fellow.


Sep 15, 2007, 7:58:25 PM9/15/07

"boomshakk" <boomshakk@protected> wrote in message

> yeh well im sort of on the extreme end of the shortarse spectrum totalling
> just over 5'2. for me, shit, i'd be happy with one quality woman,

You need height and $$$ to get a quality female :o)

i dont
> feel the need to stick it in like 20,000 women to feel good. but i'd even
> settle for having no women (well im settling for that now anyways)

You have no choice in the matter lol

if it
> meant i could live without the vague nebulous feeling of being such a
> decrepit walking joke. so your model g/f, who for the sake of argument
> lets just assume isn't fictitious, ask her what she thinks of a guy in my
> situation. am i whingeing because i think hot women dont kiss my ass? go
> on ask her how pissed off she thinks im entitled to be.

She says you should kill yourself because in your life you won't even get
one of these haha

She also says you should hire a Ho to shag. A small short young one so you
don't feel too inferior.

Message has been deleted

C Bump

Sep 15, 2007, 8:51:33 PM9/15/07

"Avenger" <> wrote in message

> "C Bump" <> wrote in message
> news:N7TGi.297$zE6...@newsfe12.lga...
>> Are we supposed to actually believe that you have a 5'10" hot model
>> girlfriend HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA That is so pathetic of you !!! LMFAO
>> HAHAHAH!!! Sorry pal.. I'm actually in tears laughing at the thought of
>> you thinking we believe you HAHAHAHAH ..... dream on
> She says you're just a little pusillanimous pipsqueak who is jealous of
> normal sized men.

HAHAH I am sure she really exists in your mind HAHAHAHA... look at the
way you talk dude... pusillanimous pipsqueak ? ? Who talks like that ?
? LOL, You sound like Dr. Smith from Lost in Space..... HAHAHAHAH


Sep 15, 2007, 11:18:59 PM9/15/07

"pandora" <> wrote in message
> Awwwww, you poor wee thing.

This hag Pandora insulted a man just because he was short. Bitches like
this should get down on their knees and suck the cocks of every man because
it is the men who defend the country and have invented everything to make
life easier for females.

> :-)


Sep 16, 2007, 9:10:27 AM9/16/07
>even settle for having no women (well im settling for that now anyways)

You have no choice in the matter lol

yes, that is rather what i was getting at. so she said i should kill
myself? so she acknowledges that im entitled to feel shit then, and am not
making excuses.
the whore thing...mmm...i dont think i could but give it a few more years
of singledom.

Sep 16, 2007, 12:36:52 PM9/16/07

I drive a 4 cylinder Saturn 2 door that gets 35 to the gallon. I do
not look at my vehicle as an extension of anything beyond my need to
move from point A to point B. It's not my entertainment center nor my
personal music studio. However, I do not condemn those that want to
make their vehicle more than just personal transportation.

And I certainly do not take at face value the claims of a few at fact
and gospel. Global warming is not a theory. It is a fact. However, the
reasons for it are not proved at this point. Shifts in the planets
climate have been documented and verified to points before man had the
ability to burn fossil fuels in a useful manner.

If driving a car of any sort makes you feel you are accomplishing your
goals in life then good for you. Just do not impose that value on
others. Likewise, do not condemn others for not living their lives as
you think they should. That is just patently wrong.

And by the way, you sarcasism belies your disdane for anybody that
does not see eye to eye with you. At least that's the way statements

"Not having a small dick complex, I don't need to drive anything which
isn't either (a) practical or (b) gives a decent G-force rush. You
can get (b) from motorbikes too, which also give very good mpg as a

make you sound.

>> Moreover I pray you are not using a direct assuly on masculinity to
>> further a personal agenda.
>> Ooops. Forgot to read the sig. My Bay. I understand now.
>Your "Bay"? What sig? And what's my "personal agenda" as you see it -
>trying to promote an inhabitable planet after my lifetime, perhaps? Son
>of a bitch that I am, I admit it. That is my "personal agenda". Would
>you call this neurosis, or delinquency?
>And what's your agenda, old chum? You're probably still hoping that
>I'll become suicidally depressed, given you're such a _good_ fellow.

Ya Ya Ya. So I typo. Big Woop.

Your personal agenda is and always has been to belittle and berate
anybody that does not see through your eyes and live to your

My agenda.... Well, hope does spring eternal. But I won't hold my
breath. You are obviously far too fond of the lofty perch you have
placed yourself upon to ever want to leave it voluntarily.

Message has been deleted


Sep 16, 2007, 3:52:03 PM9/16/07
On Sep 15, 8:18 pm, "Avenger" <> wrote:
> "pandora" <> wrote in message

Anyone using the name Pandora-anything should be kept in a box the
rest of the time. Bitches like to glory in their own malevolence.

> > :-)


Sep 17, 2007, 3:51:11 PM9/17/07

It may be. But it is not caused by man and if it is happening it's very
gradual. I guess some people would prefer another ice age where the growing
season in Europe was 60 days ( you can grow cabbage lol)
btw, the temperatures measured at the equator haven't changed.

However, the
> reasons for it are not proved at this point. Shifts in the planets
> climate have been documented and verified to points before man had the
> ability to burn fossil fuels in a useful manner.

Most changes in weather are caused by sunspot activity which is beyond man's
control. But the weather really hasn't changed, these are just fluctuations
that mean nothing.The problem is that the average person today is really
ignorant of science and history and can be easily frightened by conmen
politicians who will tax them to solve the global warming problem and give
the money to their cronies to "fix" it. Of course, nothing will change
except the fact of some people making $$$
btw, even if there's global warming, it would benefit more places than it

> If driving a car of any sort makes you feel you are accomplishing your
> goals in life then good for you. Just do not impose that value on
> others. Likewise, do not condemn others for not living their lives as
> you think they should. That is just patently wrong.
> And by the way, you sarcasism belies your disdane for anybody that
> does not see eye to eye with you. At least that's the way statements
> like:
> "Not having a small dick complex, I don't need to drive anything which
> isn't either (a) practical or (b) gives a decent G-force rush. You
> can get (b) from motorbikes too, which also give very good mpg as a
> rule."

You sound like a loser who can't afford anything else and now you're trying
to make a virtue of it haha


Sep 17, 2007, 3:51:57 PM9/17/07

"pandora" <> wrote in message
> You make a terrific gay man, don 't you? I mean, you don't even need to
> get down on your knees to suck dick.

Actually I'm just a hair under 6'
> Heh.
>>> :-)


Sep 17, 2007, 6:33:22 PM9/17/07
In article <fcj896$kj6$>,
Sharon B <> wrote:

> On Sun, 16 Sep 2007 03:18:59 GMT, "Avenger" <>
> wrote in <Dg1Hi.1833$Bm1.1540@trnddc01>:

> <yawn>
> The silly soc.fr00t mantra of claiming reflected glory for
> accomplishments you never performed. 'He had a penis. It's only
> logical that I am entitled to the admiration /he/ earned because I,
> too, have a penis.'
> Sheesh, talk about entitlement delusions.

Hello Sharon,

As I've pointed out to you before (and have the pleasure of rubbing your
nose in again), our whole society is "talking about entitlement

If there was a "men's history month" to match women's history month, it
would take a few years to get it over with.

So yes, even the collective accomplishments of "shrimps" beats those of
helpless housewives like Marg.

> Do you also think Bill Gates should share his wealth with you because
> you, too, have a penis therefore you are entitled to it?

Bill Gates shares his wealth with men such as us because we produce it
for him.

> Make your own mark on this world, little man....something besides
> being a world renowned fool.

Did Dan Mocsny write that for you? :-)

> auk replaces support group


Message has been deleted


Sep 18, 2007, 3:06:36 AM9/18/07
This story is funny because I have noticed when I drive, I notice girls
look at me and I am more prone to look back at girls, when I am walking it
is almost impossible, I have come to the conclusion it must be my height,
same thing happens when I am sitting down, I have no bones looking at
girls and they have no bones looking back at me


Sep 18, 2007, 10:35:18 AM9/18/07
In article <fcodjm$1hl$>,
Sharon B <> wrote:

> On Mon, 17 Sep 2007 18:33:22 -0400, PolishKnight <>
> wrote in <>:

> Non sequitur; prolly because you couldn't comprehend what you read
> before your spouted off.

> >So yes, even the collective accomplishments of "shrimps" beats those of
> >helpless housewives like Marg.

> And again, non sequitur...Avenger's comment (which is what I was
> replying to for the comprehension impaired) had nothing to do with
> "shrimps".


I apologize, Sharon. I hadn't realized that you didn't think what YOU
wrote was worth responding to. :-)

> >> Do you also think Bill Gates should share his wealth with you because
> >> you, too, have a penis therefore you are entitled to it?
> >
> >Bill Gates shares his wealth with men such as us because we produce it
> >for him.

> Cuts you a monthly check, does he?

I said "such as us". Take a comprehension course.

> >> Make your own mark on this world, little man....something besides
> >> being a world renowned fool.
> >
> >Did Dan Mocsny write that for you? :-)

> Fishing to find out if Dan has access to my computer? You sure do
> concern yourself with my private life.

I didn't say anything about a private life with Dan, honey.

> support group snecked



Sep 18, 2007, 5:05:16 PM9/18/07
In article <PUAHi.2744$io2.2721@trnddc06>,
"Avenger" <> wrote:

> > And I certainly do not take at face value the claims of a few at fact
> > and gospel.

I believe about a billion people believe that Christ is the son of God.
So that must be a "fact" too!

As Ann Coulter pointed out, leftism is a form of religion with all of
the following:

1) Doomsday cults: You know those nutjobs that the left liked to make
fun of who believed the "World to end tomorrow! Repent!" That's what
global warming is. Of course, whoever believes in the (un)holy Gospel
of global warming needs to know that he's supported by popular opinion
which requires a:

2) Congregation: Get a bunch of southern white people in a
fundamentalist church screaming at the top of their lungs their shared
beliefs, and leftists calls them a bunch of superstituous nuts who have
smoked the "opium of the masses" as Uncle Karl Marx put it.

But get a bunch of hollywood celebrities to fly somewhere in thei 747's
(while leaving their A/C's running at home, full blast) to proclaim that
in their drugged minds that global warming is gospel, and it has to be
true, right? That leads to:

3) The Priesthood: The traditional Christian church has a bunch of
mostly white men who are often celebate while the left has... scientists
who are also mostly white men. The Church excludes and excommunicates
those who don't agree with the "consensus" (Galileo) because everyone
knew it was a "fact" that the sun revolved around the earth. (For those
who can't see the obvious, this is no different than the left accusing
those who disagree with the "fact" of global warming to be in league
with the devil (oil corporations and GW Bush.)

which leads us to:

4) Satan. Nothing gets people riled up more than hate. "Tolerant",
"inclusive" leftists blame all the world's problems on: White men and
western culture. Ironically, these also happen to comprise a majority
of their priesthood.

I think this is based upon a notion of Christianity: Christ sacrificed
himself on the cross so therefore, good white males think they need to
sacrifice themselves (or preferably, other white guys), so they can be
"good" people.

>Global warming is not a theory. It is a fact.

So we'll soon see whether the world really comes to an end, eh? Then
the crackpot doomsday prediction will be proven false ALONG WITH all the
other tenets of the leftist faith.

> It may be. But it is not caused by man and if it is happening it's very
> gradual. I guess some people would prefer another ice age where the growing
> season in Europe was 60 days ( you can grow cabbage lol)
> btw, the temperatures measured at the equator haven't changed.
> However, the
> > reasons for it are not proved at this point. Shifts in the planets
> > climate have been documented and verified to points before man had the
> > ability to burn fossil fuels in a useful manner.
> Most changes in weather are caused by sunspot activity which is beyond man's
> control. But the weather really hasn't changed, these are just fluctuations
> that mean nothing.The problem is that the average person today is really
> ignorant of science and history and can be easily frightened by conmen
> politicians who will tax them to solve the global warming problem and give
> the money to their cronies to "fix" it. Of course, nothing will change
> except the fact of some people making $$$
> btw, even if there's global warming, it would benefit more places than it
> harmed.

Pony up to the collection plate... Save your soul! :-)


Sep 18, 2007, 8:36:59 PM9/18/07
In article <fcoqv9$1fn$>,
Sharon B <> wrote:

> On Tue, 18 Sep 2007 10:35:18 -0400, PolishKnight <>
> wrote in <>:

> And you still don't.

> >that you didn't think what YOU
> >wrote was worth responding to. :-)

> You might want to try comprehending what you're replying to before you
> hit "send" so you don't invariably end up making a complete tit of
> yourself.

I was responding to your point, not to Avengers. Now you're crying that
you can't remember what you wrote? (Sheesh, you must have fallen over
with that mock-laughter routine once too often... :-)

> >> >> Do you also think Bill Gates should share his wealth with you because
> >> >> you, too, have a penis therefore you are entitled to it?
> >> >
> >> >Bill Gates shares his wealth with men such as us because we produce it
> >> >for him.
> >>
> >> Cuts you a monthly check, does he?
> >
> >I said "such as us". Take a comprehension course.

> So where are you in the "we" and "us" you talked about?
such as,
a. of the kind specified: A plan such as you propose will never succeed.
b. for example: He considers quiet pastimes, such as reading and chess,
a bore.

> And who, exactly, are these men like you that Bill is sharing his
> wealth with?

So you want me to cite an exact name of a white guy he pays to work for
him? Gee, that's pretty easy:

(See how easy that was? :-)

> And, does he cut men like you a monthly check?

> >> >> Make your own mark on this world, little man....something besides
> >> >> being a world renowned fool.
> >> >
> >> >Did Dan Mocsny write that for you? :-)
> >>
> >> Fishing to find out if Dan has access to my computer? You sure do
> >> concern yourself with my private life.
> >
> >I didn't say anything about a private life with Dan, honey.

> Indeed you did, lackwit, else how could Dan write my post, sent from
> my computer, thru my internet connection, thru my nsp were that person
> not in my home and doing so from my keyboard--unless he was in my
> home, which last I checked, was not public.

Where did I say he sent it from your computer?

Good luck with 'dat.

Poor dear, you create elaborate fantasies about what I said and then
demand I justify them. That's called a strawman. Problem is, modern
usenet has something known as google and you'll lose with them everytime.

> <pats your head>
> But that's okay, I realize you can't see more than a couple steps in
> front of your face.
> Like the time you claimed PJR was boinking me, from all the way in
> England....


> and since the only way he could boink me over here with him
> over there was if he had The Penis That Spans the Atlantic (and a
> mountain range). Which also, btw, is not public.
> >> support group snecked
> and again

Naw. I think this is a good example of a woman such as yourself being
attracted to short men. You did ask me to "call you". :-)


Message has been deleted


Sep 19, 2007, 9:00:43 AM9/19/07
In article <fcr47l$bhp$>,
Sharon B <> wrote:

> On Tue, 18 Sep 2007 23:12:27 -0400, PolishKnight <>
> wrote in <>:
> >In article <fcpuch$hok$>,
> > Sharon B <> wrote:
> >
> >> On Tue, 18 Sep 2007 20:36:59 -0400, PolishKnight <>
> >> wrote in <>:
> >>
> >> No, I'm not going to tutor you.
> >>
> >> Rest of you inanity snipped; it only further showcases your illiteracy
> >> and since you're about as dumb as a box of rocks, it would be a waste
> >> of time to try and explain it to you.
> >>
> >> stupid trolling of support groups snecked
> >
> >I'll put it back in.
> <shrug>
> We can play this game all day, support newsgroup troll.
> >They should see how you're running away
> ...yet, oddly, my feet aren't moving.....
> ...oh,'re delusional

It's an idiom. I DO have the time to tutor you. It's quite fun really
and you're realizing your place at a sub-conscious level.

> >even from
> >a shortie like me.
> *I* am a l'il short shit, Stuporloonski. Your stature is not the
> reason I look down on you. I've told you this more than twice.

For someone who has problems with idioms you use them very loosely,
little girl.



Sep 19, 2007, 7:25:52 PM9/19/07
In article <fcr9mj$n9r$>,
Sharon B <> wrote:

> On Wed, 19 Sep 2007 09:00:43 -0400, PolishKnight <>
> wrote in <>:

> >In article <fcr47l$bhp$>,
> > Sharon B <> wrote:
> >
> >> On Tue, 18 Sep 2007 23:12:27 -0400, PolishKnight <>
> >> wrote in <>:
> >>
> >> >In article <fcpuch$hok$>,
> >> > Sharon B <> wrote:
> >> >
> >> >> On Tue, 18 Sep 2007 20:36:59 -0400, PolishKnight <>
> >> >> wrote in <>:
> >> >>
> >> >> No, I'm not going to tutor you.
> >> >>
> >> >> Rest of you inanity snipped; it only further showcases your illiteracy
> >> >> and since you're about as dumb as a box of rocks, it would be a waste
> >> >> of time to try and explain it to you.
> >> >>
> >> >> stupid trolling of support groups snecked
> >> >
> >> >I'll put it back in.
> >>
> >> <shrug>
> >> We can play this game all day, support newsgroup troll.
> >>
> >> >They should see how you're running away
> >>
> >> ...yet, oddly, my feet aren't moving.....
> >> ...oh,'re delusional
> >
> >It's an idiom. I DO have the time to tutor you.

> Perhaps you should take Idioms for Idiots to acquaint yourself with
> the subject material before attempting to tutor someone on it, hmmm?
> /His aunt passed away/ is an idiom because she didn't pass, she died.
> /you're running away/ is not an idiom because you meant that quite
> literally, albeit in a virtual space.

So you're a mind reader. I guess that explains why you think third
worlders think embassies give out rewards for lost American women.
What's my cat thinking now? :-)

> >It's quite fun really
> >and you're realizing your place at a sub-conscious level.

> Yeah, my ego is dependant on what a dumb-as-a-box-of-rocks soc.fr00t
> thinks.

If you're fascinated by what I think, that would tend to be implied yes.

> >> >even from
> >> >a shortie like me.
> >>
> >> *I* am a l'il short shit, Stuporloonski. Your stature is not the
> >> reason I look down on you. I've told you this more than twice.
> >
> >For someone who has problems with idioms you use them very loosely,
> >little girl.

> 1) That was not an idiom, you idiot; it was a double entendre

There is no double entendre above. You're now babbling.

> 2) By all means, let my size disarm you. Fool.
> stuporloonski trolling of support groups checked

I think they deserve to see how you, an female AUK troll, can show how
you're far more insecure than any short man. This is because women are
naturally insecure hence most of their desire for a taller man to
protect them.

You may want to ask your defender, Dan, to write your responses in the
future. You aren't doing so well here.


Sep 20, 2007, 6:48:55 AM9/20/07

And this has what to do with being short and heightism??

Message has been deleted


Sep 23, 2007, 7:42:48 PM9/23/07
On Sun 16 Sep 2007 05:36:52p ... wrote in

That's pretty much my view of it too. Except when it has a direct
bearing on others - SUVs with bull-bars do tragic harm to other vehicles
and pedestrians. Their vast fuel consumption also makes for problems
too obvious to mention.

> And I certainly do not take at face value the claims of a few at fact
> and gospel. Global warming is not a theory. It is a fact. However, the
> reasons for it are not proved at this point. Shifts in the planets
> climate have been documented and verified to points before man had the
> ability to burn fossil fuels in a useful manner.
> If driving a car of any sort makes you feel you are accomplishing your
> goals in life then good for you. Just do not impose that value on
> others. Likewise, do not condemn others for not living their lives as
> you think they should. That is just patently wrong.

How, exactly, did you think I was about to "impose that value on
others"? Did you mistake me for some official?

As for your blanket statement that nobody should condemn another for
living their lives as they wish... please think that one through a
little more.

> And by the way, you sarcasism belies your disdane for anybody that
> does not see eye to eye with you. At least that's the way statements
> like:

I have disdain for people who cause harm, and don't give a damn about
anything or anybody except what they want. If people don't see eye to
eye with me on music, comedy or anything else, there's no problem. Do
you understand the distinction?

> "Not having a small dick complex, I don't need to drive anything which
> isn't either (a) practical or (b) gives a decent G-force rush. You
> can get (b) from motorbikes too, which also give very good mpg as a
> rule."
> make you sound.
>>> Moreover I pray you are not using a direct assuly on masculinity to
>>> further a personal agenda.
>>> Ooops. Forgot to read the sig. My Bay. I understand now.
>>Your "Bay"? What sig? And what's my "personal agenda" as you see it
>>- trying to promote an inhabitable planet after my lifetime, perhaps?
>>Son of a bitch that I am, I admit it. That is my "personal agenda".
>>Would you call this neurosis, or delinquency?
>>And what's your agenda, old chum? You're probably still hoping that
>>I'll become suicidally depressed, given you're such a _good_ fellow.
> Ya Ya Ya. So I typo. Big Woop.

A typo? Your "typo" made you think I had a .sig which you then
commented upon?

How about your stated wish that I become suicidally depressed - was that
raving post of yours a while back one long typo?

> Your personal agenda is and always has been to belittle and berate
> anybody that does not see through your eyes and live to your
> standards.

I'm the only person who sees through my eyes. Do you know people who
share theirs around? And you must have missed the many disagreements
I've had with regulars here, which has not resulted in belittling (a
heightist term), or beratement. Selective on evidence, blanket
treatment with condemnation from you - as usual.

> My agenda.... Well, hope does spring eternal. But I won't hold my
> breath. You are obviously far too fond of the lofty perch you have
> placed yourself upon to ever want to leave it voluntarily.

How else would anyone want to leave anything, other than voluntarily?

Sep 24, 2007, 7:15:01 AM9/24/07
On Sun, 23 Sep 2007 23:42:48 -0000, "Dan.T.Mann" <>

The fuel consumption is not a problem as I see it. Now be honest. Is
the fuel consumption more a factor of jealousy than anything?

If we were talking paintings and they were the necessity that personal
transportation is wouldn't there be as much an outcry over those who
chose to spend their money on really huge paintings?

What I see as more the problem is one group of people trying to
restrict the choices of another group. If I have the right to work and
earn my own money then I also have the right to spend that money as I
see fit. If that means I eat less and enjoy the vehicle I drive more
then that's my choice.

>> And I certainly do not take at face value the claims of a few at fact
>> and gospel. Global warming is not a theory. It is a fact. However, the
>> reasons for it are not proved at this point. Shifts in the planets
>> climate have been documented and verified to points before man had the
>> ability to burn fossil fuels in a useful manner.
>> If driving a car of any sort makes you feel you are accomplishing your
>> goals in life then good for you. Just do not impose that value on
>> others. Likewise, do not condemn others for not living their lives as
>> you think they should. That is just patently wrong.
>How, exactly, did you think I was about to "impose that value on
>others"? Did you mistake me for some official?

You start your statement calling into question the masculinity of
anybody who drives a big vehicle. That is wrong on too many levels to
explain here however, I see you as a clever fellow and surmise that
you chose your words for effect. Your first strategy is to knock down
the other guy to lessen his position. Tawdry effort too I might add.
You can do better.

Next you mask your condesention in a statement about your personal
choice. What you choose is fine and I accept the statement of your
choice at face value were it standing alone and not wrapped in your
overall effort to turn this guy into the heavy just for the vehicle he
drives. You see, the deeper point here is that you are making the
entire incident this guy's fault just cause he drives a big vehicle.
He did nothing wrong so why take this avenue unless you are trying to
advance your own personal agenda?

>As for your blanket statement that nobody should condemn another for
>living their lives as they wish... please think that one through a
>little more.

Yes. I know I might be uttering that statement and acting contrary to
it in the same breath. If you are telling me that you wish to spend
your life condemning those that think differently than you then I
guess you will get your just desserts. Just please be honest in your
desire and quit trying to be so coy about it.

>> And by the way, you sarcasism belies your disdane for anybody that
>> does not see eye to eye with you. At least that's the way statements
>> like:
>I have disdain for people who cause harm, and don't give a damn about
>anything or anybody except what they want. If people don't see eye to
>eye with me on music, comedy or anything else, there's no problem. Do
>you understand the distinction?

Yes I do. To turn your advise about on you you might want to go back
and think this statement through again yourself.

You have always berated people here for taking offense to a perceived
insult due to their height. I think I fairly state here that most of
the regulars here will agree on that as well.

As for seeing through your eyes, no I cannot. However I can make the
effort to think as your do and try to understand your actions and the
motives that support them. I do not have anything other than your
words here to go by so I have to accept certain standards. You are
well spoken so you are a educated person with a thought patttern
(however misguided it might be <grin>) so I take for granted that you
are careful in forming your ideas with your words. I can rteach no
other conclusion that you are one of those people who places
themselves and their values as better than others.


Sep 24, 2007, 6:45:27 PM9/24/07
On Mon 24 Sep 2007 12:15:01p ... wrote in


>>>>> Please tell me you are not generalizing those that drive large
>>>>> vehicles as compensating for some perceived lack of masculinity?
>>>>I've seen little evidence to suggest otherwise. As a medium height
>>>>guy of 5'8", what sort of vehicle do you drive?
>>> I drive a 4 cylinder Saturn 2 door that gets 35 to the gallon. I do
>>> not look at my vehicle as an extension of anything beyond my need to
>>> move from point A to point B. It's not my entertainment center nor
>>> my personal music studio. However, I do not condemn those that want
>>> to make their vehicle more than just personal transportation.
>>That's pretty much my view of it too. Except when it has a direct
>>bearing on others - SUVs with bull-bars do tragic harm to other
>>vehicles and pedestrians. Their vast fuel consumption also makes for
>>problems too obvious to mention.
> The fuel consumption is not a problem as I see it. Now be honest. Is
> the fuel consumption more a factor of jealousy than anything?

Fuel consumption is a large part of the point. Why do you wish to label
me as jealous - I thought you didn't like labels?

It's the extra consumption of resources involved all round, plus the
damage they do in accidents that I don't like. Why do you wish to
ignore this simple point, instead favouring personal attacks?

> If we were talking paintings and they were the necessity that personal
> transportation is wouldn't there be as much an outcry over those who
> chose to spend their money on really huge paintings?

Of course not.

> What I see as more the problem is one group of people trying to
> restrict the choices of another group. If I have the right to work and
> earn my own money then I also have the right to spend that money as I
> see fit. If that means I eat less and enjoy the vehicle I drive more
> then that's my choice.

Please refer to my original reply to this same point.

>>> And I certainly do not take at face value the claims of a few at
>>> fact and gospel. Global warming is not a theory. It is a fact.
>>> However, the reasons for it are not proved at this point. Shifts in
>>> the planets climate have been documented and verified to points
>>> before man had the ability to burn fossil fuels in a useful manner.
>>> If driving a car of any sort makes you feel you are accomplishing
>>> your goals in life then good for you. Just do not impose that value
>>> on others. Likewise, do not condemn others for not living their
>>> lives as you think they should. That is just patently wrong.
>>How, exactly, did you think I was about to "impose that value on
>>others"? Did you mistake me for some official?
> You start your statement calling into question the masculinity of
> anybody who drives a big vehicle. That is wrong on too many levels to
> explain here however, I see you as a clever fellow and surmise that
> you chose your words for effect. Your first strategy is to knock down
> the other guy to lessen his position. Tawdry effort too I might add.
> You can do better.

Thank you. But you could also surmise another motive. People have very
large vehicles in order to make up for inadequacies, whether material or
emotional. Changing the frame from "big = better" to "smart = better"
is one way to counter the adoption of ever bigger vehicles.

But of course, you can't get any mileage out of that notion in persuit
of your hatred of me, so you knee-jerk to a childish negative attribute
instead. Sadly typical, I have to note.

> Next you mask your condesention in a statement about your personal
> choice. What you choose is fine and I accept the statement of your
> choice at face value were it standing alone and not wrapped in your
> overall effort to turn this guy into the heavy just for the vehicle he
> drives. You see, the deeper point here is that you are making the
> entire incident this guy's fault just cause he drives a big vehicle.
> He did nothing wrong so why take this avenue unless you are trying to
> advance your own personal agenda?

May I refer you to my original reply to this same point.

>>As for your blanket statement that nobody should condemn another for
>>living their lives as they wish... please think that one through a
>>little more.
> Yes. I know I might be uttering that statement and acting contrary to
> it in the same breath. If you are telling me that you wish to spend
> your life condemning those that think differently than you then I
> guess you will get your just desserts. Just please be honest in your
> desire and quit trying to be so coy about it.

No, I'm (rather obviously) pointing out that one is not free to do as
they wish, particularly when those decisions have bearing on others.
There are numerous examples. For instance, would I be free to choose to
blast out music all day, if I lived in a block of flats (apartments)?

>>> And by the way, you sarcasism belies your disdane for anybody that
>>> does not see eye to eye with you. At least that's the way statements
>>> like:
>>I have disdain for people who cause harm, and don't give a damn about
>>anything or anybody except what they want. If people don't see eye to
>>eye with me on music, comedy or anything else, there's no problem. Do
>>you understand the distinction?
> Yes I do. To turn your advise about on you you might want to go back
> and think this statement through again yourself.

Presumably, it was an entirely different "Skinner" who calls people he
doesn't like liars, "the haters", "Saint James" and "Mother Becky" etc.
etc. . My, you do like standards for others!

But I've explained why distinctions in views themselves are not
important, while the end result is in some cases. Can't be bothered
putting it any more simply than that, sorry.

>>> "Not having a small dick complex, I don't need to drive anything
>>> which isn't either (a) practical or (b) gives a decent G-force
>>> rush. You can get (b) from motorbikes too, which also give very
>>> good mpg as a rule."
>>> make you sound.
>>>>> Moreover I pray you are not using a direct assuly on masculinity
>>>>> to further a personal agenda.
>>>>> Ooops. Forgot to read the sig. My Bay. I understand now.
>>>>Your "Bay"? What sig? And what's my "personal agenda" as you see
>>>>it - trying to promote an inhabitable planet after my lifetime,
>>>>perhaps? Son of a bitch that I am, I admit it. That is my "personal
>>>>agenda". Would you call this neurosis, or delinquency?
>>>>And what's your agenda, old chum? You're probably still hoping that
>>>>I'll become suicidally depressed, given you're such a _good_ fellow.
>>> Ya Ya Ya. So I typo. Big Woop.
>>A typo? Your "typo" made you think I had a .sig which you then
>>commented upon?
>>How about your stated wish that I become suicidally depressed - was
>>that raving post of yours a while back one long typo?

Cat got your tongue? What's this apparent .sig you refer to? And why
did you ignore what I actually stated my aim to be?

>>> Your personal agenda is and always has been to belittle and berate
>>> anybody that does not see through your eyes and live to your
>>> standards.
>>I'm the only person who sees through my eyes. Do you know people who
>>share theirs around? And you must have missed the many disagreements
>>I've had with regulars here, which has not resulted in belittling (a
>>heightist term), or beratement. Selective on evidence, blanket
>>treatment with condemnation from you - as usual.
> You have always berated people here for taking offense to a perceived
> insult due to their height. I think I fairly state here that most of
> the regulars here will agree on that as well.

Let's see how many of them step forward to agree that I've berated them.
I count none so far. Please confine yourself to speaking on your own

> As for seeing through your eyes, no I cannot. However I can make the
> effort to think as your do and try to understand your actions and the
> motives that support them. I do not have anything other than your
> words here to go by so I have to accept certain standards. You are
> well spoken so you are a educated person with a thought patttern
> (however misguided it might be <grin>) so I take for granted that you
> are careful in forming your ideas with your words. I can rteach no
> other conclusion that you are one of those people who places
> themselves and their values as better than others.

If I've got a case, I'll argue it. I won't simply assert, re-assert,
then get angry, then start attacking individuals. That is what you do.

Now.. if you'd like to apologise for wishing upon me suicidal
depression, I'll accept it. You'll note that I have never wished you
any ill.


ps Sorry about the incorrect id on my last post - this is a shared



Sep 24, 2007, 6:47:12 PM9/24/07
On Thu 20 Sep 2007 11:48:55a ... wrote in

> <SNIP>
> And this has what to do with being short and heightism??

Nothing - it's just another pathetic example of weak-minded trolls at work.

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