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Father with custody of children

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Jun 26, 2007, 10:09:34 PM6/26/07

I have a dilemma. I am a father of 3 beautiful children and I am the
custodial parent. Through a court order (divorce) I was awarded
custody and we were given joint visitation rights. She is allowed to
see them one day during the week and every other weekend, and then
half the summer, winter & spring break. Now this is my peoblem...she
has never been stable...moving back and forth between different states
over the past 5 years. When she has taken them she tries to keep them
from me, not giving me her phone number or address. She even came down
to the state I lived in with the pretense that she was moving there
and she was going to find a job. I, like an idiot believed in her, and
3 days after she got here, I went to work and she took off with the
kids to her home state. She had the plane tickets and everything. I
had to file an Emergency Motion with the courts to have her return the
kids. And another time she had them for the summer and she didn't
bring them back and I had to go to the courts again and speak to the
judge. We did a phone conference and she was ordered to bring them
back. When I left the court room she called me back and told me she
wasn't bringing them back so I went back upstairs to the judge and the
bailiff heard her say what she did and I was given time with the judge
again. The judge heard her and she was shocked. She was then really
ordered to compply righ then and there, but I had to go get them and
in the process hurt my job situation.

Well there is more, but you get the drift, she like to take off with
my kids. Now supposedly she's a changed woman and she wants to be in
their lives after 2 years of not even seeing them and rarely calling
them. But I am afraid she will run off with them again. I have since
moved to a new state and I have not made 6 months here yet to have
jurisdiction and she wants to take them for some time now in the
summer. She says she is coming to stay here for a few weeks to find a
home and a job and she want to spend it with them. I know she will run
with them...but if I fight her on picking them up she will just bring
the cops and in the court order it says she can have them for half the
summer. What can I do to cover myself? I cannot trust her nor do I
want to, and she has done it 2 times before. How can I prevent her
from taking them anywhere by herself until I make the 6 months here?
Can I enforce supervised visits? Is that allowed? Can I go to the cops
first and mention the way she has taken them before?

I'm very worried and she will be out here next week. Please help!



Jul 11, 2007, 11:03:14 PM7/11/07
hi. I am not in the US I am in Canada but think there must be something you
can do. Have you tried to find an authoritative person who can do the
exchanges for you? That way your kids mother won't have to deal directly
with you and if she doesn't give the kids back when she is supposed to you
have a witness to this and somebody who can have some sway in court?

single mother with own legal issues

<> wrote in message


Jul 23, 2007, 10:23:14 PM7/23/07
"half the summer?" does it specify what DATE that actually means. Would
someone be able to look at a calander and say that "half the summer" meant a
particular day and time?
if its NOT specified as to an exact date I have never seen the police get
involved, they call it a domestic issue and tell the person to hire an
attorney. On the other hand she could get you for contempt for not letting
her have the children.

My divorce decree states I have PHYSICAL AND LEGAL CUSTODY though it never
states that I have SOLE custody it lacks any custody rights to my exwife in
the decree it only states she is allowed visitatin on the 2nd and 4th sunday
of every month and 5 hours on thanksgiving (NO other holidays mentioned in

I personally made sure that the decree was very specific as to the details
so that ANY one looking at a calander could tell who had what weekend /
holiday ...ect

My personal opinion unless you have already spoke to her as to a specific
date that she is to come see the kids, take a vacation and avoid her .. as
she by your words doesnt stick around long. You may get lucky and she may
leave the next day if your not there.


"JCLD1979" <> wrote in message


Jul 23, 2007, 10:23:14 PM7/23/07
"half the summer?" does it specify what DATE that actually means. Would
someone be able to look at a calander and say that "half the summer" meant a
particular day and time?
if its NOT specified as to an exact date I have never seen the police get
involved, they call it a domestic issue and tell the person to hire an
attorney. On the other hand she could get you for contempt for not letting
her have the children.

My divorce decree states I have PHYSICAL AND LEGAL CUSTODY though it never
states that I have SOLE custody it lacks any custody rights to my exwife in
the decree it only states she is allowed visitatin on the 2nd and 4th sunday
of every month and 5 hours on thanksgiving (NO other holidays mentioned in

I personally made sure that the decree was very specific as to the details
so that ANY one looking at a calander could tell who had what weekend /
holiday ...ect

My personal opinion unless you have already spoke to her as to a specific
date that she is to come see the kids, take a vacation and avoid her .. as
she by your words doesnt stick around long. You may get lucky and she may
leave the next day if your not there.


"JCLD1979" <> wrote in message

Patrick Ingle

Jul 30, 2007, 7:34:56 AM7/30/07
You have the custody order that clearly states that you have physical
custody and
she has only visitation. That is enough to call the Police when she doesn't
the children on time. She will call the police on you if you didn't, and
then demand
that she go on supervised visitation since she has a documented history of
non-compliance and not returning the children.

<> wrote in message


Aug 25, 2007, 11:22:27 AM8/25/07
My question is if you have custody then why the "JOINT" visitation??

It sounds like Joint Custody.

"Patrick Ingle" <> wrote in message

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