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overcoming ed alone

8 peržiūros
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2005-02-26 16:34:542005-02-26
I've suffered from bulimia for many many years. i haven't confided in
anyone, i haven't sought help from anyone. i haven't succeeded in
fighting my ed on my own yet and some of the time i despair whether i
will ever. but you see to tell someone, to seek help, would destroy my
life, my career, my relationships, everything i have acheived in spite
of my ed. i am not willing to take that risk, but at the same time i
feel more and more hopeless i can do this on my own. if i knew i could
get help completely confidentially i may consider it, but in my
profession that will be a near impossibility! can anyone provide me
with any help, advice, or just kind words... to help me continue my
fight without throwing the rest of my life away (and no, my recognition
that my ed is ruining my life and will probably eventually kill me if
it continues doesn't persuade me that its worth 'throwing the rest of
my life away' to seek professional help). how do i overcome bulimia on
my alone? have any of you done it? thank you for reading.


2005-02-26 22:36:152005-02-26
<how do i overcome bulimia on
<my alone? (sic)

You don't. If you're not willing to seek help in some form, you will
eventually end up destroying your life with your eating disorder, to
the point that professional help will be your only option to get your
life back. I'd suggest just giving it some time. Either way, you'll get
help, or die not trying.



2005-02-27 07:22:242005-02-27
That is the most ridiculous post I have ever read! Of course you, I,or
anyone else for that matter, can get over an eating disorder without outside
help. To say you can't do it without help is to chose not to be able to do
it by yourself. As humans we are powerful beings, more powerful that you or
I could ever imagine, and we have complete control over our behaviors,
weather you chose to believe that or not. What ever you believe you will do
next time you eat will become reality for you, you are making yourself eat
and then purge, no one else, it's you. When you reach out for help the only
thing that ever allows you to heal is your own desire to heal, there is no
special method or knowledge to be gained in someone else's head, it is all
within us, we simply have to find it.

My advice? Read, think, read, and think some more....the ability to control
your behavior will come to you if that is what you truly want. You have more
power to control your behavior than anyone else in this world so go ahead
and seize it, take back your life for all that it's worth, because you can.

Remember, this is not a physical disorder, it is mental, and the maze that
it is made of exists inside of you, it's up to you to find your way out.

out god given right, He wouldn't have had it any other way.

E-mail me any time you need a friend,

"Risa" <RisaCai...@aol.com> wrote in message


2005-02-27 08:06:382005-02-27

Your private email to me is offensive. Sending your religious
proselytizing to my email? I think not. Go to alt.religion.minority if
you want to "share" your god, or recruit bystanders.

<E-mail me any time you need a friend>

Yeah, right. Religious dogma to the rescue . . .


Laura Collins

2005-02-27 10:21:182005-02-27
The original question here was: "Can you do it alone?"

Why should you? We all need others, and others need us - it is one of the
joys of being human.

Recovering and healing and living the healthy life that you deserve is
partly a personal journey and partly a process of finding resources that
work for you. Seeking and using the help of others (professional and
personal help) is part of being a healthy human being.

It is a sign of strength, not weakness, to find and embrace the life you

Laura Collins


2005-02-27 08:37:162005-02-27
Sorry, I meant only to send the post to the group and I had no intention of
offending you, I was just angry when I saw your post this morning.

I am not religious and have never read the bible or been to church, I just
feel very strongly that we are here for a reason and have the power to do
anything we set our minds to. It's a shame to see it any other way.

Take care,

"Risa" <RisaCai...@aol.com> wrote in message



2005-02-27 12:35:102005-02-27
thanks Allison for your positive words. its been so long since i've
felt some hope, and since i've felt not completely lost and alone. i
will overcome this ed; i'm not going to let it destroy me.

Clix Pix

2005-02-27 14:24:422005-02-27
Is this the Allison who used to post as "Sunny" many years ago?



2005-02-28 06:57:072005-02-28
No, different girl, I do remember your name though from years back when I
used to lurk here, how are you doing?


"Clix Pix" <cli...@coxuser.com> wrote in message


2005-02-28 09:55:112005-02-28
Hi, glad to hear it didn't get you as mad as Risa, I really didn't mean to
cause a fuss, usually I am pretty quiet. That post just made me upset
because I really felt it was extremely negative and detrimental to the
group, and I do feel strongly that we have more power than anyone else to
heal ourselves, we just have to realize we do.

I have been where you are and can completely relate to your situation, for
me, I would have to say it made my behaviors worse when I told people, not
better at all. I think if I had taken that same energy and focused it on
myself I would have recovered much sooner and suffered alot less. I know
many people benefit form seeking outside help, just for me it wasn't the

I wish you and everyone reading this all the best on your journeys, remember
to take it one meal at a time and truly take care of yourselves, good things
will come naturally when you do : )


"Bambi" <bamb...@hotmail.co.uk> wrote in message

Carnal Excess

2005-02-28 10:45:212005-02-28
"Bambi" <bamb...@hotmail.co.uk> wrote

> but you see to tell someone, to seek help, would destroy my
> life, my career, my relationships, everything i have acheived in spite
> of my ed. i am not willing to take that risk, but at the same time i
> feel more and more hopeless i can do this on my own. if i knew i could
> get help completely confidentially i may consider it, but in my
> profession that will be a near impossibility!

You may want to examine http://tinyurl.com/6yzz8 which details the
confidentially you are legally provided within the UK. You can receive
treatment in complete confidentiality without anyone finding out, failure to
provide this would result in criminal prosecutions against anyone who
disclosed the information about you.

> can anyone provide me
> with any help, advice, or just kind words... to help me continue my
> fight without throwing the rest of my life away (and no, my recognition
> that my ed is ruining my life and will probably eventually kill me if
> it continues doesn't persuade me that its worth 'throwing the rest of
> my life away' to seek professional help). how do i overcome bulimia on
> my alone? have any of you done it? thank you for reading.

Learn to have faith in yourself... You can get the professional help you
require in confidence, you can begin to treat your problems, especially with
the help of another. It is incredibly difficult with the help of another
trained to help, without them you're just stacking the odds against
yourself. It really is worth considering long and hard, you've lived a life
trying to cure yourself without the guidance of another. You may do it
certainly, but it could be so much easier and it need never be at the
expense of your career.

Carnal Excess


2005-03-01 12:22:552005-03-01
The risk factor is a major concern in seeking professional help.
During inpatient treatment, clients are exposed to other patients
who have no problem with revealing the identities of the patients
they see during group therapy to outsiders . EVEN revealing the
trama-issues they may be dealing with such as sexual-abuse,
spouse-abuse, etc...
There are also psych. techs who appear to have gotten their educations
while serving time in a prison system. NO JOKE! My former Psychiatrist

was so abusive he even put damaging FALSE INFORMATION in my
medical record in an effort to harm me. You have NO CONTROL over what
your Doctors or Therapists write down in your PERMANENT RECORD. These
records will stay with you for life. You reach a point where you dont
really believe there is help -- and maybe thats a good thing to know.


2005-03-01 13:09:572005-03-01
You can either choose to get help or end up like Nicole did. Not all
therapists or treatment centers are nasty. If we all believe this then
we should all just give up and die.
Having an ed is not about food it is about underlying issues. Once
you find out what the root problem is you are half way home. I am not
in anyway saying that you are "cured" of your ed. An ed is something
that you have to work on everyday.


2005-03-01 20:01:162005-03-01
Did Nicole ever get treatment for her ED or did she try to get
better on her own?


2005-03-02 01:05:522005-03-02
rrook, Nicole did both. I have done both myself. Nicole wanted to live
not only for herself, but for her child. She had written an article
about her struggles with anorexia and it was published. I will have to
look through my folder on eating disorders and find it so I can tell you
or anyone else who might be interested in knowing where and when it was
published. The article was titled, "Anorexia and I."
If anyone is interested I am sure that her mother would be willing to
tell you about her and her flight with the disease that destroyed and
ultimately took her life.
Take care yourself.



2005-03-02 11:42:502005-03-02
"My former Psychiatrist was so abusive he even put damaging FALSE
medical record in an effort to harm me."

Did you report this? Mental health professionals have a code of ethics
to which they must adhere. I can't imagine why a psychiatrist would
record "false information" in an attempt to harm you.

Doctors and therapists write what is pertinent to your treatment in
your record. Their notes are supposed to be nonjudgemental and

"You reach a point where you dont
really believe there is help -- and maybe thats a good thing to know. "

I disagree. It's unfortunate that someone would think there is no help
and would steer away from professional intervention as a result of


2005-03-03 05:02:172005-03-03

Read the book -- Wrongful Death: A child's fatal encounter with public
health and private greed. by Leon Bing. It will open your eyes to the
why's and reasons. Here is a link to the book --


Some psychiatrists will resort to using false information in order
to max-out the length of stay the patient will be held in psych.
They must make the patient seem in need of long-term treatment.


2005-03-03 21:54:532005-03-03
rrook, I know this and I did experience it once from first hand
experience at The Renfrew Center for Eating Disorders in Philadelphia,
PA and at another a hospital that they would always seem to send those
pts. to whom they felt were not "trying hard enough to eat", i.e., going
from eating less than 50 cals to 100 cals total per day to over 1,000
cals total per day in meals at your first sitting. That is stupid and
extremely dangerous to do because your body is not used to that amount
of food in a such a fast amount of time.
A great example is former singer, Karen Carpenter (she had a voice of
an angel and never made a mistake). This is what happened to her. She
was released from a ed's program at a hospital then she went home and
was trying to please her brother Richard and their overbearing parents,
especially her controlling mother, and she ate way too much food and
thus her poor heart and body had been damaged so much from the ed's that
the stress of all that food in a very short period of time finally took
it's toll and she died of heart failure. I believe she was only 33
years old.
In fact, the proper way that it should be done is over a gradual
period of time, but since these inpt. ed's treatment centers and/or
hospitals usually have you stay for 30 days they do not have the time
that it takes because they have other beds to fill and money to collect.
I call it re-feeding until you reach the medically appropriate or the
ed's treatment center's goal weight which ever one they adhere to.
Once you reach your appropriate goal weight according to those ed's
treatment centers and/or hospitals you are healthy enough to go back to
the environment from which you came from.
Please keep this in mind, not all ed's treatment centers and/or
hospitals are like that.
I once overheard RN's and techs having a conversation in the day room
about how they will enter false information into a pts. medical record
so they can keep getting money from the health insurance companies,
parents, guardians, and/or pts. themselves, etc.
I also know this because my mother is an RN and she knows that this
does happen. Al though, she does not do this herself, but she does know
other RN's and M.D.'s who do.
Not only is it wrong, but it is very sad. These M.D.'s and RN's who
do this seem to have no morals, scruples, and they seem to forget the
first and most important part of the medical oath that they all have to
take, i.e., "First do no harm."
However, not every treatment center/hospital, therapist, M.D. or RN,
does this and if we believed that they do well then I guess those that
need for treatment and we should just not go for help and continue to
suffer. Thankfully, I do not believe this and so those people who do
need help aka: treatment should seek it immediately.
If you happen to have medical problems/diseases and need to be on meds
treatment centers and/or hospitals will not accept you. This is
especially true when it comes to people who suffer from cip (chronic
intractable pain) from whatever disease(s) or medical problem(s) and
need to use opioid analgesics so they can function in life.
Yes, people who suffer from cip and have to take opioid analgesics can
and do live because those who have cip their cognitive abilities are not
effected. They do not experience "a high" or a "euphoric" feeling from
their meds, i.e., opioids, benzodiazepines, etc., all their pain meds do
is to lesson their severe pain. They can and do hold down careers,
drive, take care of their families, etc., etc.
Thus, being a cip pt. and having an eating disorder they are being
turned away from treatments center/hospitals. Unfortunally, we (they)
are forced in making a choice in reagrds to our health. To die from an
ed or to receive pain medication from my (our) disease(s)/medical
problem(s). This is not a good choice nor a healthy choice and one that
no one should not ever have to be decided.
Many of the medical problem(s) stem from ed's.
There are major differences between addiction, habituation, and
tolerance. People and especially, the medical community, health care
facilities, and individual practitioners who do or do not suffer from
cip nor treat cip pts. should read a book entitled, "PAIN: CLINICAL
MANUAL" it is written by Margo McCaffery, RN, MS, FAAN and Chris
Pasero, RN, MSNc. This book also has information in chapters from the
world-renown pain management doctor, Dr. R. K. Portenoy, M.D. at Beth
Isreal Hospital located in New York, NY.
Margo is internationally known as a consultant in the nursing care of
pts. (patients) with pain. She is a respected author and highly regarded
pain care specialist, she conducts programs all over the world. She is
a founding member of the International Study of Pain, and currently she
has an appointment to the World Health Organization (WHO) for pain.
Chris is also a pain management consultant who provides educational and
consulting services to individual practitioners and health care
facilities. Chris is the co-founder and past president of the American
Society of Pain Management Nurses and serves on the board of directors
of the American Pain Association. She also is a published author and
she writes a monthly column entitled, "Pain Control" for the American
Journal of Nursing. Chris is a clinical and administrative director of
Acute and Chronic Pain Services at Schumpert Medical Center in
Shreveport, LA.
My mother being an RN knows these women and thus so do I. These two
women are awesome and are invaluable when it comes to questions, advice,
or just support in the field of pain management and treatment.
At one point when I knew that I needed to go back into inpt. treatment
for my ed I contacted the world famous eating disorders (ed's) treatment
center for teenage girls and women in AZ (Remuda Ranch) and the intake
coordinator and I had been speaking telephonically for about 1 1/2 yrs.
because I was concered about going back to any ed inpt. treatment center
or hospital because of my last experience at a treatment center and
hospital. This intake coordinator was well aware that I suffer from
cip from endometriosis (endo stage IV - worse stage) and interstial
cystitis (ic). I asked her if this was a problem and I was assured time
and again that it would not be (over 1 1/2 yrs. of conversations).
Well, when it got down to the last part of the admission process when
she had to pass my information to the staff I recieved a telephone call
from her stating that I was not allowed to come there for treatment
because I have to use opioids. Even a letter from my then pain
managment doctor and a telephone call from Margo McCaffery, RN, MS, FAAN
did not change the medical directors mind. The in take coodinator told
me that she was sorry that they could not help me and said, "Erika, good
luck and God Bless You." Both my mother and I were stuned and then
shocked that she would say, "Good luck and God Bless You.", but they
could not (what that really means is that they would not help me) help
me. Yes, I am well aware that this is a Christian based treatment
center for eating disorders and I am reffering to God Blees You. The in
take coordinator gave me a few other treatment centers and hospitals
that deal with ed's.
Between my mother and I, together we called at least 30 treatment
centers and hospitals and we still ran into the same problem.
I really did not want to go into another hospital because I do not
believe in locked untits for people who have ed's and I was medically
Since treatment centers and/or hospitals are still refusing to accept
anyone with medical problems/diseases and those who suffer with cip and
need to take opioids in order to fuction I still recieve E-mails from
people who know that I am a pt. who lives with cip 24/7/365, who lives
with these diseases: endo, ic, and ed's, but that I am also an
advocate/actovist for people with these diseases. They also know that I
am a consulant for the Endometriosis Association (EA) and that my mother
is an RN and also an actovist. These people contact me telling me that
they also have an ed, need inpt. treatment, and suffer from cip and thus
cannot recieve the help that is out there.
Since this week is National Eating Disorders Awareness Week, I really
feel that this issue needs to be addresses and quickly.
The sucide rate is about the same when it comes to ed's and cip. This
should not be!
I am studing to become a Certified Eating Disorders Specialist
I believe that we all need to support each other and not turn against
each other or judge each other. I am happy to see that this is being
done. If one of us should fall down, we should all be their for support
and to help pick that person up again. That is what support is all
Please remember that I am here/hear for anyone who needs support,
advice, just to listen, etc., so please feel free to E-mail me.
Once again, since this week is Eating Disorders Awareness Week I ask
you to please wear a purple ribbon because that is what it symbolizes.
On Sat., there is a candle-light vigil for those who have died from ed's
and I ask everyone if you would please light a candle.
I wish everyone good luck, to take care of yourself, and to continue
the good fight.

loop=infinite hidden="true"><bgsound
loop=infinite hidden="true">
<html><body bgcolor=ffffff></html><font color#000000></font><html><body
size="2"color="acc0c1">Signatures By<br>The Tired


2005-03-04 15:59:462005-03-04
i'm currently training to be a therapist. Than is perhaps why I am so
reticent about seeking help as I am shit scared that whichever
therapist I get (through the NHS or privately) I will know or will come
across in the future in my career. Unfortunately I'm not brave enough
to assert myself and admit I have an ED to all my colleagues and
superiors... and I am sure if I did, there would be quite significant
negative consequences. From my experience, its not that health care
professionals are 'bad' and are out to harm us in any way or sabotage
our efforts at recovery. On the whole I do absolutely believe that
professionals we can go to for help and treatment can be relied upon to
do so effectively, empathically and with respect for us as human
beings. However, my concerns centre around unintentional breaches of
confidentiality (how many secretaries and other people not directly
involved in our care get to see our notes, etc... and if it so happens
one person recognises your name....'o my god, she's training to be a
therapist and look she is coming for therapy for an ED'.... etc etc i
have catastrophic predictions!!). At this stage I really can't imagine
myself going for professional help and it benefitting me. I still want
to get better. I want to be normal, want to be able to just eat
normally, don't want my life to be ruled by this ED shit anymore...
just like nearly every one of you who reads this I suppose. Today I
feel strong and that there is no way I'm going to give in to an ED; I'm
so much better than that, I deserve much better things. We all do.
Some of the messages I read on this site are so supportive, so
inspiring and encouraging. I'm coming back here again and again to
gain knowledge and strength from you all, because I do think that we
can really help each other, by sharing our successes and progress and
learning from our mistakes and lapses. Sorry if I'm baffling tonight, I
really just want to say thanks to you all for not making me feel
completely alone anymore and for being lovely people. Hope you are all
feeling good today, or at least better than the worst you have ever
felt. Keep on posting.... x


2005-03-05 04:29:512005-03-05

"Jenn04" <jennife...@yahoo.com> wrote in message

> "My former Psychiatrist was so abusive he even put damaging FALSE
> medical record in an effort to harm me."
> Did you report this? Mental health professionals have a code of ethics
> to which they must adhere.

Thet may have a 'code of ethics' but that doesn't mean they always adhere to

I can't imagine why a psychiatrist would
> record "false information" in an attempt to harm you.

I can think of a multitude of scenareos in which this could occur.

> Doctors and therapists write what is pertinent to your treatment in
> your record. Their notes are supposed to be nonjudgemental and
> objective.

Key word: *supposed*.

> "You reach a point where you dont
> really believe there is help -- and maybe thats a good thing to know. "
> I disagree. It's unfortunate that someone would think there is no help
> and would steer away from professional intervention as a result of
> mistrust.

You disagree with what? That someone could reach that point? On what do
you base this assertion?

'rie & Bella the Cat


2005-03-07 09:52:562005-03-07
No, I don't disagree that someone could get to that point. Of course a
person could believe that. I meant that I disagree that there is no
help and think that it's unfortunate that they would steer away from
professional intervention as a result.


2005-03-09 18:06:442005-03-09
I do think you need therapy.
Because hardly no one can overcome their ES alone

Greetings from Marjolein, from Holland



"Bambi" <bamb...@hotmail.co.uk> schreef in bericht

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