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COMPUSERVE under Full Active UDP

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Fred Cherry

chưa đọc,
03:00:00 22 thg 11, 199722/11/97

In Message-ID: <>
Subject: Re: COMPUSERVE under Full Active UDP
Date: Wed, 19 Nov 1997 10:09:04 GMT (Lysander Spooner) wrote:

> I suppose it might have been better if the letters U-D-P were in the
> subject-line of the threads, but what purpose would have been served
> by a long drawn-out discussion? The "usual suspects" would show up
> and call us pedophiles. Lots of people would tell us that we should
> UDP _their_ Evil-ISP-of-Choice instead, and flame-wars would ensue
> about why deserves it more than etc etc.

I guess you don't remember President Harry Truman. Truman said: "If you
can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen."

By the way, who are the "usual suspects" who would show up and call you
pedophiles? Tell us, please, who they are.

You think you have problems with people calling you pedophiles? Just try
posting something in response to a post by NAMBLA (The North American Man-
Boy Love Association - the largest and most powerful organization of
homosexual child-molesters in the world). If your response criticizes
NAMBLA, you can expect anything to happen, from mailbombs to mass
complaints to your ISP provider demanding that your ISP provider silence
you. Here is just ONE example of the problems I have had with a NAMBLA


From: (Rod Swift)
Subject: Re: Pedophilia & Pederasty Defined........
Date: 11 Dec 1995 23:15:29 +0800
Organization: iiNet Technologies
Lines: 56
Distribution: inet
Message-ID: <4ahhuh$>
References: <Pine.SOL.3.91.951201080614.4987A-100000@earth>
<DJ94K...@murdoch.acc.Virginia.EDU> <john1.818617323@earth>
Status: RO
X-Status: (Fred Cherry) writes:

>You say that: "it is very poor netiquette to post private correspondence in
>a public forum." What sort of netiquette is it to post this sort of
>message: "Hey buddy! Maybe you're in need of a good dick up your ass!"?

Someone asking an honest question of an old fart like Fred Cherry :)

So Fred.... Any hunky guys been interested in picking up your
decrepit and rotting ol' body lately?

>You also say: "It is also a copyright infringement to do so without my
>permission. Don't do it again."

It's obvious you have not made fair critical use of his post :)
Copyright breach! :) I think he'd win given your atrocious loss
record in court cases!

>It's very easy. All you have to do is look in the
>GayYellow Pages. That's a homo service for those homos who want to
>discriminate against hets.

Actually, it's a gay and lesbian business guide. And I don't
believe where I spend my money discriminates against straights.

Or are you just pissed off that there's no SlutYellowPages?
For Johns...

>What I am saying is that a homo lawyer would love to sue me, and for
>that reason would charge you less than a het lawyer. After you find your
>homo lawyer, serve me with papers at my Post Office Box Address, which is:
>Fred Cherry/Chairman/Johns & Call Girls United Against Repression/P.O. Box
>021021/Brooklyn, NY 11202-1021.

Too chicken-shit to give us your home address, Fred? Don't you
know that serving of writs requires that?

Then again, I know where you live. A simple check of a number of
records gives me that :)

>By the way, Rod Swift, the homonazi, has twice promised to sue me for libel
>and he never followed through.

...yet. I've got t e writs right here. I'll be in New York
in February. I hope to be able to give your wheelchair a big
push in the direction of court soon, you decrepit and feeble old moron.

Hey Fred, I think you need a big dick up your ass soon, to clear
out all that shit that's backlogged into your brain.

| ... ..... | E-mail: |*******|
| + + + + + + + + | | ***** |
| * * * * * * * * | | *** |
|R o d S w i f t| The Christian Right is *neither* | * |


He never sued, of course. The fact that he never sued pretty much
discredited him.

The reason I am posting here is that I saw an item in the New York Post,
11/19/97, page 36, headlined: " 'Netizens issue slam to CompuServe spam."

The article sez that YOU, Rick Buchanan, are one of the leaders of the

I would like to ask you exactly what YOUR definition of spam is. There is a
FAQ by Gregory Byshenk in news.answers where he defines the term. Do you
concur with his definition of the term "spam"?

The reason I ask this question is that a certain person is putting a notice
on various newsgroups urging others to complain to my ISP and have my ISP
terminate me with extreme prejudice. You can see this notice in the

I have been terminated with extreme prejudice by three ISPs so far. What
happens is that people of Rod Swift's ilk call upon their friends to
complain en-masse to my ISPs, and my ISPs cave in under the pressure.

Here is another fact that I would like to bring to your attention.
ComPUserve is (or used to be) one of the strongest believers in censorship.
Here is a message I posted there when I was once a subscriber to them.


Section 3 - Individualism
1 The law and lip-synching (1)
2 Censorship on THIS Forum (1)
7 Enter choice(s) !1
#: 79740 S3/Individualism
12-Dec-90 10:17:58
Sb: #79652-Censorship on THIS Forum
Fm: FRED CHERRY 70671,3677
To: Sysop Ran Talbott 70506,60


I hereby formally resign from ComPUserve.

Furthermore, I hereby formally demand that all charges which ComPUserve has
made against my credit card for the previous ninety days, be refunded to me on
the grounds of fraud. That is, ComPUserve represents that it is providing a
service (public message board) but it is fraudulently depriving me of that
service by arbitrarily and capriciously censoring my messages.

Your suggestion that I debate these matters with you on THIS message board is a
sick joke. For example, I was specifically accused of having "stormtrooping
ways", and that sort of language directed against me was deemed acceptable.
Yet, in message # 79408, I am being accused of "personally assaulting" someone
by calling that person a Nazi sympathizer. Well, when a person indicates that
he or she sympathizes with Nazis, I don't know what else to call such a person.
And, in order to demonstrate this, I would have to upload my ENTIRE message,
which you have censored and have indicated would be censored again. Obviously,
when one of the parties to a debate (you) is also refereeing the rules under
which the debate is being held it would be self-defeating for the other party
(me) to continue.

Fred Cherry
Post Office Box 021017
Brooklyn, New York 11202-0022



Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves. - Lincoln (Fred Cherry)

Chris Lewis

chưa đọc,
03:00:00 23 thg 11, 199723/11/97

In article <65714i$>, Fred Cherry <> wrote:

>Lysander Spooner wrote:
>> I suppose it might have been better if the letters U-D-P were in the
>> subject-line of the threads, but what purpose would have been served
>> by a long drawn-out discussion? The "usual suspects" would show up
>> and call us pedophiles. Lots of people would tell us that we should
>> UDP _their_ Evil-ISP-of-Choice instead, and flame-wars would ensue
>> about why deserves it more than etc etc.

>I guess you don't remember President Harry Truman. Truman said: "If you
>can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen."

Lysander knows it quite well, I assure you.

>By the way, who are the "usual suspects" who would show up and call you
>pedophiles? Tell us, please, who they are.

Does the phrase GruBoursyVulisMaharajJamesGonsalezGoat mean anything to you?

>You think you have problems with people calling you pedophiles? Just try
>posting something in response to a post by NAMBLA (The North American Man-
>Boy Love Association - the largest and most powerful organization of
>homosexual child-molesters in the world). If your response criticizes
>NAMBLA, you can expect anything to happen, from mailbombs to mass
>complaints to your ISP provider demanding that your ISP provider silence
>you. Here is just ONE example of the problems I have had with a NAMBLA

T'is nothing comparatively speaking.
Rumours of my demise are greatly exaggerated.

For more information on spam, see
Fight spam, support Rep. Chris Smith's TCPA extension:

Fred Cherry

chưa đọc,
03:00:00 24 thg 11, 199724/11/97

? the platypus {aka David Formosa} <> writes:

>Never trust a country with more peaple then sheep.

Don't you realize what happens in a country with more sheep than people?
If you don't know what happens, I refer you to (Fred Cherry)

Fred Cherry

chưa đọc,
03:00:00 24 thg 11, 199724/11/97

? the platypus {aka David Formosa} <> writes:

>In <> (Henrietta Thomas) writes:


>>You could consider doing the same thing with the spam-filled
>>sex groups. Rmgroup as many as you can. Wipe them off the
>>face of the earth. They are of no value to anyone, and just take
>>up space.

>However this is impossable. rmgrouping alt.* groups is an eccersisive in
>futilaty, rmgouping* groups would in most likely hood rise such
>a clatter to make every person involved in the plan some of the most hated
>peaple on the net. Cries of "Thay censored all our porn" will flood this
>newsgroup without end.

As a connoissewer of pornography (see United States of America v. Various
Articles of "Obscene" Merchandise, 315 F. Supp. 191), all I can say is
that the quality of the pornography on Usenet is very low. I prefer to get
my pornography from PENTHOUSE Magazine and from the obscene newspaper
"SCREW." (Fred Cherry)

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